Bard: College of Valor

Original Source: Player's Handbook

Martial Training

3rd-level College of Valor feature
You gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons. In addition, you can use weapons as a spellcasting focus to cast spells from your Bard spell list.

Combat Inspiration

3rd-level College of Valor feature
You can use your wit to turn the tide of battle. A creature that has your Bardic Inspiration die from you can use it for one of the following effects:

Extra Attack

6th-level College of Valor feature
As in the Player's Handbook

Commanding Voice

6th-level College of Valor feature
You excel at inspiring and directing soldiers in battle. A creature with your Bardic Inspiration can expend it to make a single weapon attack as a Bonus Action.

Battle Magic

14th-level College of Valor feature
As in the Player's Handbook