Spells that come from the cosmic force of elementalism represent the flux and pull of the elements as well as the core of the spirit. Shamans are among those who are particularly in tune with these natural forces, and they use their abilities to control and bring harmony to the chaos of natural forces.
Cantrips [21]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Notes
| Source
| Booming Blade
| 1 action
| SM*
| Self
| 1 round
| TCE 106, SCAG 142
| Control Flames
| 1 action
| S
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous or 1 hour
| XGE 152
| Fountain Blade
| 1 action
| SM*
| Self
| 1 round
| Homebrew
| Frostbite
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 156
| Frost Strike
| 1 action
| VM*
| Self
| 1 round
| Homebrew (Velameestra)
| Green-Flame Blade
| 1 action
| SM*
| Self
| 1 round
| TCE 107, SCAG 143
| Guidance
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 248, SRD
| Gust
| 1 action
| VS
| 30 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 157
| Jolt
| 1 action
| VS
| 90 feet
| Instantaneous
| Homebrew
| Lightning Lure
| 1 action
| V
| Self (15-foot radius)
| Instantaneous
| TCE 107, SCAG 143
| Magic Stone
| 1 bonus action
| VS
| Touch
| 1 minute
| XGE 160
| Mold Earth
| 1 action
| S
| 30 feet
| Instantaneous or 1 hour
| XGE 162
| Produce Flame
| 1 action
| VS
| Self
| 10 minutes
| PHB 269, SRD
| Resistance
| 1 action
| Touch
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 272, SRD
| Shape Water
| 1 action
| S
| 30 feet
| Instantaneous or 1 hour
| XGE 164
| Rockbiter / Shillelagh
| 1 bonus action
| Touch
| 1 minute
| PHB 275, SRD
| Shocking Grasp
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| PHB 275, SRD
| Shock Strike
| 1 action
| SM*
| Self
| Instantaneous
| Homebrew
| Thaumaturgy
| 1 action
| V
| 30 feet
| Up to 1 minute
| PHB 282, SRD
| Thunderclap
| 1 action
| S
| 5 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 168
| Wind Blade
| 1 action
| SM
| 30 feet
| Instantaneous
| Homebrew
1st-Level Spells [30]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Notes
| Source
| Absorb Elements
| 1 reaction
| S
| Self
| 1 round
| XGE 150
| Burning Hands
| 1 action
| VS
| Self (15-foot cone)
| Instantaneous
| PHB 220, SRD
| Ceremony
| ✖
| 1 hour
| VSM($)
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| XGE 151
| Create or Destroy Water
| 1 action
| 30 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 229, SRD
| Detect Evil and Good
| 1 action
| VS
| Self
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 231, SRD
| Detect Magic
| ✖
| 1 action
| VS
| Self
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 231, SRD
| Detect Poison and Disease
| ✖
| 1 action
| Self
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 231, SRD
| Earth Shock
| 1 reaction
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Earth Tremor
| 1 action
| VS
| Self (10-foot radius)
| Instantaneous
| XGE 155
| Expeditious Retreat
| 1 bonus action
| VS
| Self
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 238, SRD
| Flash of Light / Swiftmend / Healing Surge
| 1 bonus action
| V
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 250, SRD
| Fog Cloud
| 1 action
| VS
| 120 feet
| (C) 1 hour
| PHB 243, SRD
| Gift of Alacrity
| 1 minute
| VS
| Touch
| 8 hours
| EGW 186
| Grease
| 1 action
| 60 feet
| 1 minute
| PHB 246, SRD
| Harvesting Hands
| ✖
| 1 minute
| SM
| 10 feet
| Varies
| HHHv2
| Hellish Rebuke
| 1 reaction
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 250, SRD
| Heroism
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 250, SRD
| Ice Barrier
| 1 action
| Self
| 1 hour
| PHB 215
| Ice Knife
| 1 action
| SM
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 157
| Ice Lance
| 1 action
| SM
| 90 feet
| Instantaneous
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Inner Fire
| 1 bonus action
| VS
| 60 feet
| (C) 10 minutes
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Lava Burst
| 1 action
| 30 feet
| Instantaneous
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Protection from Evil and Good
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 270, SRD
| Purify Food and Drink
| ✖
| 1 action
| VS
| 10 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 270, SRD
| Rejuvenation
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| 3 turns
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Searing Smite / Seal of Vengeance / Flametongue Weapon
| 1 bonus action
| V
| Self
| 1 minute
| PHB 274
| Thunderous Smite / Seal of Thunder / Stormstrike
| 1 bonus action
| V
| Self
| 1 minute
| PHB 282
| Thunderwave
| 1 action
| VS
| Self (15-foot cube)
| Instantaneous
| PHB 282, SRD
| Witch Bolt
| 1 action
| 30 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 289
| Zephyr Strike
| 1 bonus action
| V
| Self
| (C) 1 minute
| XGE 171
2nd-Level Spells [23]
3rd-Level Spells [29]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Notes
| Source
| Call Lightning
| 1 action
| VS
| 120 feet
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 220, SRD
| Clairvoyance / Far Sight
| 10 minutes
| VSM($)
| 1 mile
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 222, SRD
| Elemental Shield
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| (C) 1 hour
| Homebrew
| Erupting Earth / Shockwave
| 1 action
| 120 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 155
| Flame Arrows
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| (C) 1 hour
