Cavalry Maneuvers

Mobile, Mounted, Spirited

There are many warriors that fight on horseback— or an altogether different kind of creature — and master the tricks of battling in tandem with their mount to overwhelm slower, less mobile foes. The most common adherents to this tradition are soldiers typically born to noble castes with the resources to both keep steeds and pay for the tutelage of their use. Many Cavalry maneuvers can only be used while mounted.

Classes: Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Marshal, Ranger, Slayer

1st Degree Maneuvers

Cavalier Stance1 focus1st degree Cavalry bonus action (stance)
While you maintain this stance, your mount’s AC increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus while you are riding it.
Mounted Charge2 focus1st degree Cavalry action
You must be mounted to use this maneuver. Move up to your mount’s speed in a straight line. If a creature is within your reach at the end of this movement, make a melee attack against it with advantage.
Riding Leap1 focus1st degree Cavalry free action
When your mount jumps, you can triple your mount's jump distance until the end of your turn.
Tilt2 focus1st degree Cavalry action (attack)
You must be wielding a weapon with the reach property, mounted on a creature, and move 20 or more feet in order to use this maneuver. Take the attack action. If the first attack hits, you deal an additional 1d10 damage of the weapon’s type and the creature makes a Strength saving throw or is knocked prone.

2nd Degree Maneuvers

Rearing Menace2 focus2nd degree Cavalry action (attack)
You must be mounted to use this maneuver. Take the Attack action, replacing one of your attacks by spurring your mount to rear back and menace the world. Each creature within 30 feet of your mount makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, a creature is frightened until the end of your next turn, and if the creature is within 5 feet of your mount and is of a size category smaller than it, it falls prone. A creature larger than your mount has advantage on this saving throw. If the target successfully saves against the effect, the target is immune to this maneuver for the next 24 hours.
Spur Mount2 focus2nd degree Cavalry free action
While you are riding your mount, before it makes an ability check or saving throw, you can use your grant it advantage.
Trample3 focus2nd degree Cavalry bonus action
You must be mounted to use this maneuver. Until the end of the turn, your mount can move through enemy spaces as long as they are smaller than your mount. Creatures you pass through must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage (3d6 if your mount is Huge) and is knocked prone.

3rd Degree Maneuvers

Dressage2 focus3rd degree Cavalry bonus action (stance)
While you maintain this stance, your mount’s movements do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Mount Shield1 focus3rd degree Cavalry reaction
You must be mounted to use this maneuver. When a creature targets you with an attack you can use your reaction to swing down the side of your mount, making it the target of the attack instead of you.
Mounted Kick3 focus3rd degree Cavalry reaction
You must be mounted to use this maneuver. When a creature within 5 feet of you makes a melee attack against you, and the creature is smaller than your mount, you can use your reaction to try and kick them in the face, disrupting their attack. Make an unarmed strike against the creature that attacked you. If you hit, you deal your unarmed damage to that creature, and that creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against you until the end of the turn.

4th Degree Maneuvers

Steel Horse Stance3 focus4th degree Cavalry bonus action (stance)
While you maintain this stance, your mount has advantage on saving throws and resistance to all damage. Additionally, when you hit a creature with a melee attack, your mount has advantage on attack rolls against it on its next turn.
Vault3 focus4th degree Cavalry action
You must be mounted to use this maneuver. If your mount moved at least 30 feet in a straight line, you can dismount and move 10 feet away from your mount and make a melee weapon attack against a creature within your reach before you land. On a hit, the attack flourishes as if the attack was a Called Shot. If the attack roll would have flourished, it is a critical hit instead. If the attack roll would have been a critical hit, the critical hit deals maximum damage. If the attack misses, you fall prone and take 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
Whistle2 focus4th degree Cavalry bonus action
When you have become separated from your mount but can see it, you can use a bonus action to whistle. As long as your mount is able to hear you, it uses its reaction to move up to twice its speed towards you. If it is not adjacent to you, it can move the same distance again, but suffers 1 level of fatigue if it does.

5th Degree Maneuvers

Reassuring Pat3 focus5th degree Cavalry bonus action
Your mount regains hit points equal to your level, and you can remove one effect causing the mount to be charmed, frightened, restrained, or stunned.
Wheeling Charge3 focus5th degree Cavalry action (attack)
Take the Attack action. When you hit a creature, your mount can move through that creature without provoking attacks of opportunity, and all attacks against that creature flourish as if the attacks are Called Shots.