Spells that come from the cosmic force of death act as a counterbalance to those that come from the cosmic force of life. It is an unavoidable force that can breed despair and push everything towards a state of entropic decay and oblivion. It frequently manifests in the form of necromantic, blood, and frost magics, and is represented by the cosmic realm of the Shadowlands. A lesser known type of death magic in that of domination, which is capable of controlling and reshaping the very soul.
Cantrips [6]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Notes
| Source
| Frostbite
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 156
| Frostbolt
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 271, SRD
| Frost Strike
| 1 action
| VM*
| Self
| 1 round
| Homebrew (Velameestra)
| Heart Strike
| 1 action
| SM*
| Self
| Instantaneous
| Homebrew (Velameestra)
| Infestation
| 1 action
| 30 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 157
| Toll the Dead
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| Warcraft: Does shadow damage
| XGE 169
1st-Level Spells [14]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Notes
| Source
| Carrion Beetle
| 1 action
| Touch
| 1 minute
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Corruption
| 1 action
| VS
| 90 feet
| 5 rounds
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Detect Magic
| ✖
| 1 action
| VS
| Self
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 231, SRD
| False Life
| 1 action
| Self
| Instantaneous
| PHB 239, SRD
| Harvesting Hands
| ✖
| 1 minute
| SM
| 10 feet
| Varies
| HHHv2
| Hex
| 1 bonus action
| 90 feet
| (C) 1 hour
| PHB 251
| Ice Barrier
| 1 action
| Self
| 1 hour
| PHB 215
| Ice Knife
| 1 action
| SM
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 157
| Ice Lance
| 1 action
| SM
| 90 feet
| Instantaneous
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Inflict Wounds
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| PHB 253, SRD
| Protection from Evil and Good
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 270, SRD
| Puppet
| 1 action
| S
| 120 feet
| Instantaneous
| UA: Starter Spells
| Ray of Sickness
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 271
| Sleep
| 1 action
| 90 feet
| 1 minute
| PHB 276, SRD
2nd-Level Spells [19]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Notes
| Source
| Analyze Blood
| ✖
| 1 action
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| Homebrew (Velameestra)
| Brittle
| 1 bonus action
| VS
| 15 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| Knuckleheads
| Cripple
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Curse of Agony
| 1 action
| VS
| 90 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Curse of Weakness
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 271, SRD
| Elemental Weapon
| 1 bonus action
| VS
| Touch
| (C) 1 hour
| PHB 237
| Frost Nova
| 1 action
| 90 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 165
| Frozen Flame
| ✖
| 1 minute
| Touch
| 8 hours
| Knuckleheads
| Gentle Repose
| ✖
| 1 action
| Touch
| 10 days
| PHB 245, SRD
| Ghoul Touch
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Hold Creature
| 1 action
| 60 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| PHB 251, SRD
| Howling Blast
| 1 action
| SM
| Self (15-foot cone)
| Instantaneous
| FTD 21
| Icicle Trap
| 10 minutes
| 15 feet
| Until dispelled or triggered
| Knuckleheads
| Ossein Mend
| 1 bonus action
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| Homebrew (Velameestra)
| Transfusion
| 1 action
| VS
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| HHHv2
| Enhance Vision
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| Touch
| 1 hour
| PHB 284, SRD
| Unholy Frenzy
| 1 action
| 30 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Wandering Plague
| 1 bonus action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Wither and Bloom
| 1 action
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| SCC 38
3rd-Level Spells [20]
4th-Level Spells [9]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Notes
| Source
| Blight
| 1 action
| VS
| 30 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 219, SRD
| Blizzard
| 1 action
| 300 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 252, SRD
| Bone Shield
| 1 action
| Self
| 10 minutes
| Homebrew (Halno)
| Cold Storage
| 1 action
| 60 feet
| (C) Varies
| HHHv2
| Curse of Shadow
| 1 action
| VS
| 90 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Devouring Plague
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| 5 rounds
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Dominate Creature
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| Combined
| Molten/Frost Armor
| 1 action
| Self
| 10 minutes
| PHB 242, SRD
| Unholy Aura
| 1 action
| V
| Self (30-foot radius)
| (C) 10 minutes
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
5th-Level Spells [17]
6th-Level Spells [15]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Notes
| Source
| Circle of Death
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| 150 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 221, SRD
| Create Steward
| 1 hour
| VSM($)
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| XGE 152
| Create Undead
| 1 minute
| VSM($)
| 10 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 229, SRD
| Freezing Sphere
| 1 action
| 300 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 263, SRD
| Frost Aura
| 1 action
| VS
| Self
| (C) 10 minutes
| XGE 159
| Grave Stride
| 1 action
| VS
| 10 feet
| 1 round
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Harm
| 1 action
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 249, SRD
| Ice Block
| 1 reaction
| VS
| Self
| 1 round
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Magic Jar
| 1 minute
| VSM($)
| Self
| Until dispelled
| PHB 257, SRD
| Metamorphosis
| 1 bonus action
| VSM($)
| Self
| (C) 1 minute
| Warcraft: Setting-based forms
| TCE 116
| Planar Ally
| 10 minutes
| VS
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 265, SRD
| Soul Cage
| 1 reaction
| VSM($)
| 60 feet
| 8 hours
| XGE 165
| Soulstone / Reincarnation
| 10 minutes
| VSM($)
| Touch
| Until dispelled
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Summon Heroic Spirit
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| 90 feet
| (C) 1 hour
| UA: Wonders of the Multiverse
| Wall of Ice
| 1 action
| 120 feet
| (C) 10 minutes
| PHB 285, SRD
7th-Level Spells [7]
8th-Level Spells [4]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Notes
| Source
| Clone
| 1 hour
| VSM($)
| Touch
| Instantaneous
| PHB 222, SRD
| Hex of Weakness
| 1 action
| 150 feet
| Instantaneous
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Horrid Wilting
| 1 action
| 150 feet
| Instantaneous
| XGE 150
| Vampiric Aura
| 1 action
| Self (30-foot radius)
| (C) 10 minutes
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
9th-Level Spells [6]
| Name
| Ritual?
| Casting Time
| Components
| Range
| Duration
| Notes
| Source
| Astral Projection
| 1 hour
| VSM($)
| 10 feet
| Special
| PHB 215, SRD
| Comet Storm
| 1 action
| VS
| 1 mile
| Instantaneous
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Death and Decay
| 1 action
| 90 feet (30-foot radius)
| (C) 1 minute
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew
| Shadow Word: Death
| 1 action
| V
| 60 feet
| Instantaneous
| PHB 266, SRD
| Time Ravage
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| 90 feet
| Instantaneous
| EGW 189
| Vengeance
| 1 action
| VSM($)
| 60 feet
| (C) 1 minute
| Warcraft only
| Homebrew