Hoard of the Dragon Queen
- Met Rule-of-Three in Neverwinter
- Attacked in Ill Omen by RoT's Devils, met Paik
- Hang out in Waterdeep, teleport to Berdusk
Greenest and the Hatchery
- Detour to Greenest to find Leosin
- Save Greenest from Lennithon and Cult, meet Langdedrosa
- Rescue Leosin from cult hideout, meet Doumi, encounter Cazra and Catalia
- Return to camp after escorting prisoners, mostly cleared out
- Capture Mondath and Langdedrosa at the hatchery
Arrival at Elturel
- Go to Elturel
- Nayiss accidentally gets married
- Meet Temperance, Odd is first contacted by the Raven Queen
- Meet Frume and form the Queen's Rout
- Take the boat to Baldur's Gate
The Caravan
- Meet Star, join caravan to follow Rezmir
- Caravan hijinks ensue (save a noble, TREVOR, trolls, fake heroes of Greenest, framed for arson, buried Harper, torture orgy, gryphons, drinking parties, Vastani doppelgängers)
- The Way Inn drama, Star drama
- Meet Azbara Jos, Jamna, and Isteval in Daggerford
- Star is “murdered”
- Waterdeep for a second, send friends away to stop assassination
- Tail cultists to Carnath Roadhouse
- Trevor duel
- Follow lizardfolk couriers into Mere of Dead Men
- Team up with Snapjaw
- Kill lesser Froghemoth
- Infiltrate Castle Naerytar
- Hostu captured and loses an arm to Rezmir while trying to escape
- Party clears out the basement while lizardfolk rebel, start a frog revolution
- Hostu tries to escape, meet Talis at the lodge and strike a deal
Parnast and Skyreach Castle
- Find Skyreach Castle at nearby Parnast
- board Skyreach by stealing wyverns from cultists at Parnast
- infiltrate Skyreach, capture Glasstaff
- Meet with Blagothkus, strike a deal to kill dragon
- Descend into dragon’s lair, ambushed by Rezmir, Catalia, and Rath Modar
- Azbara Jos and Catalia turn coat, Rezmir killed, Modar’s simulacrum destroyed, dragon killed by giants.