CalligrapherSupplies . . . by ?: || 20 ||An accurate likeness of an individual or item for the use of a ''[[Spells/Scrying | scrying]]'' or ''[[Spells/LocateTarget | locate target]]'' spell, or a location that could count as "Seen Casually" for the purpose of ''[[Spells/Teleport | teleport]]''. ||
ThievesTools . . . by ?: * Salvaging parts from inert traps
Drybrooch . . . by ?: (:title Drybrooch:) (:Attunement: No:) (:Type: Wondrous Items:) (:Rarity: Common:) (:Value: 100 gp:) (:include Templates.Itembox#itembox:) While holding or wearing a drybrooch, you can use an '__Action__' to summon or dismiss a dome of energy that manifests just above your head. This energy repels moderate quantities of frozen and liquid water, such as rain, snow, bird droppings, or other similar nuisances, but can’t be used to protect against harsh environmental hazards or attacks. Typically, a drybrooch field is silvery and translucent. More expensive models have illusions woven into the field.
PipeOfInsight . . . by ?: (:title Pipe of Insight:) (:Attunement: No:) (:Type: Wondrous Items:) (:include Templates.Itembox#itembox:) [[!{$:Type}]] [[!{$:Rarity} Items]]
AlchemistSupplies . . . by ?: ||style="width:60%; margin:auto" ||! Base DC ||!Examples || || 10 ||Common mundane alchemical concoctions like basic acid or alchemist's fire. || || 15 ||Uncommon alchemical concoctions. || || 20 ||Rare alchemical concoctions. || || 25 ||Very rare alchemical concoctions. || || 30 ||Legendary or one-of-a-kind alchemical concoctions that have not been otherwise identified. ||
CartographerTools . . . by ?: (:div class="feature":) !!!! Decipher Treasure Map | Trained This tool proficiency grants you expertise in examining maps. You can make an '''Intelligence check''' to determine a map's age, whether a map includes any hidden messages, or similar facts. ->'''Critical Success.''' ->'''Success.''' ->'''Failure.''' ->'''Critical Failure.''' ||style="width:60%; margin:auto" ||! Base DC ||!Examples ||
Weapons . . . by ?: When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one of your attacks with a throw of the net at a creature within range. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + Your Dexterity or Strength modifier (your choice). The target succeeds automatically if it's Huge or larger, and it has advantage on the saving throw if it is within the long range of the weapon.
TattooOfMindShielding . . . by ?: Produced by a special needle and ink, this magic tattoo features designs that emphasizes secrecy and subtlety that takes up half a limb or a scalp. !! Properties
DragonBlood . . . by ?: (:Value: • 125 gp (young) [[<<]] • 250 gp (adult) [[<<]] • 300 gp (ancient):)
DragonBone . . . by ?: (:Value: • 375 gp (young) [[<<]] • 750 gp (adult) [[<<]] • 900 gp (ancient):) (:Weight: • 14 lb (young) [[<<]] • 18 lb (adult) [[<<]] • 20 lb (ancient):)
PoisonerKit . . . by ?: (:title Poisoner Kit:) (:Type: Toolkits:) (:Value: 25 gp:) (:Weight: 2 lb:) (:Components: • glass vials [[<<]] • a mortar and pestle [[<<]] • chemicals [[<<]] • a glass stirring rod:) (:include Templates.Itembox#itembox:) (:div class="feature":)
ForgeryKit . . . by ?: (:title Forgery Kit:) (:Type: Toolkits:) (:Value: 25 gp:) (:Weight: 5 lb:) (:Components: • several different types of ink [[<<]] • a variety of parchments and papers [[<<]] • several quills [[<<]] • seals and sealing wax [[<<]] • gold and silver leaf [[<<]] • small tools to sculpt melted wax:) (:include Templates.Itembox#itembox:) (:div class="feature":)
