[Horde] Chapter Two: Session Nineteen

August 12th

Before they all leave, Sorak spends some time with his family. They go up to the ridges where the dead had been laid to rest in order to leave some final offerings, as it is unknown when, and if, they would ever be able to return to Wor’gol.

The last one they stop at is the grave of Sorak’s brother. They ask his spirit to watch over Wor’gol while they are gone.

As they leave, Sorak hears a very quiet, distant howl, and he glimpses the grave of Drek’thar. For a moment, he thinks he sees the outline of a great wolf beyond it.

Sorak’s mother sees him stop, and asks if anything is wrong, but Sorak simply said no. They continue along.

August 13th

Early on the morning the group leaves, they hear a cry coming from the northwest. It’s the cry of a rylak. However, there are many. A great flock is coming through the clouds, heading out from the Bladespire Citadel.

Samaara is intrigued, as she noted that the rylaks seemed to have had riders. Arthak notes that it is most likely the Dragonmaw clan, which were sent to collect the Thunderlords. However, they are too high overhead for most to pick out clan symbols.

Except Sorak. He notes a great black banner with a red circle that has something more intricate in the middle. It is, in fact, most likely the Dragonmaw clan, though it can’t be confirmed. He also sees a yellowish-brown banner with a white symbol: some of them seem to belong to the Thunderlord clan.

There is another creature among the rylaks as well. A black creature with a single head, much smaller than the rylaks. It is at the head, but Sorak can’t tell exactly what it is.

They pass quickly.


August 14th

The wind and the snow continues into the following day. One of Zagarra’s group approaches the main group, stating they noted some members of the Blackrock attempting to find shelter. They aren’t far.

Zagarra asks if they should intervene, and Arthak said that they should.

They follow the scout, and they find the Blackrock orcs curled under an overhanging cliff. There are about a dozen orcs and mok’nathal.

The Blackrock thank them for coming for them, expressing they likely wouldn’t have survived without aid.

After the Blackrock orcs start to warm up, they are pressed for some information. There was something going on in regards to someone “challenging the warchief’s claim” and a champion of the Dragonmaw, known as Zaela, had been sent out to deal with it, along with Rexxar. They were moving against Garlock, most likely.

Kroll recognizes the name Zaela.


After they finish speaking, Kroll pulls Arthak aside, noting he is familiar with Zaela. He admits that she is formidable, but one that acts with honor. If she is involved, he’s confident that this incident is going to be impactful in some way.

He doubts that hearing her name is a coincidence, and Arthak says he has an idea of what she is being sent after. Arthak explains that Garlock is Blackhand’s grandson, and his mother was Blackhand’s daughter, who was put down.

Arthak continues that, at least half of what was at stake was the warchief’s pride.

Kroll muses that pride had given them a culture, but it also has ruled that same culture for too long. He expresses he wishes to stem chaos where possible, but if Arthak feels the best to do is to step aside, then he would trust Arthak’s judgement. However, Arthak said that his judgement shouldn’t be trusted. At the very least, they could present the option to the others, and perhaps they could send a small group.

Kroll agrees, and waddles off.


Kroll then approaches Sorak, and expresses his condolences for the loss of Sorak’s home. Sorak admits he never spent much time at home. He was frequently in the wilds. Kroll relates, stating he had frequently found some comfort in the wilds around his former home.

Sorak thanks Kroll for the condolences, but states they need to get through their current situation first. Kroll agrees.

Kroll: “Can’t feed the direwolves if you can’t feed yourselves. As one of the elders at home had said.”

Kroll and Sorak also then start to talk about the totems they each utilize, and trade their experiences in regards to them.


Arthak works on some crafting things, and then goes and talks to Sadras about what she and Remnii did in retrieving his sword. Sadras said it was nothing. She had seen orcs brood before, and she didn’t want him to regret his decision.

Arthak said she saved him from a mistake.

He then pulls out a dagger he had made, and offers it to Sadras. He explains its a piece of Varg. It would take some time for him to actually reforge Varg itself, but this was something he could do now as a thank you.

