Skill Proficiency: You have proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Athletics, Drive, Medicine, Perception, Resilience, or Society.
Extra Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in your choice of any two tools, gaming sets, instruments, languages, or vehicles of your choice. Below are some suggestions common to your background.
Artisan Tools - Brewing, Carpentry, Cartography, Cooking, Leatherworking, Weaving, Woodcarving
Frontier Tools - Harvesting, Navigation
Gaming Sets - Any
Instruments - Brass, Percussion, Plucked String, Vocals, Winds
Languages - Any
Roguish Tools - Thieves'
Vehicles - Water
In addition to the starting equipment for your class, you also gain the following:
- A gaming set, instrument, or tool with which you are proficient.
- Fishing tackle, a net, or a spear.
- 50 feet of silk rope.
- A lucky charm such as a rabbit foot or a small stone with a hole in the center (or another random trinket)
- A set of water-resistant traveler's clothes.
Ship's Passage
As in the Player's Handbook