Streetwise . . . by ?: >>class=introduction<< The '''Streetwise''' skill is used when interfacing with urban environments or recalling information about organizations or people that operate in the underworld of society, such as coordinating with thieves’ guilds or recognizing drop spots and safe houses. It is one of the more valuable skills when navigating shady operations, as it separates street smarts from more mundane knowledge. >><<
Arcana . . . by ?: The '''Arcana''' skill measures your ability to recall lore and interact with spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes as well as the various histories involved. It is frequently used in navigating complex runes and inscriptions that deal with the arcane, and may be required to adequately interface with various sites of arcane power in the world.
Skills . . . by ?: If the DM calls for an ability check that can use multiple skill or tool proficiencies, having proficiency or expertise two of them can further aid your roll. If a character has proficiency in both skills/toolkits, they may add a @@+2 bonus@@ to the result of the d20 roll. If a character has expertise in both skills/toolkits, they may instead add a @@+5 bonus@@ to the result of the d20 roll.
Crafting . . . by ?: ||Oil of Etherealness ||Rare || Yes ||1920 ||%lime%115%% || || || || ||
Perception . . . by ?: * '''Intelligence (Perception).''' Intelligence is used to connect sensations to memories from your past, or to see through illusions.
Vehicles . . . by ?: !!!! Driving Into Creatures A creature can be sent spilling out of the way when a vehicle threatens to hit it. When a vehicle moves into a creature's space, that creature can make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature falls prone and moved to a side of the vehicle of the driver's choice. On a success, the creature decides which space they dodge in, and on a critical success, they can jump onto the vehicle as a reaction. Cargo capacity specifies how much cargo the vehicle can carry. Action stations and creature capacity does not count towards this weight, though creatures in excess to its normal capacity do. Increase this capacity by 200 pounds for each space of unused creature capacity. The sum of the average vehicle's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores is usually 46, with no score being above 20. A medium or large vehicle has 50 hit points, a Huge vehicle has 100 hit points, a Gargantuan vehicle has 200 hit points, and a Colossal vehicle has 300 hit points. Medium and Large vehicles have a damage threshold of 5, Huge and Gargantuan vehicles have a damage threshold of 10, and Colossal vehicles have a damage threshold of 15.
WildMagic . . . by ?: || 12 ||You cast ''[[Spells/ChromaticOrb | chromatic orb]]'' on a target within 30 feet of one of the targets affected by the spell that triggered this surge. ||
Healing . . . by ?: Resurrection magic (such as ''resurrection'' or ''true resurrection'') and other powerful restorative magics (''regeneration'') are subject to various difficulties. The following rules, borrowed from Matthew Mercer, will be implemented, with some modifications.
Drive . . . by ?: The '''Drive''' skill is used to handle, operate, and maintain vehicles, including horse-drawn carriages.
Combat . . . by ?: If both attack roll results (or the single attack roll result if you had '__Advantage__' on the roll to cancel out the '__Disadvantage__') would have normally flourished, the attack is a critical hit. If the roll results are all critical hits, the attack deals maximum damage.
Precision . . . by ?: * '''Strength (Precision).''' Strength is used to apply extreme pressure on a small area, such as breaking a thick glass pane along an edge to prevent shattering the entire thing. * '''Dexterity (Precision).''' Dexterity is used to for deft sleight of hand, such as picking pockets, tying a knot, or planting an object on someone, as well as giving back massages.
AnimalHandling . . . by ?: The '''Animal Handling''' skill is used whenever you attempt to understand animalistic behaviors or command and control beasts and other animal-like creatures. It can be equally useful in dealing with scared or defensive wild animals, or handling domestic animals, but is typically restricted to beasts and monstrosities without higher intelligence. Those that can speak with beasts still benefit from proficiency in Animal Handling, as the capacity to speak with them does not directly translate to a capacity to handle or command them due to the simplified manner in which they view the world.
