
An Arcana check measures your ability to recall lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of those planes. The base ability used is normally Intelligence.

Create Spell | Trained

You attempt to create a new arcane spell or modify an existing one through intensive work and study. The rules for this action can be found on the Spell Creation and Modification page.

Identify Spell | Untrained

You attempt to identify a spell being cast by an arcane spellcaster you can see based on a combination of visual and verbal cues as well as the flux of the weave itself. The DC of the check to identify such a spell is 15 + the level of the spell being cast. Your Passive Arcana determines the level of spell you can passively identify without making a check, otherwise a check can be attempted as a Reaction. If the caster uses the same spell list as you, you have Advantage on the check.

Critical Success.
Failure. You do not successfully identify the spell.
Critical Failure.

Recall Knowledge | Untrained

You recall useful information about a specific topic. You may already know basic information on a topic based on your passive Arcana without attempting a check, but Recall Knowledge allows you to remember specific facts and apply them to the situation. Arcana may allow you to recollect information on arcane theories, magical traditions, the various planes, some creatures, spellwork, and other similar topics. Having proficiency in Arcana may offer additional results. Some topics may have a DC based on the table below, while others use a formula. For instance, knowledge about creatures have a DC of 10 + half the creature's CR, and magic items have a DC based on rarity, with common items being 10, uncommon items being 15, rare items being 20, and so forth.

Critical Success.
Critical Failure.
Base DCExamples