Chapter Five: Civil War

September, 633


  • Velameestra Windrunner and Uther Menethil returned briefly to Windrunner Spire so that Vel could retrieve her mother's remains and move them somewhere safer until an attempt could be made to resurrect her. Before they left, Vel chose to call upon the restless spirits of those who had been slain around the spire and conjured a spectral host of vengeful spirits that then beset themselves upon any orcs or enemies of the elves in the area and started to chase them from the lands.
  • Tol'vas Moonshadow and the other night elven druids that journeyed to the Blackwald early were able to perfect a ritual known as the Ritual of Balance using the natural moonwell of Tal'doren, which gave the worgen there the opportunity to start facing their inner turmoil and once again attain their human forms. When Tol'vas underwent the ritual himself, the Scythe of Elune awoken into its full potential, and the wild god spirit of Goldrinn was reborn into a wolf cub that was dubbed Valorinn.
  • It was discovered that the Testament Greymane that the party had traveled with long ago had actually been an imposter. Her real name was Lorelei—the young girl that Tess had supposedly killed—and the alchemist Krennan Aranas had encouraged her to switch her identity to protect her. Her mother, Rafia Carver's, true identity was discovered to be none other than Lorna Crowley, Darius's daughter.

October, 633


  • Uuna, the spirit of the young draenei girl, was finally able to be put to rest by Velameestra Windrunner and Remnii with some help from Talath Dawnsworn in the Ethereal Plane.
  • Victor Prestor was rescued after a successful ambush on his accompanying black dragon forces that had been lured down to the Redridge Mountains. None of the forces, including the twin black dragons Furia and Insidia, were left alive. Wrathion and two of his cohorts: Lee Hale and Fahrad were found to have been tailing the black dragons, and they were given leave to go to Karazhan so that they could focus on uncovering information on Onyxia and other black dragons in the area.
  • The party fled to the outskirts of Andorhal. Velameestra, Uther, Remnii, and Gil went to the tomb of Uther the Lightbringer so that Uther could commune with his namesake. It was revealed that the friar that presided over his tomb was, in fact, the very man that had killed him years ago, but who had since lived in complete penitence. After Uther the Lightbringer returned to the Shadowlands, Uther Menethil showed the friar compassion and kindness much in the same way Uther the Lightbringer had, which seemingly lifted a weight from his soul.
  • The group arrived in the square of Andorhal pursuing a lead on a vampyr named Sigilith Avernicious just in time to witness the tail end of an altercation between a man named Hedanis Poisonbloom and some of the local men who were accusing him of being a vampyr (though Gil later identified him as actually being a disguised Sayaad). It had earned the attention of the Scarlet Crusade in the area, namely the Ashbringer, and quickly devolved into a fight. With the intervention of the party, as well as Darion Mograine and other members of the Torchbearers, the two elves were saved and the Scarlet Crusade was forced to retreat, but not before Velameestra had quietly called the Ashbringer "Arator" after recognizing his prayer of contrition.
  • Sigilith and Hedanis were held in custody by Annibeth Lansing, and while Gil tailed them to listen in to the meeting, it became apparent that Annibeth had been sympathetic to the Torchbearers, but could no longer give them sanctuary with their identities being known to the Crusade. They were asked to leave, but Gil later made himself known to the Torchbearers so they could meet with the rest of his group.
  • A Darkspear troll named Zabra Hexx was in the company of the Torchbearers, and he had a tearful moment with Seria upon realizing the Darkspear hadn't been completely destroyed.


  • Zar'Kaa was visited by the spirit of Bru'kan, who had followed Seria's prayers for protection of the Reuniter on their voyage. Bru'kan decided to come to help guide Zar'Kaa, and seemingly took up residence in his spear, which imbued it with shamanic abilities.
  • Azgadaan permanently took on a new face and a new name, Sol'chi, so that he could further himself from his father and the bounties that were out for him.
  • The war band helped to deflect a naga attack on the Reuniter and the pirate ships commanded by admiral Hooktusk and captain Eudora, and in the process discovered the naga sea witch, Zar'jira, was collecting prisoners to be taken back to the former Darkspear island of First Home.
  • The sea witch Zar'jira was defeated with the aid of naga that had arrived on behalf of their queen to retrieve the scepter she was using. Her ultimate plan had been to summon the frost lord, Ahune, in order to free the seas and eventually defeat the naga queen, Azshara, but she was unsuccessful.
  • First Home was preserved in an eternal winter to calm the volcanic activity that had been repressed by Zar'jira, instead of allowing the island to be destroyed.

