Vampirism: Dark Adaptation
Prerequisite(s): 3rd level, Vampirism
Your blackened soul has become resilient, and you have hardened yourself against some of the weaknesses that come with your dark gifts. Choose three of the following options, which replace or modify your vampiric weaknesses.
- Facsimile. You are undead, but you have grown adept at hiding your nature. As long as you have dealt damage to a living creature with your bite attack within the last day, you have Advantage against being Turned, your creature type cannot be detected by magic or similar effects, such as a paladin's Divine Sense, and you can be affected by spells that restore hit points to creatures that have no effect on Undead. Replaces Creature Type.
- Invader. You may freely enter any residence you wish. Each time you do, make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC equal to your character level or 10, whichever is higher. On a success, you suffer no penalties while in the residence as if you were invited. Otherwise, you have Disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws for as long as you remain within the residence without an invitation. If you fail this save, you cannot make it again with that particular residence until a month has passed. Replaces Forbiddance.
- Dark Diver. If you end your turn in running water, make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 2d10 acid damage. If you pass this save, you do not need to make the save again for an hour. Replaces Harmed by Water.
- Echoes of the Past. You have expanded what constitutes your resting place to include things that were significant to you in life. Any location with strong ties to your experiences in life, such as your childhood residence or a room decorated with several works of art you created while alive, can count as a resting place. Once a week, any location can be designated as a resting place as long as you keep a single item of significance there, be it a plank of wood from your coffin, a satchel of dirt from your grave, or your favorite doll. This ritual takes one hour, and when you designate a new resting place with this ability, the old one becomes inert. Modifies Resting Place.
- Restless Sleep. You can now sleep without being within your resting place, but doing so does not provide the benefits of a long rest (though you can still benefit from short rests, including while you are sleeping). You cannot recover spent hit die from this rest, but you can recover from levels of exhaustion. Modifies Resting Place. You cannot take Sleepless Rest if you have this adaptation.
- Sleepless Rest. You can now gain the benefits of a long rest without being within your resting place, though you cannot sleep. You cannot recover from levels of exhaustion without sleeping, but you can recover spent hit dice. Modifies Resting Place. You cannot take Restless Sleep if you have this adaptation.
- Sunlight Sensitivity. You have Disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of the attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. Replaces Sunlight Hypersensitivity.
Whenever you gain a level, you may swap out one option for another from this list.