Investigation . . . by ?: (:div class="introduction":) The '''Investigation''' skill is used to follow leads and discover information about creatures and topics, either through research, tailing tracks, or following up on information.. (:divend:) !!! Examples * '''Strength (Investigation).''' * '''Dexterity (Investigation).''' * '''Constitution (Investigation).''' Constitution is used to dig up clues for archaeology. * '''Intelligence (Investigation).''' Intelligence is used to research a topic from texts. * '''Wisdom (Investigation).''' Wisdom is used to follow physical tracks or tail others.
Insight . . . by ?: (:div class="introduction":) The '''Insight''' skill is used to deduce the truth and purpose of creatures, places, or objects, allowing you to sense the motives of an individual, or figure out what happened in an area based on the immediate surroundings. (:divend:) !!! Examples * '''Strength (Insight).''' * '''Dexterity (Insight).''' * '''Constitution (Insight).''' * '''Intelligence (Insight).''' Intelligence is used to figure out what happened to or the purpose of a person, place, or thing based on the immediate surroundings. * '''Wisdom (Insight).''' Wisdom is used to sense a creature's current motives and mental state.
Nature . . . by ?: The '''Nature''' skill is used to understand and interact with creatures, places, and objects associated with primal magic as well as to recall knowledge about terrain, plants and animals, the weather, natural cycles, or organizations that deal with nature. !!! Examples * '''Strength (Nature).''' * '''Dexterity (Nature).''' * '''Constitution (Nature).''' * '''Intelligence (Nature).''' Intelligence is used to recall lore and information about animals, plants, environments, druidic ways, and other related topics. * '''Wisdom (Nature).''' * '''Charisma (Nature).'''
Leadership . . . by ?: The '''Leadership''' skill is used to lead or command troops, inspire morale, and otherwise influence large groups of people through public speech or rallying crowds. !!! Examples * '''Strength (Leadership).''' * '''Dexterity (Leadership).''' * '''Constitution (Leadership).''' * '''Intelligence (Leadership).''' * '''Wisdom (Leadership).''' * '''Charisma (Leadership).'''
Religion . . . by ?: The '''Religion''' skill is used to understand and interact with creatures, places, and objects associated with the divine as well as to recall knowledge about religious rites, deities, prayers, church hierarchies, and various religious practices. !!! Examples * '''Strength (Religion).''' * '''Dexterity (Religion).''' * '''Constitution (Religion).''' * '''Intelligence (Religion).''' Intelligence is used to recall lore and information about deities, holy figures of the divine, prayers, religious practices, and other related topics. * '''Wisdom (Religion).''' * '''Charisma (Religion).'''
Medicine . . . by ?: The '''Medicine''' skill is used to call upon your knowledge to recall information about disease, stabilize creatures, and otherwise care for wounds or diseases. It's also useful in forensic investigation, as someone skilled in medicine can autopsy bodies and identify causes of death. !!! Examples * '''Strength (Medicine).''' * '''Dexterity (Medicine).''' * '''Constitution (Medicine).''' * '''Intelligence (Medicine).''' * '''Wisdom (Medicine).''' * '''Charisma (Medicine).'''
Deception . . . by ?: The '''Deception''' skill is used to convincingly hide the truth, either verbally or through your actions. The deception can encompass everything from misleading others through ambiguity or telling outright lies, or utilizing physical tricks to divert attention. !!! Examples * '''Strength (Deception).''' * '''Dexterity (Deception).''' * '''Constitution (Deception).''' * '''Intelligence (Deception).''' Intelligence is used to deceive through obfuscating critical facts or information the other individual may not know, or otherwise using your wit and knowledge to talk circles around a conversation partner so that they do not pick up on the fact they are being deceived. * '''Wisdom (Deception).''' * '''Charisma (Deception).''' Charisma is used to mask your tells so that you can say outright lies or purposely mislead someone's focus, thus hiding the truth from them.
