[Horde] Chapter Three: Session One In the months following the Sacking of Silvermoon, Gul'dan gifts Arthak a fleet, Azgadaan accompanies Aracyra to a meeting with the nathrezim regarding the recovery of Frostmourne, Arthak and Azgadaan defeat the leader of the Thunderlords, and Gul'dan introduces Arthak to his associate, Halno.
November 13th - Lordaeron envoy arrives in Stratholme.
November 13th - Snapshot: Danse Macabre Velameestra experiments with using animated skeletons she acquired in Scholomance as sparring partners to refine her developing swordplay.
November 18th - Interaction: Second Impressions Arthak finds that Nyxxa has returned after being gone for sometime. He seeks her counsel on potentially tapping into corrupting influences and, in turn, Nyxxa seeks counsel on the matter from her own sources--the saytr she consumed to become a demon hunter, Vaerux.
November 20th
Uther, Remnii, and the Lordaeron envoy arrive in Last Crossing.
Velameestra leaves Scholomance to start heading toward Last Crossing.
December 25th - December 26th - [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Twenty-Four[FINISH CHARACTER SUMMARIES] The battle against Yowler and his band of Shadowhide gnolls concludes. In the days that follow, the mystery of what happened to Natalie gets all the more perplexing, and the party returns to Lakeshire to prepare for the seige to come.
Mid January - Honor Holds Khadgar, from Outland, gets back in touch with Nyxxa
February 3rd
Snapshot: With Thunderous Applause Jaina reflects on what had already been lost in the wake of the brewing war, and Daval Prestor seizes a new position with the introduction of new allies to the Alliance. [FINISH CHARACTER SUMMARIES]
Mid February
Interaction: Two Souls Passing in the Night Nyxxa receives a dream from Gilveradin that Remnii was killed in action- but the dream is prematurely ended when it is discovered a satyr corrupts the Emerald dream. Nyxxa tells Levia that it is very likely Velameestra is also dead.