November, 633

  • The Reliquary ship carrying Kilnar Goldensword and her entourage, as well as Kor'vas Bloodthorne, Illidan Stormrage, Tyrande Whisperwind, and their group arrives at Black Rook Hold in Val'sharah and formally meets with the Slayer, Illysanna Ravencrest.

September, 633

[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session One September 3rd - September 13th Tol'vas had arrived early to the Blackwald, and with the help of the other druids, they succeeding in empowering the moonwells to allow for a Ritual of Balance which would give the Gilnean worgen the ability to take their human forms once again. While he underwent the ritual himself, he was confronted with his deepest turmoil and was able to overcome it, and in the process, from the powers of the scythe, the wild god Goldrinn was reborn as a white wolf pup that was dubbed Valorinn. Meanwhile, Vel and Uther went to Windrunner Spire to retrieve the remains of her mother so that it could be taken to safety, and before they left, Vel called upon the restless, vengeance spirits of the area to protect their home, which caused a spectral host to form and begin to attack the orcs that drew near the area. When the rest of the party arrived in Gilneas, they were introduced to Darius Crowley and the rest of the worgen, and were given an overview of the situation with Alpha Prime before it was decided they would go and attempt to speak with the loyalists under Liam Greymane. Before they went, the harvest witch Celestine wished to leave a final offering to the Witchwood Piper, a forest spirit that had supposedly been protecting them, though it was revealed to be a satyr who was deceiving them—a satyr that actually hated being a satyr. She was brought back to the worgen camp to meet with Crowley, and the party and those that would be accompanying them to meet with the loyalists set off for Greymane Manor, where they were confronted by King Liam himself.
Interaction: Inner Monsters September 3rd Velameestra reached out to Victor in order to offer companionship and also an extended hand of understanding so that he, perhaps, didn't have to feel like he was suffering entirely alone.
Snapshot: Fleeting Respite September 4th Velameestra reached out to her cousin Arator once more in order to give him another night in a peaceful dreamscape, and in the process she reflected on the deception she was forced to weave, and the hope that he would forgive her when it all came out.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Two September 11th - September 13th Upon speaking with Liam Greymane, the party discovered that he believed the Testament Greymane they had formerly traveled with was an imposter, and he revealed that she had come back to Gilneas but he had seen through her ruse. He relented to allowing the party to speak with her directly, and upon doing so, Tess revealed that she was actually Lorelei, the girl that Tess had supposedly killed, and the events had been switched in hopes of protecting her. The party decided to try and find out where Mia Greymane was in the hopes of potentially figuring out what could be done, and upon scrying on her, it was found she was actually on her way to the manor, and the true name of her lady-in-waiting, Rafia, was actually Lorna Crowley, Darius's daughter. While scrying, Vel noticed the urchin boy they had run into in the square that knew Wrathion's passphrase was spying on them, and he revealed himself to be none other than her cousin, Galadin, who had started helping Wrathion after he ran away from Dalaran. Vel promised to fill him in on everything later, and they then informed Liam his mother was on her way. The group rode out to meet her, and happened upon the carriage just in time to intercept an attack of ettins and perytons.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Three September 13th The leader of the ettins, Koroth the Hillbreaker, arrived to take command of her fellows and press the attack, however, the assault was beaten back and Koroth soon called for a retreat. Her retreat was halted, and Uther took the opportunity to try and broker a deal with Koroth, as she had largely been attacking because she believed small folk stole her banner: in exchange for them finding her banner, she would cease attacks on the small folk, and she would help combat Alpha Prime. Koroth accepted for the time being, and she retreated with her fellows to tend to their wounds until the party returned to look at the crime scene. A happy reunion was had between Liam and his mother as well as Lorna, and the group returned to Greymane Manor, where the party took the opportunity to tell Lorna about the true identity of Tess: that she was actually her daughter, Lorelei, and Testament Greymane had been killed many years ago. Lorna was stopped from barging into the dungeons right there and then, and a somewhat tense meeting with the lords was had, though ultimately it was decided to attempt the ritual that the druids had created. Afterwards, Vel conjured a mansion to help provide for the populace, the group told Liam and Mia Tess's true identity, and Lorna confessed to Liam that he was Lorelei's father. Someone had attempted to scry on Vel during the exchange, but thanks to Seria, the sensor was dispelled before the scryer could get any information.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Four September 13th - September 15th
