The Stealth skill is utilized whenever you attempt to obscure yourself from enemies, slink past guards, slip away without being noticed, or otherwise avoid being seen.
- Strength (Stealth).
- Dexterity (Stealth). Dexterity is used for conventional stealth, such as moving silently or sticking to the shadows as you tail after a target or scouting around a bandit camp.
- Constitution (Stealth). Constitution is used when you need to maintain stealth by controlling your breathing or remaining entirely still, such as sitting invisible in a close-quarters closet or ensuring you don't give away your presence when invisible next to another individual.
- Intelligence (Stealth).
- Wisdom (Stealth).
- Charisma (Stealth). Charisma is used to hide in plain sight, such as evading suspicion while you walk past a potential mark or blending into a crowd.
Stealth Actions
Blend In | Charisma [Untrained]
You create the illusion that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, effortlessly blending into a crowd or deflecting attention away from you. The DC for this check is normally set by an opposing creature's passive Wisdom (Perception) score, or may be determined by the DM if the check is simply to gauge how much of a scene you are making.
Critical Success. You successfully blend into the crowd and may acquire an additional benefit based on the nature of the scene.
Success. You successfully blend into the crowd and no one pays you any mind.
Failure. You are noticed and enough attention is drawn that onlookers would be able to recall you if asked, but you have the opportunity to attempt to flee the scene if needed.
Critical Failure. Attention is entirely focused on you and you do not have a means to slip away.