Stealth . . . by ?: * '''Constitution (Stealth).''' Constitution is used when you need to maintain stealth by controlling your breathing or remaining entirely still, such as sitting invisible in a close-quarters closet or ensuring you don't give away your presence when invisible next to another individual. !!! Charisma
Resilience . . . by ?: (:title Resilience:) (:div class="introduction":) The '''Resilience''' skill is used to persevere through tedious, harsh, or uncomfortable situations. These situations can range in direness and intensity, but they may include withstanding torture, compelling oneself to push through an all-nighter, or over-consuming food to the point of bursting. (:divend:) !!! Examples * '''Strength (Resilience).''' Strength is used when someone needs to hold heavy items or strenuous positions for long amounts of time, such as holding a pull-up position or standing with a heavy book held out in one’s hand. * '''Dexterity (Resilience).''' Dexterity is used when someone might need to hold their bodies in uncomfortable or unnatural positions for an unreasonable amount of time, such as maintaining an uncomfortable stretched position. * '''Constitution (Resilience).''' Constitution is used when someone is trying to push their endurance past its reasonable physical limits, such as participating in an eating contest or sitting beneath the pounding of a thundering waterfall.
Society . . . by ?: (:title Society:) (:div class="introduction":) The '''Society''' skill is used when interfacing with governments or recalling knowledge about various societies, cultures, or expected mannerisms within any designated area. (:divend:) !!! Examples * '''Strength (Society).''' * '''Dexterity (Society).''' * '''Constitution (Society).'''
Convince . . . by ?: (:title Convince:) The '''Convince skill''' is used to get someone to do something through the application of appeals or threats, such as getting a meeting with a king, bartering for a better price on an item, or getting a soldier to help you in a conflict. !!! Examples * '''Strength (Convince).''' Strength is used when the appeal is done through raw physical strength, such as convincing someone of your capability by flexing your muscles or frightening someone by crushing a watermelon in your hand. * '''Dexterity (Convince).''' Dexterity is used when the appeal is done through flexibility and nimbleness, such as when trying to seduce someone by showing off the range of motion in one's body or otherwise sensual body language. * '''Constitution (Convince).''' Constitution is used when the appeal is done through endurance or raw stamina, such as undergoing lengthy assessments of one's ability or filibustering arguments. * '''Intelligence (Convince).''' Intelligence is used when the appeal is done through facts and logic, such as when laying out the exact repercussions of not taking up arms against a threat or detailing how easily one could be assassinated with the poor defenses they have erected. * '''Wisdom (Convince).''' Wisdom is used when the appeal is done through assessing someone's deep personal motives, aspirations, or insecurities and directly utilizing them emotionally to fabricate the appeal.
Conditions . . . by ?: (:div class="feature":) !!! Surprised [[#surprised]] When you are [[Mechanics/Conditions#surprised | %condition%Surprised%%]], you experience the following effects: * '''Back Foot.''' You have '__Disadvantage__' on Initiative rolls until the end of the combat. * '''Ending the Condition.''' While [[Mechanics/Conditions#surprised | %condition%Surprised%%]], you can take the Study action to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. On a success, the condition ends.
FightingStyles . . . by ?: ->'''Protection.''' When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can take a Reaction to interpose your Shield if you’re holding one. You impose Disadvantage on the triggering attack roll and all other attack rolls against the target until the start of your next turn if you remain within 5 feet of the target.
Spellcasting . . . by ?: All spellcasting uses a modified version of the variant spell point rule from the ''Dungeon Master's Guide'' (which has been renamed to mana). All spells cost an amount of mana equal to the spell's level when cast. For the purpose of various features, the expenditure of this mana functionally creates a spell slot of the appropriate level, which is then used to cast the spell. !! Spellcasting Progression !!! Full-Caster ||1st ||2 ||1st ||16th ||66 ||8th || ||2nd ||4 ||1st ||17th ||71 ||9th || ||3rd ||8 ||2nd ||18th ||76 ||9th || ||4th ||12 ||2nd ||19th ||82 ||9th || ||5th ||15 ||3rd ||20th ||89 ||9th ||
Downtime . . . by ?: When all else fails, an adventurer can turn to an honest trade to earn a living. This activity represents a character's attempt to find temporary work, the quality and wages of which are difficult to predict. '''Resource:''' Performing a job requires 5 days of effort. '''Resolution:''' To determine how much money a character earns, the character must make an ability check: Athletics, Acrobatics, Intelligence with a set of tools, or Performance are common choices. You earn an amount of gp equal to the result of your result.