| XGE 156
| Flame Stride
| 1 bonus action
| VS
| Self
| (C) 1 minute
| FTD 19
| Gaseous Form
| 1 action
| Touch
| (C) 1 hour
| PHB 244, SRD
| Glyph of Warding
| 1 hour
| VSM($)
| Touch
| Until dispelled or triggered
| PHB 245, SRD
| Haste/Bloodlust
| 1 action
| 30 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 250, SRD
| Lightning Arrow
| 1 bonus action
| VS
| Self
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 255
| Magic Circle
| 1 minute
| VSM($)
| 10 feet
| 1 hour
| PHB 256, SRD
| Meld into Stone
| ✖
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| 8 hours
| PHB 259, SRD
| Minute Meteors
| 1 action
| Self
| (C) 10 minutes
| XGE 161
| Protection from Energy
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| (C) 1 hour
| PHB 270, SRD
| Revivify
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| PHB 272, SRD
| Shackling Smite / Frostbite Weapon
| 1 bonus action
| V
| Self
| (C) 1 minute
| Knuckleheads
| Shivering Touch
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| (C) 1 minute
| Knuckleheads
| Sleet Storm
| 1 action
| 150 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 276, SRD
| Speak with Dead
| 1 action
| 10 feet
| 10 minutes
| PHB 277, SRD
| Spirit Guardians
| 1 action
| Self (15-foot radius)
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 278, SRD
| Spirit Shroud
| 1 bonus action
| VS
| Self
| (C) 1 minute
| TCE 108
| Thunder Step
| 1 action
| V
| 90 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 168
| Tidal Wave
| 1 action
| 120 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 168
| Wall of Sand
| 1 action
| 90 feet
| (C) 10 minutes
| XGE 170
| Wall of Water
| 1 action
| 60 feet
| (C) 10 minutes
| XGE 170
| War Drums
| 1 action
| VS
| Self
| (C) 10 minutes
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Water Breathing
| ✖
| 1 action
| 30 feet
| 24 hours
| PHB 287, SRD
| Water Walk
| ✖
| 1 action
| 30 feet
| 1 hour
| PHB 287, SRD
| Wind Wall
| 1 action
| 120 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 288, SRD
4th-Level Spells [22]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Notes
| Source
| Blizzard
| 1 action
| 300 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 252, SRD
| Cold Storage
| 1 action
| 60 feet
| (C) Varies
| HHHv2
| Conjure Minor Elementals
| 1 minute
| VS
| 90 feet
| (C) 1 hour
| PHB 226, SRD
| Control Water
| 1 action
| 300 feet
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 227, SRD
| Create Firestone
| 1 action
| Self
| 10 minutes
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Curse of the Elements
| 1 action
| VS
| 90 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| XGE 155
| Divination
| ✖
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| Self
| Instantaneous
| PHB 234, SRD
| Faithful Hound / Feral Spirit
| 1 action
| 30 feet
| 8 hours
| PHB 261, SRD
| Blessing of Freedom / Freedom of Movement
| 1 action
| Touch
| 1 hour
| PHB 244, SRD
| Frost Shock
| 1 bonus action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Lightning Shield
| 1 action
| 30 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Molten/Frost Armor
| 1 action
| Self
| 10 minutes
| PHB 242, SRD
| Purge
| 1 action
| VS
| 120 feet
| Instantaneous
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Speedy Courier
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| 10 feet
| 10 minutes
| LLK 57
| Stone Shape
| 1 action
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| PHB 278, SRD
| Stoneskin
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| Touch
| (C) 1 hour
| PHB 278, SRD
| Storm Sphere
| 1 action
| VS
| 150 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| XGE 166
| Summon Construct
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| 90 feet
| (C) 1 hour
| TCE 111
| Summon Elemental
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| 90 feet
| (C) 1 hour
| TCE 111
| Wall of Fire
| 1 action
| 120 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 285, SRD
| Watery Sphere
| 1 action
| 90 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| XGE 170
| Web of Fire
| 1 action
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| Critical Role
5th-Level Spells [16]
6th-Level Spells [16]
7th-Level Spells [5]
8th-Level Spells [4]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Notes
| Source
| Control Weather
| 10 minutes
| Self (5-mile radius)
| (C) 8 hours
| PHB 228, SRD
| Earthquake
| 1 action
| 500 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 236, SRD
| Incendiary Cloud
| 1 action
| VS
| 150 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 253, SRD
| Tsunami
| 1 minute
| VS
| Sight
| (C) 6 rounds
| PHB 284
9th-Level Spells [7]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Notes
| Source
| Astral Projection
| 1 hour
| VSM($)
| 10 feet
| Special
| PHB 215, SRD
| Comet Storm
| 1 action
| VS
| 1 mile
| Instantaneous
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Elemental Blast
| 1 action
| VS
| 150 feet
| Instantaneous
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Foresight
| 1 minute
| Touch
| 8 hours
| PHB 244, SRD
| Meteor Swarm
| 1 action
| VS
| 1 mile
| Instantaneous
| PHB 259, SRD
| Storm of Vengeance
| 1 action
| VS
| Sight
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 279, SRD
| Windfury / Time Warp
| 1 bonus action
| VS
| Self
| 1 minute
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew