Erraa was the mate of Lord Jaraxxus and the mother of Azgadaan. She was a member of the Archival Authority of Argus, in charge of chronicling cultural artifacts and works from the various worlds conquered by the Legion. However, during the Battle of Tempest Keep, Erraa inexplicably sabotaged the dimensional ships that went to reinforce the Horde and the Legion forces, allowing the escape of Velen, O'ros, and the majority of the Draenei forces on the Exodar. She was executed for high treason by Jaraxxus himself.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Three (Manifestation)
Appeared In
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Three (Manifestation)
Coming soon.