[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Ten

Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Azuka Stormbreaker, Halno, Lantresor, Levia Blackflight, Melagin, Nyxxa, Rakeesh, Sadras, Spinyl, Veena

Outland Day 9

Nyxxa had ran off following the battle, with Arthak in pursuit, but the duo returned a bit later.

Levia Blackflight says: Everything alright?
Nyxxa says: Yes and no. I’ll be okay, but first we need to…

She gestures to the carnage of transport and bodies. Azuka is tending to some of her own wounds, and Azgadaan goes over and uses a cure wounds on her. It seemed to be affected by an amplify magic spell due to the crystals in the area.

He then moves on to Levia.

Azgadaan says: Good job out there! That was close.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah, you can say that again.
Azgadaan says: Thanks for closing the thing on us. Why didn’t you get in?
Levia Blackflight says: Wasn’t much room. Kind of a do or die situation.
Azgadaan says: We could have squeezed, but you’re right.
Levia Blackflight says: Plus I have no idea if I could have folded that from inside. Didn’t have a lot of time.
Azgadaan says: Just means I owe you.

Levia shrugs.

Azgadaan says: If you have a request, I’ll make it happen. I brought a lot of stuff along.
Levia Blackflight says: Well, if you got any booze in there, that might take the edge off.

Azgadaan digs around and produces some liquor he offers her.

Azgadaan says: I’m gonna make sure the transport doesn’t catch on fire.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah, we shouldn’t stick around in case those things come back.
Azgadaan says: I think you asserted your dominance.

Levia shrugs.

Levia Blackflight says: I don’t know shit about animals.

Azgadaan heads over to check out the transport, and it’s rather messed up. He takes some time messing with the steering, and he is finally able to get it moving.

Halno seems fairly confused about where he is, but largely minds his own business while keeping a healthy distance from the group.

They settle down to take a brief rest, and it doesn’t appear that any predators are attracted to the group. However, they likely don’t have forever, as they would return before long.

Azgadaan and Sadras move to harvest the killed creatures for anything useful. In the process, on the last rylak, Sadras accidentally poisons herself, but she remedies that in a few moments. It takes about an hour to get to all of them, and Azgadaan opts to just leave the roc, as it would likely take several hours to harvest from it.

Meanwhile, Arthak made his way over to Halno.

Arthak Saurfang says: Status?

Halno eyes Arthak up and down. Arthak sighs.

Arthak Saurfang says: You’re not Halno, are you?
Halno says: Do I look like that crusty old bastard to you?
Arthak Saurfang says: Never met his original body.
Halno says: It was crusty. And old.
Arthak Saurfang says: Noted. So who are you, then?
Halno says: Fine way to introduce yourself.
Arthak Saurfang says: To be fair, it’s been a long day, and you’re piloting the body of my necrolyte.
Halno says: Seems like it’s my body now.
Arthak Saurfang says: That depends. Might I have a name? Please.
Halno says: If I still had one to give.

Arthak sighs again.

Halno says: I take it you’re not the cheerer of the group.
Arthak Saurfang says: No. Surprisingly, I tell all the jokes. Many knees being slapped.
Halno says: ...right. Well, I’m here now. Where is here?
Arthak Saurfang says: What used to be Draenor.
Halno says: Alright then. And I imagine this is the middle of fucking nowhere?
Arthak Saurfang says: Correct.
Halno says: Fantastic. Sounds like I’m with you guys.
Arthak Saurfang says: Sounds like.
Halno says: So, can I help you with something, or are you just gonna stand there all menacing?
Arthak Saurfang says: No. You seem reasonable. Keep that up.

Arthak shrugs and heads back to the group. They start to see figures flying high overhead. It seems that more rylaks had been attracted, and they are presently scoping out the carnage. They pile into the transport and start to put some distance between themselves and the body of the massive roc. They park the transport again so that Azgadaan can take a closer look at some of the crystals.

Azgadaan is able to determine they can be harvested, though they are hard and not easy to break. As Nyxxa keeps watch, she notices something strange: when she looks at one of the crystal formations, it looks different than what it was before.

Nyxxa says: I think the crystals are moving.
Arthak Saurfang says: ...yeah, that seems like a good reason to move on.

Azgadaan looks down at the crystal he was looking at, and he notices fault lines or limbs, perhaps. Or part of a face. Some of the crystals may be attached to creatures of some kind.

Presently, they appear to be dormant.

His attention is then drawn to the largest crystal, and the passing thought reaches his mind of the possibility that that crystal might be attached to something as well.

Azgadaan says: Well. These are definitely attached to things. At least some of them. And they may not be pleased if we take parts of them.
Nyxxa says: If we’re short for ideas for what to do elsewhere, we know where these are.
Levia Blackflight says: Not like they’re going anywhere.
Azgadaan says: At least not fast.
Nyxxa says: If these are actual crystals--
Azgadaan says: Not all are.
Nyxxa says: True, but I’m remiss to potentially… you get what I’m saying.
Azgadaan says: You don’t want to hurt them.
Nyxxa says: Unless we have a reason to, or it is essential. But if it’s just because it might be useful, I personally wouldn’t take the risk.
Azgadaan says: I can see us coming back later seeing it should be useful. We have a lot of enemies that seem to be powerful casters. And who knows, there may be more in the future. This should be an important site to come back to. And not all of them are creatures.
Sadras says: Not yet, anyways.

Her hand is resting on the side of a crystal.

Sadras says: If I had known more about shamanism, maybe I could help more, but this is a bit far out of what I know.
Nyxxa says: Perhaps one of the shamans can look to them later?
Azgadaan says: Maybe Go’el and some of his people could give us an answer.
Arthak Saurfang says: Possibly. Anyway. We’re moving on then?
Azgadaan says: Should be, yes. Though I should fix the armor on the transport. If we take any other damage, it could catch fire or any number of other things.

Arthak and Azgadaan move to bolt the armor pieces back to the transport with a bit of work, and they start to head off.

Nyxxa says: I know this is weird coming from me, but are you alright Halno?
Arthak Saurfang says: It’s not Halno.
Nyxxa says: Oh.
Halno says: Dandy.

Levia gives Nyxxa a look.

Nyxxa says: Well. He seems benign.
Azgadaan says: Nice to meet you, dandy man. What do you like to do? Anything you can tell us about yourself?
Halno says: I like… silence.
Azgadaan says: Then I’m sorry.
Arthak Saurfang says: A soul after my own heart.
Halno says: Don’t tempt me.

Arthak sighs.

Nyxxa says: I think this one is more benign.

The group exits the strange rage where it appears parts of the sky had fallen into the crystals, and they continue to head south. They reach the cusp of thorny brambles that was twirling out of the mountains, though they look far more desecrated than they once were.