Sadras smiles, examining the dagger. She then throws it with all of her might at a temporary fence that had been erected nearby. It hits the side of the wood and bounces off and lands in the snow. She laughs and picks it up, expressing she’s going to need some practice.

Arthak stammers, explaining he weighted it as much as he could, but a warrior and hunter can always use another knife.

Sadras smiles and approaches again, thanking him. She said it meant a lot, especially as, as she understood it, weapons were a big deal for Blackrock orcs. Arthak said that she saved the last bit he had of his grandfather, so it was a deed that needed to be returned in kind.

Sadras grabbed his hand and said she would use that piece of his ancestor to help protect every piece of him. And she would have to think on a name.

Arthak stammers, and Sadras laughs again, expressing that he’s charming when he’s flustered, in that “brooding type of way.”

She also mentions that he could come visit her sometime, as the ridges get a bit cold. And she winks.

She then heads off, and she starts to show off the dagger to some people.


Arthak then goes and finds Go’el. He explains that Kroll knows Zaela, the champion sent to deal with Garlock. Go’el is intrigued, and mentions that last time they spoke, Arthak had believed it was Garona that was sent to deal with Garlock. However, Arthak said that that what Gul’dan said--it wasn’t necessarily what she was doing.

Go’el asks if Arthak wants to follow up on the matter, but Arthak isn’t sure.

Arthak also mentions the Lightning Blades, who he is considering trying to recruit using a small detachment from the core of the Broken Blade. However, Arthak couldn’t be two places at once. He would have to choose.

They talk a bit more, and the topic turns to what to do about the Frostwolves at Hellfire and Go’el presents the idea of entreating Ner’zhul as Ner’zhul had warned Durotan previously about not accepting the gift of Mannoroth from Gul’dan. However, Ner’zhul is mad at Arthak, and Arthak says as much. Which… Go’el agrees to may not be the best idea.

Arthak presents the option of trial by combat, which may give Go’el a chance. Go’el, however, is hesitant, as there is no way to know who he would be fighting. Go’el asks what would happen to his people if he lost, and Arthak admits he doesn’t know, but if he confronts the accusations with words and loses as well, his people would likely be in the same position regardless.

Go’el says he will have to think on things, and they part ways.


Meanwhile, Azgadaan approaches Raluhi about utilizing Legend Lore to find out what weapon Vilateth was attempting to outdo: the Maw of the Damned.

Raluhi taps into the spell, stating it was a weapon of unquenchable hunger that would turn on its wielder if it hungers. However, in the hands of Gorelix the Fleshripper, it never hungered. Raluhi also says he knew it’s creator, Netrezaar. He was a renowned crystal smith on Argus named Netrius before he became an eredar.

Azgadaan asks if he can seek out more information using the spell, and Raluhi said he could, but he would need more material components. He had enough for his one casting, but they would have to provide more for any further ones.

However, in addition, he mentions that he gets images associating the lore and legends. He presents an illusory image of the Maw of the Damned to show them:

They discuss these revelations for a bit, before Azgadaan goes to start making some dinner.


On one of the watches, Remnii talks to Spinyl. Remnii informs Spinyl that they saw Kaylaan, and he had inquired about her. Spinyl mentions that, had she known Remnii was going to see him, she would have told her to inform him that Aracyra had been scrying on him.

Remnii thanks her for informing her, and Remnii then tells Spinyl that the next day the “stones” would be done.

They talk some more, just chatting with each other through the night.


Remnii also goes and talks to Livi, one of the Ati-Kaso. Remnii asks her to come with her, as she received some news. Remnii informs Livi that she had been in contact with Vendiir with the Ashtongue.

She tells Livi that Naphliir was among the casualties of a recent battle. Livi’s arms sink to her sides, and she sinks down to her knees. She clasps her hands over her face, and just repeats “No” over and over again in a whisper.

She then grips Remnii, continuing to repeat “No”.

She then stops talking all at once, and the grip loosens. As Remnii looks down, she seemed to have fallen unconscious.

