
An Acrobatics check covers your attempts to stay on your feet in a tricky situation, such as when you are trying to run across a sheet of ice, balance on a tightrope, or stay upright on a rocking ship's deck. A GM might also call for an Acrobatics check to see if you can perform acrobatic stunts or feats of extreme flexibility, such as dives, rolls, somersaults, dances, or attempts at contortion. The base ability used is normally Dexterity.

Balance | Untrained

You move across a narrow surface or uneven ground, such as a ledge, tree roots, or similar terrain.

Critical Success. You successfully move up to your speed.
Success. You move up to your speed, treating it as difficult terrain.
Failure. You must remain stationary and use your Action to keep your balance or you fall. If you fall, your turn ends.
Critical Failure. You fall and your turn ends. If you have your Reaction you may be permitted to attempt a Dexterity saving throw to grab on to whatever you fell from.
Base DCExamples
10Tangled roots, uneven cobblestones
15Wooden beam
20Deep, loose gravel
25Tightrope, smooth sheet of ice
30Razor's edge, chunks of floor falling in midair

Choreography | Untrained

You perform a dance or similar feat of acrobatics to impress, entertain, or distract someone (or yourself). Sometimes, these checks will involve a Charisma (Performance) check, made after the Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.

Critical Success. You perform the dance perfectly, granting yourself Advantage on any subsequent Charisma (Performance) checks or other suitable bonuses.
Success. You perform the dance proficiently.
Failure. You perform the dance, but with a few minor visible errors.
Critical Failure. You fail to perform the dance correctly, and may suffer an embarrassing gaffe, such as tripping and falling Prone.
Base DCExamples
10Basic line dance or a cartwheel
15Ballroom dance or gymnastic routine
20Rigorous or complex dance or a backflip
25Expert-level dance, Olympic-level gymnastics routines
30Otherworldly dance or acrobatics unfit for humanoids

Controlled Fall | Trained

When you fall, you can use your Reaction to control your body, reducing the damage you take. Reduce the distance of your fall by your passive High Jump, then make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The DC is equal to the damage you would take from the fall.

Critical Success. You take half the damage from the fall and do not fall Prone.
Success. You take half the damage from the fall and fall Prone.
Failure. You take the full damage from the fall and fall Prone.
Critical Failure. Reroll the damage dice from the throw without the distance reduction and suffer the greater amount between the two results.

Escape Bindings | Trained

As an Action, you attempt to slip free of your shackles, be they rope or manacles. The escape DC for this ability varies depending on the bindings, but is usually the same as Break Bindings. Some bindings may be too tight for even the most skilled to slip free from.

Critical Success. You slip free of your bindings and may immediately make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to conceal your freedom or take the Disengage action.
Success. You slip free of your bindings.
Failure. You do not slip free of your bindings.
Critical Failure. You do not slip free of your bindings, and your attempt is discovered or some other complication is introduced to the scene.
Base DCExamples
10Loose vines or cloth
25Dimensional Shackles
30Full-body imprisonment, like a straitjacket

Squeeze | Trained

You contort your body in ways beyond normal limitations in order to use an Action to squeeze through a space so small you can barely fit. This use is for exceptionally small spaces that cannot normally accommodate the individual passing through; most narrow passages can be treated as Difficult Terrain, though its attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws are at Disadvantage and attack rolls against the creature have Advantage.

Critical Success. You squeeze through the tight space in 1 minute per 10 feet of squeezing.
Success. You squeeze through the tight space in 1 minute per 5 feet of squeezing.
Failure. You are unable to squeeze into the tight space, but do not become stuck.
Critical Failure. You become stuck in the tight space. While you're stuck, you are considered to be Restrained and you can spend 1 minute attempting another Acrobatics check at the same DC. Any result on that check other than a critical failure causes you to become unstuck and able to progress according to the result.
Base DCExamples
10Crevasse just small enough to require a check
15Narrow passage between stones
20Area tight for creatures a size category smaller than you
25Tight corridor with no room for movement
30Space less than half your size

Tumble | Untrained

A creature can try to tumble through a hostile creature’s space, ducking and weaving past the opponent. As an Action or a Bonus Action, the tumbler makes a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against a DC that equals the hostile creature's passive Dexterity (Acrobatics). If the tumbler succeeds, it can move through the hostile creature’s space once this turn.

Critical Success. You move through the hostile creature's space without treating the occupied space as difficult terrain.
Success. You move through the hostile creature's space, treating the occupied spaces as difficult terrain. If you don't have enough remaining movement speed to pass all the way through the space, you get the same effect as a failure.
Failure. You cannot pass through the hostile creature's space and the Action or Bonus Action is used.
Critical Failure. You cannot pass through the hostile creature's space and the Action or Bonus Action is used, and you fall prone or provoke an opportunity attack from the creature (your choice).