
The Ati-Kaso are a wandering band of (mostly) broken draenei that ultimately came to rely on each other for survival in the inhospitable lands of Draenor.

Known Members

Krokul Ahonan (formerly Larohir) Former leader of the Ati-Kaso, former Exarch and Sha'tari Proconsul Deceased
Krokul Altaa Alive
Krokul Armord Alive
Krokul Deremos Alive
Draenei Dornaa Alive
Krokul Gotri Alive
Krokul Kaviir Shaman Acolyte of the Ati-Kaso Alive
Krokul Livii Alive
Krokul Lunasemena Member of the Ati-Kaso Deceased
Krokul Phaedra Self-Taught Auchenai Priest Alive
Draenei Remnii Daughter of the Prophet, Priestess of the Aldor, Former member of the Broken Blade clan, Monk of the Holy Light Alive
Krokul Samaara Former Priestess and Scout of the Rangari; Bodyguard of Remnii Alive
Krokul Thelamis Alive
Draenei Yrel Best Friend and Protector of Remnii, Captive of the Burning Legion Captured