Duels . . . by ?: The winner of the contest strikes a blow if utilizing a strike system, or deals damage equal to the difference between the two rolls if utilizing a hit point system.
Fleeing . . . by ?: (:div class="introduction":) (:divend:)
Harvesting . . . by ?: The DC of the check is equal to @@10 + half the Harvested Creature's CR@@ (any CR less than 1 is treated as 0). Success on this check grants the player full knowledge of any useful materials or reagents that may be harvested from the creature, the DC requirement to harvest any of those reagents, any special requirements to harvest them, and any potential risks in doing so. In addition, any harvesting check made on the creature by that character is rolled with '__Advantage__'.
Survival . . . by ?: A Survival check allows you to follow tracks, hunt wild game or forage, guide your group through various environments, and otherwise survive in the wilds. The base ability used is normally '''Wisdom'''. (:div class="feature":) !!!! Cover Tracks | Untrained You attempt to cover or confuse your tracks, making it harder for creatures to follow you. In order to do so, you must move at half your travel speed and may make a '''Survival''' check. Your result becomes the DC for any attempts to Track you if it is higher than the default DC to track. If the environment is particularly suited to obscuring tracks (such as a rainy day), you may be given '__Advantage__' on the check. (:div class="feature":) !!!! Forage | Untrained You attempt to provide food and shelter for yourself and your companions using a '''Wisdom (Survival)''' check. The GM determines the DC and time it takes based on the nature of the place you are attempting to forage, and you may need to be '''Trained''' in order to forage in particularly harsh or alien environments. ->'''Critical Success.'''
SleightOfHand . . . by ?: A Sleight of Hands check is utilized whenever you attempt an act of legerdemain or trickery, such as planting or concealing an object or obscuring hand signs. This skill is also used for more criminal activities such as pickpocketing. The base ability used is normally '''Dexterity'''. (:div class="feature":) !!!! Conceal Object | Untrained You attempt to hide a small object on your person. As an '__Action__', you can make a '''Sleight of Hand''' check, which then becomes the DC for any '''Perception''' or '''Investigation''' checks made to find the object. If the object may be particularly difficult to conceal, you may have '__Disadvantage__' on the check. Some objects may simply be too large or unwieldy to reasonably conceal. This action may also be used to obfuscate your presence at a crime scene, or cover evidence that may be found in an area. If there are any onlookers in the area when you are attempting to conceal an object, your Sleight of Hand check may also be compared to the '''passive Wisdom (Perception)''' scores of those observers. ->'''Critical Success.''' ->'''Success.''' ->'''Failure.''' ->'''Critical Failure.'''
Persuasion . . . by ?: A Persuasion check is used to influence someone or a group of people with tact, social graces, and good nature. Typically, it is used when you are acting in good faith, trying to foster friendships, make cordial requests, or exhibit proper etiquette or flattery. The base ability used is normally '''Charisma'''. (:div class="feature":) !!!! Convince | Untrained You can attempt to convince a creature to sway their opinion on a topic or abide by a request you have made. ->'''Critical Success.''' ->'''Success.''' ->'''Failure.''' ->'''Critical Failure.''' ||style="width:60%; margin:auto"
Performance . . . by ?: A Performance check determines how well you can delight an audience with music, dancing, acting, or some other form of entertainment. It also determines how effectively you can act as another individual, or mask your incompetence in a specific skill or unbelonging in a location. The base ability used is normally '''Charisma'''. (:div class="feature":) !!!! Impersonate | Untrained You pretend to be someone you are not by imitating mannerisms or quirks of a specific individual or an ambiguous member of a group in order to gain favor, access a location, or otherwise. ->'''Critical Success.''' ->'''Success.''' ->'''Failure.''' ->'''Critical Failure.''' ||style="width:60%; margin:auto"