In the distance, they can hear weird chittering, coughing sounds. They can’t see far enough to see anything, but as they look around, they can hear different things from down below.

Sadras says: Sounds like ravagers. Do you see anything, Nyxxa?
Nyxxa says: What’s a ravager?
Sadras says: No good. It’s hard to explain. Strange... bug-looking things.

Nyxxa climbs to the top of the transport to get a better look.

Sadras says: They have four limbs and scythe-like talons. Big, scary-looking faces.
Azgadaan says: What size are they?
Sadras says: Well... depends on how old they are and how badass they are.
Azgadaan says: Well, if they aren’t too badass I might be able to run them over.

Nyxxa scans the area around them, and she can some in the distance, but they seem to be avoiding the transport. Nyxxa fires off an arrow at them as a warning shot, and the creatures immediately scatter.

Nyxxa says: I can keep an eye out, but we should probably keep pace.
Azgadaan says: Sounds good to me.

As they continue, they can see remnants of orcish architecture that had been abandoned in addition to a rampart gate that serves as a barricade to monitor anyone heading towards Hellfire Citadel. There are orcs about, as well as a fair contingent of felguards and a fel lord. The gate is currently closed, and the demons and orcs alike seem to be drilling. There are about a dozen felhunters and their houndmasters milling about, and they bark at the vehicle.

It seems to be a Legion checkpoint of some sort.

Standing, currently dormant, its arms wrapped around furnace-like legs is a fel reaver.

The fel lord in question marches forward and raises a gauntleted fist in the direction of the vehicle to get their attention. Azgadaan uses alter self to change himself into a felblood elf that looks like he could be a male version of Levia.

Levia Blackflight says: I don’t know if I should be flattered or insulted.

Azgadaan grins and winks at her as he stops the transport. Arthak and Nyxxa climb out, and the fel lord looks down at the chieftain and satyr.

Fel Lord says: State your name and business, orc.
Arthak Saurfang says: Chieftain Arthak Saurfang of the Broken Blade. Passing through.
Fel Lord says: Very well. Tell me, chieftain of the Broken Blade, have you seen any Ashtongue activity? We have reason to believe they have commandeered vessels like this.
Arthak Saurfang says: We saw the aftermath of one of their ambushes.
Fel Lord says: In what vicinity?

Arthak describes it and the fel lord nods.

Fel Lord says: Very good. Your report is appreciated. Just a few more questions. What are you transporting, and what makes up your crew?

Arthak explains that there are Legion operatives and some members of his own clan. The fel lord nods.

Fel Lord says: One final question. There is currently a bounty on the head of an eredar called Azgadaan, son of Jaraxxus. Have you seen this man?

He pulls out a green disc, and a hologram of Azgadaan manifests.

Fel Lord says: Lord Jaraxxus currently seeks an audience with him, and requests his presence immediately. There is a reward for his capture.
Arthak Saurfang says: How much?
Fel Lord says: 10,000 rezzi for his safe return to Argus. 5,000 for information that leads to his capture.

Nyxxa whistles from nearby.

Arthak Saurfang says: Well. I haven’t heard or seen anything of this eredar. Since I’ve arrived, I’ve checked in with my people, passed into Hellfire Citadel, and continued on our present path.

The fel lord nods.

Fel Lord says: Understood. If you discover anything, it is believed he may return to this place as it is further from the control of the Legion. If you find anything, please inform myself or one of Lord Mannorth’s other officials. You will be well rewarded, chieftain.

He then turns around and shouts in eredun.

Fel Lord says [eredun]: Bring up the gates!

The pulleys begin to pull up the gate, and the fel lord informs them to be aware of any Ashtongue activity, especially around bodies of water.

Arthak Saurfang says: Good to know. Appreciate the warning.

The fel lord gives him a salute, and Arthak and Nyxxa return to the transport. They start to ride off again. They come to the edge of a cliff, and as they look down, they see miles of a canyon-like swamp. Mushrooms of various sizes jut up like a forest down below.

They take turns looking through Azgadaan’s binoculars, and as Arthak peers around, he looks beyond the mushroom-like canopy. He can see bodies of water in gaps in the canopy, but in the northern section, the mushrooms look desiccated. It looks like the area Rakeesh had described.

Arthak Saurfang says: Looks like we have our location, and tomorrow’s headache.

They start to creep the vehicle down into the marsh to get a better read on the terrain. As soon as they disappear beneath the canopy, it immediately becomes darker--the light blocked by the massive caps, though the underside of the mushrooms are dimly illuminated by a bioluminescent glow.

As they continue on, a heavy, wet kelp strand wicks across the front of the vehicle. It looks like the remnants of a sea floor, but above ground. The ground itself is wet and mushy, but there seems to be kelp-like grass growing at the edges of the abundant streams, ponds, and pools.

Azgadaan says: Halno, still not Halno, Mr. Dandyman?

Halno ignores him.

Azgadaan says: I’ll take that as a no.
Arthak Saurfang says: Someone should send a message to Rakeesh.
Azgadaan says: I am not on this planet, and I think the only person that can send him isn’t in control of himself.
Arthak Saurfang says: So. Any chance you are capable of casting the sending spell?
Azgadaan says: Dandyman has never met him, I don’t think.
Arthak Saurfang says: Dammit. Well, I suppose we’ll be unannounced. I don’t think it’ll matter.

Azgadaan looks at Halno and whispers to Arthak and Nyxxa.

Azgadaan says: Have we tried to turn him off and on again?
Nyxxa says [darnassian]: If, given who we know is in the staff, it might be good to not take our chances regardless. They were all in league with the warlock at some point. That alone makes me nervous.
Azgadaan says [darnassian]: Should we take his rod and tie and gag him for the night? We don’t know who’s in control.

Halno edges away as soon as they start hush-talking.

Nyxxa says: Alright. So. You don’t know what our deal is, and we don’t know what your deal is… but…
Halno says: But what?
Azgadaan says: Are we sure this isn’t Halno and he’s not just fucking with us?

Nyxxa pinches the bridge of her nose.

Nyxxa says: What do you want to do in this situation, sir?
Halno says: I want to be on my way, but I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere with people I don’t know, on a shattered world I used to live on.
Arthak Saurfang says: Fair. And… alright. So. In light of that, the people we’ve been traveling with is not in control of the body, you are. You’re not in any position to fight us, or try to run from us, but in our current circumstances, us trying to beat you until, hopefully, the one we’re familiar with takes control isn’t ideal either. So. Under these special circumstances, can we agree to… cooperation for now?
Halno says: If by cooperate you mean I won’t kill you, then sure.
Arthak Saurfang says: That’s a good start. You don’t lack for confidence.
Nyxxa says: I have a question. You, what is the last thing you remember? Before this?

