Fleeing an Encounter
If a Force—representing a specific side in a conflict—no longer desires to continue fighting, it can choose to Flee the encounter. Any creature in a Force can order a retreat as an Action at the beginning of its turn. If every opposing Force allows them to retreat, they Flee successfully. Any Force that tries to stop them can do so by making a Fight roll, contested by the Fleeing force's Flight roll. Each Force rolls a d20, adding or subtracting modifiers based on the situation of the battle. If single Force attempts to Flee more than once in the same round, its Flight roll is made with Disadvantage.
Certain Fight or Flight roll penalties require a Force to determine its current size. A creature's size determines how much they contribute towards their Force's total number, and a creature only contributes towards this number if they are conscious and above 0 hit points.
Creature Size | Force Contribution |
Tiny | 1/2 |
Small & Medium | 1 |
Large | 2 |
Huge | 4 |
Gargantuan | 8 |
Colossal creatures use special rules for some modifiers. If there are no listed rules, do not count them towards the Force total.
Compare the totals of the Fight and Flight rolls and determine the results from the chart below.
Result | Outcome |
Flight - Critical Success | The entire Force escapes without significant further injury. | |
Flight - Success | The Force escapes, but at a cost of the DM's discretion. Members of the force may be killed or captured, or players may have to spend hit dice based on the difficulty of the combat or the difference between the rolls. |
Fight - Critical Success | The escape fails, and all future Flight rolls by the Force that attempted to Flee are made with Disadvantage. If it already got this result, it can't try to Flee again. |
Fight - Success | The escape fails, and the creature ends their turn immediately. |
Tie | The escape fails, but the creature regains its Action and can act as normal. They can try to Flee again immediately, but with Disadvantage. |
The following penalties may affect the rolls based on the following circumstances.
If one Force in the battle has more conscious creatures than every other Force, they may receive a penalty on their Fight or Flight roll.
Colossal creatures are never outnumbered. When a Force flees from a Colossal creature, and does not have a Colossal creature of its own, the other force is Vastly Outnumbered if the Colossal creature has more than half its maximum hit points remaining, and Partially Outnumbered as long as it has at least one use of its Legendary Resistance remaining.
Outnumbered | Roll Penalty |
Partially (1.5/1) | -2 |
Vastly (2:1) | -5 |
Surrounded (10:1) | -10 |
If a battlefield has difficult or impeding terrain that a Force cannot all navigate without penalty, or if they are lacking a type of speed the other Force is using, the Force receives a penalty.
Colossal creatures are not counted for this modifier.
Creatures Lacking Movement | Roll Penalty |
One | -2 |
Half | -5 |
All | -10 |
If a Force has creatures who are suffering from the Frightened condition, they receive a penalty based on how many are suffering from it.
If a Force has a Colossal creature, Frightened penalties are halved unless the Colossal creature is Frightened. If the Colossal creature is Frightened, double the penalties.
Creatures Frightened | Roll Penalty |
One | -2 |
Half | -5 |
All | -10 |
If a Force has creatures who are suffering from the Blinded or Dazed conditions, or any effect that reduces their speed to half or less of their normal speed besides the Frightened condition, they receive a penalty based on how many are suffering from it.
If a Force has a Colossal creature, Inhibited penalties are halved unless the creature has a movement speed of 0. If the Colossal creature has a movement speed of 0, double the penalties.
Creatures Inhibited | Roll Penalty |
One | -2 |
Half | -5 |
All | -10 |
The following bonuses may affect the rolls based on the following circumstances.
Compare the average Speed of both Forces. The Force with a higher average Speed may receive a bonus on their Fight or Flight roll.
Colossal creatures contribute their speeds as normal, but creatures with Legendary Actions double their speed for the purposes of determining an average. Monstrous Creatures double the average speed of their Force after determining it.
Speed Difference | Roll Bonus |
10+ Higher | +2 |
30+ Higher | +5 |
60+ Higher | +10 |
Members of a Fleeing Force can voluntarily choose to stay behind and buy time for the other members of the Force to flee. If the Fleeing Force rolls a critical success with a Sacrifice, roll a second Flight roll against the same Fight roll, but without the bonus from Sacrifice. If it is also a Critical Success, the creatures who stayed behind escape as well. Otherwise, they are injured, captured, or killed.
Sacrifice Power | Roll Bonus |
NPC | +1/2 CR |
Class Character | +Level |
From teleportation and magical walls to cracking the ground with a heavy maul, some spells and abilities can influence Fight and Flight rolls. Each creature can contribute one spell, maneuver, ability, or other class feature to a Fight or Flight roll, spending any required resources in the process. If the feature is not a spell or ability, the DM determines the bonus.
Contribution | Roll Bonus |
Spell | +Spell Level |
Maneuver | +Maneuver Degree + Focus Cost |
Other | Varies |