
A Survival check allows you to follow tracks, hunt wild game or forage, guide your group through various environments, and otherwise survive in the wilds. The base ability used is normally Wisdom.

Cover Tracks | Untrained

You attempt to cover or confuse your tracks, making it harder for creatures to follow you. In order to do so, you must move at half your travel speed and may make a Survival check. Your result becomes the DC for any attempts to Track you if it is higher than the default DC to track. If the environment is particularly suited to obscuring tracks (such as a rainy day), you may be given Advantage on the check.

Forage | Untrained

You attempt to provide food and shelter for yourself and your companions using a Wisdom (Survival) check. The GM determines the DC and time it takes based on the nature of the place you are attempting to forage, and you may need to be Trained in order to forage in particularly harsh or alien environments.

Critical Success.
Success. You are able to find shelter with basic protection from the elements as well as a number of pounds of food and gallons of water equal to 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier. Rolls for food and water are made separately.
Critical Failure. You attract trouble, eat something you shouldn't, or otherwise add a complication to your situation (such as a level of Fatigue) from the effort. You don't find any food at all, and if you don't have any stored up, you may be in danger of starving or dying of thirst if you continue failing.
Base DCExamples
10Lush forest with calm weather or a large city with plentiful resources (abundant food and water sources)
15Typical hillside or village (limited food and water sources)
20Typical mountains or insular hamlet (sparse food and water sources)
25Typical desert or a city under siege (rare food and water sources)
30Barren wasteland or city of undead (virtually no food and water sources)

Sense Direction | Untrained

You use the stars, sun, geography, flora, or other natural signals to stay oriented in the wilds. Typically, you would attempt this Survival check only once per day, but some shifting environments or circumstances may necessitate rolling more often. The DM determines the DC and how long this activity takes, though it's usually just a minute. More unusual locales or those you are entirely unfamiliar with may require you to be Trained in order to attempt the check.

Critical Success. You get an excellent sense of where you are, and if you are in an environment with cardinal directions, you know them exactly.
Success. You gain enough orientation to avoid becoming hopelessly lost. If you are in an environment with cardinal directions, you have a sense of those directions.
Failure. You are unable to get your bearings and determine the direction you need to go in.
Critical Failure. You get turned around and lost, potentially forcing you to lose valuable travel time if you even realize you are headed in the wrong direction.
Base DCExamples
10Determine a cardinal direction using the sun
15Find an overgrown path in a forest
20Navigate a hedge maze
25Navigate a labyrinth or relatively featureless desert
30Navigate an ever-changing dream realm

Track | Untrained

You follow tracks or other signs of passage that have been left by a creature, moving at up to half your travel speed. After a successful check to track, you can continue following the tracks at half your speed without attempting additional checks for up to 1 hour. You attempt your Survival check when you start tracking, once every hour you continue tracking, and any time something significant changes the trail. The DM determines the DCs for such checks, depending on the freshness of the trail, the weather, and the type of ground.

Critical Success. You are able to find the trail or continue following the one you were already following and do not need to attempt another roll for 24 hours.
Success. You manage to find the trail or continue following the one you were already following.
Failure. You lose the trail but can try again with a 1-hour delay.
Critical Failure. You lose the trail and are unable to find it again for 24 hours.
Base DCExamples
10The path of a large army following a road
15Relatively fresh tracks of a creature roaming the plains
20A nimble creature's tracks through heavy foliage, tracks obscured by rainfall
25Tracks obscured by winter snow, tracks of small creatures, tracks on surfaces that can't hold prints like bare rock
30Old tracks in a windy desert, tracks after major natural disasters