Crafting an Item
The Formula
In order to craft an item, you need to know the formula or the schematics of the item you are trying to craft. Knowing this formula or schematic requires a skill check (normally a Knowledge check of the enchanting skill), and the DC is set by the item's rarity. The Crafter or Enchanter has advantage on this check if they have experience with the item or with similar items.
Item Rarity | Formula DC |
Common | 5 |
Uncommon | 10 |
Rare | 15 |
Epic | 20 |
Legendary | 25 |
Success on this skill check means you are familiar with the formula or schematic and are knowledgeable of what Catalysts you may need. Failure on this skill check means you must find the formula or schematic through research or adventuring before you can craft the item.
Items also have a minimum proficiency bonus requirement to craft them based on their rarity, and at least one Crafter or Enchanter must meet this requirement in order to successfully craft the item. Expertise with a tool or enchanting skill can also help to meet this requirement.
Item Rarity | Required Proficiency Bonus |
Common | +2 |
Uncommon | +3 |
Rare | +4 |
Epic | +5 |
Legendary | +6 |
The Catalyst
Magical items usually require at least one Catalyst, which is a powerful material component used as a basis for the item's magical ability. Usually, this Catalyst has a CR requirement based on the item's rarity, but sometimes multiple different weaker Catalysts can make up for one strong Catalyst. Generally, the Catalyst needs to somehow relate to the enchantment of the item. A core from a fire elemental will not help with a frost enchantment, for example.
Item Rarity | CR of Catalyst Origin |
Common | CR 1+ |
Uncommon | CR 4+ |
Rare | CR 9+ |
Epic | CR 13+ |
Legendary | CR 19+ |
Materials and Cost
Material cost to craft an item is equal to half the Base Price of the item, plus certain materials that may be listed (ie. magical weapons and armor require you to have or craft the weapon or armor you are enchanting). Crafters add half the cost of the materials to their Base Price and recalculate the Base Time (if they are making the entire item from scratch), while Enchanters must provide those materials independently.
If an item can cast spells, one of the Crafters or Enchanters must cast each spell into the item once a day.
Crafting Time
The time it takes to craft an item is equal to the Base Time divided by the highest Proficiency Bonus (expertise included) for the tool or skill. Some items can allow multiple people to work together (up to DM discretion) as long as every participating crafter has the requisite tool or skill for the task. If multiple people work on crafting an item, the final crafting time is divided by the number of people helping.
Any crafting times assumes that 1 day of work is a period of 8 hours.
At the end of each work week, make an ability check with the relevant skill, with a DC equal to the Formula DC of the item. Success progresses one week, plus 1 extra week per 5 above the DC. Failure either makes no progress or progresses with an automatic complication (player's choice).
Consumable Items: If an item is consumable (thus becomes inert after use) the Base Time to craft it is divided by half before other crafting time calculations are made. Base times that have already been halved for the purpose of this rule are highlighted in green.
Other Crafting Rules
Improving Items: Some magic items, like +1 weapons, have more powerful versions available at higher rarities. You can improve items, transforming them into their more powerful versions, by subtracting the cost of the existing enchantment from the improved version. You must still meet all other requirements for the items, including providing a catalyst, unless the DM says otherwise.
Combining Enchantments: When creating magic items, you can combine several lesser enchantments together to make more powerful magic items, or existing magic items can be enchanted with further strength from lesser items. When doing so, combine the costs of both enchantments together, and consult the chart below to determine the rarity of the new item. The DM may add additional costs to this process, especially if it would increases the rarity of the item, or if both items normally require attunement, and more powerful catalysts may be required. The DM is the final arbiter on which enchantments can be combined.
Table: Layering Enchantments
Rarity | Points |
Common | 1/2 point |
Uncommon | 1 point |
Rare | 2 points |
Epic | 4 points |
Legendary | 12 points |
Moving Enchantments: You can move enchantments from a magic item to another nonmagic item, provided it is of a similar type of object (a weapon enchantment must go to another weapon, for example). Doing so follows the normal rules for crafting, but the base cost is 1/4 of the normal magic item, and it counts as creating a consumable item. Once you finish, the magic item becomes nonmagical, and the nonmagical item becomes a magic item with the same properties the magic item had. You do not need a formula or catalyst to move an enchantment. The DM is the final arbiter on which enchantments can be moved.
