Chapter Four: Homecoming
January, 633
The war against the Alliance begins and the sieges of Stratholme and Fort Crossing begin in earnest, and the raiders of the Warsong Clan burn swathes of destruction across the countryside.
- Halno is able to make contact with the soul of his borrowed body, Sylvos Windrunner, and Sylvos gains the ability to be manifested as a floating, spectral head. However, his emotional response to the situations at hand were stunted in the process.
- The Warband is able to convince the Shadowsword felblood elves headed by Solion whom Azgadaan had given Sylvos's old manor to leave so they could once again access Sylvos's belongings. Nyxxa promises she would help them find another base of operations on the mainland.
March, 633
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session One | January 7th - July 1st | Arthak negotiates with Zul'jin and the Amani trolls for aid in the war effort. Halno unlocks the consciousness of Sylvos Windrunner, allowing him to communicate with the world. Nyxxa and Azgadaan gain new companions, and Azgadaan's pursuit of the ooze that had evaded him in Kilnar's manor lead him, Nyxxa, and Levia to a colony of skarvyn that have gathered around the dragonleaf tree beneath Borel's former manor. |
Interaction: Ghoulish Diplomacy | Arthak meets with Gul'dan to discuss what might be the best way to win over the Amani and Zul'jin. | |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Two | January 7th - July 1st | Kroll Gravenight reaches out to Arthak and Nyxxa to inform them of the dire straights on Outland, including the death of Go'el's previously unknown mate and the existence of his two children. Viridius is able to offer the warband a way to Outland, and Azgadaan's long-standing vendetta against the ooze that had become known as the Crimson is concluded with a fight in the sewers. |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Three | January 7th - July 1st | The warband meets with Rehgar, updating him on events and unpacking some of the mysteries surrounding the skarvyn. Azgadaan apologizes to Nessyln via the dream spell, and also reaches out to Raluhi via dream. Shaspira returns to Azeroth, Arthak speaks to her. Azgadaan, Nyxxa and Levia meat Broker Bo'lin and make an arrangement with him. |
Interaction: Hammer It Home | Arthak catches up with Sadras and the two reflect on the information they had just learned concerning the Hammer and Go'el. | |
Interaction: Trust Fall | Nyxxa contacts Gilveradin, informing him about the updates concerning the Dragonleaf tree and the missing red dragon, and requests that he keep the information about the skarvyn as quiet as he can. | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session One | May 12th - May 22nd | Up in Northrend, Velameestra aids in the resurrection of the blood knight Sangrias Stillblade before returning to her companions in Gadgetzan. Meanwhile, Uther, Seria, and Riff fight their way to becoming the new reigning champions of the Thunderdrome, Remnii makes contact with Jarod Shadowsong, and new mysteries unfold when several members of the group investigate Greydon Thorne's wrecked ship, the Wavestrider. |
May, 633
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Two | May 22nd - May 24th | The party discusses plans moving forward now that they have more information and make preparations to leave. Vel informs Remnii and Uther of her intention to become a vampyr. The party begins their travel into the desert. Aramar shows Uther the Diamond Blade Telagos gave him, a gift from Aramar's father. They reach a span of salt flats. One morning a group of dunalisks attempt to ambush them. |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Three | May 24th - May 28th | The fight with the dunalisks complete, the party continues to move northward. Tol'vas talks with a moth he summoned, who informs him that Val'Sharah still exists. Remnii learns via commune that the Legion is partially responsible for the conflict between the Draenei and the Kaldorei, as well as more information on the Hidden. While resting the party is nearly hit by a Goblin racer. They find and investigate a strange meteor. They then encounter undead Highborne and a fight ensues. Once the fight completes, the druids entreat the dryads of the canyons to cleanse the land of the undead unable to pass on. |
Snapshot: Absence | May 24th | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Four | May 28th - May 29th | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Five | May 29th - May 30th | |
Snapshot: Memento Mori | May 30th | |
Snapshot: Six Feet Under | May 30th | Alleria buries her niece in the ground so she can undergo the painful vampyric transformation, and wonders whether or not her family would forgive her for allowing Vel to become an undead monster like herself... while simultaneously being comforted by the fact neither of them would be alone. |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Six | May 30th | |
