
Crafting an Item

The Formula

In order to craft an item, you need to know the formula or the schematics of the item you are trying to craft. Knowing this formula or schematic requires a skill check (normally a Knowledge check of the enchanting skill), and the DC is set by the item's rarity. The Crafter or Enchanter has advantage on this check if they have experience with the item or with similar items.

Item RarityFormula DC

Success on this skill check means you are familiar with the formula or schematic and are knowledgeable of what Catalysts you may need. Failure on this skill check means you must find the formula or schematic through research or adventuring before you can craft the item.

Items also have a minimum proficiency bonus requirement to craft them based on their rarity, and at least one Crafter or Enchanter must meet this requirement in order to successfully craft the item. Expertise with a tool or enchanting skill can also help to meet this requirement.

Item RarityRequired Proficiency Bonus

The Catalyst

Magical items usually require at least one Catalyst, which is a powerful material component used as a basis for the item's magical ability. Usually, this Catalyst has a CR requirement based on the item's rarity, but sometimes multiple different weaker Catalysts can make up for one strong Catalyst. Generally, the Catalyst needs to somehow relate to the enchantment of the item. A core from a fire elemental will not help with a frost enchantment, for example.

Item RarityCR of Catalyst Origin
CommonCR 1+
UncommonCR 4+
RareCR 9+
EpicCR 13+
LegendaryCR 19+

Materials and Cost

Material cost to craft an item is equal to half the Base Price of the item, plus certain materials that may be listed (ie. magical weapons and armor require you to have or craft the weapon or armor you are enchanting). Crafters add half the cost of the materials to their Base Price and recalculate the Base Time (if they are making the entire item from scratch), while Enchanters must provide those materials independently.

If an item can cast spells, one of the Crafters or Enchanters must cast each spell into the item once a day.

Crafting Time

The time it takes to craft an item is equal to the Base Time divided by the highest Proficiency Bonus (expertise included) for the tool or skill. Some items can allow multiple people to work together (up to DM discretion) as long as every participating crafter has the requisite tool or skill for the task. If multiple people work on crafting an item, the final crafting time is divided by the number of people helping.

Any crafting times assumes that 1 day of work is a period of 8 hours.

At the end of each work week, make an ability check with the relevant skill, with a DC equal to the Formula DC of the item. Success progresses one week, plus 1 extra week per 5 above the DC. Failure either makes no progress or progresses with an automatic complication (player's choice).

Consumable Items: If an item is consumable (thus becomes inert after use) the Base Time to craft it is divided by half before other crafting time calculations are made. Base times that have already been halved for the purpose of this rule are highlighted in green.

Other Crafting Rules

Improving Items: Some magic items, like +1 weapons, have more powerful versions available at higher rarities. You can improve items, transforming them into their more powerful versions, by subtracting the cost of the existing enchantment from the improved version. You must still meet all other requirements for the items, including providing a catalyst, unless the DM says otherwise.

Combining Enchantments: When creating magic items, you can combine several lesser enchantments together to make more powerful magic items, or existing magic items can be enchanted with further strength from lesser items. When doing so, combine the costs of both enchantments together, and consult the chart below to determine the rarity of the new item. The DM may add additional costs to this process, especially if it would increases the rarity of the item, or if both items normally require attunement, and more powerful catalysts may be required. The DM is the final arbiter on which enchantments can be combined.

Table: Layering Enchantments
Common1/2 point
Uncommon1 point
Rare2 points
Epic4 points
Legendary12 points

Moving Enchantments: You can move enchantments from a magic item to another nonmagic item, provided it is of a similar type of object (a weapon enchantment must go to another weapon, for example). Doing so follows the normal rules for crafting, but the base cost is 1/4 of the normal magic item, and it counts as creating a consumable item. Once you finish, the magic item becomes nonmagical, and the nonmagical item becomes a magic item with the same properties the magic item had. You do not need a formula or catalyst to move an enchantment. The DM is the final arbiter on which enchantments can be moved.

Item Crafting Guides

Table: Armor

Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Adamantine ArmorUncommon50050SMT-Adamantine OreAdd cost of armor
Animated ShieldEpic     Add cost of shield
Armor of EtherealnessLegendary300003000   Add cost of armor
Armor of InvulnerabilityLegendary20000200   Add cost of armor
Armor of Resistance (Common)Uncommon1500150SMT, LTWVaries Add cost of armor
Armor of Resistance (Rare)Rare3000300SMT, LTWVaries Add cost of armor
Armor/Shield, +1Rare1500150SMT, LTW, WODArcana No formula needed, add cost of armor/shield
Armor/Shield, +2Epic6000600SMT, LTW, WODArcana No formula needed, add cost of armor/shield
Armor/Shield, +3Legendary240002400SMT, LTW, WODArcana No formula needed, add cost of armor/shield
Arrow-Catching ShieldRare6000600   Add cost of shield
Dead Man's ArmorRare4000400SMT, LTWArcana Add cost of armor
Dragon Scale ArmorEpic55005500   Add cost of armor
Dwarven ArmorEpic9000900   Add cost of armor
Efreeti ArmorLegendary750007500   Add cost of armor
Elven ArmorRare4000400   Add cost of armor
Glamoured ArmorRare3000300   Add cost of armor
Mariner's ArmorUncommon1200120   Add cost of armor
Mithral ArmorUncommon50050   Add cost of armor
Sentinel ShieldUncommon5000500SMT, WODAny Add cost of shield
Shield of Missile AttractionRare5000500SMT, WODArcana Add cost of shield
Spellguard ShieldEpic400004000   Add cost of shield

Table: Books

Item NameRarityConsumable?Base Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Manual of Bodily HealthEpic 550005500    
Manual of Clay GolemsEpicYes5000250    
Manual of Flesh GolemsEpicYes5000250    
Manual of Gainful ExerciseEpic 550005500    
Manual of Quickness of ActionEpic 550005500    
Tome of Clear ThoughtEpic 550005500    
Tome of Leadership and InfluenceEpic 550005500    
Tome of UnderstandingEpic 550005500    
Enduring SpellbookCommon 25025    
SpellshardCommon 25025    

Table: Constructs

Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
WitchlightUncommon2000200JWLArcana Gem worth 50gp (in cost)

Table: Equipment

Item NameRarityConsumable?Base Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Brooch of ShieldingUncommon       
DrybroochCommon 10010JWLArcana  
Earrings of Alluring CharismaRare 6000600JWLArcana  
Glamerweave, SimpleCommon 252.5WVRArcana  
Glamerweave, ComplexUncommon 20020WVRArcana  
Horn of BlastingRareYes62531.25    
Horn of FearRareYes70035    
Robe of EyesRare 160001600    
Robe of StarsEpic 465004650    
Robe of Useful Items (Per Patch)Uncommon 50050    
ShiftweaveCommon 50050WVRArcana  
Horn of Silent AlarmCommon 50050    
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Belt of DwarvenkindRare6000600    
Belt of Cloud Giant StrengthLegendary360003600    
Belt of Fire Giant StrengthEpic270002700    
Belt of Hill Giant StrengthRare9000900    
Belt of Stone Giant StrengthEpic180001800    
Belt of Storm Giant StrengthLegendary450004500    
Boots / Footwear
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Boots of ElvenkindUncommon2500250    
Boots of Iron GaitUncommon1250125BLK, COB, LTWArcana  
Boots of LevitationRare4000400    
Boots of SpeedRare4000400    
Boots of Striding and SpringingUncommon1750175COB, LTWArcana, Nature  
Boots of the WinterlandsUncommon2500250    
Sandals of Incredible DexterityEpic120001200 Arcana  
Slippers of Spider ClimbingUncommon      
Winged BootsUncommon8000800    
Boots of False TracksUncommon250800    
Bracers / Wristwear
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Bracers of ArcheryUncommon      
Bracers of DefenseRare6000600LTW, JWL, SMTArcana, Religion  
Gauntlets of Ogre PowerRare6000600 Arcana  
Gloves of ThieveryUncommon1475147.5    
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Cape of the MountebankRare6000600LTW, WVRArcana  
Cloak of ArachnidaEpic      
Cloak of BillowingCommon15015LTW, WVRArcana  
Cloak of DisplacementRare      
Cloak of ElvenkindUncommon2500250    
Cloak of InvisibilityLegendary800008000    
Cloak of Many FashionsCommon15015    
Cloak of ProtectionUncommon3500350LTW, WVR   
Cloak of the BatRare7000700    
Cloak of the Manta RayUncommon3200320    
Mantle of Spell ResistanceRare147501475    
Wings of FlyingRare5000500    
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Circlet of BlastingUncommon80080  Arcana  
Eyes of the EagleUncommon1500150    
Hat of DisguiseUncommon2500250LTW, WVRArcanaSpell Scroll (3rd level) 
Headband of IntellectRare6000600 Arcana  
Helm of BrillianceEpic330003300    
Necklaces / Amulets
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Amulet of the DrunkardUncommon1500150JWLArcana  
Amulet of HealthEpic120001200JWLArcana  
Amulet of the PlanesEpic780007800JWLAny  
Amulet of Proof Against Detection and LocationUncommon1100110JWLArcana  
Clockwork AmuletCommon25025    
Medallion of ThoughtsUncommon1250125    
Necklace of AdaptationUncommon      
Necklace of Inspired WisdomEpic120001200 Arcana  
Periapt of HealthUncommon2000200    
Periapt of Proof Against PoisonRare5000500    
Periapt of Wound ClosureUncommon5000500    
Raven's Wing AmuletRare8000800JWLArcana  
Talisman of Pure GoodLegendary720007200    
Talisman of Ultimate EvilLegendary720007200    
Mount Equipment
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Horseshoes of a ZephyrEpic1500150    
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Ring of Animal InfluenceRare  JWL   
Ring of Elemental CommandLegendary  JWL   
Ring of EvasionRare5000500JWL   
Ring of Feather FallingRare2000200JWL   
Ring of Free ActionRare60001100JWL   
Ring of InvisibilityLegendary  JWL   
Ring of JumpingUncommon1450145JWL   
Ring of Mind ShieldingUncommon90090JWLArcana  
Ring of ProtectionRare3500350JWL   
Ring of RegenerationEpic125001250JWL   
Ring of Resistance (Common)Uncommon2000200JWLArcana, Nature  
Ring of Resistance (Rare)Rare4000400JWLArcana, Nature  
Ring of Shooting StarsEpic  JWL   
Ring of Spell StoringRare7000700JWL   
Ring of Spell TurningLegendary  JWL   
Ring of SwimmingUncommon  JWL   
Ring of TelekinesisEpic  JWL   
Ring of the RamRare  JWL   
Ring of Water WalkingUncommon1000100JWLAny  
Ring of X-Ray VisionRare4000400JWL   
Ring of ObscuringUncommon1000100JWL   