Halno frowns.

Halno says: Nothing pleasant.
Arthak Saurfang says: He did die, Nyxxa.
Nyxxa says: True, the context just might be important.
Arthak Saurfang says: But also not something he would want to share with us.
Nyxxa says: Also true.
Halno says: Do you guys frequently talk in front of people?
Nyxxa says: Look… there’s a lot of stuff going on I don’t understand, so I don’t know how to handle this.

Halno shrugs.

Arthak Saurfang says: For now… you don’t try and kill us, we don’t try to kill you. We watch each other for betrayal, and we make this work until we’re somewhere close to… somewhere where we can work out a more permanent solution. Are you amenable to that?
Halno says: ...suuuure.

The group is fairly sure that whoever Halno is has no reason to trust the group, and that he has no intention of following through on his part of the deal.

Arthak Saurfang says: Alright.

Arthak gives Levia a nod. Levia tries to use turn undead on Halno, but he is able to resist it. Nyxxa goes in with her fist and manages to stun him. Arthak then grapples him while Azgadaan uses mind sliver. Levia once more tries to use turn undead, but Halno once again succeeds against it.

Azgadaan raises his maul and uses a branding smite to try and knock Halno out. Nyxxa follows up, once more stunning him. Azuka also drives the butt of her weapon into his gut. He falls unconscious.

Arthak grabs Halno’s staff, and Azgadaan starts to put manacles on him, but all of a sudden, Sadras’s club starts to glow.

Arthak Saurfang says: Ancestors damn it.

There were not as alone as they thought they were. Nyxxa uses see invisibility, but she sees nothing invisible. She draws her war glaives and drops into a readied stance.

Lantresor draws his sword and ignites it, but he sees nothing.

As the group looks around, all of a sudden, there is a sound from behind them. Azuka gasps, and there is a humanoid, lobster-like creature dragging her into the water. They start to hear splashing all around, and Sadras and Lantresor runs to intercept. Lantresor makes a passing strike on the bogstrok that has Azuka as he goes, successfully stunning it.

Arthak follows up and starts to rip into the bogstrok with Champion’s Forge. He activates his fire rune, and the bogstrok is cooked in its own shell, releasing Azuka. However, Arthak had taken the scepter with him, and he realized what he did, and hurries back as the scepter crackles and darkens.

Another bogstrok starts to swim towards Azuka, and she starts to curse. However, another bogstrok leaps from the water and attacks her. However, as water splashes all around, she is able to evade the strikes.

Levia looks down at Halno.

Levia Blackflight says: I swear to god, if this isn’t you, I’m going to kick your ass!

She uses a death coil on him, and his eyes flare white for a second before he returns to consciousness.

More bogstroks start to close. Veena flies up on top of a mushroom and lights start to float around Nyxxa, Arthak, and Azuka as she uses bless.

Azgadaan says: Gonna turn you into a crocolisk! You alright?

Azuka sputters and coughs as she agrees, and Azgadaan uses polymorph on her. As a crocolisk, she snaps at the nearest bogstrok and grapples it in her jaws as she thwacks the one behind her with her tail. The bogstrok that was grappled pinches her on the side of the nose, and they start to flop around in the water as the bogstrok overpowers her and smacks her to the ground. Steam starts to blast out of the water, and there is the sound of loud bubbles popping as the water bubbles and churns.

Another bogstrok razorclaw scurries from across the shore.

Nyxxa also closes on the bogstrok that Azuka has grappled and swipes through the creature, the flames activating on her glaives. As she slices through it again, she severs its limbs and eyestalks, leaving the creature dead.

She then maneuvers to go after the others.

The bogstroks continue to swarm Azuka and drag her further underwater. In the process of the rapid-fire pinching, they see bubbles manifesting and bursting, singing her scaled skin.

Levia conjures a spiritual weapon and sticks in the back of one of the bogstroks, and then she follows up with a toll the dead.

Azgadaan drops concentration on the polymorph, and Azuka splashes into the water.

Azgadaan says: Good job, keep it up!

He then uses polymorph to turn her into a crocolisk again.

Azgadaan says: Go get them, Arthak!

Halno pushes himself off the ground, and growls at Azgadaan to give him his scepter back.

Azgadaan says: Who are you?

Halno puts a hand on his spellbook and a giant hand crushes one of the bogstroks. He holds out his hand.

Azgadaan says: You may be helping, but I need a name.
Halno says: Give me the fucking scepter, Azgadaan.
Azgadaan says: Good enough for me.

He hands the scepter over. The bogstrok that just got crushed tries to attack the hand, but it then dives into the water and swims out of range.

Veena throws some thorns at the bogstrok on Azuka.

Arthak charges at the bogstrok on the opposite shore and leaps over most of the stream as he comes down on the creature. Champion’s Forge digs into the creature’s carapace, and parts of is shell chunk off. He action surges, continuing to slash into it. Chunks of its flesh are cut off, and as it tries to catch Arthak’s blade, he cuts right through the middle of the creature, leaving it dead.

As a bogstrok is slammed into a mushroom stock, the mushrooms glow and spores start to drift down on the group, causing several of them to feel dizzy.

Levia swings her arm through the air, and the spiritual weapon once again strikes into the bogstrok. Meanwhile, Halno’s arcane hand smashes into the fleeing bogstrok.

Nyxxa draws her bow and shoots at the remaining bogstok. Azuka strikes a the bogstrok as it tries to flee, and she grabs it and drags it underwater. Parts of the creature start to drift toward the surface, and the remaining bogstrok scatter.

Nyxxa says: What a pain in the ass.

Nyxxa sighs.

Nyxxa says: Halno, you back?
Halno says: Where are now?
Azgadaan says: Zangarmarsh.
Nyxxa says: Never thought I’d say it, but glad you’re back Halno.
Halno says: Is Nyxxa an imposter now?
Azgadaan says: No, she’s always like this. But Sadras, congratulations, you knocked some sense into him.
Sadras says: Yeah, not every day I get to do that! Glad you’re back with us, for whatever that means.

Azuka, still a crocolisk, is continuing to eat one of the lobstrok. Azgadaan releases the spell, and Azuka lands in the water with a broken claw in her hand.

She looks at the group.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: I’m… going to eat this.

Azgadaan gestures to a lobstrok he had dragged to shore.

Azgadaan says: Yeah, say hello to dinner. I love seafood.

Azgadaan sits down to cook the lobstrok as the group settles into camp.

Halno says: So Nyxxa.
Nyxxa says: Hm?
Halno says: Last thing I remember is you eating something you shouldn’t be eating.

