
Ancestry Traits

Size. Partial Ancestry Size
Speed. Partial Ancestry Speed

Deathless Nature (2 points).
As in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft
Knowledge from a Past Life (1 point).
As in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft

Paragon Options

Diehard Survivor

You've either died once, or your existence has made you inured to death. You have the following traits:

  • When you suffer a critical hit, you can turn that attack into a normal hit. Any effects triggered by a critical hit are canceled. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a Long Rest.
  • You only die after failing 4 death saving throws instead of 3.

Immutable Soul

Your experience makes you physically and mentally unflappable. You gain the following benefits:

Perfect Darkvision

Requires: Darkvision
Your Darkvision increases by to 240 feet. You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, in your darkvision.

Reincarnated Mastery

You have mastered the nature of your existence to better tap into the reservoir of the past. You gain the following benefits: