Determination Maneuvers

Awareness, Concentration, Discipline

The most impressive strikes and superlative parries are not matters of luck or circumstance when made by a warrior utilizing the Determination — they are the fruits of keen awareness, concentration, and iron-clad discipline.

Classes: Adept, Arcane Warrior, Bloodhunter, Fighter, Marshal, Ranger, Slayer

1st Degree Maneuvers

Alert Stance1 focus1st degree Determination bonus action (stance)
While you maintain this stance, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks during combat and on ability checks to determine initiative.
Combat Roll1 focus1st degree Determination bonus action
Take the Disengage and Tumble actions as a part of the same bonus action.
Deadly Strikes1+ focus1st degree Determination action (attack)
Take the Attack action, spending focus equal to the number of attacks you make as a part of it. Until the start of your next turn, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19–20.
Exploit Footing2 focus1st degree Determination reaction
When a creature makes a melee weapon attack against you with advantage and misses, or when it has disadvantage and both attack rolls would miss, you can use your reaction to try to trip it. The creature makes a Dexterity saving throw or is knocked prone.

2nd Degree Maneuvers

Ignore Pain2 focus2nd degree Determination bonus action (stance)
While you maintain this stance, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage you take from non-magical weapons is reduced by 2.
Iron Will1 focus2nd degree Determination reaction
When you make a saving throw to resist being charmed or frightened, you can gain advantage on the saving throw.
Perfect Concentration3 focus2nd degree Determination free action
When you fail a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration, you can choose to succeed instead.

3rd Degree Maneuvers

Drive Back1 focus3rd degree Determination action (attack)
Take the Attack action. After you make an attack roll against a creature that is no more than 1 size category larger than you, you can push the target back 5 feet. You can choose to move into that creatures space at the same time without using any of your movement.
Eye for an Eye1 focus3rd degree Determination reaction
When a creature flourishes against you using a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against it.
Instinctive Counterattack1 focus3rd degree Determination bonus action (stance)
While you maintain this stance, you can make any number of opportunity attacks each round. Each opportunity attack you make after the first costs 1 focus.

4th Degree Maneuvers

Dashing Razor1 focus4th degree Determination bonus action
You take the Dash action, and you have advantage on the next melee weapon attack you make this turn. If you hit a target with this attack, you increase your speed by 10 feet as long as it isn't already being increased by this maneuver.
Keen Edge Stance3 focus4th degree Determination bonus action (stance)
While you maintain this stance, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19–20.
Twist the Blade3 focus4th degree Determination free action
When you flourish with a melee weapon attack, you can spend it to try to try to impale your foe. If the next melee weapon attack you make this turn hits the same target, the attack is a critical hit that does not flourish. If the attack would be a flourish, it can flourish, and if it would have been a critical hit, it deals maximum damage.

5th Degree Maneuvers

Death Blow3 focus5th degree Determination action
Make a melee weapon attack with advantage. On a hit, your attack becomes a critical hit. If your attack would have already been a critical hit, it deals maximum damage. If the attack flourishes, you can spend the flourish to force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is reduced to 0 hit points.
Third Eye3 focus5th degree Determination reaction
When a creature hits you with an attack, you may use your reaction and make a Wisdom (Perception) check. If the result is higher than the attack roll, the attack is turned into a miss, even if the result was a 20. If the attack misses, you gain advantage on attacks made against that creature until the end of your next turn. If the attack still hits, the creature has disadvantage on its next attack made against you before the end of its next turn.