Magic Initiate
You have learned the basics of a particular magic tradition. Choose one spell list: Arcane, Divine, or Primal. You gain the following benefits related to that choice:
- Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the spell list.
- 1st-Level Spell. Choose one 1st-level spell from the spell list. You always have that spell prepared. You can cast it once without spending mana, and you regain the ability to cast it in that way when you finish a long rest. You can also cast this spell using mana you have.
- Spellcasting Foci. You also gain the ability to use the spellcasting focus options available for the spell list you chose: an arcane focus, gaming set, or instrument for Arcane; a holy symbol for Divine, or a druidic focus for Primal.
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells (choose when you select this feat). Whenever you gain a new level, you can replace one of the spells you chose for this feat with a different spell of the same level from the chosen spell list.