
Art by
- Species
- Krokul
- Gender
- Male
- Height
- 6'10"
- Eyes
- Turquoise
- Hair
- Bald
- Skin
- Purple
- Status
- Alive
Unnamed Woman (Wife, Slain by Orcs)
Unnamed Girl (Daughter, Slain by Orcs)
Before the Orcs declared war on the draenei of Draenor, Akama was on the Exarch council, and served as High Vindicator. After the fall of Shattrath City, and subsequently the flight of Velen and the rest of the draenei on the Exodar, Akama became a prominent leader among the draenei resistance. His tribe, the Ashtongue, formed a guerrilla force that fights against the Horde and the Legion on Draenor.
Akama holds one of the seven Ata'mal Crystals - the Brilliant Star.
Half way between a krokul and a lost one, Akama's breaking is obvious. He is far from the Exarch he once was. Color has drained from his skin, leaving an ashen purple pallor behind. His face is sunken and his posture always bent. Often cowled, Akama's lips are peeled back in a perpetual snarl, revealing a gruesome mouth of fangs.
Despite his new form, Akama carries himself with purpose, ferocity, and dignity, daring anyone to challenge his mission.
Before the fall of Shattrath, and his breaking, Akama was notably headstrong and brave. He was young, but gifted, when Argus fell, and carried his training close to his heart. He sought to be a beacon of faith in the dark times that struck Draenor, but his inability to save his people eventually soured his mind and turned him into a cynical shadow of who he once was.
After becoming krokul, he became embittered and vindictive, his hatred for the orcs and demons that slaughtered his people time and time again deepening into a dark cesspool that threatened to consume him. As the years passed, his mutation worsened, growing closer to becoming a member of the Lost Ones, and his sanity slipping from him entirely. This darkness - this shade - began to revel in the bloodshed, and Akama became more like the monsters he had sworn to destroy.
After acquiring the Brilliant Star, his mind quieted, and he was able to push back against the malice that had almost seized control of his psyche. While he still carries the burning hatred for the orcs and the Legion, the Ata'mal crystal has allowed him to repair his slipping sanity and refocus himself without losing to the growing darkness in his soul. He carries the reverence he once held for the Light and his people with him, now directed towards avenging them and the world the Horde so callously cast aside in their search for conquest.
Regardless of the stage in his life, Akama is both wise and patient, even exacting, in his plans. He is not one to take risks without weighing the consequences, but is decisive when it comes to be the time to strike.
When the Warband found the Ashtongue Brotherhood for the second time, this time in the Frostfire Ridges. It was discovered that Kaylaan had joined the Ashtounge along with Jaatra's remnants of the Ati-Kaso.
- Inspired by Remnii, Akama has pledged to answer the call with with Ashtounge if, and only if, she is able to rally the Draenei under a banner of war against the Burning Legion.