Interaction: Best Laid Plans September 13th Velameestra informed her cousin Galadin of everything that had happened after she had seemingly "died," including her transition into being a vampyr.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Five September 14th - September 15th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Six September 15th - September 17th
Snapshot: One Year Ago September 17th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Seven September 17th - September 21st
Snapshot: Hunter in the Woods September 19th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Eight September 16th - September 23rd
Snapshot: Both Sides of the Wall September 22nd Velameestra reflects on the state of things the night before battle.
Snapshot: Cloudy with a Chance September 23rd Liiraluma has a moment mid-battle.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Nine September 23rd
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Ten September 23rd
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Eleven September 23rd - September 25th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twelve September 25th - September 28th
Snapshot: No More Lies September 26th Velameestra and her uncle Rhonin have an honest conversation in the wake of her return as a vampyr.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirteen September 28th [Time-Lost Day 1]
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fourteen September 28th [Time-Lost Day 1]
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifteen September 28th [Time-Lost Day 1] - [Time-Lost Day 3]
Snapshot: Last Vestige Time-Lost Day 2 Velameestra reflects on her past with Talath, and that he was in love with her.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixteen September 28th [Time-Lost Day 3] - [Time-Lost Day 6]
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Seventeen September 28th [Time-Lost Day 6] - [Time-Lost Day 8] Riff was left behind with Silco Thermaplugg's people of his own volition to see what he could do to help with their condition while the rest of the group returned to Rustbolt to speak with Gelbin Mekkatorque about what Silco had revealed. Kelsey Steelspark and Ressa Shadeshine had a tense reunion, and Gelbin revealed he had known about the Resistance and had decided to put it to a public vote on whether or not Rustbolt would take an active role in the attack on Mechagon after he confirmed he had been complacent in the events that had driven Silco to desperation. The results of the poll were nearly unanimous to take the fight to Mechagon, and the party headed to the territory of Clan Ordon, where they were able to pass the trial of ascending the steppes to speak with their demigod, Ordos. Ordos was intrigued by what they had to say, and challenged the party to prove their worth in the Galyn Nadaam.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Eighteen September 28th [Time-Lost Day 8] The Galyn Nadaam unfolded, pitting Uther and his companions against the champions of Clan Ordon. The outsiders were able to best the champions handily through a combination of their skill and teamwork, which impressed Ordos the Ever Burning enough to proclaim a challenge of his own. The group rose to the challenge, and successfully bested Ordos as well, handily earning his respect and the awe of Ordon.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Nineteen September 28th [Time-Lost Day 8 - Time-Lost 6 Month Timeskip]
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty September 28th [Time-Lost 6 Month Timeskip]
Snapshot: The Calm Before 4.5 months into Time-lost timeskip Velameestra asks Kel’Thuzad about how much she's actually changed since all of this started.
Snapshot: Shadow Waltz 5 months into Time-lost timeskip Velameestra hallucinates Dar'Khan as she trains.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-One September 28th [Time-Lost 6 Month Timeskip - Time-Lost Day 190]
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Two September 28th [Time-Lost Day 190]
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Three September 28th [Time-Lost Day 190]
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Four September 28th [Time-Lost Day 190]
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Five September 28th [Time-Lost Day 190]
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Six September 28th [Time-Lost Day 190]
Snapshot: Across Time September 28th Velameestra struggles in the time reset, and then reflects on what happened returning to the present.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Seven September 28th - September 29th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Eight September 29th - October 3rd

