The Insight skill is used to deduce the truth and purpose of creatures, places, or objects, allowing you to sense the motives of an individual, or figure out what happened in an area based on the immediate surroundings.
- Strength (Insight).
- Dexterity (Insight).
- Constitution (Insight).
- Intelligence (Insight). Intelligence is used to figure out what happened to or the purpose of a person, place, or thing based on the immediate surroundings.
- Wisdom (Insight). Wisdom is used to sense a creature's current motives and mental state.
- Charisma (Insight). Charisma is used to detect a creature's core ideals, bonds, and flaws
Insight Actions
Detect Lie | Untrained
As an Action, you can try to sense any deception in the words of another creature with a Wisdom (Insight) check. The DC of this check is normally equal to the Deception check of the target creature. Depending on circumstances (such as alien appearances or faces being covered by a mask), a DM may impose Disadvantage on your check. Even a successful check does not explicitly tell you the truth behind the creature's words, but you may be able to assess what topic they are lying about.
Sense Motive | Untrained
You devote an Action to try and assess a creature's present state of mind or the motivation behind their actions with a Wisdom (Insight) check. The DC of this check is normally equal to the Deception or Performance check of the target creature, using their passive score if they are not actively trying to hide their state of mind. Depending on circumstances (such as alien appearances or faces being covered by a mask), a DM may impose Disadvantage on your check.