DisguiseKit . . . by ?: (:title Disguise Kit:) (:Type: Toolkits:) (:Value: 25 gp:) (:Weight: 3 lb:) (:Components: • cosmetics [[<<]] • hair dye [[<<]] • small props [[<<]] • a few select pieces of clothing:) (:include Templates.Itembox#itembox:) (:div class="feature":)
NavigatorTools . . . by ?: (:title Navigator Tools:) (:Type: Toolkits:) (:Value: 25 gp:) (:Weight: 2 lb:) (:Components: • a sextant [[<<]] • a compass [[<<]] • calipers [[<<]] • a ruler [[<<]] • parchment [[<<]] • ink [[<<]] • a quill:) (:include Templates.Itembox#itembox:) (:div class="feature":)
HerbalismKit . . . by ?: (:title Herbalism Kit:) (:Type: Toolkits:) (:Value: 25 gp:) (:Weight: 3 lb:) (:Components: • pouches to store herbs [[<<]] • clippers [[<<]] • leather gloves [[<<]] • a mortar and pestle [[<<]] • several glass jars:) (:include Templates.Itembox#itembox:) (:div class="feature":)
HarvestingKit . . . by ?: (:title Harvesting Kit:) (:Type: Toolkits:) (:Value: 25 gp:) (:Weight: :) (:Components: • a skinning knife [[<<]] • a bonesaw [[<<]] • two glass vials [[<<]] • pouches of salt [[<<]] • tweezers:) (:include Templates.Itembox#itembox:) (:div class="feature":)
TinkerTools . . . by ?: (:title Tinker Tools:) (:Type: Toolkits:) (:Value: 25 gp:) (:Weight: 10 lb:) (:Components: • a variety of hand tools [[<<]] • thread [[<<]] • needles [[<<]] • a whetstone [[<<]] • scraps of cloth and leather [[<<]] • a small pot of glue:) (:include Templates.Itembox#itembox:) (:div class="feature":)
CookUtensils . . . by ?: (:title Cook Utensils:) (:Type: Toolkits:) (:Value: 25 gp:) (:Weight: 8 lb:) (:Components: • a metal pot [[<<]] • knives [[<<]] • forks [[<<]] • a stirring spoon [[<<]] • a ladle:) (:include Templates.Itembox#itembox:) (:div class="feature":)
CobblerTools . . . by ?: (:title Cobbler Tools:) (:Type: Toolkits:) (:Value: 25 gp:) (:Weight: 5 lb:) (:Components: • a hammer [[<<]] • an awl [[<<]] • a knife [[<<]] • a shoe stand [[<<]] • a cutter [[<<]] • spare leather [[<<]] • thread:) (:include Templates.Itembox#itembox:) (:div class="feature":)
CarpenterTools . . . by ?: (:title Carpenter Tools:) (:Type: Toolkits:) (:Value: 25 gp:) (:Weight: 6 lb:) (:Components: • a saw [[<<]] • a hammer [[<<]] • nails [[<<]] • a hatchet [[<<]] • a square [[<<]] • a ruler [[<<]] • an adze [[<<]] • a plane [[<<]] • a chisel:) (:include Templates.Itembox#itembox:) (:div class="feature":)
BrewerSupplies . . . by ?: (:title Brewer Supplies:) (:Type: Toolkits:) (:Value: 25 gp:) (:Weight: 9 lb:) (:Components: • large glass jug [[<<]] • a quantity of hops [[<<]] • a siphon [[<<]] • several feet of tubing:) (:include Templates.Itembox#itembox:)
BootsOfIronGait . . . by ?: (:title Boots of Iron Gait:) (:Rarity: Uncommon:) (:div class="feature":) !!!! Wondrous Item, {$:Rarity} While wearing these boots, you have '__Disadvantage__' on '''Dexterity (Stealth) checks''', and if you are ever subjected to an effect that would move you against your will, you may spend your '__Reaction__' to instead not move so long as you are standing on solid ground. (:divend:) [[!Wondrous Items]] [[!{$:Rarity} Items]]
HillGiantNail . . . by ?: (:title Hill Giant Nail:) (:Worth: 30 gp:) (:div class="feature":) !!!! Reagent [{$:Worth}] The finger and toenails of a hill giant are a key component in brewing a ''potion of hill giant strength''. However, despite what the stories may say, felling a singular giant does not earn an endless supply for such potions. Only one potion can be brewed per giant, as the alchemical process uses the nail as a channeling foci to draw upon the particular giant's strength and convert it into a drinkable form. (:divend:) [[!Reagents]]
