Deadeye Maneuvers
Ranged, Control, Mobile
Not every battle requires making close contact with the enemy and there is an art to fighting from a distance, whether that be a few dozen feet or hundreds. Warriors that know Deadeye techniques are superlative ranged combatants, not only for the deadly accuracy of their attacks but also the myriad tricks they’ve mastered to routinely make shots that should be impossible.
Classes: Arcane Warrior, Bloodhunter, Fighter, Marshal, Ranger, Rogue, Slayer
1st Degree Maneuvers
Covering Fire | 1 focus | 1st degree Deadeye action Choose a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus that you can see within your weapon’s normal range. Until the start of your next turn, those creatures have their movement speeds halved, and they cannot make attacks of opportunity. You expend 5 pieces of ammunition for each creature you choose. A creature targeted with this ability can try to avoid being pinned down (no action required.) If it does, make an attack roll against the creature with disadvantage. If the attack misses, the creature is no longer affected by Covering Fire. On a hit, deal damage as normal, and the creature suffers from the penalties as normal. |
Doubleshot | 1 focus | 1st degree Deadeye bonus action The next ranged weapon attack you make uses two missiles instead of one. If you hit, the creature takes an additional die of damage. This attack cannot fire into the long range of your weapon, and cannot flourish, but it can inflict a critical hit. |
Farshot Stance | 1 focus | 1st degree Deadeye bonus action (stance) While you maintain this stance, as long as you don’t move on your turn, you double the normal and long range of your ranged weapons. |
Parting Shot | 1 focus | 1st degree Deadeye reaction When a hostile creature you can see moves out of your reach, you can make an attack of opportunity against it with a ranged weapon you are wielding. |
2nd Degree Maneuvers
Countershot | 2 focus | 2nd degree Deadeye reaction When you see a missile from a ranged weapon attack enter into the normal range of a weapon you are wielding, you can use your reaction to shoot it out of the air. Make a ranged weapon attack. If your attack roll exceeds the ranged weapon attack’s roll, the missile is deflected and misses its target. Certain ranged weapon attacks (like those from creatures larger than you) may be too heavy to be deflected by this maneuver. |
Quickdraw | 3 focus | 2nd degree Deadeye reaction As long as you are not surprised, when combat begins, you can use your reaction to draw a weapon and make a ranged weapon attack with it. |
Trickshot | 1 focus | 2nd degree Deadeye action When you make a Charisma check, you can make an attack roll with a ranged weapon instead, as long as your sharpshooting can be used in some way. |
3rd Degree Maneuvers
Blindshot | 1 focus | 3rd degree Deadeye free action When you make a ranged weapon attack and would have disadvantage for being unable to see the target, you may ignore that penalty until the end of your turn. |
Ricochet | 3 focus | 3rd degree Deadeye action (attack) Take the Attack action. Your attacks within the normal range of your weapon completely ignore a target’s cover, even total cover. If a target is behind total cover, there must be a space large enough for an arrow to fit between you and your target to attack it, though you still have disadvantage attacking a target you cannot see. |
Volley | 3 focus | 3rd degree Deadeye action As an action, make a ranged attack against any number of creatures within 10 feet of a point you can see within your weapon’s range. You must have ammunition for each target, as normal, and you make a separate attack roll for each target. If you can use 4th Degree maneuvers, this maneuver affects creatures within 20 feet of a point, and if you can use 5th Degree maneuvers, it affects creatures within 30 feet of a point. |
4th Degree Maneuvers
Dive for Cover | 2 focus | 4th degree Deadeye reaction When you are targeted by a ranged attack, you can use your reaction to move up to half your speed. If your movement ends adjacent to either a solid barrier as big as you are or a creature the same size as you or larger, until the beginning of your next turn you have three-quarters cover against ranged attacks (+5 bonus to AC and saving throws) as long as you remain adjacent to the barrier or creature. This can cause the triggering attack to miss. |
Heartseeker | 3 focus | 4th degree Deadeye action Make a single ranged weapon attack with advantage against a creature within your weapon’s normal range. If both attack rolls would hit, it is a critical hit. If only one of the rolls would hit, the attack flourishes. If the attack would have flourished, you deal an additional weapon damage die. If the attack would have scored a critical hit, you deal an additional weapon damage die and deal maximum damage. |
Juggler Stance | 2 focus | 4th degree Deadeye bonus action (stance) While you maintain this stance, and while you are wielding a weapon that does not have the heavy or special property, it gains the thrown (range 20/60) property. If a weapon already has the thrown property, the short and long range of all thrown weapons and items is doubled. |
5th Degree Maneuvers
Horizon Shot | 3 focus | 5th degree Deadeye action (attack) Take the attack action and choose one target you can see within a number of feet equal to twice the long range of a weapon you are wielding. Until the start of your next turn, the target is considered to be within your weapon’s normal range and it gains no benefit from cover less than total cover, regardless of how far it is from you. |
Read the Wind | 3 focus | 5th degree Deadeye bonus action Until the end of your next turn, you gain blindsight to a range of 30 feet, and you can choose to use your Passive Perception score instead of your AC. |