Jorin Deadeye

Art by


Mag'har Orc

Relatives Kilrogg Deadeye (Father)




Chapter Three: The Scales Tip

Frostmourne and the Clipped Wing

When Arthak arrived on the mainland for the first formal meeting of the Clipped Wing coalition, he went to Jorin to see if he may have an alternate route to rekindle the connection that Arthak had had with Frostmourne instead of Nyxxa trying to corrupt him again, as such a route would be as dangerous for her as it was for Arthak. Jorin expressed he had no desire to dabble with corruption due to the danger it would pose to himself, but he did bring forth that he believed the sword had taken Dranosh's soul and, when Arthak wielded it, part of Arthak's as well. Jorin posed that they may be able to effectively scry on the piece of Arthak that had been claimed, and while it, too, was dangerous, it was a route Arthak was willing to try.

Together and with some difficulty, they were able to locate the sword. Much tot heir chagrin, they found it was much closer than they had thought: impaled in a great tree just beyond the second barrier of the ban'dinoriel. Concerned by the proximity of the sword, Jorin expressed that, should Arthak choose not to pursue it himself, he would likely approach Garrosh about accompanying him outside the barrier to aid him in retrieving it before others that were hunting it would.

Following the meeting of the Clipped Wing coalition, and the ambush of the Thalassian Resistance during which Maim Blackhand was killed, Jorin left with Garrosh and reconvened in the territory of the Bleeding Hollow. After a brief discussion, Garrosh agreed it would be wise that they accompanied those going beyond the barrier to recover Frostmourne. When Garrosh left with the disguised Garona, Arthak--who had sought Jorin and Garrosh out following the meeting--insisted he wished to speak with the "draenei slave" as one of his clansmen had seen something that implied they may have been involved. While Jorin did not outright confirm the slave's identity, he purposely dropped enough hints for Arthak to identify that it was likely Garona, and Jorin stated he would present the idea of a meeting to Garrosh upon their return, but for the time being that would be all he could do.

Appeared In

Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