BeltOfStormGiantStrength . . . by ?: (:title Belt of Storm Giant Strength:) (:Rarity: Legendary:) (:div class="feature":) !!!! Wondrous Item, {$:Rarity} Increase your Strength by 16 while you wear this belt, to a maximum of 30. (:divend:) [[!Wondrous Items]] [[!{$:Rarity} Items]]
BeltOfCloudGiantStrength . . . by ?: (:title Belt of Cloud Giant Strength:) (:Rarity: Legendary:) (:div class="feature":) !!!! Wondrous Item, {$:Rarity} Increase your Strength by 14 while you wear this belt, to a maximum of 28. (:divend:) [[!Wondrous Items]] [[!{$:Rarity} Items]]
BeltOfHillGiantStrength . . . by ?: (:title Belt of Hill Giant Strength:) (:Rarity: Rare:) (:div class="feature":) !!!! Wondrous Item, {$:Rarity} Increase your Strength by 8 while you wear this belt, to a maximum of 22. (:divend:) [[!Wondrous Items]] [[!{$:Rarity} Items]]
HeadbandOfIntellect . . . by ?: (:title Headband of Intellect:) (:Rarity: Rare:) (:div class="feature":) !!!! Wondrous Item, {$:Rarity} Increase your Intelligence by 6 while you wear this headband, to a maximum of 20. If your Intelligence is 20 without this headband, it can instead bring your Intelligence to a maximum of 22. (:divend:) [[!Wondrous Items]] [[!{$:Rarity} Items]]
ArtisansTools . . . by ?: You can use this tool proficiency to create alchemical items. A character can spend money to collect raw materials, which weigh 1 pound for every 50 gp spent. The GM can allow a character to make a check using the indicated skill with '__Advantage__'. As part of a long rest, you can use alchemist's supplies to make one dose of acid, alchemist's fire, antitoxin, oil, perfume, or soap. Subtract half the value of the created item from the total gp worth of raw materials you are carrying.
Weapons . . . by ?: Small creatures have '__Disadvantage__' on attack rolls with heavy weapons. A heavy weapon's size and bulk make it too large for a Small creature to use effectively.
Items . . . by ?: An item can be attuned to only one creature at a time. A creature can be attuned to '''a number of items equal to their proficiency bonus. A Very Rare, Legendary, or Artifact item counts as two items.''' Any attempt to attune to an item in excess of this number fails; the creature must end its attunement to an item first. Additionally, a creature can’t attune to more than one copy of an item. For example, a creature can’t attune to more than one ''Ring of Protection'' at a time. !! Encumbrance !!! Bulky Items An item that weighs 40 pounds or more (like a bag of 2,000 or more gold coins or plate armor, even if worn) or is greater than 4 feet in any direction (like a large ornate rug) is considered bulky. Any creature can carry bulky items equal to 1 + their Strength modifier. Some especially large items may count as more than one bulky item
MagicalTattoos . . . by ?: There are several tattoo options that one can choose from that have been specifically designed as magical tattoos. However, in addition to baseline magical tattoos, the effects of certain magical items can be replicated with custom ink. If a magical item is being replicated as a magical tattoo, the rarity of the tattoo is one step higher than that of the item, and the cost to create such a tattoo reflects the new rarity.