Item Crafting Guides
Table: Armor
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Adamantine Armor | Uncommon | 500 | 50 | SMT | - | Adamantine Ore | Add cost of armor |
Animated Shield | Epic | | | | | | Add cost of shield |
Armor of Etherealness | Legendary | 30000 | 3000 | | | | Add cost of armor |
Armor of Invulnerability | Legendary | 20000 | 200 | | | | Add cost of armor |
Armor of Resistance (Common) | Uncommon | 1500 | 150 | SMT, LTW | Varies | | Add cost of armor |
Armor of Resistance (Rare) | Rare | 3000 | 300 | SMT, LTW | Varies | | Add cost of armor |
Armor/Shield, +1 | Rare | 1500 | 150 | SMT, LTW, WOD | Arcana | | No formula needed, add cost of armor/shield |
Armor/Shield, +2 | Epic | 6000 | 600 | SMT, LTW, WOD | Arcana | | No formula needed, add cost of armor/shield |
Armor/Shield, +3 | Legendary | 24000 | 2400 | SMT, LTW, WOD | Arcana | | No formula needed, add cost of armor/shield |
Arrow-Catching Shield | Rare | 6000 | 600 | | | | Add cost of shield |
Dead Man's Armor | Rare | 4000 | 400 | SMT, LTW | Arcana | | Add cost of armor |
Dragon Scale Armor | Epic | 5500 | 5500 | | | | Add cost of armor |
Dwarven Armor | Epic | 9000 | 900 | | | | Add cost of armor |
Efreeti Armor | Legendary | 75000 | 7500 | | | | Add cost of armor |
Elven Armor | Rare | 4000 | 400 | | | | Add cost of armor |
Glamoured Armor | Rare | 3000 | 300 | | | | Add cost of armor |
Mariner's Armor | Uncommon | 1200 | 120 | | | | Add cost of armor |
Mithral Armor | Uncommon | 500 | 50 | | | | Add cost of armor |
Sentinel Shield | Uncommon | 5000 | 500 | SMT, WOD | Any | | Add cost of shield |
Shield of Missile Attraction | Rare | 5000 | 500 | SMT, WOD | Arcana | | Add cost of shield |
Spellguard Shield | Epic | 40000 | 4000 | | | | Add cost of shield |
Table: Books
Item Name | Rarity | Consumable? | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Manual of Bodily Health | Epic | | 55000 | 5500 | | | | |
Manual of Clay Golems | Epic | Yes | 5000 | 250 | | | | |
Manual of Flesh Golems | Epic | Yes | 5000 | 250 | | | | |
Manual of Gainful Exercise | Epic | | 55000 | 5500 | | | | |
Manual of Quickness of Action | Epic | | 55000 | 5500 | | | | |
Tome of Clear Thought | Epic | | 55000 | 5500 | | | | |
Tome of Leadership and Influence | Epic | | 55000 | 5500 | | | | |
Tome of Understanding | Epic | | 55000 | 5500 | | | | |
Enduring Spellbook | Common | | 250 | 25 | | | | |
Spellshard | Common | | 250 | 25 | | | | |
Table: Constructs
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Witchlight | Uncommon | 2000 | 200 | JWL | Arcana | | Gem worth 50gp (in cost) |
Table: Equipment
Item Name | Rarity | Consumable? | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Brooch of Shielding | Uncommon | | | | | | | |
Drybrooch | Common | | 100 | 10 | JWL | Arcana | | |
Earrings of Alluring Charisma | Rare | | 6000 | 600 | JWL | Arcana | | |
Glamerweave, Simple | Common | | 25 | 2.5 | WVR | Arcana | | |
Glamerweave, Complex | Uncommon | | 200 | 20 | WVR | Arcana | | |
Horn of Blasting | Rare | Yes | 625 | 31.25 | | | | |
Horn of Fear | Rare | Yes | 700 | 35 | | | | |
Robe of Eyes | Rare | | 16000 | 1600 | | | | |
Robe of Stars | Epic | | 46500 | 4650 | | | | |
Robe of Useful Items (Per Patch) | Uncommon | | 500 | 50 | | | | |
Shiftweave | Common | | 500 | 50 | WVR | Arcana | | |
Horn of Silent Alarm | Common | | 500 | 50 | | | | |
Boots / Footwear
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Boots of Elvenkind | Uncommon | 2500 | 250 | | | | |
Boots of Iron Gait | Uncommon | 1250 | 125 | BLK, COB, LTW | Arcana | | |
Boots of Levitation | Rare | 4000 | 400 | | | | |
Boots of Speed | Rare | 4000 | 400 | | | | |
Boots of Striding and Springing | Uncommon | 1750 | 175 | COB, LTW | Arcana, Nature | | |
Boots of the Winterlands | Uncommon | 2500 | 250 | | | | |
Sandals of Incredible Dexterity | Epic | 12000 | 1200 | | Arcana | | |
Slippers of Spider Climbing | Uncommon | | | | | | |
Winged Boots | Uncommon | 8000 | 800 | | | | |
Boots of False Tracks | Uncommon | 250 | 800 | | | | |
Bracers / Wristwear
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Bracers of Archery | Uncommon | | | | | | |
Bracers of Defense | Rare | 6000 | 600 | LTW, JWL, SMT | Arcana, Religion | | |
Gauntlets of Ogre Power | Rare | 6000 | 600 | | Arcana | | |
Gloves of Thievery | Uncommon | 1475 | 147.5 | | | | |
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Cape of the Mountebank | Rare | 6000 | 600 | LTW, WVR | Arcana | | |
Cloak of Arachnida | Epic | | | | | | |
Cloak of Billowing | Common | 150 | 15 | LTW, WVR | Arcana | | |
Cloak of Displacement | Rare | | | | | | |
Cloak of Elvenkind | Uncommon | 2500 | 250 | | | | |
Cloak of Invisibility | Legendary | 80000 | 8000 | | | | |
Cloak of Many Fashions | Common | 150 | 15 | | | | |
Cloak of Protection | Uncommon | 3500 | 350 | LTW, WVR | | | |
Cloak of the Bat | Rare | 7000 | 700 | | | | |
Cloak of the Manta Ray | Uncommon | 3200 | 320 | | | | |
Mantle of Spell Resistance | Rare | 14750 | 1475 | | | | |
Wings of Flying | Rare | 5000 | 500 | | | | |
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Circlet of Blasting | Uncommon | 800 | 80 | | | Arcana | | |
Eyes of the Eagle | Uncommon | 1500 | 150 | | | | |
Hat of Disguise | Uncommon | 2500 | 250 | LTW, WVR | Arcana | Spell Scroll (3rd level) | |
Headband of Intellect | Rare | 6000 | 600 | | Arcana | | |
Helm of Brilliance | Epic | 33000 | 3300 | | | | |
Necklaces / Amulets
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Amulet of the Drunkard | Uncommon | 1500 | 150 | JWL | Arcana | | |
Amulet of Health | Epic | 12000 | 1200 | JWL | Arcana | | |
Amulet of the Planes | Epic | 78000 | 7800 | JWL | Any | | |
Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location | Uncommon | 1100 | 110 | JWL | Arcana | | |
Clockwork Amulet | Common | 250 | 25 | | | | |
Medallion of Thoughts | Uncommon | 1250 | 125 | | | | |
Necklace of Adaptation | Uncommon | | | | | | |
Necklace of Inspired Wisdom | Epic | 12000 | 1200 | | Arcana | | |
Periapt of Health | Uncommon | 2000 | 200 | | | | |
Periapt of Proof Against Poison | Rare | 5000 | 500 | | | | |
Periapt of Wound Closure | Uncommon | 5000 | 500 | | | | |
Raven's Wing Amulet | Rare | 8000 | 800 | JWL | Arcana | | |
Talisman of Pure Good | Legendary | 72000 | 7200 | | | | |
Talisman of Ultimate Evil | Legendary | 72000 | 7200 | | | | |
Mount Equipment
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Horseshoes of a Zephyr | Epic | 1500 | 150 | | | | |
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Ring of Animal Influence | Rare | | | JWL | | | |
Ring of Elemental Command | Legendary | | | JWL | | | |
Ring of Evasion | Rare | 5000 | 500 | JWL | | | |
Ring of Feather Falling | Rare | 2000 | 200 | JWL | | | |
Ring of Free Action | Rare | 6000 | 1100 | JWL | | | |
Ring of Invisibility | Legendary | | | JWL | | | |
Ring of Jumping | Uncommon | 1450 | 145 | JWL | | | |
Ring of Mind Shielding | Uncommon | 900 | 90 | JWL | Arcana | | |