Snapshot: A Real Wolf | May 30th | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Seven | May 30th - June 1st | |
Interaction: Show Me Your Teeth | May 31st |
June, 633
July, 633
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Four | July 1st - July 4th | The Warband gets ready to leave for Outland, making the final preparations. Loryx, Eralaz, and some skarvyn go on a pilgrimage to the great tree. Azgadaan asks for Shaspira for information on his father, and goes on a date with Aracyra. Arthak informs Varok about the quest to claim the Doomhammer. Ready to go, the Warband enters Outland via Shaspira casting gate on Azuka, reuniting them with the stranded Broken Blade Clan. |
Interaction: Lending a Hand [character linking] | July 3rd | |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Five | Outland Day 1 - Outland Day 3 | The Warband prepare to leave. Some of the Broken Blade are gated back to Azeroth, leaving everyone that wants to stay on Outland on Outland. Azgadaan dreams Kroll and Kaylaan. Arthak leaves to Hellfire with Azuka and Veena and the group is ambushed by assassins. He bests them, but leaves and makes a contact of the warlock Oronok Torn-heart. The rest of the Warband goes to discretely meet with Khadgar. They are ambushed by demon hunter Loremus, who then leaves to go on his own mission. They then meet with Khadgar, but the meeting is interrupted by an invisible Kalec and Tyri. |
Interaction: Unfortunate Imprecations | Outland Day 1 | Nyxxa talks to Levia about looking into the possibility of lifting the satyr's curse, and confesses about her maternal feelings toward her. |
Snapshot: Alone with Herself (Part 1) | Outland Day 2 | Nyxxa happily reflects on the fact she has people that accept her now, and how unusual Vaerux's response to the idea of removing the satyr's curse was. |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Thirty | July 8th - July 27th | |
Snapshot: Personal Hell | July 8th - July 27th | |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Six | Outland Day 3 - Outland Day 4 | The Warband talks with Kalec and Tyri and make plans to investigate the appearance of dragons on Outland. Khadgar gives the Warband a secret mission to find and back up high elven scouts. The Warband then tracks down Loremus, are ambushed by the high elves and convince both that they can help. The groups then converge to ambush the Legion Forge Camp. Meanwhile, Arthak reaches Hellfire. He runs into Rakeesh and speaks to Mannoroth, getting information of Hellfire Citadel. |
Snapshot: Mornings Are Hell | Outland Day 4 | |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Seven | Outland Day 4 | |
Snapshot: The Road to Hel (Part 1) | July 27th | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-One | July 27th | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-Two | July 27th | |
Interaction: Past Tense | July 27th | Velameestra speaks to Medivh about the identity of Ariella Silverwood--the woman who had written the book her mother had turned into her spellbook--and he inquires about her fangs and other indicators that she may not just be a normal elf. |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-Three | July 27th | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-Four | July 27th - July 28th | |
Snapshot: The Road to Hel (Part 2) | July 28th | |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Eight | Outland Day 4 - Outland Day 7 | |
Interaction: The Demon You Know | Outland Day 6 | |
Interaction: Heir it Out | Outland Day 5 - Outland Day 7 | |
Snapshot: Going for a Spin | Outland Day 7 | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-Five | July 28th - July 29th | |
Interaction: Jed'hin It On (Unfinished) | July 29th | After being grabbed by Remnii to watch the cultural, draenic sport of jed'hin, Vel asks Remnii why she doesn't just spend the night with Maraad given the priestess has expressed her loneliness. |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-Six | July 29th | |
Interaction: Two Sides to Every Story | July 29th | Vel asks for Illidan's side of his story, and in the process she and Kor'vas also share some of their own. |
Snapshot: Color in the Dark | July 29th | Vel leaves a small offering in the furbolg burial cave before using it to carry herself to Northrend. |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-Seven | July 29th - July 30th | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-Eight | July 30th | |
Snapshot: Dark Urges (Part 2) | July 30th | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-Nine | July 30th | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Forty | July 30th - July 31st | |
Snapshot: Afterglow | July 30th | Vel reflects on the differences in her emotional state after spending a night with Medivh. |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Forty-One | July 31st | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Two | July 31st | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Three | July 31st - August 1st |
August, 633