Table: Foci

Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Pearl of PowerUncommon1200120    
Crystal Balls
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Crystal BallEpic320003200    
Crystal Ball of Mind ReadingLegendary      
Crystal Ball of TelepathyLegendary      
Crystal Ball of True SeeingLegendary      
Ioun Stones
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Ioun Stone, AwarenessRare6000600    
Ioun Stone, MasteryLegendary150001500    
Ioun Stone, ReserveRare6000600    
Ioun Stone, SustenanceRare3000300    
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Immovable RodUncommon50050    
Rod of AbsorptionEpic      
Rod of RulershipRare      
Rod of SecurityEpic750007500    
Rod of the Pact Keeper, +1Uncommon3000300    
Rod of the Pact Keeper, +2Rare9000900    
Rod of the Pact Keeper, +3Epic270002700    
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Staff of CharmingRare6600660    
Staff of DenialRare120001200    
Staff of FireEpic      
Staff of FrostEpic      
Staff of HealingRare100001000    
Staff of PowerEpic955009550    
Staff of Swarming InsectsRare100001000    
Staff of ThunderclapsUncommon2000200BLK, WODArcana, Nature  
Staff of WitheringRare3000300    
Staff of the MagiLegendary      
Staff of the WoodlandsRare      
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Wand of BindingRare100001000    
Wand of DowsingCommon50050    
Wand of FearRare7000700JWLArcana  
Wand of Lightning BoltsRare150001500JWLArcana  
Wand of Magic DetectionUncommon1200120    
Wand of Magic MissilesUncommon1000100JWLArcanaSpell Scroll (3rd level) 
Wand of ParalysisRare100001000JWLArcana  
Wand of SecretsUncommon80080    
Wand of the War Mage, +1Uncommon1200120    
Wand of the War Mage, +2Rare4800480    
Wand of the War Mage, +3Epic192001920    

Table: Instruments

Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Horn of Valhalla (Brass)Rare8400840    
Horn of Valhalla (Bronze)Epic112001120    
Horn of Valhalla (Iron)Legendary140001400    
Horn of Valhalla (Silver)Rare5600560    
Instrument of the Bards (Canaith Mandolin)Rare140001400    
Instrument of the Bards (Doss Lute)Uncommon3250325    
Pipes of HauntingUncommon75075    