However, a few moments later, she awakens again, and seems confused. She asks Remnii where they are. She doesn’t know where they are camping. Remnii’s brow creases in concern.

Remnii explains they are 1 week out of Wor’gol, but Livi doesn’t know where that is. Remnii asks what the last thing Livi remembers is, but Livi doesn’t remember anything.

Remnii asks her if she knows what happened to her sister, but Livi said this was the first she had heard of a sister. All she remembers is Remnii’s name, and that they are draenei, though she herself is a different type of draenei. She can cook and create simple things and some skills.

Remnii takes her to Ahonan, who also doesn’t know what happened. Remnii is able to assume that she went into some sort of shock.

Remnii then takes Livi to Deremos, and asks him to keep her company and be a force of positivity for her.

The next day, Remnii utilizes the identify spell to take a closer look at Livi’s mind. From what she can tell, her mind had made a partition in itself. Something happened when she heard the news, and she broke a bit and succumbed to a long-term madness. However, Remnii isn’t sure if or when it would be cured naturally.

However, calm emotions can suppress it, and lesser restoration can lift it.

Remnii consults Ahonan, explaining the circumstances. Ahonan muses, and said that ultimately, if the madness was lifted, her grief and trauma would return. However, to forget everything and lose the memories of those you love is also to lose your identity. Ahonan tells Remnii that, ultimately, it was Remnii’s call given she was the one with the ability to lift it.


Sorak spends some time with his mother, who asks him to keep an eye on Sadras as she feels pretty confident that Sadras may have some latent shamanic abilities as well.

Zagarra happens upon Nyxxa, who is attempting to set up a tent and effectively failing. She muses that, seeing Nyxxa continues to try, however, there is likely hope for her.


August 17th

They arrive on the Stonefang outpost, where there are an abundance of Rylaks chained up a safe distances away from the nearby frostwolves. There are also some strange birds, which Sorak identifies as dread ravens… which shouldn’t be this far north.

The group approaches, and they quickly realize that Zaela is, in fact, present. She informs Arthak that she had been sent to ask if any of his people would help to attack Garlock. She also informs Arthak that Garrosh is leading the attack. Jorin Deadeye was also going to be present.

Zaela then goes on to explain that the objectives are two-fold. Apparently Garlock and his New Horde had taken an unlikely hostage: the Hand of Gul’dan. Garona. And had holed up in Shattrath City.

So the full mission was to destroy Garlock and save Garona.


Arthak goes to deliberate with the rest of the group. Either way, Go’el is sending a small detachment with them, though he himself would continue to Hellfire. Yrel muses that, from the sounds of it, they should talk to Garlock as he seems like he should be an ally to them given what he is trying to do. At least from the sounds of it.

Nyxxa agrees.

However, the more they discuss, the more they agree that keeping a low profile would ultimately be better for them. Zagarra, two of the mok’nathal, and Dranosh with the people with him and the other Blackrock decide to go while the party itself continues to Hellfire.

Spinyl says goodbye to Dranosh.


They bid the rest of those accompany Zaela goodbye, and they continue on their way.


During the travels, Remnii speaks to Raluhi, and asks him about his usage of arcane magicks--specifically if he has any spells that would help mask the identity of magical artifacts.

Raluhi said there are spells that do such, but he doesn’t have any on hand. He mentions both nondetection and magic aura. One is far more costly than the other. He starts to ramble off on specific uses and anecdotes of the usages of the spells.

They decide to try and get him to relearn the magic aura spell, and Remnii starts trying to make some money. Unfortunately, Raluhi is unable to make much money himself, and Remnii has to front a bit more on her share.

However, Raluhi is able to remember the spell, and copy it into his crystal.


Kroll approaches Remnii to talk about the shamanic abilities he had seen Dornaa show some potential with, and expresses he would like to help teach her. After all, he had not found a mate himself nor had he raised a child, thus, it was what he could do to pass on his legacy.

Remnii agrees it’s good for Dornaa to learn from as many people as possible, especially given shamanism was so ingrained in the old orcish culture.

