
Art by
- Species
- Greenskin Orc
- Gender
- Male
- Height
- 7'6"
- Status
- Alive
The no-nonsense first mate of the Smiling Eye and now the second-in-command of the Broken Blade's fleet of ships, Harkk is an invaluable friend and comrade to Gramgun Laughingeye.
A large orc, if he ever stood up straight, the broodish Harrk is a sight to behold. Dwarfing most of the Smiling Eye's crew, and now many of the Broken Blade clan, his size and musculature is not to be understated. He provides an imposing silhouette with bright green skin and his obscenely built physique underneath. His hair is black, as evidenced by a thick black beard he grows and regularly keeps in a well-maintained braid. While Harrk's ability to be hairy should not be understated, he opts to shave his head bald besides his beard, likely out of convenience.
With a significant underbite, it makes plenty of room for two massive tusks, both pierced with silver rings. His ears are gauged, the plugs also made out of heavy silver discs.
He dresses simply, opting for a patchy black leather coat, bare chest, and simple pants dark for his daily attire. If Harkk is feeling fancy, he will don a bandana or a hat. That is the most you will get out of formal attire for him. Harkk is never far from his huge two-handed axe (referred to as "Talgo").
A man of few words, Harkk prefers to grunt and nod instead. He lords his size over his subordinates and uses it to impose his will upon any who would oppose him-- skills he does not have to use too often any more after the Smiling Eye was sold. Being a part of a true clan seems to not only stabilize Hark, but also make him cagey. He does not seem to know what to do with having a place to go, a place to call home with regular people and relative security. Thus, he watches, observes, and takes orders with ease.
He rarely smiles, but he will always humor those who come to speak with him. Due to being an orc of few words, Harkk is a great listener. He'll acknowledge what is being said, just enough to coax the speaker to keep going, but not enough to decipher if he is interested in what is being said or not. It is best to not look too deeply. If he does speak, it is best to take heed. His words are a rare, and well thought out, gift.
The exception to his stoic nature is when he is sailing. Harrk has a passion for the water, the sea, and the brine. Exploring the open ocean, feeling as though he could go anywhere, unbound by politics and war appeals to him greatly. When setting sail, when the wind picks up on the water, even when dolphins play in the wake, one may catch a faint smile on Harrk's face or an excited twinkle in his eye.
Born to a clanless mother and a missing father, one of two, Harkk learned the rules of nature rather quickly. He and his twin sister, Talgo, fought tooth and nail to survive. Talgo was quick, while Harkk was strong. They made a formidable team, even in their young age. Their mother was not long for this world-- she provided what she could for her children and failed to eat herself. Their mother wasted away and was left to the elements as the siblings travelled the roads, aimless, trying only to survive.
Into their adolescence, Harkk and Talgo only had each other. They traveled Draenor, avoiding skirmishes and politics, seeing the world, and wandering with no true purpose in mind. Tragedy struck when unbeknownst to the young orcs, they'd stepped between some unknown battle between the Bleeding Hollow and Laughing Skulls clan. Deep in the chaos of clashing weapons, yelling orcs, and towering trees, the siblings became separated. Harkk froze, searching for Talgo, only to feel a grip on his shoulder. The orc who grabbed him was not his sister, but a runty, brown-haired Orc. After little convincing, and one dodged axe later, Harkk was convinced by the stranger to get out of the way and ride out the battle as to not lose his own life in the scramble. While hiding, Harrk's would-be rescuer introduced himself as Gramgun.
The raid did not last long, soon both clans cleared out of the jungle, some dead collected, others were left laying face down in the dirt. Among the dead, near the opposite end of the impromptu battleground was Talgo, laying dead. A massive axe was buried into her, she'd died upon impact. In his grief, before his wrongfully slain sister, Harkk felt a hand on his shoulder-- the stranger, Gramgun, had stuck around. In a wordless moment, the two were forever bound as brothers, as neither has anywhere to go. He pulled the axe out of Talgo, buried her as they failed to bury their mother, and left. The axe, though, he kept.
Throughout their years together Harkk found peace at Gramgun's side. He somehow provided the straight edge, the muscle, that the quick-thinking captain needed to succeed at sea and on land. He kept their men in check and their sails flying straight. When the crew of the Laughing Eye met the upstart chief Arthak Saurfang, Harkk felt something big, something new, on the horizon. After a series of debates with Gramgun, they opted to throw their lot in with the Broken Blade as the clan's first official (orcish) members.
After crossing through the Dark Portal, Harkk takes his new role as seriously as the fleet's second-in-command. Still, he finds himself pensive, often wondering-- yet never asking, exactly what their ambitious chieftain is up to.
- Just because Harkk's axe has a name, doesn't mean anyone will know it. Talgo's name is a privilege to know, not a right. If one knows the axe's name, it means they have a friend for life in Harkk.