October, 633

Snapshot: Burn it Out October 1st Gil uses fire to channel his frustration.
Snapshot: Weight of the Soul October 1st Gil talks to Vel about the effects of the Demon Soul.
Interaction: The King and I October 2nd Velameestra's Simulacrum and Kael'thas discuss potential plans for the use of anima on the journey to parley with King Ymiron.
Interaction: Still Here October 2nd Velameestra explains to Rhonin while it felt to him like only a day, she and the others were gone for six months.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Nine October 2nd - October 4th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty October 4th
Snapshot: Dark Urges (Part 1) October 4th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-One October 4th While speaking with friar Uther, it was revealed he had been offering sanctuary to a vampyr named Sigilith Avernicious, and upon trying to follow up with the vampyr in Andorhal, the party arrived just in time to interrupt an altercation with the Ashbringer and the Scarlet Crusade when they attempted to execute him and another elf-who-was-actually-a-disguised-sayaad named Hedanis Poisonbloom. In the process, Darion Mograine, Liadrin Everpost, and other members of the Torchbearers arrived to intervene, but a later meeting between the Torchbearers and governess Annibeth Lansing that Gilveradin Windrunner spied on revealed that she could no longer give them refuge in Andorhal now that the Scarlet Crusade knew their faces. Gil met up with Darion and the others later at the farmstead they were staying at, and led them back to the rest of his companions so they could speak.
Snapshot: Ashbringer October 4th Vel has her first encounter with the Ashbringer in the midst of a fight in the square of Andorhal.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Two October 4th - October 5th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Three October 5th - October 11th
Snapshot: Northrend Lights October 8th Kael'thas treats the Vel Simulacrum to a ride on A'lar to see the northern lights.
Snapshot: New Old Home October 10th Tol'vas settles into his new home.
Snapshot: Dark Urges (Part 2) October 10th
Snapshot: The Road to Hel (Part 9) October 10th
Snapshot: Utgarde Keep October 10th The Vel Simulacrum reacts to the events at Utgarde Keep
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Four October 10th - October 14th
Snapshot: Dark Urges (Part 3) October 10th
Interaction: Tehd Talks October 10th Velameestra and Remnii touch base and bond.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session One October 12th - October 27th On the way to the Broken Isles, Azgadaan chose to change his physical appearance permanently after creating a simulacrum to serve as a decoy for any bounties that came to claim him. In the process, he took on the new name of Sol'chi, which was the name his mother had given him when he was born. Meanwhile, on the Reuniter, Zar'Kaa was visited by the spirit of his deceased mentor, Bru'kan, who had come to help guide him as he grew into a leader. The Reuniter and the Horde Iron March expedition seemingly would come to cross paths in an altercation involving the pirate crews captained by Hooktusk and Eudora.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Five October 14th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Six October 14th - October 15th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Seven October 15th - October 16th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Eight October 16th
Snapshot: Looking Forward Nyxxa, once again, attempts a meaningful haircut.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Nine October 17th
Interaction: [NSFW] Maw of Euphoria October 17th Things go very wrong as Velameestra and Victor share an intimate moment.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty October 17th - October 18th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-One October 18th After the unexpected arrival of Alleria Windrunner, Rommath Pyrewing, and Kael'thas Sunstrider, Jackson Razuvious was left dead in the Causeway of Naxxramas as the now much-larger raid team dispersed to clear out all corners of the necropolis. Uther Menethil and his companions continued on through Causeway and found themselves at the laboratory of Professor Putricide where another fight unfolded against the mad scientist and his collection of grotesque experiments.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Two October 18th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Three October 18th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Four October 18th
Snapshot: Always (Part 1) [LINKING] October 18th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Five October 18th - October 19th
Interaction: War's Toll October 18th Vel checks in on Elissa after the horrors seen in Naxxramas.
