

Skill Proficiency: You have proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: History, Insight, Perception, Persuasion, Religion, or Survival.
Extra Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in your choice of any two tools, gaming sets, instruments, languages, or vehicles of your choice. Below are some suggestions common to your background:

Artisan Tools - Calligraphy
Frontier Tools - Navigation
Languages - Any


In addition to the starting equipment for your class, you also gain the following:


Adept Linguist

You can communicate with creatures who don't speak any language you know. You must observe the creatures interacting with one another for at least 1 day, after which you learn a handful of important words, expressions, and gestures - enough to communicate on a rudimentary level. This ability only works on creatures with an intellect of 6 or higher who can understand at least one language.