Table: Potions

Item NameRarityConsumable?Base Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Blight OilCommonYes100.5    
Elixir of HealthRareYes1256.25    
Hair TonicCommonYes100.5    
Philter of LoveUncommonYes      
Potion of Animal FriendshipUncommonYes      
Potion of ClairvoyanceRareYes      
Potion of ClimbingCommonYes      
Potion of DiminutionRareYes      
Potion of Fire BreathUncommonYes1507.5    
Potion of FlyingEpicYes50025    
Potion of Gaseous FormRareYes300     
Potion of Giant Strength (Hill)UncommonYes  ALC Hill giant nail 
Potion of GrowthUncommonYes22511.25    
Potion of HealingCommonYes502.5ALC, HRB- No formula needed
Potion of Healing, GreaterUncommonYes1507.5ALC, HRB- No formula needed
Potion of Healing, SuperiorRareYes45022.5ALC, HRB- No formula needed
Potion of Healing, SupremeEpicYes135067.5ALC, HRB- No formula needed
Potion of HeroismRareYes18027.25ALCArcana, Religion  
Potion of InvisibilityEpicYes180     
Potion of InvulnerabilityRareYes4000200    
Potion of LongevityEpicYes9000     
Potion of Mind ReadingRareYes      
Potion of PoisonUncommonYes1005    
Potion of Resistance (Common)UncommonYes30015ALCArcana, Nature  
Potion of Resistance (Rare)RareYes60030ALCArcana, Nature  
Potion of SpeedEpicYes400     
Potion of VitalityEpicYes1000100ALC, HRB   
Potion of Water BreathingCommonYes1809    

Table: Scrolls

Item NameRarityConsumable?Base Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Scroll of ProtectionRareYes25012.5-   
Spell Scroll, 0 Level (Cantrip)CommonYes251.25-VariesSpell Known/PreparedNo formula needed
Spell Scroll, 1st LevelCommonYes502.5-VariesSpell Known/PreparedNo formula needed, add material cost (not reduced)
Spell Scroll, 2nd LevelUncommonYes1005-VariesSpell Known/PreparedNo formula needed, add material cost (not reduced)
Spell Scroll, 3rd LevelUncommonYes25012.5-VariesSpell Known/PreparedNo formula needed, add material cost (not reduced)
Spell Scroll, 4th LevelRareYes50025-VariesSpell Known/PreparedNo formula needed, add material cost (not reduced)
Spell Scroll, 5th LevelRareYes125062.5-VariesSpell Known/PreparedNo formula needed, add material cost (not reduced)
Spell Scroll, 6th LevelEpicYes2500125-VariesSpell Known/PreparedNo formula needed, add material cost (not reduced)
Spell Scroll, 7th LevelEpicYes5000250-VariesSpell Known/PreparedNo formula needed, add material cost (not reduced)
Spell Scroll, 8th LevelEpicYes10000500-VariesSpell Known/PreparedNo formula needed, add material cost (not reduced)
Spell Scroll, 9th LevelLegendaryYes15000750-VariesSpell Known/PreparedNo formula needed, add material cost (not reduced)

Table: Vehicles

Item NameRarityConsumable?Base Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Apparatus of KwalishLegendary 300003000SMT, TNKArcana  
Broom of FlyingUncommon 3000300    
Folding BoatRare 100001000    