Interaction: The Meaning of Unlife [LINKING] October 18th Gil asks Vel questions about undeath.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Six October 19th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Seven October 19th - October 21st
Snapshot: Whisper Gulch [LINKING] October 20th While working with Arlethal Bloodwatcher in the Whisper Gulch, Velameestra's simulacrum and the High Examiner hear a disturbance deeper in the mines, only to discover one of the miners that had gone missing months ago had returned in a deranged state. After his death, Velameestra was able to dissect his brain, discovering that the madness of the saronite seemingly had a physical manifestation in his brain.
Snapshot: Black Howl [LINKING] October 20th
Snapshot: Always (Part 2) [LINKING] October 20th
Snapshot: Always (Part 3) [LINKING] October 20th
Snapshot: Always (Part 4) [LINKING] October 20th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Eight October 21st
Interaction: Animal Aptitude Nyxxa begins to hear animals talking, and asks Rexxar if she's going crazy. He confirms her suspicions that she can indeed now talk to animals.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Nine October 21st - October 22nd
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty October 22nd
Interaction: Slobberknocked October 22nd Luma has a heart to heart with Morchie.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-One [character linking] October 22nd - October 24th
Interaction: What Are You In For? [linking] October 23rd Velameestra speaks to Grom while imprisoned.
Snapshot: Meow and Furrever Nyxxa bonds Mischief to her in the familiar ritual.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Two [character linking] October 24th - October 28th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Two October 27th Contrary to the initial impression, it turned out that the pirates were not attacking the Reuniter. In fact, they were hoping to use the smaller vessel as bait for a roving group of naga, which, on cue, chose to attack. The war band joined the fray, and together they were all able to beat back the attack without losing any refugees to the assault, and Hooktusk revealed that the sea witch Zar'jira had been collecting prisoners on the island of First Home for some unknown reason, and had made it impossible to approach due to the riptides. They had been able to capture the siren leader of the hunting band of naga and intended on interrogating her, but before they could, Zar'Kaa caught sight of the forest troll, Bakaz, and an altercation broke out. Both trolls left it unharmed, but it became clear they had a vitriolic history.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Three October 27th The Warband get a hold on the situation, and resolve to aid in liberating First Home from the naga. Talks are had while everyone is getting ready, and while they are planning Zuni and Nyxxa are reached out to by a mysterious messenger who offers them a discrete in to the island as well as aid. The Warband and Zar'kaa hesitantly take up the woman on her offer and meet her, and it is revealed to be none other then Euryale Vashj, the handmaiden to the very much alive Queen Azshara.
Interaction: Tusk a Thought October 27th
Interaction: Unexpected Elements October 27th Nyxxa and Zekhan exchanged information about demons and shamanism, which resulted in the reveal Remnii is alive.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Four October 27th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Five October 27th
Interaction: A Clash of Captains October 27th Arthak and Zar'kaa attempted to better get to know each other.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Three [character linking] October 27th - October 29th
Snapshot: Always (Part 5) [LINKING] October 27th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Six October 27th - November 2nd
Interaction: Demons on the Boat October 28th Nyxxa shared information with demons with Zar'kaa, and some personal demons came up.
Interaction: Bottled Up October 29th Nyxxa spoke to Bakaz to better share their differing perspectives.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Four [character linking] October 29th - October 30th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Five [character linking] October 30th - October 31st
Snapshot: Always (Part 6) [LINKING] October 30th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Six [character linking] October 31st
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Seven [character linking] October 31st
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Eight [character linking] October 31st
Snapshot: Visions in Scarlet (Part 1) [LINKING] October 31st Vel comes to as she drinks Vishas' blood.
Snapshot: Visions in Scarlet (Part 2) [LINKING] October 31st Vel protects Arator from Kael'thas.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Nine [character linking] October 31st