Ring of Protection | Rare | 3500 | 350 | JWL | | | |
Ring of Regeneration | Epic | 12500 | 1250 | JWL | | | |
Ring of Resistance (Common) | Uncommon | 2000 | 200 | JWL | Arcana, Nature | | |
Ring of Resistance (Rare) | Rare | 4000 | 400 | JWL | Arcana, Nature | | |
Ring of Shooting Stars | Epic | | | JWL | | | |
Ring of Spell Storing | Rare | 7000 | 700 | JWL | | | |
Ring of Spell Turning | Legendary | | | JWL | | | |
Ring of Swimming | Uncommon | | | JWL | | | |
Ring of Telekinesis | Epic | | | JWL | | | |
Ring of the Ram | Rare | | | JWL | | | |
Ring of Water Walking | Uncommon | 1000 | 100 | JWL | Any | | |
Ring of X-Ray Vision | Rare | 4000 | 400 | JWL | | | |
Ring of Obscuring | Uncommon | 1000 | 100 | JWL | | | |
Table: Foci
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Pearl of Power | Uncommon | 1200 | 120 | | | | |
Crystal Balls
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Crystal Ball | Epic | 32000 | 3200 | | | | |
Crystal Ball of Mind Reading | Legendary | | | | | | |
Crystal Ball of Telepathy | Legendary | | | | | | |
Crystal Ball of True Seeing | Legendary | | | | | | |
Ioun Stones
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Ioun Stone, Awareness | Rare | 6000 | 600 | | | | |
Ioun Stone, Mastery | Legendary | 15000 | 1500 | | | | |
Ioun Stone, Reserve | Rare | 6000 | 600 | | | | |
Ioun Stone, Sustenance | Rare | 3000 | 300 | | | | |
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Immovable Rod | Uncommon | 500 | 50 | | | | |
Rod of Absorption | Epic | | | | | | |
Rod of Rulership | Rare | | | | | | |
Rod of Security | Epic | 75000 | 7500 | | | | |
Rod of the Pact Keeper, +1 | Uncommon | 3000 | 300 | | | | |
Rod of the Pact Keeper, +2 | Rare | 9000 | 900 | | | | |
Rod of the Pact Keeper, +3 | Epic | 27000 | 2700 | | | | |
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Staff of Charming | Rare | 6600 | 660 | | | | |
Staff of Denial | Rare | 12000 | 1200 | | | | |
Staff of Fire | Epic | | | | | | |
Staff of Frost | Epic | | | | | | |
Staff of Healing | Rare | 10000 | 1000 | | | | |
Staff of Power | Epic | 95500 | 9550 | | | | |
Staff of Swarming Insects | Rare | 10000 | 1000 | | | | |
Staff of Thunderclaps | Uncommon | 2000 | 200 | BLK, WOD | Arcana, Nature | | |
Staff of Withering | Rare | 3000 | 300 | | | | |
Staff of the Magi | Legendary | | | | | | |
Staff of the Woodlands | Rare | | | | | | |
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Wand of Binding | Rare | 10000 | 1000 | | | | |
Wand of Dowsing | Common | 500 | 50 | | | | |
Wand of Fear | Rare | 7000 | 700 | JWL | Arcana | | |
Wand of Lightning Bolts | Rare | 15000 | 1500 | JWL | Arcana | | |
Wand of Magic Detection | Uncommon | 1200 | 120 | | | | |
Wand of Magic Missiles | Uncommon | 1000 | 100 | JWL | Arcana | Spell Scroll (3rd level) | |
Wand of Paralysis | Rare | 10000 | 1000 | JWL | Arcana | | |
Wand of Secrets | Uncommon | 800 | 80 | | | | |
Wand of the War Mage, +1 | Uncommon | 1200 | 120 | | | | |
Wand of the War Mage, +2 | Rare | 4800 | 480 | | | | |
Wand of the War Mage, +3 | Epic | 19200 | 1920 | | | | |
Table: Instruments
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Horn of Valhalla (Brass) | Rare | 8400 | 840 | | | | |
Horn of Valhalla (Bronze) | Epic | 11200 | 1120 | | | | |
Horn of Valhalla (Iron) | Legendary | 14000 | 1400 | | | | |
Horn of Valhalla (Silver) | Rare | 5600 | 560 | | | | |
Instrument of the Bards (Canaith Mandolin) | Rare | 14000 | 1400 | | | | |