Intimidation . . . by ?: (:div class="feature":) !!!! Coerce | Untrained With threats that are either veiled or overt, you attempt to bully a creature into doing what you want. You must spend at least 1 minute of conversation with a creature that you can see and that can either see or sense you. At the end of the conversation, you may attempt an '''Intimidation''' check against the target's ???, modified by any circumstances the GM determines. ->'''Critical Success.''' The target gives you the information you seek or agrees to follow your directives as long as they aren't likely to harm the target in any way. The target continues to comply for an amount of time determined by the GM, but not exceeding 1 day, at which point the target becomes '__Unfriendly__' (if they weren't already '__Unfriendly__' or '__Hostile__'). However, the target is too scared of you to retaliate—at least in the short term. ->'''Success.''' As critical success, but once the target becomes '__Unfriendly__', they might decide to act against you—for example, by reporting you do the authorities or assisting your enemies. ->'''Failure.''' The target doesn't do what you say, and if they were not already '__Unfriendly__' or '__Hostile__', they become '__Unfriendly__'. ->'''Critical Failure.''' The target refuses to comply, becomes '__Hostile__' if they weren't already, and can't be Coerced by you for at least 1 week. An NPC's attitude toward you is normally measured with a set of attitudes that reflect how they view your character. A full description of attitudes can be found under the Influence action on the [[Combat | Combat and Conditions]] page. (:div class="feature":)
History . . . by ?: A History check measures your ability to recall lore about historical events, legendary people, ancient kingdoms, past disputes, recent wars, and lost civilizations. The base ability used is normally '''Intelligence'''. (:div class="feature":) !!!! Linguistics | Trained ->'''Critical Success.''' ->'''Success.''' ->'''Failure.''' ->'''Critical Failure.''' ||style="width:60%; margin:auto"
Acrobatics . . . by ?: An Acrobatics check covers your attempts to stay on your feet in a tricky situation, such as when you are trying to run across a sheet of ice, balance on a tightrope, or stay upright on a rocking ship's deck. A GM might also call for an Acrobatics check to see if you can perform acrobatic stunts or feats of extreme flexibility, such as dives, rolls, somersaults, dances, or attempts at contortion. The base ability used is normally '''Dexterity'''. (:div class="feature":) !!!! Balance | Untrained You move across a narrow surface or uneven ground, such as a ledge, tree roots, or similar terrain. ->'''Critical Success.''' You successfully move up to your speed. ->'''Success.''' You move up to your speed, treating it as difficult terrain. ->'''Failure.''' You must remain stationary and use your '__Action__' to keep your balance or you fall. If you fall, your turn ends. ->'''Critical Failure.''' You fall and your turn ends. If you have your '__Reaction__' you may be permitted to attempt a '''Dexterity saving throw''' to grab on to whatever you fell from. ||style="width:60%; margin:auto"
PushingEnhancing . . . by ?: (:title Pushing and Enhancing Spells:) Any spellcaster can tap into their reserves of magic to attempt to push through an enemy's defenses, or to alter their spells on the fly to meet a situation or do things that the spell normally couldn't do. These taxing maneuvers are referred to as Pushing or Enhancing a spell. !! Spell Pushing A spellcaster may push a spell, recklessly tapping into the ambient forces of the weave with abandon. After casting a spell that makes an attack roll or provokes a saving throw, or after making an ability check as a part of the spell, you may roll a 1d4 and add it to the attack roll or ability check, or subtract it from a single target's saving throw. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your spellcasting ability modifier until you finish a long rest. When you Push a spell, you must then make a Constitution saving throw of DC equal to 10 + the pushed spell's level. On a failure, you must spend hit dice equal to the spell's level, plus 1 additional hit die for every increment of 5 you fail the save by, or gain 1 level of fatigue and strife, plus 1 level of strife for every increment of 5 you fail the save by. If you do not have hit die to spend, you gain 1 additional strife. A caster may use any number of their spell pushes at once, adding 1d4 for every use expended. For every additional push used at a time, increase the Constitution save DC by 2, and the base number of hit die spent on a failed save by 1.