November, 633

[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixty [character linking] November 1st - November 6th
Interaction: Some Scars Never Heal [character linking] November 1st Velameestra wakes up in Kael'thas' demiplane after being rescued from the Scarlet Monastery.
Snapshot: My Illidari November 2nd The Slayer, Illysanna Ravencrest, and Illidan Stormrage have their heated first encounter when Kilnar Goldensword's Reliquary expedition arrives at Black Rook Hold on the shores of Val'sharah.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seven November 2nd - November 7th
Snapshot: Two Sides of Victory November 2nd Zar'kaa reflects on his crazy stunt against the Xhilag.
Interaction: We Can Try Again [character linking] November 3rd Velameestra speaks with her father following her capture.
Interaction: Second Lives November 3rd Velameestra's Simulacrum and Zaeneas catch up and share their various big changes.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-One [character linking] November 4th - November 7th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Eight November 7th
Interaction: Deals with the Devil November 7th Velameestra's Shard and Halno meet
Interaction: Catching Up November 7th Velameestra's Simulacrum and Levia Blackflight catch up.
Interaction: Crossing Lines November 7th Nyxxa and Velameestra's Simulacrum formally meet, and discuss Nyxxa's meeting with Gilveradin and the nature of undeath.
Interaction: When Storm and Ice Collide November 7th Zar'kaa runs into Velameestra's Simulacrum, antagonizes her, and is cussed out by Tae'shara.
Interaction: Forging One's Own Path November 7th Nyxxa gets to formally meet Illidan for the first time, and takes the opportunity to thank him for inadvertently allowing her a second chance at life.
Interaction: In the Name of the Moon November 7th Nyxxa and Tyrande share feelings about Elune.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Two [character linking] November 7th - November 10th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Nine November 7th - November 8th
Interaction: The Pain of Knowing November 8th Nyxxa has a meltdown about the cascade of revelations of the day, and seeks comfort in Altruis
Interaction: Warships Passing in the Night November 8th Velameestra's Shard and Arthak have an awkward chance meeting early in the morning.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Ten November 8th - November 9th
Interaction: Treading Troubled Waters November 8th Nyxxa attempts to get to know Zar'kaa better over cooking together.
Interaction: Matters of the Heart November 9th Nyxxa speaks to Arthak on his handling of the elves thus far.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Eleven November 9th - November 10th
Interaction: Moving Meditation November 9th Zar'kaa invites Arthak to a spar.
Interaction: Quarterly Review November 10th Velameestra's Shard briefly talks to Khadgar and admits to her necromantic practices before word inevitably reaches him elsewhere.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Three [character linking] November 10th As the conflict in Tirisvar Village unfolded, the party swiftly realized that the attack of the twilight cultists came with the primary motive of pushing to the tomb where the creature Tyr had defeated was kept. They managed to get the assault on the village itself under control, and led by Robert Travard, hurried to the entrance of the tomb that was submerged beneath the lake Tirisvar was built upon. However, upon their arrival, they found that the sealed door to the tomb was already in pieces.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Four [character linking] November 10th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Five [character linking] November 10th - November 11th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twelve November 10th - November 12th
Snapshot: Heartstrings November 11th Nyxxa pines on her love for both Altruis and Lantresor.
Interaction: Bonds of Blood November 11th Arthak catches up with Thura.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Six [character linking] November 11th - November 12th
Interaction: Locus-Talker [character linking] November 11th Remnii speaks to Locus-Walker on the void.
Interaction: We Aren't That Different [character linking] November 11th Velameestra tells Morchi that she "Gets it".
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirteen November 12th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fourteen November 12th
Interaction: Enjoy the Silence November 12th Zar'kaa catches up with Bru'kan.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Seven [character linking] November 12th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Eight [character linking] November 12th - November 16th
Interaction: The Last Guardian November 13th Velameestra talks to Medivh about ending the role of the Guardian.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fifteen November 12th - November 13th
Interaction: Deepest Fears November 13th Nyxxa apologizes to Ebonhorn for forcing his hand in revealing himself to them.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixteen November 13th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seventeen November 13th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Eighteen November 13th - November 14th
Interaction: The Exception to the Rule November 14th Nyxxa explains to Rak'Symma what she is, and they share a bit of their backstories.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Nineteen November 14th - November 15th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Nine [character linking] November 15th - November 17th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty November 15th
