The Deception skill is used to convincingly hide the truth, either verbally or through your actions. The deception can encompass everything from misleading others through ambiguity or telling outright lies, or utilizing physical tricks to divert attention.
- Strength (Deception).
- Dexterity (Deception).
- Constitution (Deception).
- Intelligence (Deception). Intelligence is used to deceive through obfuscating critical facts or information the other individual may not know, or otherwise using your wit and knowledge to talk circles around a conversation partner so that they do not pick up on the fact they are being deceived.
- Wisdom (Deception).
- Charisma (Deception). Charisma is used to mask your tells so that you can say outright lies or purposely mislead someone's focus, thus hiding the truth from them.
Deception Actions
Create a Diversion | Untrained
Using a gesture, trick, or some distracting words, you can use an Action to create a diversion that draws creatures' attention elsewhere. You may attempt a Deception check against the passive Wisdom (Insight) scores of the creatures whose attention you are trying to divert. Regardless of if you succeed, creatures you attempt to divert have Advantage on checks made to perceive or investigate you for as long as you are maintaining the diversion. After a diversion is started, a creature may use an Action to roll a Wisdom (Insight) check in order to Sense Motive and realize the truth of the diversion.
Lie | Untrained
You attempt to fool someone with an untruth. You roll a single Deception check against the passive Wisdom (Insight) scores of the creatures you are trying to fool. Depending on the nature of the lie, or the situation, the DM may give Advantage to the check, or have the creatures roll an Insight check instead of using their passive score. Some huge lies may be completely unbelievable, and therefore no roll can even be attempted, while some white lies are so small they just pass without notice.