Nyxxa sucks her teeth.

Nyxxa says: Yeah, I was going to talk about that… but after we didn’t have an interloper. You said it was dangerous to share that information with certain people, so…
Azgadaan says: By the way, did you know one of the guys in you is called Dandy?
Nyxxa says: I don’t think his name is Dandy.
Halno says: Oh no, but he hates you guys now.
Arthak Saurfang says: Also, Azgadaan’s father put a bounty on his head.
Azgadaan says: I’m kind of upset at him. Really, only 10,000? I’m insulted.
Halno says: We can tell him you’re upset.
Azgadaan says: I could send him to raise the bounty.
Arthak Saurfang says: Great way to get us killed.
Azgadaan says: A jest.
Nyxxa says: But yes, Halno, I ate a soul. I started regressing… I need to be more careful about how in to fighting I get. All that time in Silvermoon I was holding myself back, and then being able to cut loose suddenly wasn’t good. I basically regressed to being a full satyr again.
Lantresor says: You give yourself no credit. Were you a full satyr, you would not be apologizing.
Nyxxa says: That’s the thing. I’m back now, but when I was gone I just took off without saying anything because I… stopped thinking, and I stopped caring. Or I did care, and I only cared about myself. That’s more what I’m worried about.
Lantresor says: Is that truly why you fled? Or were you scared to face the judgement of those you care about?

Arthak grunts and points at Lantresor in agreement. Nyxxa runs a hand through her hair.

Nyxxa says: I don’t know… Yes. Probably. My head doesn’t work when that happens. Or it… thoughts get jumbled, and I get angry, and sad, and…

Lantresor chuffs.

Lantresor says: There are many amongst us that knows what it is to lose control. If you believe you’ll be judged for having a lapse in judgement, then all of us would be judged.

Nyxxa offers a smile.

Nyxxa says: Thank you.
Azgadaan says: Yes, I agree with lantresor. All of us have done some pretty shitty things when stressed.
Nyxxa says: I guess, what I’m more worried about… I won’t remember these words if that state happens again. I might lash out, and I don’t want to subject people to that again.
Lantresor says: Then it is up to you to ensure it doesn’t happen again. You know how to make this true. Discipline, training, control. These are things you know.

Nyxxa nods along.

Nyxxa says: I just need to refocus and get back into meditating. I haven’t been good at that lately. But yeah, that was that, and I’m sorry.
Levia Blackflight says: I’m just glad you’re alright. I don’t know much about what you’re doing, but it’s not the first time, right?
Nyxxa says: It was more or less the same of what happened that one night, Levia. It happens here and there, I just need to get better at controlling it. So, I’ll do my best, and ensure it doesn’t happen again. The soul thing though… if we’re desperate, I might do that again. Only if we need to. It’s not something I plan to abuse, but if any of you are bothered, please let me know.
Levia Blackflight says: That’s something you had to do when you became what you are, yeah?
Nyxxa says: If we fight Caria again, and it’s not in the Nether, that may be my best chance to neutralize her. Or if there is a demon that has to be dealt with.
Levia Blackflight says: Shit. If it’s a weapon your people use, as long as you use it safely, as far as I’m concerned the demons aren’t gonna hold back, yeah?
Azgadaan says: They won’t. And from what you’ve been saying, you’re doing it responsibly. If anything happens, we’ll be here to help you.
Nyxxa says: My thanks.

She offers a genuine smile.

Azgadaan says: And if you’re going to meditate, maybe I can go with you. Maybe I can learn a thing or two.
Nyxxa says: Oh! Actually. You and Levia, specifically. Also Halno.

She points to her tattoos.

Nyxxa says: These are arcane! So I would like to learn a bit about the arcane.
Azgadaan says: Yes, I can help you out with that. Sorry, I neglected to let you know those are arcane bindings.
Nyxxa says: I genuinely didn’t know.
Levia Blackflight says: I’ve dabbled. I didn’t go to some fancy demon college, but I know a couple things at least.
Nyxxa says: I can take notes. But the only magic I know about in any length is the fel, so I’m starting from zero, functionally. So anything would help! But, no rush.

Azuka seems to be looking to Arthak to gauge his reaction. Lantresor seems to be more concerned about Nyxxa and her mental state, but Sadras looks like she may be a bit disturbed by the concept of eating souls. Nyxxa looks at Sadras.

Nyxxa says: Talk to me later?
Sadras says: Yeah.

Sadras nods, and Nyxxa offers a sad smile.

Azgadaan says: Speaking of which, I have something to show you.

He points to Levia, Sadras, Lantresor, and Nyxxa.

Azgadaan says: Just something to show later. Nothing important.

The group organizes watches, and Azgadaan pulls Levia, Sadras, Lantresor, and Nyxxa into the vehicle to talk.

Azgadaan says: So. Uh, got some news. Figured this out a day or two ago. Uh, I can use other magic other than arcane. I believe what I know and how I communicate with Veena is technically nature magic, and I’m pretty sure…

He casts crusader's mantle on himself, and light emits around his pauldrons.

Nyxxa says: Seems to be different, but I don’t know differences between magic.
Azgadaan says: This is holy magic.
Nyxxa says: Oh.

Nyxxa looks to Levia, who shrugs.

Levia Blackflight says: Honestly I know about it as much as you do. That’s odd, I don’t know why you can do that, but I don’t know why I can either.
Sadras says: Uhh… this is a bit outside my expertise.
Azgadaan says: Yeah, uh, I didn’t want to show everyone, namely because… well, I’m not sure what’s going on with this. I did cast a spell on you, early.

He points at Levia.

Levia Blackflight says: Uh, yeah. I noticed that. It didn’t feel normal, but I guess I forgot about it until now. I guess congratulations? I don’t know what this is. Is it normal?
Azgadaan says: No, it’s abnormal. I even joked about it with Orianelle about if she ever met a demon that could use holy magic, and we had a laugh about it.
Nyxxa says: Well, honestly. Given the legion’s stance, even if there were, they wouldn’t be broadcasting that. As I imagine you know you shouldn’t.
Azgadaan says: I know. That’s why I was trying to be secretive about it. So I’ll try to keep this on the downlow, but if we get into a fight, and I’m sure no one will shout to the high heavens about this, I’ll use this when I need to.
Nyxxa says: I think that’s reasonable and… good job?

Nyxxa pats him the shoulder.

Azgadaan says: I’m excited, but also scared.
Nyxxa says: A great responsibility to have. I know nothing about the Light, but!
Lantresor says: When were you able to be able to do this? I know little of magic… but..
Azgadaan says: The day I learned to talk to Veena.
Lantresor says: Have you done anything that would lead you to this direction? To your knowledge? I know you took many lessons with the draenei before they left.
Azgadaan says: I have no idea.

