Templar Maneuvers

Conviction, Bravery, Anti-Magic

To achieve victory over any opponent a warrior must be confident and those who utilize the techniques of Templar are certain of their every step and swing, often zealous in their pursuit of a foe and motivated by a daunting drive to succeed no matter the cost.

Classes: Adept, Arcane Warrior, Barbarian, Bloodhunter, Fighter, Paladin

1st Degree Maneuvers

Burn Mana2 focus1st degree Templar action (attack)
Take the Attack action. Until the end of your turn, when you flourish, you can spend it to burn mana from the target. The creature loses mana equal to your Proficiency bonus, or a Spell Slot equal to half your Proficiency bonus (rounded up).
Eldritch Assessment1 focus1st degree Templar action
Choose one creature, effect, or object you can see. If you choose a creature, as long as it is not of a CR higher than your level + your proficiency bonus, you learn if that creature has spellcasting or innate spellcasting, and what the highest spell level they can cast is, as well as if they are under the effects of a spell. If you choose an effect or object, you learn if it is magical in nature, or if it is under the effects of a spell. Effects that protect against Divination magic cause creatures, effects, and objects to read as non magical.
Glare1 focus1st degree Templar bonus action
Choose one hostile creature you can see within 30 feet. If it can see you, it makes a Wisdom saving throw or is frightened of you until the end of your next turn. If the target successfully saves against the effect, the target is immune to this maneuver for the next 24 hours.
Zealous Stance1 focus1st degree Templar bonus action (stance)
While you maintain this stance, you have advantage on melee weapon attack rolls, but attack rolls against you have advantage.

2nd Degree Maneuvers

Indomitable Faith2 focus2nd degree Templar free action
When you fail a saving throw against an effect that would inflict the charmed, frightened, poisoned, or stunned condition, you can reroll the saving throw. If you do so, you must use the new roll.
Challenge2 focus2nd degree Templar bonus action
You stare down a creature you can see within 30 feet, and if it can see you it makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature is threatened by you, and it cannot move to a space that is more than 30 feet away from you. The creature may repeat this saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on a success. The effects of this maneuver end early if you attack a different creature, cast a spell that doesn't affect you or it, or move more than 30 feet away from the creature.
Stunning Assault2 focus2nd degree Templar action (attack)
Take the Attack action, reducing the total number of attacks you make by one. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack with this action, it makes a Constitution saving throw or is stunned until the end of your next turn.

3rd Degree Maneuvers

Brace3 focus3rd degree Templar reaction
When a creature moves into the reach you have with the melee weapon you’re wielding, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.
Defy Spell2 focus3rd degree Templar reaction
When you see a creature within 30 feet make a spell attack, you can use your reaction to defy it. Make an Intelligence (Arcana, Nature, or Religion) check (depending on the source of magic.) If the result exceeds the creature’s attack roll, the attack misses.
Dispelling Strikes3 focus3rd degree Templar action (attack)
Take the Attack action. Until the start of your next turn, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19–20 against creatures concentrating on spells, under the effect of a spell, or created by a spell. If these attacks flourish, you can use it to try to dispel a magical effect on the creature. Make an ability check using your maneuver ability score. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful check, the spell ends.

4th Degree Maneuvers

Devotion Stance1 focus4th degree Templar bonus action (stance)
When you activate this stance, choose an ally. While you maintain this stance, the chosen ally increases its AC by 1 or your shield bonus, whichever is higher, as long as you are within 30 feet of the ally. Additionally, whenever the chosen ally takes damage, you can use your reaction and spend 1 focus to move half your speed towards them. If you end your movement in a space within 5 feet of the creature, you take half of the damage from the triggering effect. When you do, you have advantage on your next attack roll against that creature before the end of your next turn.
Justicar Strike2 focus4th degree Templar action (attack)
Take the Attack action. Until the end of your turn, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon, you can take the Grab flourish. A creature you grapple in this way cannot perform the somatic components for spells. If a creature grappled by you in this way tries to magically teleport, you can spend an amount of focus equal to the spell’s level (or proficiency bonus, if the effect is not a spell.) If you do, the spell or effect fails and has no effect.
Shatter Spell3 focus4th degree Templar reaction
When a creature you can see casts a spell, you can use your reaction to move up to half your speed. If you end your movement adjacent to that creature, you can make a melee weapon attack against it. On a hit, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your Maneuver DC. On a failure, the creature’s concentration is broken and the spell is lost.

5th Degree Maneuvers

Burning Embers of Faith3 focus5th degree Templar free action
When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can instead drop to a number of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. If you were reduced to 0 hit points by a spell, you instead drop to a number of hit points equal to your level. In addition, for the next minute you gain advantage on attack rolls made against the creature that reduced you to 0 hit points, and your weapon attacks against it deal extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus. You cannot use this maneuver again until the creature who reduced you to 0 hit points is reduced to 0 hit points, or until you finish a long rest.
Spellbreaker Stance3 focus5th degree Templar bonus action (stance)
While you maintain this stance, you have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Additionally, you have resistance to damage from spells, and spell attacks made against you have disadvantage.