Knights of the Silver Hand

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The Knights of the Silver Hand (full name being the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and referred to also as the Order of the Silver Hand or just the Silver Hand) is an order of paladins that was created before the start of the Second Troll Wars. They have stations across the entirety of the Eastern Kingdoms.



Command Centers

There are multiple command centers for the Knights of the Silverhand across the Eastern Kingdoms.

The Argent Gauntlet

The Argent Gauntlet serves as the central leadership of the Knights of the Silverhand and is made up of five members.

Worgen Arthas Menethil | Wulf King of Lordaeron, Knight of the Argent Gauntlet Alive
Human Gavinrad the Dire Knight of the Argent Gauntlet, Founder of the Silver Hand Alive
Human Renault Mograine Highlord of the Scarlet Crusade, Former Knight of the Argent Gauntlet Alive
Human Saidan Dathrohan Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade, Former Knight of the Argent Gauntlet and Founder of the Silver Hand Alive
Human Turalyon Windrunner Knight of the Argent Gauntlet, Founder of the Silver Hand Alive

Other Members

The Argent Gauntlet is the highest rank achievable within the ranks of the Silver Hand. Other ranks are as follows:

Arator Windrunner The Ashrbinger, Former Knight of the Silver Hand Alive
Worgen Arthas Menethil | Wulf King of Lordaeron, Knight of the Argent Gauntlet Alive
Human Bolvar Fordragon Defender of the Crown Alive
Human Darion Mograine Knight of the Silver Hand Alive
Human Gavinrad the Dire Knight of the Argent Gauntlet, Founder of the Silver Hand Alive
Human Grayson Shadowbreaker Interim Commander of the Silver Hand in Stormwind Alive
Human Julia Celeste Knight of the Silver Hand Alive
Human Maxwell Tyrosus Alive
Human Raymond George Alive
Human Renault Mograine Highlord of the Scarlet Crusade, Former Knight of the Argent Gauntlet Alive
Human Saidan Dathrohan Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade, Former Knight of the Argent Gauntlet and Founder of the Silver Hand Alive
Human Taelan Fordring High General of the Scarlet Crusade, Former Knight of the Silver Hand Alive
Human Turalyon Windrunner Knight of the Argent Gauntlet, Founder of the Silver Hand Alive
Human Uther the Lightbringer Knight of the Silver Hand Deceased
Human Uther Menethil Prince of Lordaeron, Knight of the Silver Hand Alive