Lantresor nods.

Lantresor says: If that is the truth, then perhaps… that may be the first place to look into this. Nothing happens for no reason. This may be a test, or perhaps a gift. Perhaps both. Some may believe or say that circumstances happen, sometimes at random--
Azgadaan says: That naaru did do something to me when Arthak went up to the mountain and brought you back…

Lantresor shrugs.

Lantresor says: I don’t know. If you wish to know, you’ll have to find someone that knows more.
Azgadaan says: Maybe we’ll find someone someday.
Lantresor says: I would urge caution. Much like shamanism in the Horde, it would be wise to keep demons from seeing you use such magics. Especially if your sire seeks your head.
Azgadaan says: I think the bounty said alive.

Lantresor sighs.

Lantresor says: Rare are the bounties I’ve seen that end as peacefully as alive would suggest.
Azgadaan says: But careful I would be.
Nyxxa says: Which, by the way, what name are you using while you disguise yourself?
Azgadaan says: Raviel. That sounds elven enough.

Nyxxa looks at Levia.

Azgadaan says: What do you think?

Levia taps her foot.

Levia Blackflight says: I mean… it’ll pass.
Azgadaan says: I can disguise myself as your twin again.

Levia’s mouth twitches.

Levia Blackflight says: Maybe it would be better if you look more different than me so people don’t ask questions.

However, Azgadaan got the sense that he may have hit a nerve.

Levia Blackflight says: I can help you come up with something.
Azgadaan says: That sounds wonderful. We can brainstorm about it later tonight, yeah?
Levia Blackflight says: Works for me.
Azgadaan says: Nyxxa, do you want to help?
Nyxxa says: I need to talk to Sadras. I leave your watch in your capable hands. Besides, I don’t know much about the highborne.
Levia Blackflight says: I may not be your girlfriend when it comes to fashion, but I know a thing or two!
Azgadaan says: Well, you’re no slouch in that area. You have good taste in armor, and people that make it.
Levia Blackflight says: You know, flattery loses its edge if you use it to talk about yourself, big guy.

Levia elbows Azgadaan and heads out of the vehicle. Nyxxa follows to help her out, but Levia doesn’t bring anything up.

That night, Nyxxa and Sadras take watch together, and Nyxxa requested Halno give them some space seeing he was always awake.

Nyxxa says: Sorry about earlier. I know it’s a lot.

Sadras’s arms are crossed.

Sadras says: I… I don’t really know what all is going on. But… I know what a soul is, and I’m not gonna lie, it’s a bit weird hearing that you were doing that, you know? That’s like warlock business.
Nyxxa says: Technically…

She gestures to her tattoos.

Nyxxa says: This is a step away from warlock business, so I should have made that clearer.
Sadras says: I don’t care about the tattoos Nyxxa. I don’t care about the fire, or the crazy eye thing. I don’t care about what kind of magic you’re using, but there’s a big difference between that and, well…
Nyxxa says: What I did today.
Sadras says: Yeah.
Nyxxa says: I know, and I don’t feel great about it. It’s not something I’ll do lightly again.
Sadras says: But you did it before.
Nyxxa says: Yeah, that’s how Vaerux got bound to me. That’s how I was able to regain control of myself. I don’t remember if it did it other times… but…

Nyxxa sighs.

Nyxxa says: I understand that it’s really scary. If I was the person I was before all this… I still am disgusted about what I do.
Sadras says: You still did it though.

Nyxxa pales.

Nyxxa says: ...yeah.
Sadras says: And you’d still do it again.
Nyxxa says: ...yeah. If I really needed to, yeah.
Sadras says: Why? Spirits are a sacred thing. To destroy one is… why would you do it?
Nyxxa says: When it comes to demons, it would be to ensure they didn’t reform in the Nether. So they wouldn’t be a problem for us. In desperation…

Nyxxa is losing her ability to retain eye contact.

Nyxxa says: We have important work to do… and I can’t let myself die over principles. I know it’s wrong, but if it’s a situation between life and death…
Sadras says: Hey. Look at me.

Nyxxa looks up, and Sadras puts hands on her shoulders.

Sadras says: I get it. I don’t like it. It makes me feel like I have insects crawling on my skin. But I trust you. You wouldn’t have done this unless you knew this had to be done, and I know you won’t do it in the future unless it has to be done. But I won’t lie, because I can get used to people saying they aren’t expendable. But don’t forget what you said.
Nyxxa says: I won’t. Today was a mistake, but I won’t handle it lightly. But. I have other news.

Sadras looks at her.

Nyxxa says: I spoke to Khadgar. He’s willing to help us.
Sadras says: Really? That’s good.
Nyxxa says: He gave me some stuff to look for, as well as information… it sounds like killing the warlock won’t do him any good. In fact it may harm him, which is… very good to know, but he’s only doing this to remove an asset from the warlock. Which is honestly the most I could ask for. But he wants to meet Arthak for himself. Eventually.
Sadras says: Well, that’s a good start.

Nyxxa nods.

Sadras says: What did he say? What did he say to look for?
Nyxxa says: If there was anything of Arthak’s the warlock would have.
Sadras says: The gauntlet he wears… Arthak made that for him. I don’t know if that would be good enough…
Nyxxa says: I could ask him.
Sadras says: It’s a good place to look.
Nyxxa says: Needless to say, there needs to be some sort of item that channels this spell, and we won’t get anywhere unless it’s destroyed.
Sadras says: Well, since he gave it to Gul’dan, I haven’t seen him without it. So that may be a problem, but… even if we have to rip his damn arm off. If that is it, at least it’s something to start with.

Nyxxa holds a hand up.

Nyxxa says: Don’t speak the name of powerful demons out loud.
Sadras says: Does that even work for him?
Nyxxa says: I’m not taking chances.
Sadras says: Fair enough.
Nyxxa says: I… speak the name of someone powerful, it gets their attention. But we have somewhere to start, and that is good news, but there’s little we can do now. Not until we return. Also.. do you know about the context in which the orders were given?
Sadras says: The most recent ones? I don’t, Arthak just told me that he told him. I wasn’t there.
Nyxxa says: That might be… but there have been multiple orders? I only know one.
Sadras says: This isn’t the first one, no.
Nyxxa says: That may be good for you to look into. Don’t take unnecessary risks, and don’t do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable.

Sadras nods.

Sadras says: I’ll think on it and see if I can come up with something crazy.
Nyxxa says: We have some distance for now, so now is the time to see what intel we can gather and come up with a plan. We have help.

Nyxxa smiles.

