The Streetwise skill is used when interfacing with urban environments or recalling information about organizations or people that operate in the underworld of society, such as coordinating with thieves’ guilds or recognizing drop spots and safe houses. It is one of the more valuable skills when navigating shady operations, as it separates street smarts from more mundane knowledge.
- Strength (Streetwise). Strength is used when the knowledge of the underworld human element is needed to be expressed through brawn, such as knowing where to apply pressure to control a riot or to break up a bar brawl.
- Dexterity (Streetwise). Dexterity is used to cover up crime scenes and obfuscate evidence of illegal dealings, as well as moving quickly through crowded streets and labyrinthine alleys.
- Constitution (Streetwise). Constitution is used to assess whether establishments and urban locales are safe for human consumption or the risk they hold, such as gauging which restaurants are most likely to inflict food poisoning or how strong a bar's drinks are.
- Intelligence (Streetwise). Intelligence is used to recall information about shady organizations, notable crime lords, or other topics that relate to the less pristine aspects of urban environments.
- Wisdom (Streetwise). Wisdom is used to identify drop spots and safe houses that may have been utilized, as well as intuiting routes through a city or navigating sewer systems.
- Charisma (Streetwise). Charisma is used to locate and coordinate with contacts and other underworld connections, be it information brokers, drug dealers, or anyone that may be less scrupulous.
Streetwise Actions
Recall Knowledge | Intelligence [Untrained]
You recall useful information about a specific topic. You may already know basic information on a topic based on your passive Intelligence (Streetwise) without attempting a check, but Recall Knowledge allows you to remember specific facts and apply them to the situation. Streetwise may allow you to recollect information on the reputation of shady organizations, notable crime lords, formidable areas of the slums, and other similar topics. Having proficiency in Streetwise may offer additional results, and being untrained in Streetwise may result in a character being unable to recall specific bits of information no matter how high the check is.