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Four | August 1st - August 2nd | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Five | August 2nd | |
Interaction: Leave a Message at the Stone | August 2nd | Zar'kaa and Remnii speak |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Six | August 2nd - August 3rd | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Seven | August 3rd | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Eight | August 3rd - August 9th | |
Snapshot: Interior Spaces | August 8th | |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Fifteen | Outland Day 16 - Outland Day 17 | Nyxxa had the opportunity to get caught up with Altruis Shadowsong and get general intel about the Legion activity in the area before the war band continued on their way to Garadar. Upon their arrival, they had the opportunity to meet with Go'el's children, Durak and Geya'rah, who many had not known had even existed, as well as the small family of draenei that had found a safe haven in the hidden village, which included the krokul Thelamis, Kaviir, and Phaedra, as well as young Dornaa, and the baby that Thelamis and Kaviir had managed to conceive. It was also discovered that several good orcs had been lost in the protection of the village when the world shattered, including both Go'el's grandmother, Geyah, and his mate, Aggralan. |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Sixteen [character linking] | Outland Day 17 - Outland Day 18 | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Nine [formatting/character linking] | August 9th - August 15th | |
Snapshot: Snapshot: Alone with Herself (Part 2) [character linking] | Outland Day 18 | |
Interaction: Discussions and Dragons [Character Linking] | August ??? | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Fifty [formatting/character linking] | August 4th - August 17th | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Fifty-One [character linking] | August 17th | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Fifty-Two [character linking] | August 17th | |
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Fifty-Three [character linking] | August 17th | |
Snapshot: Dark Urges (Part 3) [character linking] | August 17th | |
Snapshot: Snapshot: The Road to Hel (Part 3) [character linking] | August 18th | |
Snapshot: Snapshot: The Road to Hel (Part 4) [character linking] | August 18th | |
Snapshot: Snapshot: The Road to Hel (Part 5) [character linking] | August 18th |
August |
September, 633
[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Fifty-Nine [character linking] | September 2nd - September 4th | |
Interaction: Blood and Wine [character linking] | September 2nd | |
Interaction: Far from Home [character linking] | September 5th | Rakeesh takes Remnii on a tour of Argus. |
Interaction: Constellate [character linking] | September 5th | Remnii dreams and catches up with Yrel. |
Interaction: [NSFW] The Talk of Shame [character linking] | September 5th | Remnii and Rakeesh speak following their night of passion. |
Interaction: Best Intentions [character linking] | September 11th | The simulacrum of Velameestra Windrunner that had been assigned to Northrend checks in with the newest vampyr, Arlethal Bloodwatcher. |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Six [character linking] | September 14th - September 17th | |
Snapshot: Reflection by Moonlight [character linking] | September 15th | Nyxxa sees the moon. |
Snapshot: The Road to Hel (Part 6) [character linking] | September 17th | |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Seven [character linking] | September 17th - September 18th | |
Interaction: Greatest of All Time [character linking] | September 17th | Nyxxa and Vaerux speak on Xavius, the first satyr. |
Snapshot: The Road to Hel (Part 7) [character linking] | September 17th - September 20th | |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Eight [character linking] | September 18th - September 19th | |
Snapshot: By Any Other Name [character linking] | September 18th | Nyxxa processes her memories and the regaining of her knowledge of her first name—Nhemai. |
Interaction: Rule of Threes [character linking] | September 18th | Arthak discloses information to both Garrosh and Go'el. |
Interaction: Crush My Hopes [character linking] | September 18th | Nyxxa seeks Arthak for advice on her feelings for Khadgar, as well as reports on the acquisition of her original name. |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Nine [character linking] | September 19th - October 11th | |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Fifty [character linking] | September 21st - October 11th | |
[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Fifty-One [character linking] | September 21st - October 12th | |
Snapshot: The Road to Hel (Part 8) [character linking] | September 27th | |
Interaction: Other Side of the Tracks [character linking] | September 29th | |
Interaction: Reading the Rune [character linking] | September 29th |