Nyxxa says: We just need to figure out who else we can trust.
Sadras says: Good first step. And Nyxxa, thanks, for understanding.
Nyxxa says: Of course.

Nyxxa and Sadras hug.

On Azgadaan and Levia’s watch, Levia gives Azgadaan some pointers on being a more discrete felblood elf. She also offers some name suggestions, such as a name that is more similar to his own name. She seems to be coming from a place of personal experience.

Azgadaan says: You know some things.
Levia Blackflight says: You don’t want some bigshot to call your name and for that to get you into trouble.
Azgadaan says: I wanted to apologize about the twin thing... it seemed like it hurt.
Levia Blackflight says: It’s fine. It’s all in the past, don’t even mention it.
Azgadaan says: Still sorry, and I don’t want to hurt you. So.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah, it’s fine, really.
Azgadaan says: Right. I still need to show you something. When you fall asleep, I’ll meet you there, okay?
Levia Blackflight says: Oh. Right. When you said show me something, I thought you meant here.
Azgadaan says: Oh, yeah, what I was gonna show you happened a long time ago. The answer to your question about why I’m okay with dealing with demons like we were.
Levia Blackflight says: Right. Guess I’ll see you then.
Azgadaan says: May sleep find you quickly.

As they end their shift and go to sleep, Levia opens her eyes to see herself in Azgadaan’s dreamscape. The events of the execution of Azgadaan’s mother starts to play out before them.

Levia Blackflight says: What the hell is…

Levia watches as the eredar woman is brought out by wrathguards. Levia looks back at Azgadaan, and starts to piece together what’s going on as a massive, armored eredar levitates down

As the scene plays out as Jaraxxus brings his blade up to bring it down on Azgadaan’s mother, everything freezes, and then starts to fall away, until it’s just Levia and Azgadaan in a black plane. Azgadaan is crying.

Levia Blackflight says: ...shit.

Levia stands there, staring for an amount of time. But then there is a hand on the small of Azgadaan’s back.

Azgadaan says: That’s the day my mother was executed. By the hand of my father. Stabbed her and threw her into the annihilating blackness. This is why I’m okay with getting rid of demons. Especially the ones that were shouting for her demise.
Levia Blackflight says: I don’t even know what to say. Sorry if it feels like a platitude. I get it. It’s alright.

Levia rubs Azgadaan’s back.

Azgadaan says: Thanks. First one I’ve shown this to. And it’s been a while… I never replayed this on purpose. I’m normally just first to watch in my dreams. Or back in the Black Temple with Ner’zhul.
Levia Blackflight says: I don’t blame you. Hey… I get it. I… if you ever need to talk about this, any of this?

Levia flicks the tip of her ear.

Levia Blackflight says: I’ve got plenty of ear to lend.
Azgadaan says: Good to know.
Levia Blackflight says: Glad you could show me this. Can’t imagine it’s easy, but it’s not easy to hold onto it either.
Azgadaan says: Yeah. One of the biggest reasons I’m glad I left my father. And he wants me back… for some reason or another.
Levia Blackflight says: I won’t let that happen. If there’s anything I can do, it’s make sure that doesn’t happen.
Azgadaan says: Thanks. And I owe you still.
Levia Blackflight says: It’s fine. Friends help each other, right?
Azgadaan says: That’s what I’ve been told, and I’m trying. I like having friends. You and the others around are… pretty good.
Levia Blackflight says: You’re a bit kooky, but I’m glad you’re around too Azgadaan.
Azgadaan says: My main source of joy is making people confused. Hence the kookiness. But think you.

Azgadaan puts his hand on Levia’s forearm.

Levia Blackflight says: Well, if we’re gonna be in here, lets go somewhere a bit happier?
Azgadaan says: I have enough imagination to make a few places.
Levia Blackflight says: No more nightmares today.
Azgadaan says: Yeah. Any activities you think are fun?

Levia stretches.

Levia Blackflight says: Well, I kind of want to break something. Some windows? Something like that? Have you ever broken windows? Like really gone to town? Conjure up some bats and a house with a thousand windows and we’ll have a real good time.
Azgadaan says: Well, I was working on an image of a mansion....
Levia Blackflight says: Wait. Better idea. How breakable was your old man’s old place?
Azgadaan says: You’re right. He did have a lot of nice things.
Levia Blackflight says: We can’t change that right away, not in person.
Azgadaan says: I do have the teleportation circle--
Levia Blackflight says: Woahhh. Lets start in here.
Azgadaan says: I know. I’m just putting that on the table.

Azgadaan makes his childhood home, with attention paid to the fancy belongings Jaraxxus owned, and they just go to town tearing the place apart.

The next morning Azgadaan sends Samaara to inform her he can cast holy spells.

Outland Day 10

The group awakens the following morning after a (fortunately) largely uneventful night. Nyxxa had started meditating with Lantresor. Azgadaan also joins them and tries to mimic them best he can, however he’s quite fidgety.

Arthak, meanwhile, is meditating via smoking.

Lantresor says: If you do not calm your mind, you will not be able to calm your legs either.
Azgadaan says: Thanks… Lan.

He points finger guns at Lantresor. Lantresor stops.

Azgadaan says: ...Tresor?
Lantresor says: Lantresor. But if you keep this up, perhaps I’ll make you call me Master.

Lantresor keeps walking.

Azgadaan says: I… take it he doesn’t like the nicknames.
Nyxxa says: It’s not really good to give people nicknames without their permission.
Arthak Saurfang says: Alright. Everyone ready to move?

They opt to try and fix up the transport a bit more before leaving. It takes them four hours.

Nyxxa says: I guess… if there’s anything we should talk about before meeting with a powerful eredar lord… or general… I don’t know his title.
Arthak Saurfang says: General.
Azgadaan says: Force Commander Rakeesh.

Nyxxa winces.

Nyxxa says: Right, if we are meeting him, I guess we should get used to saying his name. I just don’t want to mess with that stuff. But, keeping most things to ourselves I imagine, but Azgadaan, what name are you using?

Azgadaan offers a name, and the start to head off. They pass through streams, and they see some wild creatures--manta ray-like bat creatures flitting about. The vibrant, but strange, fungal forest starts to change colors, and the blues and teals and brightly colored water turns foul and desiccated.

They notice some strange, mushroom growths on something that looks like a flap of skin. As they get closer, they see the corpse of some sort of massive, fungal whale--the same type of creature that had eaten Daan so long ago.

Then they see something light up the sky.

Arthak Saurfang says: That… seems like a signal flare. No way of knowing until we encounter whoever sent it out.
Azgadaan says: Well, we could have Halno send Rakeesh.
Nyxxa says: I don’t think Halno has met Rakeesh.
Azgadaan says: Wait. I can do this.