Instrument of the Bards (Doss Lute) | Uncommon | 3250 | 325 | | | | |
Pipes of Haunting | Uncommon | 750 | 75 | | | | |
Table: Potions
Item Name | Rarity | Consumable? | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Blight Oil | Common | Yes | 10 | 0.5 | | | | |
Elixir of Health | Rare | Yes | 125 | 6.25 | | | | |
Hair Tonic | Common | Yes | 10 | 0.5 | | | | |
Philter of Love | Uncommon | Yes | | | | | | |
Potion of Animal Friendship | Uncommon | Yes | | | | | | |
Potion of Clairvoyance | Rare | Yes | | | | | | |
Potion of Climbing | Common | Yes | | | | | | |
Potion of Diminution | Rare | Yes | | | | | | |
Potion of Fire Breath | Uncommon | Yes | 150 | 7.5 | | | | |
Potion of Flying | Epic | Yes | 500 | 25 | | | | |
Potion of Gaseous Form | Rare | Yes | 300 | | | | | |
Potion of Giant Strength (Hill) | Uncommon | Yes | | | ALC | | Hill giant nail | |
Potion of Growth | Uncommon | Yes | 225 | 11.25 | | | | |
Potion of Healing | Common | Yes | 50 | 2.5 | ALC, HRB | - | | No formula needed |
Potion of Healing, Greater | Uncommon | Yes | 150 | 7.5 | ALC, HRB | - | | No formula needed |
Potion of Healing, Superior | Rare | Yes | 450 | 22.5 | ALC, HRB | - | | No formula needed |
Potion of Healing, Supreme | Epic | Yes | 1350 | 67.5 | ALC, HRB | - | | No formula needed |
Potion of Heroism | Rare | Yes | 180 | 27.25 | ALC | Arcana, Religion | | |
Potion of Invisibility | Epic | Yes | 180 | | | | | |
Potion of Invulnerability | Rare | Yes | 4000 | 200 | | | | |
Potion of Longevity | Epic | Yes | 9000 | | | | | |
Potion of Mind Reading | Rare | Yes | | | | | | |
Potion of Poison | Uncommon | Yes | 100 | 5 | | | | |
Potion of Resistance (Common) | Uncommon | Yes | 300 | 15 | ALC | Arcana, Nature | | |
Potion of Resistance (Rare) | Rare | Yes | 600 | 30 | ALC | Arcana, Nature | | |
Potion of Speed | Epic | Yes | 400 | | | | | |
Potion of Vitality | Epic | Yes | 1000 | 100 | ALC, HRB | | | |
Potion of Water Breathing | Common | Yes | 180 | 9 | | | | |
Table: Scrolls
Item Name | Rarity | Consumable? | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Scroll of Protection | Rare | Yes | 250 | 12.5 | - | | | |
Spell Scroll, 0 Level (Cantrip) | Common | Yes | 25 | 1.25 | - | Varies | Spell Known/Prepared | No formula needed |
Spell Scroll, 1st Level | Common | Yes | 50 | 2.5 | - | Varies | Spell Known/Prepared | No formula needed, add material cost (not reduced) |
Spell Scroll, 2nd Level | Uncommon | Yes | 100 | 5 | - | Varies | Spell Known/Prepared | No formula needed, add material cost (not reduced) |
Spell Scroll, 3rd Level | Uncommon | Yes | 250 | 12.5 | - | Varies | Spell Known/Prepared | No formula needed, add material cost (not reduced) |
Spell Scroll, 4th Level | Rare | Yes | 500 | 25 | - | Varies | Spell Known/Prepared | No formula needed, add material cost (not reduced) |
Spell Scroll, 5th Level | Rare | Yes | 1250 | 62.5 | - | Varies | Spell Known/Prepared | No formula needed, add material cost (not reduced) |
Spell Scroll, 6th Level | Epic | Yes | 2500 | 125 | - | Varies | Spell Known/Prepared | No formula needed, add material cost (not reduced) |
Spell Scroll, 7th Level | Epic | Yes | 5000 | 250 | - | Varies | Spell Known/Prepared | No formula needed, add material cost (not reduced) |
Spell Scroll, 8th Level | Epic | Yes | 10000 | 500 | - | Varies | Spell Known/Prepared | No formula needed, add material cost (not reduced) |
Spell Scroll, 9th Level | Legendary | Yes | 15000 | 750 | - | Varies | Spell Known/Prepared | No formula needed, add material cost (not reduced) |