He takes her to visit with Dornaa again, who is with Thelamiis and Keviir, and he observes her as she tries to tap into her abilities. He asks her if she can hear whispers when she does it, and Dornaa said she always does, though she has a hard time understanding. Kroll goes on to explain that he too could hear the whispers, and he imparts some wisdom upon her concerning it.

Dornaa said he was very wise, and Kroll asks her if she would like him to teach her, and she agrees she would like him to very much. After all, he is very old and very wise. They all laugh.

Kroll also said that there was another, younger orc that could teach her too, and Dornaa asks if that was Mr. Sorak, and Kroll said yes. Dornaa muses he likes his wolf a lot, and his wolf likes him, and Kroll agrees they have a strong bond. Dornaa misinterprets the statement, thinking they are mates, and there is a lot of stifled laughter before Remnii explains Sorak’s bond with Wintermaw is more like Remnii’s bond with Yrel. Dornaa realizes it’s more like having a sibling.

They talk a bit about siblings, and Kevirr then asks Kroll if he could listen in on the lessons as well. He and his wife had learned from the first of their kind to hear the spirits. Kroll doesn’t know who that individual was, and said he would much like to hear of their teacher, Nobundo, as well.

They talk long into the night. After a bit, Remnii leaves them to it.


On a particularly nice day, there is a presence that makes herself known in Arthak’s mind: Shaspira.

She greets him, and expresses she is sure he is returning now with the Frostwolves. Arthak confirms, and she says she is looking forward to seeing him.

She asks him how long it would take, and Arthak said that best case scenario, it would be three weeks. She is pleased with his answer. The invasion would begin shortly after his return.

She asks if the entire Frostwolf clan had come, and Arthak said that Go’el put out the call, so they should be. Shaspira praises him, and reminds him that such a successful journey doesn’t go unrewarded. Nor would his loyalty to the Horde.

Arthak said there was a detail he wished to report. As part of the effort to get the Frostwolves to come with them, he had investigated why the Frostwolves had not originally responded. He explained the earthquakes, and that the Frostwolves had been worried for their homelands. They hadn’t wanted to leave their children and elderly to such a circumstance.

Arthak also said they found the source. It appears to have been a Legion forge camp. Specifically one built on top of the remains of a Frostwolf Village.

Shaspira said that was unfortunate, and asks about the denizens of the village.

Arthak said there was no confirmation, but it was likely they were killed or displaced in a manner they did not survive.

Shaspira said it was a tragedy, though if they had answered the summons at first, it could have possibly been avoided. There was little to be done now, as the dead had been mourned. They had to keep moving.

Arthak asks if there were any messages she wanted him to pass on to Azgadaan or Go’el, and Shaspira said no, but she is looking forward to meeting the chieftain of the Frostwolves in person. She also said a great deal of glory awaits him, and she hopes he is ready to claim it.

During the three weeks, Azgadaan is gambling. He is successful, getting a bonus of 25 iron coins. At some point, one of the orcs that Azgadaan played against: an orcish woman with a scar over her eye from the Broken Blade.

She’s irritated, and asks how Azgadaan is winning so much. She gives Azgadaan’s dice a few rolls, and then notices one of the dice is loaded. Azgadaan is confused, and he investigates the die. It is in fact loaded, but it’s also not his die.

He tells the female orc to empty her pockets, and she huffs about it. Azgadaan threatens to go to the chieftain. The orch grits her teeth for a moment, but empties her pockets. No dice.

Azgadaan asks where his die is then, and the orc insists the loaded one is his. But then Gramgun saunters in to break up the confrontation. He asks to see the die, and he makes a couple test rolls.

...and it seems absolutely fine.

Azgadaan is suspicious, and he examines the die further, but it seems fine.

Azgadaan just chucks it in the fire. No one reacts. Except for one of Gramgun’s people, who puts a hand over his chest and says a few snarky words in memoriam to the dice.

The next morning, there is a small pouch inside Azgadaan’s tent.

Inside are a new set of dice and 10 iron coins. He tests them quickly, and it seems the dice aren’t loaded.

August 20th

They continue to head toward Hellfire.