He uses alter self to transform into Rakeesh and then goes on a tirade using the eredar’s voice.

Azgadaan says: Hello. Nice to meet you. I’m Rakeesh. I like to stab people I just met!

Levia snickers.

Arthak Saurfang says: You take that rather personally.
Azgadaan says: He invited me up for a casual conversation, and then as soon as I got on deck he fucking stabs me! Of course I’m going to take that personally. The fuck. Who does that?
Arthak Saurfang says: Half the people I know.

Azgadaan sighs.

Nyxxa says: That seems like a very orcish thing.
Arthak Saurfang says: He was making a point.
Azgadaan says: I don’t care if he was trying to make a point! He thinks things are fucking chill between us after he fucking stabs me? If I just met you and you just stabbed me, we’d probably not be friends right now, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: I doubt he sees you as friends.
Azgadaan says: That’s not my point.
Arthak Saurfang says: Also you did punch me that one time.
Azgadaan says: You were going to sell my shit! Of course I’m going to punch you!
Nyxxa says: Alright. Alright, boys calm down. We can discuss this later when there is not a flare going off.
Arthak Saurfang says: Ah, now is the time we can’t be lackadaisical about danger. Good to know.
Nyxxa says: We shouldn’t be anyway… you know, I’ll go sit in the corner.
Azgadaan says: You’re already in the corner.

Nyxxa just sighs.

Nyxxa says: I’ll just get in the hole.

As soon as she goes into the portable hole, Summerpaw starts licking her.

Arthak Saurfang says: We should send Rakeesh to see if that was him.

Halno sighs and then sends Rakeesh.

Halno says [sending]: This is Arthak’s mage speaking. We are near the area and want to know if the signal flare is yours.
Rakeesh says [sending]: It’s good to meet you, Halno. It is. One of my people are there. She’ll guide you. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Halno relays, peeved at the fact his name was known.

Arthak Saurfang says: Well. I didn’t tell him your name, but his job is to know information.
Halno says: And my job is to be secret. Clearly I’m not.
Azgadaan says: Just think of him as someone equivalent to the White Tyrant. He’s just… out here for some reason.

They start to head toward the area of the flare, and they see a figure standing on a mound in the area. She appears to be clothed from head to toe in dark, ruddy cloth, and next to her is a very nice demonic vehicle. It doesn’t have wheels, but it looks to be a hover car of some sort.

The individual has a long rifle on her back that appears to Legion in make. Her face is obscured, but she has two long horns that start on her forehead and roll back and form into a single horn. She looks to be a krokul. She says nothing, but she throws her leg wide over the vehicle next to her and makes a signal with her hands toward a direction.

The vehicle alights with fel energy, and she zips off to lead Azgadaan’s vehicle through the mire.

The path isn’t too hard to follow, but they come to a crater or perhaps a fissure, and they head into it. Between the walls of the fissure, they see desiccated mushrooms sagging into the opening of the fissure almost like a rib cage. There is a sizeable Legion ship hidden within, with two flanged wings.

The krokul approaches the ship, and a lift lowers, revealing Rakeesh and a recognizable figure: Spinyl.

Azgadaan stops their vehicle, and they pile out.

Sadras says: Spinyl! Is that you?

Spinyl’s arms are folded.

Spinyl says: The very same.

Sadras nods, and her smile fades.

Spinyl says: I do see a lot of new faces. Telling.

Spinyl smiles.

Arthak Saurfang says: Good to see you again.
Spinyl says: Hpmh.

Rakeesh holds his hands out.

Rakeesh says: So glad you all could make it! And faster than I anticipated, but I appreciate you coming to me on such short notice. I’ve heard a lot about most of you.

His eyes stop on the unfamiliar felblood elf (Azgadaan) in their midst.

Rakeesh says: Most of you. I would have expected Prince Azgadaan to be with you.
Arthak Saurfang says: Given his father’s open bounty and ample access to this region, the prince thought to exercise caution.
Spinyl says: That doesn’t surprise me. Though, it wouldn’t have surprised me that once you all found out how he treats “lesser demons” you all would have driven him off. But that’s just me.
Rakeesh says: Now now, there’s no need to begin conversations with such hostilities.
Spinyl says: I’m sorry, my lord.
Rakeesh says: It’s alright, Spinyl. After all, this is a happy occasion. Reunions abound!

Spinyl sighs and pouts, and Rakeesh gives her a look.

Spinyl says: My manners. Sorry, my lord.
Rakeesh says: Though it is a shame that our mutual friend couldn’t join us, I trust you’ll be able to relay any information relevant to him.
Arthak Saurfang says: We can.
Rakeesh says: Excellent. At the least, I wager your driver would not be opposed to running a message for you.

The new felblood elf had pulled out a notepad and was writing in it.

Azgadaan says: Yes, that was why I was hired, after all.
Rakeesh says: Of course. I’m sure you’re all wondering why I wanted to call you all here, but I’ll be frank. I need your help. Shouldn’t be a surprise, after all, why else would I call you in a clandestine place like this? I have a task I need to accomplish, but one I can’t by myself. However, it’s one you all may be invested in. Your friend Kaylaan, the one who you imprisoned and attempted to have executed, Arthak, for reminder’s sake. I wish to acquire his services. He has… skills and talents and information I would like. The lovely Spinyl has already done me the service of reaching out to him in good faith, but he is currently working with the Ashtongue. I can’t speak with him myself. And so, we were able to negotiate a deal of sorts, one I would now tap you to help me in fulfilling.
Arthak Saurfang says: Culuthas?
Rakeesh says: Bigger than that, I’m afraid.
Arthak Saurfang says: Who?
Rakeesh says: I wouldn’t want to waste time repeating information, so what do you know about what the Ashtongue have been doing?

Arthak goes through the intel he had gotten at Hellfire, and he knew they were in force in Zangarmarsh, but they were also winning on that front. The Legion does not want that information getting out, and they are up to something rather big.

Arthak Saurfang says: I know they’re carving territory out of Zangarmarsh, and doing it far more effectively than the Lord of Hellfire Citadel would like to admit.
Rakeesh says: That they are. So I’m curious, Arthak. You’re tactically minded. If you were forging a resistance to a Legion occupation of a world, what would your targets be?
Arthak Saurfang says: Hmph. Obviously, Hellfire and the Black Temple.

Rakeesh snaps his fingers.