Table: Vehicles
Item Name | Rarity | Consumable? | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Apparatus of Kwalish | Legendary | | 30000 | 3000 | SMT, TNK | Arcana | | |
Broom of Flying | Uncommon | | 3000 | 300 | | | | |
Folding Boat | Rare | | 10000 | 1000 | | | | |
Table: Weapons
Item Name | Rarity | Consumable? | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Ammunition, +1 | Uncommon | Yes | 10 | 0.5 | WOD | Arcana | Spell Scroll | No formula needed, catalyst good for 20 pieces |
Ammunition, +2 | Rare | Yes | 100 | 5 | WOD | Arcana | Spell Scroll (4th level) | No formula needed, catalyst good for 20 pieces |
Ammunition, +3 | Epic | Yes | 400 | 20 | WOD | Arcana | Spell Scroll (6th level) | No formula needed, catalyst good for 20 pieces |
Arrow of Slaying (General) | Epic | Yes | 600 | 30 | WOD | Arcana | | |
Arrow of Slaying (Specific) | Rare | Yes | 400 | 20 | WOD | Arcana | | |
Berserker Weapon | Rare | | | | | | | |
Dancing Weapon | Epic | | | | | | | |
Holy Avenger | Legendary | | | | | | | |
Nine Lives Stealer Weapon | Epic | | 12000 | 1200 | | | | 2000 + 1000 per charge |
Oath Weapon | Epic | | 31000 | 3100 | | | | |
Ricochet Weapon | Rare | | 2000 | 200 | | | | |
Skirmisher Weapon | Uncommon | | 400 | 40 | | | | |
Slaughter Weapon | Uncommon | | 1250 | 125 | | | | |
Slayer Weapon | Rare | | 6500 | 650 | | | | |
Vicious Weapon | Uncommon | | 350 | 35 | SMT, WOD | Arcana | | Add cost of weapon |
Vorpal Weapon | Legendary | | 20000 | 2000 | | | | |
Weapon, +1 | Uncommon | | 600 | 60 | SMT, WOD | Arcana | Spell Scroll | Add cost of weapon, no formula needed |
Weapon, +2 | Rare | | 3000 | 300 | SMT, WOD | Arcana | Spell Scroll (4th level) | Add cost of weapon, no formula needed |
Weapon, +3 | Epic | | 15000 | 1500 | SMT, WOD | Arcana | Spell Scroll (6th level) | Add cost of weapon, no formula needed |
Weapon of Answering | Legendary | | | | | | | |
Weapon of Disruption | Rare | | 7000 | 700 | | | | |
Weapon of Life Stealing | Rare | | 1000 | 100 | | | | |
Weapon of Sharpness | Epic | | 1750 | 175 | | | | |
Weapon of Speed | Epic | | 13000 | 1300 | SMT, WOD | Arcana | | Add cost of weapon |
Weapon of Terror | Rare | | 8000 | 800 | | | | |
Weapon of Venom | Rare | | | | | | | |
Weapon of Warning | Uncommon | | 1500 | 150 | SMT, WOD | Arcana | | |
Weapon of Wounding | Rare | | 2000 | 200 | | | | |
Flame Tongue | Rare | | 3500 | 350 | SMT, WOD | Arcana | | Add cost of weapon |
Flamethrower | Uncommon | | 1000 | 100 | ALC, TNK | Arcana | | |
Frost Brand | Epic | | 11000 | 1100 | SMT, WOD | Arcana | | Add cost of weapon |
Weapon of Beast Command | Uncommon | | 350 | 35 | SMT, WOD | Arcana | | Add cost of weapon |
Table: Wondrous Items
Item Name | Rarity | Consumable? | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Alchemy Jug | Uncommon | | 2400 | 240 | POT, TNK | Arcana | | |
Bag of Colding | Uncommon | | 2500 | 250 | LTW, WVR | Arcana | | |
Bag of Holding | Uncommon | | 1750 | 175 | LTW, WVR | Arcana | | |
Bead of Force | Rare | Yes | 960 | 48 | | | | |
Canteen of Last Resort | Common | | 100 | 10 | | | | |
Chime of Opening | Rare | Yes | 1500 | 75 | | | | |
Coin of Delving | Common | | 50 | 5 | | | | |
Cubic Gate | Legendary | | | | | | | |
Decanter of Endless Water | Uncommon | | 5500 | 550 | | Any | | |
Deck of Illusions | Uncommon | Yes | 2250 | 112.5 | | | | |
Dimensional Shackles | Rare | | 3000 | 300 | SMT, JWL | Arcana | | |
