Find Vehicle

2nd-Level Conjuration
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 30 feet
Components: VS
Duration: Instantaneous

You summon a spirit that assumes the form of a land vehicle of your choice, appearing in an unoccupied space within range. The vehicle must be Medium Large or smaller, have no action stations or weapons besides the helm, and may only carry its pilot without squeezing. The vehicle is typical of its kind, though it is celestial, fey, or fiendish (your choice) in origin.
You have a supernatural bond with the conjured vehicle that allows you to drive beyond your normal ability. While driving the conjured vehicle, you add your proficiency bonus to ability checks related to driving the vehicle. If you already would, add double your proficiency bonus instead. While driving the vehicle, you can make any spell you cast that targets only you also target the vehicle.
If the vehicle drops to 0 hit points, it disappears, leaving behind no physical form. You can also dismiss the vehicle at any time as an action, causing it to disappear.
You can't have more than one vehicle bonded by this spell at a time. As an action, you can release the vehicle from its bond at any time, causing it to disappear.
Table: Find Vehicle Customization
Spell LevelHardpointsAvailable CustomizationsMaximum SizeVehicle Examples
2nd1LargeChariot, Devil's Ride
3rd2Capacity, Locomotion (Water)HugeCanoe, Wagon
4th3Locomotion (Burrow)HugeRowboat, Mole Machine
5th4Locomotion (Air)GargantuanGlider, Airship
6th5Action Station (Tools)GargantuanPlow, Scavenger
7th6Action Station (Weapons)GargantuanDemon Grinder, Tormenter
8th7Capacity (Special)SpecialKeelboat
9th8Action Station (Special)SpecialHellion, Warp Teleporter
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can conjure vehicles of greater size, capacity, and versatility. Consult the table below, and your DM, to select an appropriate vehicle.


When you cast this spell, you may spend any hardpoints available to you at the level of casting on customizations of your vehicle. Unless otherwise specified, a customization takes 1 hardpoint, and can be taken more than once.
Capacity. The first time you take this customization, your vehicle can have a maximum capacity of 2 Medium creatures, and subsequent times increases the capacity by 2 more Medium creatures. If the spell is cast at 8th level or higher, when you spend 5 or more hardpoints on capacity, your vehicle can carry a number of Medium creatures equal to 10 times the hardpoints spend, as long as it is large enough.
Locomotion. Locomotion customizations change or add additional speeds to your vehicle. Typically, water and burrowing vehicles have speeds half as fast as their land counterparts, and flying vehicles have speeds twice as fast. Replacing your land speed with a different speed costs one hardpoint, while adding a new one costs two hardpoints.
Action Station. Action stations are points that can be manned by passengers to perform certain tasks to aid in combat or exploration. Tool stations are for things that aid in exploration, such as plows, pulleys, or cranes, or passive tools like expanded weight capacity. Weapon stations include things like ballistae, cannons, or passive weapons like crushing wheels or reaping scythes. Special action stations include exotic weapons, like flamethrowers or styx sprayers, or special equipment, like teleporters and stealth fields. An action station can be integrated with the helm by spending two hardpoints instead of one.

Size Limits

Certain sized vehicles can only carry a certain number of passengers comfortably, or a certain number of action stations that can fit on the vehicle. If you would increase the capacity of your vehicle or attach action stations beyond the maximum for a given size, you must increase the size or choose other customizations, if any.
Vehicle SizeMeasurements (ft.)Maximum Capacity (Medium Creatures)Maximum Stations
Medium5 ft. by 5 ft.11
Large10 ft. by 10 ft.42
Huge15 ft. by 15 ft.84
Gargantuan20 ft. by 20 ft.126
Special20 ft. by Spell Level x 10 ft.Varies (usually = half the length)None

Source: Unearthed Arcana: Modern Magic
