Bloodhunter: Order of the Reaper

Original Source: Original Homebrew

Grim Avatar

At 3rd level, through pacts of binding, you have bound a fell creature to your very soul, called an avatar. This shadowy, fiendish creature typically conceals itself within your shadow, stigmata, or similar place, but can be commanded forth to aid you in slaying your foes.

The d20 die result required to activate a flourish with a weapon attack empowered by your Crimson Rite is reduced by 1.

Whenever you flourish with a weapon attack empowered by your Crimson Rite, your avatar briefly appears next to the target to strike it, dealing necrotic damage to the creature equal to two rolls of your hemocraft die in addition to the normal effects of the flourish.

Circle of Sacrifice

Also at 3rd level, you gain the ability to empower yourself using your own vitality. You gain the following abilities:

Crest of Borrowed Time. As an action, you can expend a number of hit dice up to your proficiency bonus. If you do, you gain temporary hit points equal to twice the number of hit dice you spent. When these temporary hit points are lost, you regain the hit dice you spent.
Harpe. You learn the chill touch cantrip. When you cast it, you can expend 1 hit die to grant the attack the benefits of a Crimson Rite of your choice, as if it were a weapon.
Hell's Ingress. You can cast misty step by expending 2 hit dice.

Bloodsown Circle

At 7th level, your intrinsic understanding of sacrifice empowers your avatar to tear vitality away from your foes. You gain the following features:

Arcane Circle. You count as having the Pact Magic feature for the purposes of fulfilling prerequisites for Eldritch Invocations. You can cast spells you know from Eldritch Invocations by spending hit dice equal to the level of the spell instead of mana.
Gluttony. When you flourish with a weapon empowered by your Crimson Rite, you regain 1 hit die.
Grim Swathe. When you flourish, you can expend it and 1 hit die to deal your the avatar's damage to creatures of your choice within 5 feet of it. You do not regain a hit die if you use your flourish in this way.
Hell's Egress. When you cast misty step using Hell's Ingress, you can expend 2 hit dice at any time until the end of your turn to return to the space you teleported from (no action required.)

Brand of Death's Design

Starting at 11th level, your Brand of Castigation dooms the target, spelling their agonizing demise at your hand. Necrotic damage you deal to creatures branded by you ignores resistance to necrotic damage, and deals half damage to creatures who are immune to necrotic damage. Additionally, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 against a creature branded by you.


At 15th level, you have learned eldritch techniques that allow you to offer your flesh up as a vessel for your avatar for short periods of time.

As a bonus action, you can allow your avatar to possess you. While you are enshrouded by your avatar, you gain vulnerability to radiant damage and sunlight sensitivity. When you are possessed, you can spend hit dice to gain additional features for the duration.

Table: Enshroud Abilities
EffectHit Die Cost
Suppress Radiant Vulnerability1
Suppress Sunlight Sensitivity1
Darkvision 120 ft. (or +90 ft.)1
Telepathy 120 ft.2
Incorporeal Movement2
Shadow Stealth2
Resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Thunder Damage2 Each
Resistance to Nonmagical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage3
Fly Speed3

While you are enshrouded, you can expend hit dice to perform the following abilities:

Grim Reaping. When you deal necrotic damage with an attack, you can expend 1 hit die. If you do, the target's maximum hit point total is reduced by the necrotic damage dealt by the attack and flourish, and you regain hit points equal to half the necrotic damage.
Lemure's Slice. You spend 2 hit dice to make a single weapon attack with a weapon empowered by your Crimson Rite as a bonus action.
Communio. As an action, you can focus all of your vitality on a single point and unleash its devastation. Each creature in a 10-foot radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point within 60 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw against your hemocraft save DC. Expend all of your remaining hit dice and roll that many of your hemocraft dice. Creatures take necrotic damage to damage equal to a amount rolled on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

At the beginning of your turn while you are enshrouded, you must expend 1 hit die or the effect ends. Otherwise, you remain enshrouded until you die.

Blood Curse of the Plentiful Harvest

At 18th level, your hemocraft allows you to gorge yourself on the life force of your foes. You gain the Blood Curse of the Plentiful Harvest for your Blood Maledict feature. This doesn’t count against your number of blood curses known.

Blood Curse of the Plentiful Harvest
As a bonus action, you curse a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you. You regain 1 hit die every time you hit the cursed creature with a weapon attack empowered by your Crimson Rite, whether or not you flourish.
Amplify. When you flourish with a weapon empowered by your Crimson Rite, you regain 2 hit die. If the attack is a critical hit, you regain 3 instead.