Table: Weapons

Item NameRarityConsumable?Base Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Ammunition, +1UncommonYes100.5WODArcanaSpell ScrollNo formula needed, catalyst good for 20 pieces
Ammunition, +2RareYes1005WODArcanaSpell Scroll (4th level)No formula needed, catalyst good for 20 pieces
Ammunition, +3EpicYes40020WODArcanaSpell Scroll (6th level)No formula needed, catalyst good for 20 pieces
Arrow of Slaying (General)EpicYes60030WODArcana  
Arrow of Slaying (Specific)RareYes40020WODArcana  
Berserker WeaponRare       
Dancing WeaponEpic       
Holy AvengerLegendary       
Nine Lives Stealer WeaponEpic 120001200   2000 + 1000 per charge
Oath WeaponEpic 310003100    
Ricochet WeaponRare 2000200    
Skirmisher WeaponUncommon 40040    
Slaughter WeaponUncommon 1250125    
Slayer WeaponRare 6500650    
Vicious WeaponUncommon 35035SMT, WODArcana Add cost of weapon
Vorpal WeaponLegendary 200002000    
Weapon, +1Uncommon 60060SMT, WODArcanaSpell ScrollAdd cost of weapon, no formula needed
Weapon, +2Rare 3000300SMT, WODArcanaSpell Scroll (4th level)Add cost of weapon, no formula needed
Weapon, +3Epic 150001500SMT, WODArcanaSpell Scroll (6th level)Add cost of weapon, no formula needed
Weapon of AnsweringLegendary       
Weapon of DisruptionRare 7000700    
Weapon of Life StealingRare 1000100    
Weapon of SharpnessEpic 1750175    
Weapon of SpeedEpic 130001300SMT, WODArcana Add cost of weapon
Weapon of TerrorRare 8000800    
Weapon of VenomRare       
Weapon of WarningUncommon 1500150SMT, WODArcana  
Weapon of WoundingRare 2000200    
Flame TongueRare 3500350SMT, WODArcana Add cost of weapon
FlamethrowerUncommon 1000100ALC, TNKArcana  
Frost BrandEpic 110001100SMT, WODArcana Add cost of weapon
Weapon of Beast CommandUncommon 35035SMT, WODArcana Add cost of weapon

Table: Wondrous Items

Item NameRarityConsumable?Base Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Alchemy JugUncommon 2400240POT, TNKArcana  
Bag of ColdingUncommon 2500250LTW, WVRArcana  
Bag of HoldingUncommon 1750175LTW, WVRArcana  
Bead of ForceRareYes96048    
Canteen of Last ResortCommon 10010    
Chime of OpeningRareYes150075    
Coin of DelvingCommon 505    
Cubic GateLegendary       
Decanter of Endless WaterUncommon 5500550 Any  
Deck of IllusionsUncommonYes2250112.5    
Dimensional ShacklesRare 3000300SMT, JWLArcana  
DriftglobeUncommon 60060    
Dust of DisappearanceUncommonYes1005    
Efreeti BottleEpicYes725003625    
Elemental GemUncommonYes2000100JWLArcana, NatureMoteGem worth 1000gp (in cost)
Eversmoking BottleUncommon       
Gem of BrightnessUncommonYes60030    
Gem of SeeingRare 180001800    
Handy HaversackRare 3000300LTW, WVRArcana  
Herbal Energy MushroomCommonYes100.5    
Idea BulbCommon 505    
Lantern of RevealingUncommon 40040    
Living ChalkCommon 101    
LuckstoneUncommon 60060    
Magmin PanCommon 10010    
Marvelous PigmentsEpicYes20010    
Necklace of Fireballs (Bead)UncommonYes30015JWL, GLSArcanaScroll of FireballMultiple beads crafted at once need only one component
Oil of EtherealnessRareYes1920115    
Oil of SharpnessEpicYes      
Oil of SlipperinessUncommonYes30015    
Pipe of InsightCommon       
Portable HoleRare 7000700WVRArcana  
Quiver of EhlonnaUncommon       
Repelling CandleCommonYes100.5    
Rope of ClimbingUncommon 25025    
Rope of MendingCommon 15015    
Rope of EntanglementRare 4000400    
Sending StoneUncommon 20020JWLArcana, ReligionScroll of SendingGem worth 50gp (in cost)
Sovereign GlueLegendaryYes      
Thermal CubeCommon 50050    
Universal SolventLegendaryYes      
Wind FanUncommonYes60030    
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Bronze GryphonRare      
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ebony FlyRare      
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Golden LionsRare      
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ivory GoatsRare      
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Marble ElephantRare5000500    
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Onyx DogRare3000300JWLArcana, Nature  
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Obsidian SteedEpic      
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Serpentine OwlRare      
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Silver RavenUncommon      
Prayer Beads
Item NameRarityBase Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Prayer Bead, BlessRare2000200    
Prayer Bead, FavorRare320003200    
Prayer Bead, SmitingRare1500150    
Prayer Bead, SummonsRare12800012800    
Prayer Bead, CuringRare4000400    
Prayer Bead, Wind WalkingRare960009600    
Item NameRarityConsumable?Base Price (gp)Base Time (days)Crafting ProficienciesEnchanting SkillComponent ExampleSpecial
Feather TokenCommonYes1507.5JWLArcanaScroll of Feather Fall 
Squall Token, AnchorRareYes      
Squall Token, BirdRareYes      
Squall Token, FanRareYes      
Squall Token, Swan BoatRareYes2000100    
Squall Token, WhipRareYes