Teamwork Maneuvers

Cooperative, Unity, Solidarity

A battle fought alone is often a battle already lost and practitioners of the Teamwork tradition focus on the opportunities presented when an ally is nearby to help. While they may be weaker alone, these warriors are lethal in tandem and the trust they have for their companions make them truly valuable adventurers to keep nearby.

Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Marshal, Rogue

1st Degree Maneuvers

Double-Team1 focus1st degree Teamwork bonus action
Choose a creature within your reach. The next ally that hits that creature with a melee weapon attack until the end of your next turn flourishes as if it were a Called Shot. If the attack was already a flourish, this bonus carries over to the next attack.
Legion Stance1 focus1st degree Teamwork bonus action (stance)
While you maintain this stance, you can spend a flourish to allow an ally within reach of the same creature to use their reaction to make a melee weapon attack against it. If you score a critical hit, you do not need to spend your flourish.
Shield Wall2 focus1st degree Teamwork free action
While you are wielding a shield, and you are within 5 feet of a friendly creature that is also wielding a shield, you can activate this maneuver (no action required). Until one of you moves more than 5 feet away from the other, is incapacitated, or knocked prone, you both get partial cover against all attacks.
Shoulder Check1 focus1st degree Teamwork reaction
After a creature within your reach makes a melee attack against an ally, you can use your reaction to make an unarmed strike against the creature, shoving the creature backwards on a hit. You follow the creature as they move, and do not provoke attacks of opportunities when you do. The creature must choose a new target for the attack if the original target is no longer in range.

2nd Degree Maneuvers

Back to Back2 focus2nd degree Teamwork free action
While you are within 5 feet of a friendly creature, you can activate this maneuver (no action required). Until one of you moves more than 5 feet away from the other, is incapacitated, or knocked prone, creatures cannot gain flanking bonuses and cannot have advantage on attacks against either of you.
Blitz2 focus2nd degree Teamwork action
Choose an ally you can see. Your ally can use their reaction to move up to its speed towards a creature you can see. As long as you move at least 20 feet and both you and your ally are adjacent to the creature, you and your ally both make an unarmed strike against the creature simultaneously, choosing to knock the creature prone on a success. You or your ally may grant yourself advantage on the attack by falling prone afterwards. If both attacks hit, the creature is slowed until the end of its next turn.
Dual Grapple2 focus2nd degree Teamwork bonus action
Make an unarmed strike against a creature an ally is grappling. If you hit, you grapple the creature, and the creature is restrained until the grapple ends. Either you or your ally (your choice) are also restrained until the grapple ends.

3rd Degree Maneuvers

Fastball Special3 focus3rd degree Teamwork action (attack)
Take the Attack action. You can replace one of your attacks by grabbing an ally at least one size category smaller than you within reach, and another to hurl them at an enemy. Make a Strength (Athletics) check. You throw your ally a number of feet equal to the check (minimum 5 feet). If the ally lands in a space adjacent to a creature, it can use their reaction to make a melee weapon attack against it. On a hit, the attack flourishes. If the attack roll would have flourished, it is a critical hit instead. If the attack roll would have been a critical hit, the critical hit deals maximum damage. If the attack misses, your ally falls prone and takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
Goading Attack1 focus3rd degree Teamwork action (attack)
Take the Attack action. Until the start of your next turn, when you make a melee weapon attack against a creature, you threaten the creature until the end of its next turn.
Team Trip3 focus3rd degree Teamwork reaction
When an ally within your reach hits a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature. On a hit, if the creature is no more than one size category larger than you, the creature makes a Strength saving throw or is knocked prone.

4th Degree Maneuvers

Bodyguard2 focus4th degree Teamwork reaction
When an ally within your reach is hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to swap places with them. The attack hits you instead, and you halve the attack’s damage against you.
Brotherhood Stance3 focus4th degree Teamwork bonus action (stance)
While you maintain this stance, you can take Help action whenever you hit a creature with a melee attack, aiding a friendly creature to attack the creature you hit. On a critical hit, the target of your Help action can use their reaction to take the Dodge action.
Doubletime1 focus4th degree Teamwork action
You take the Disengage action, and up to 3 allies within your reach can use their reactions to take the Disengage action and move up to half their Speed.

5th Degree Maneuvers

Rallying Cry2 focus5th degree Teamwork bonus action
Choose an ally who can see or hear you. Your ally gains temporary hit points equal to 1d10 + your proficiency bonus.
Universal Assault3 focus5th degree Teamwork action
Make a single melee weapon attack against a creature. Any ally within 5 feet of the creature you attacked can use their reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the same creature. If the creature is hit by two attacks, it takes extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus. If the creature is hit by three attacks, it takes extra damage equal to twice your proficiency bonus instead and must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the creature is hit by four or more attacks, it must also make a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn.