High Thane Kurdran Wildhammer

Art by
- Species
- Wildhammer Dwarf
- Gender
- Male
- Status
- Alive
Relatives Falstad Wildhammer (brother)
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
Gilveradin Windrunner met with Kurdran when the young elf made his way to Aerie Peak in search of Falstad while sent on a mission by Sylvanas Windrunner to deliver a missive to the elves at Quel'Danil Lodge. During the meeting, the young elf attempted to petition for the aid of the Wildhammer dwarves given the growing threat looming beyond the shimmering ban'dinoriel after the fall of Silvermoon, though the High Thane informed him that the Wildhammer clan was still deeply entrenched in the war against the Dark Iron dwarves.
As a result, he promised no aid, as, for the time being, the approaching Horde was simply not the problem of his people. Though he did wish Gilveradin luck and good tidings, and when the young elf asked, mentioned that his younger brother, Falstad, was presently meeting with the Wildhammer dwarves in Grim Batol.