Driftglobe | Uncommon | | 600 | 60 | | | | |
Dust of Disappearance | Uncommon | Yes | 100 | 5 | | | | |
Efreeti Bottle | Epic | Yes | 72500 | 3625 | | | | |
Elemental Gem | Uncommon | Yes | 2000 | 100 | JWL | Arcana, Nature | Mote | Gem worth 1000gp (in cost) |
Eversmoking Bottle | Uncommon | | | | | | | |
Gem of Brightness | Uncommon | Yes | 600 | 30 | | | | |
Gem of Seeing | Rare | | 18000 | 1800 | | | | |
Handy Haversack | Rare | | 3000 | 300 | LTW, WVR | Arcana | | |
Herbal Energy Mushroom | Common | Yes | 10 | 0.5 | | | | |
Idea Bulb | Common | | 50 | 5 | | | | |
Lantern of Revealing | Uncommon | | 400 | 40 | | | | |
Living Chalk | Common | | 10 | 1 | | | | |
Luckstone | Uncommon | | 600 | 60 | | | | |
Magmin Pan | Common | | 100 | 10 | | | | |
Marvelous Pigments | Epic | Yes | 200 | 10 | | | | |
Necklace of Fireballs (Bead) | Uncommon | Yes | 300 | 15 | JWL, GLS | Arcana | Scroll of Fireball | Multiple beads crafted at once need only one component |
Oil of Etherealness | Rare | Yes | 1920 | 115 | | | | |
Oil of Sharpness | Epic | Yes | | | | | | |
Oil of Slipperiness | Uncommon | Yes | 300 | 15 | | | | |
Pipe of Insight | Common | | | | | | | |
Portable Hole | Rare | | 7000 | 700 | WVR | Arcana | | |
Quiver of Ehlonna | Uncommon | | | | | | | |
Repelling Candle | Common | Yes | 10 | 0.5 | | | | |
Rope of Climbing | Uncommon | | 250 | 25 | | | | |
Rope of Mending | Common | | 150 | 15 | | | | |
Rope of Entanglement | Rare | | 4000 | 400 | | | | |
Sending Stone | Uncommon | | 200 | 20 | JWL | Arcana, Religion | Scroll of Sending | Gem worth 50gp (in cost) |
Sovereign Glue | Legendary | Yes | | | | | | |
Thermal Cube | Common | | 500 | 50 | | | | |
Universal Solvent | Legendary | Yes | | | | | | |
Wind Fan | Uncommon | Yes | 600 | 30 | | | | |
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Bronze Gryphon | Rare | | | | | | |
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ebony Fly | Rare | | | | | | |
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Golden Lions | Rare | | | | | | |
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ivory Goats | Rare | | | | | | |
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Marble Elephant | Rare | 5000 | 500 | | | | |
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Onyx Dog | Rare | 3000 | 300 | JWL | Arcana, Nature | | |
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Obsidian Steed | Epic | | | | | | |
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Serpentine Owl | Rare | | | | | | |
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Silver Raven | Uncommon | | | | | | |
Prayer Beads
Item Name | Rarity | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Prayer Bead, Bless | Rare | 2000 | 200 | | | | |
Prayer Bead, Favor | Rare | 32000 | 3200 | | | | |
Prayer Bead, Smiting | Rare | 1500 | 150 | | | | |
Prayer Bead, Summons | Rare | 128000 | 12800 | | | | |
Prayer Bead, Curing | Rare | 4000 | 400 | | | | |
Prayer Bead, Wind Walking | Rare | 96000 | 9600 | | | | |
Item Name | Rarity | Consumable? | Base Price (gp) | Base Time (days) | Crafting Proficiencies | Enchanting Skill | Component Example | Special |
Feather Token | Common | Yes | 150 | 7.5 | JWL | Arcana | Scroll of Feather Fall | |
Squall Token, Anchor | Rare | Yes | | | | | | |
Squall Token, Bird | Rare | Yes | | | | | | |
Squall Token, Fan | Rare | Yes | | | | | | |
Squall Token, Swan Boat | Rare | Yes | 2000 | 100 | | | | |
Squall Token, Whip | Rare | Yes | | | | | | |