Snapshot: The Stench November 15th Zar'kaa unleashes the fel magic Gul'dan had gifted him.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-One November 15th The fight against the Crawliac harpies continued, this time in disrupting the corruption rituals Ragi the Hexxer was using in order to turn the eagles into decaying monstrosities. She and her lieutenant, Hartli the Snatcher, were successfully killed.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Two November 15th In the continued pursuit of the High Crawliac, the warband encountered Ugla the Hag, and were able to vanquish her and her foul reinforcements. With all of the High Crawliac's daughters defeated, only the Matriarch remained.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Three November 15th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Four November 15th The High Crawliac was finally defeated and in the wake of her reign Rak'Symma had an opportunity to begin shaping a new future for the harpies of Highmountain. However, even though there was much to celebrate, tensions mounted as Zar'Kaa confessed to his dealings with Gul'dan and some feelings amidst the party are known.
Snapshot: A Thousand Unanswered Questions November 15th Rak'Symma muses on the many unanswered questions following the High Crawliac's defeat.
Interaction: Deep Breaths November 15th Arthak and Nyxxa discuss Gul'dan and Zar'kaa's dealings with him.
Interaction: More's the Pity November 15th Zar'kaa learns things from Gul'dan
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Five November 16th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Six November 16th-November 17th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Seventy [character linking] November 17th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Seven November 17th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Eight November 17th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-One [character linking] November 17th - November 18th
Interaction: Surface Pressure November 17th Velameestra speaks to Rhonin about her stress.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Nine November 17th - November 18th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty November 18th - November 27th The warband spent some time awaiting the fateful meeting with King Dargrul by wrapping up some of their last minute dealings in Highmountain. In the process, Arthak and Sol were able to help the tauren remove the large crystalline growths that had erupted from the mesa, Zar'Kaa explored some of his newfound magical abilities, and Rak'Symma had a curious encounter with an owlish wild god on her way to her old home so that she could give a final goodbye to her beloved Blaithe.
Interaction: Birds of a Feather... November 18th Zar'kaa informs Rak'Symma what he had learned about the Red Mist, seeing she had interest in the arakkoa.
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-Two [character linking] November 18th - November 21st
Snapshot: Back to where it all began.... Rak'Symma visits Blaithe's grave and lets out some anger.
Snapshot: The Twisted Tree Nyxxa does a visualization meditation as a tree, and comes to some revelations about herself.
Interaction: Upon the Winds of Change Rak'Symma and Arthak speak on what comes next.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-One November 19th - November 27th
[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-Three [character linking] November 21st - November 22nd
Interaction: The Darker Side of You [character linking] November 23rd Kael'thas reaches out to Velameestra to speak on the matter of Dar'Khan Drathir.
Interaction: Perchance to Dream Nyxxa gives Rak'Symma some warnings on the dangers satyrs pose to the Dream.
Interaction: Can you tell me, Skymother? Rak'Symma dreams Ohn'ahra to ask her some questions.
Interaction: To Carry a Blade Arthak reaches out to Jubei'thos.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Two November 26th - November 28th
Snapshot: The Burden of Guilt November 26th Zar'kaa thinks about things following a fight with Arthak.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Three November 28th
Snapshot: Back to Work November 28th Arthak reflects as the Peace Talks work, then fall apart due to unforeseen circumstances.
Snapshot: A New Wind Cometh November 28th Rak'Symma unleashes her rage upon Naraxxus.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Four November 28th - November 29th
Interaction: Dalah'Falo November 28th Nyxxa gives a gift to Lantresor.
Snapshot: Forever at My Back November 29th Rak'Symma leaves Highmountain, truly, for the first time.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Five November 29th
Interaction: Demonic Diplomacy November 29th Nyxxa seeks permission and guidance from Illysanna.
Snapshot: You Never Were November 29th Zar'kaa processes that he's no longer captain.
Interaction: Proving November 29th Arthak and Zar'Kaa talk about moving forward in the wake of Zar'Kaa's demotion.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Six November 29th
Interaction: What Lies Beneath November 29th Arthak and Ger'hel talk about present developments and the future.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Seven November 30th
Interaction: What Ancient Eyes Have Seen November 30th Zar'kaa speaks with Senegos
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Eight November 30th
Interaction: What About This, Warchief? [linking] November 30th Arthak and Velameestra's Shard have a civil conversation.
Interaction: Over the Moon [linking] November 30th Rak'Symma asks Nyxxa about the vision she saw at the Lunar Crucible.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Nine November 30th
Interaction: Two Faces November 30th Zar'kaa gets to know Thalyssra.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Forty November 30th
Interaction: Convergent Developments November 30th Velameestra's Shard discovers an unexpected connection to Thalyssra.
Snapshot: Ghost Stories November 30th Velameestra's Shard talks with Gramgun about ghosts.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Forty-One November 30th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Two November 30th - December 1st
Interaction: No Bones About It November 30th Nyxxa asks Rak'Symma and Velameestra's Shard about bone care.