Rakeesh says: Keen as ever, chieftain. Now, without assistance, this would be a pipe dream. It’s not possible for a reasonably long period of time, but with a few pieces of information here, some smuggled information there, it’s amazing how the tides turn. But taking the Black Temple and Hellfire Citadel is no small feat, but it’s one I need to see through if I am to acquire my price.
Arthak Saurfang says: All of this to acquire Kaylaan?
Rakeesh says: Correct!
Arthak Saurfang says: Consider me skeptical.
Rakeesh says: I would always, Arthak. So, an offer. Hellfire Citadel or the Black Temple. To take them would be difficult, but an opening is much much easier, and if I am to turn Kaylaan to my side, one of them will have to have a door open, and what a better way than cutting off the proverbial head? Magtheridon doesn’t leave the Black Temple. Far too paranoid, so one would have to infiltrate the temple and destroy him while bypassing his defenses, but Mannoroth…
Arthak Saurfang says: There’s something that could get Mannoroth out of Hellfire.
Rakeesh says: There is.
Arthak Saurfang says: He’s already recruited me to help with it.
Rakeesh says: Quite an interesting development. Imagine what would happen to this place if Mannoroth was removed from the equation. Hellfire Citadel would be in chaos, but undoubtedly Magtheridan would try to seize control.
Arthak Saurfang says: As would Jaraxxus.
Rakeesh says: As would Jaraxxus. It would be chaos, and the Ashtongue could do whatever it was they wished to do. Lay claim to this world, or burn it to the ground. Either way serves my purposes, and I wager serves yours as well.
Arthak Saurfang says: Why do you want Kaylaan this badly?

Rakeesh shrugs.

Rakeesh says: What can I say? Sometimes a man just needs to have… friends he can trust. And Kaylaan… is most certainly a man I would like to earn the trust of.
Arthak Saurfang says: Interesting.
Rakeesh says: He’s far more valuable to me than what Mannoroth would accomplish, and chaos serves me well. In this place, at least. You don’t have to make any promises. I don’t work like that, and I know none of you do either, but you know I can make this worth your while. Not only would you earn the safety of your people, the removal of a dangerous element that holds your people in its grasp, but there’s more I could see to. I know you have your eyes on a prize, Arthak, a high and powerful one. And that a certain warchief is likely not long for this world, through one means or another. If you wish it, I could make sure that happens. Of course, as far as Azgadaan is concerned, his father is enough of a problem that I would be happy to further complicate things more than I have.

His eyes turn to Nyxxa and he smiles.

Rakeesh says: You have a personal problem of your own, don’t you?

Nyxxa cocks an eyebrow.

Rakeesh says: She’s here, by the way.
Nyxxa says: Caria.
Rakeesh says: Hmm. It wouldn’t be hard for me to deliver her to you.
Nyxxa says: Go on.
Rakeesh says: You do this for me, and I’ll ensure you have ample opportunity to find her. She seemed incensed at you last we spoke, I can’t imagine she seeks to make friends upon your next meeting.
Nyxxa says: I haven’t done anything to wrong her yet.
Rakeesh says: As long as you hold those blades, you’re doing plenty wrong. Unless you’re planning on handing them back, you’ll have an issue. Those were a gift from Lord Kil’jaeden. Imagine the embarrassment that she lost them.
Nyxxa says: I’m aware. But maybe she shouldn’t have tried to manipulate me.
Rakeesh says: And maybe she should learn a lesson from that. One she should never, ever forget. I can make that happen. I can make a lot happen, but that… I get the sense might be plenty worthwhile for you. But we’re not signing any contracts. Frankly, you can march out of here and tell Mannoroth what we spoke of. He’ll never believe you, but you can do so.
Arthak Saurfang says: No. We’re just talking.
Rakeesh says: Precisely. As for you, Halno, I don’t know what you’re seeking, but I do have a lot of research at my disposal, and I can make it well worth your while as well. Knowledge. Resources. All the things that curious minds like.

Halno has no reaction.

Azgadaan continues to write.

Rakeesh says: But that’s my offer. Do with it what you wish. One way or another, I’ll get the prize I seek. But it would be much, much easier if we were to work together on it. But in the meantime, some warnings. I would stay clear of the Ashtongue. Beyond the fact that perhaps Kaylaan may not have a positive reaction to some of you, they hold a great deal of influence here. Get in, get out quickly. You don’t want to run into one of their operations at one of the various bodies of water around here. And it wouldn’t do to get yourselves killed at the hands of the Brotherhood. But you’re welcome to stay here if the journey has tired you. It isn’t sightful, but it is protected. That, I can assure you.
Arthak Saurfang says: Some time to rest and think wouldn’t be out of order, I believe.
Rakeesh says: I have plenty of stores and refreshments if you need. Some of the best imports. A shame that Azgadaan isn’t here to experience it. If I was cast from the homeland, I would certainly miss some of this. Your group is larger than I was expected, but you’re welcome to the secondary guest chambers aboard my vessel if you wish. I promise there are no traps, but otherwise, you’re welcome to claim whatever desiccated piece of land you wish here. I would just ask that you don’t snoop in places you don’t belong. That wouldn’t be kind, and I would expect the same respect for me, that I’m giving you. Oh!

He snaps his fingers.

Rakeesh says: I almost forgot. Arthak. Another thing I could offer to you. It slipped my mind. If you wish to know the true fate of a certain friend of yours… you know the one I’m speaking of. Blue, soft, prone to getting herself in dangerous situations. I could show you what happened. What really happened.

Nyxxa’s eyebrow raises in interest, and Rakeesh steps aside.

Rakeesh says: Feel free to make use of the mess if you wish, just don’t eat all my food, would you?

He steps back inside his vessel.

Arthak looks tired, and is smoking, but has a faint smile on his face.

Nyxxa says: Do we want to play some Legion politics?
Arthak Saurfang says: We already are. But maybe.
Nyxxa says: I’m ready to go in if you are.

Arthak walks towards the vessel, and the group follows after. Levia looks at Spinyl.

Levia Blackflight says: If it’s alright for a lesser demon to board.

She gives a wry smile.

Spinyl says: Of course it is.

Spinyl returns the wry smile.

Arthak Saurfang says: Spinyl. It is good to see you. We should get caught up.
Spinyle says: We should. But, I won’t intrude on Master Rakeesh’s hospitality. Make yourself at home, Arthak.
Azgadaan says: Mm. Spinyl, was it?

Spinyl raises an eyebrow at him.

Azgadaan says: This is the Spinyl Azgadaan mentioned he met before, right chief?

Spinyl’s eyebrow raises more.

Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. The very same.
Azgadaan says: Well, he would have liked me to tell you it’s good to see you again. I might be able to get you in contact. It’s been a long time, and I have the means to let you both have a small conversation.
Spinyl says: Well, be sure to tell Lord Azgadaan, while I appreciate him sending the message, there’s nothing I want to say to him. Good day.

Spinyl saunters away.