This page lists all existing Abjuration spells. If you would like to see spells broken up by class, reference the appropriate class spell list.
Cantrips [2]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Blade Ward
| 1 reaction
| VS
| Self
| Instantaneous
| PHB 218
| Resistance
| 1 reaction
| VS
| 10 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 272, SRD
1st-Level Spells [10]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Absorb Elements
| 1 reaction
| S
| Self
| 1 round
| XGE 150
| Alarm
| ✖
| 1 minute
| 30 feet
| 8 hours
| PHB 211, SRD
| Armor of Agathys
| 1 bonus action
| Self
| 1 hour
| PHB 215
| Ceremony
| ✖
| 1 hour
| VSM($)
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| XGE 151
| Mage Armor
| 1 action
| Touch
| 8 hours
| PHB 256, SRD
| Protection from Evil and Good
| 1 action
| Touch
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 270, SRD
| Sanctuary
| 1 bonus action
| 30 feet
| 1 minute
| PHB 272, SRD
| Shield
| 1 reaction
| VS
| Self
| 1 round
| PHB 275, SRD
| Shield of Faith
| 1 bonus action
| 60 feet
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 275, SRD
| Snare
| 1 minute
| SM*
| Touch
| 8 hours
| XGE 165
2nd-Level Spells [11]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Aid
| 1 action
| 30 feet
| 8 hours
| PHB 211, SRD
| Arcane Lock
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| Touch
| Until dispelled
| PHB 215, SRD
| Arcane Vigor
| 1 bonus action
| VS
| Self
| Instantaneous
| PHB'24 242
| Digital Phantom
| 1 action
| Self
| (C) 1 hour
| UA: Modern Magic
| Icicle Trap
| 10 minutes
| 15 feet
| Until dispelled
| Knuckleheads
| Mental Barrier
| 1 reaction
| V
| Self
| 1 round
| UA: Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard
| Pass without Trace
| 1 action
| Self (30-foot emanation)
| (C) 1 hour
| PHB 2024, SRD
| Protection from Poison
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| 1 hour
| PHB 270, SRD
| Restoration
| 1 bonus action
| VSM($)
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| PHB 255, SRD
| Thought Shield
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| 8 hours
| UA: Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard
| Warding Bond
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| Touch
| 1 hour
| PHB 287, SRD
3rd-Level Spells [10]
4th-Level Spells [8]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Aura of Life
| 1 action
| V
| Self (30-foot radius)
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 216
| Aura of Purity
| 1 action
| V
| Self (30-foot radius)
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 216
| Banishment
| 1 action
| 60 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 217, SRD
| Cold Storage
| 1 action
| 60 feet
| (C) Varies
| HHHv2
| Death Ward
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| 8 hours
| PHB 230, SRD
| Freedom of Movement
| 1 action
| Touch
| 1 hour
| PHB 244, SRD
| Invigorate
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| Touch
| 8 hours
| Knuckleheads
| Private Sanctum
| 10 minutes
| 120 feet
| 24 hours
| PHB 262, SRD
5th-Level Spells [6]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Antilife Shell
| 1 action
| VS
| Self (10-foot radius)
| (C) 1 hour
| PHB 213, SRD
| Banishing Smite
| 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting a target with a weapon attack
| V
| Self
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 216
| Circle of Power
| 1 action
| V
| Self (30-foot radius)
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 221
| Dispel Evil and Good
| 1 action
| Self
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 233, SRD
| Hallow
| 24 hours
| VSM($)
| Touch
| Until dispelled
| PHB 249, SRD
| Planar Binding
| 1 hour
| VSM($)
| 60 feet
| 24 hours
| PHB 265, SRD
6th-Level Spells [7]
7th-Level Spells [1]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Symbol
| 1 minute
| VSM($)
| Touch
| Until dispelled or triggered
| PHB 280, SRD
8th-Level Spells [3]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Antimagic Field
| 1 action
| Self (10-foot-radius sphere)
| (C) 1 hour
| PHB 213, SRD
| Holy Aura
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| Self (30-foot emanation)
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 251, SRD
| Mind Blank
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| 24 hours
| PHB 259, SRD
9th-Level Spells [2]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Source
| Imprisonment
| 1 minute
| VSM($)
| 30 feet
| Until dispelled
| PHB 252, SRD
| Invulnerability
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| Self
| (C) 10 minutes
| XGE 160