December, 633

[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Three December 1st - December 2nd
Interaction: The City of Whispers [linking] December 1st Spinyl visits Suramar to speak with both Nesslyn and Aracyra.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Four December 1st - December 3rd
Interaction: Cages [linking] December 3rd Arthak Saurfang speaks to Seska of the Stormreaver Clan.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Five [linking] December 2nd - December 4th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Six [linking] December 3rd - December 4th
Snapshot: Dancing in a Satyr Play Part 1 [linking] December 2nd Nyxxa dances with the Darkfiends she befriended.
Interaction: The Broken Branches [linking] December 4th Nyxxa speaks to Kor'vas on why she became a satyr.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Seven [linking] December 4th
Snapshot: Dancing in a Satyr Play Part 2 [linking] December 4th Nyxxa reels with the revelation that she may be "The selfless soul selfishly given"
Interaction: In With the Tide [linking] December 4th Rak'Symma speaks to Arthak following the fight with the Wrath of Azshara.
Interaction: Ghosts of Nar'thalas [linking] December 4th Velameestra's Shard asks Arthak why he chose the guise of Broxigar.
Interaction: Suffering Shared [linking] December 4th Nyxxa and Altruis have a heart to heart about the sacrifice that Nyxxa has been faced with.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Eight [linking] December 4th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Nine [linking] December 4th
Interaction: Metaphysical Education [linking] December 4th Arthak asks Senegos about Azeroth.
Snapshot: Dancing in a Satyr Play Part 3 [linking] December 4th Nyxxa accepts becoming a sacrifice to save the souls of Nar'thalas.
Interaction: Building Bridges [linking] December 4th Zar'kaa speaks with Tyrande.
Interaction: Preparation [linking] December 4th Nyxxa asks Illidan for his insight.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fifty [linking] December 4th - December 5th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-One [linking] December 5th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Two [linking] December 5th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Three [linking] December 5th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Four [linking] December 5th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Five [linking] December 5th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Six [linking] December 5th - December 6th
Snapshot: Bond, Beneath the Boughs [linking] December 5th After the fight with the Dreadlord, Rak'Symma sings beneath the boughs of G'hanir.
Interaction: Just Above the Surface [linking] December 6th Arthak speaks to Rak'Symma about some of the concerns he's had.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Seven [linking] December 6th
Interaction: And Who Are You? [linking] December 6th Velameestra's Shard inquires as to who Spinyl is, as she is disguised as a quel'dorei.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Eight [linking] December 6th - December 7th
Interaction: Birds of a Feather [linking] December 6th Rak'Symma and Thisalee speak following the former's channeling of Blaithe.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Nine [linking]
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixty [linking] December 7th - December 13th
Interaction: In Ways Few Can [linking] Zar'kaa and Arthak have a heart to heart.
Interaction: An Education in War [linking] Arthak shares his experience with war with Thalyssra.
Interaction: Where Our Road May Go [linking] December 9th Zar'kaa speaks with Lantresor.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-One [linking] December 14th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Two [linking] December 14th - December 15th
Interaction: Threads of Fate [linking] December 14th Nyxxa asks her mother, Orathiss, about her past in the orphanage.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Three [linking] December 15th - December 16th
Interaction: And So We Meet... Again. [linking] December 15th Rak'Symma seeks guidance from Ohn'ahra.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Four [linking] December 16th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Five [linking] December 16th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Six [linking] December 16th - December 17th
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Seven [linking] December 17th - December 21st
Interaction: An Interlude Before Saying Goodbye [linking] Arthak puts together a surprise for Nyxxa.
Snapshot: The Way Things Were [linking] December 17th Rak'Symma looks upon the savanna exhibit in the Menagerie and is brought back to another place and time.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Eight [linking] December 17th - December 20th
Interaction: Do No Harm [linking] December 19th Zar'kaa catches up with Rekki following running from the Duskwatch.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Nine [linking] December 20th - December 21st
Interaction: Finding Quiet in the Quiet [linking] December 20th Rak'Symma seeks advice from Velameestra's shard following a confrontation with Arthak and Nyxxa.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seventy [linking] December 21st
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-One [linking] December 21st The warband completed their mission into the Twilight Vineyards and returned to Shal'Aran, only to be greeted with a surprise reunion of Remnii and several other allies new and old that have journeyed to the Broken Isles from the Eastern Kingdoms. Reunions and conversations of what would come next continued long into the night.
Interaction: 10 O'Clock News [linking] December 21st Remnii reaches Black Rook Hold and catches up with Velameestra's Shard.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-Two [linking] December 21st - December 22nd
Interaction: Collars [linking] December 21st Arthak and Garona have a long overdue conversation.
Interaction: Wriggles Are Their Best Feature [linking] December 21st Nyxxa and Velameesta's Shard bond over Manawyrms
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-Three [linking] December 22nd
Interaction: All Bark No Bite [linking] December 22nd Tol'vas and Rak'Symma meet in the Dream
Interaction: Clearing the Air [linking] December 22nd Rak'Symma and Nyxxa have a heart to heart.
Interaction: My Indelible Friend [linking] December 22nd Arthak and Remnii catch up.
Interaction: Same Old Woes [linking] December 22nd Khadgar and Medivh seek information from Nyxxa on an unfortunate development.
Interaction: Sound of Silence [linking] December 22nd Remnii meets Rak'Symma formally.
Interaction: Things Long Overdue [linking] December 22nd Remnii and Nyxxa catch up.
Interaction: The Wild's Call [linking] December 22nd Rak'Symma and Valorinn share their experiences as Wild Gods reborn.
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-Four [linking] December 22nd
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-Five [linking] December 22nd
[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-Six [linking] December 22nd