Spirit's Song

Spirit's Song Legendary Requires Attunement
Passive: You are cured of all diseases and poisons and become immune to all diseases and poisons as well as poison damage. Passive: You have Advantage on saving throws against Charmed or Frightened conditions. Passive: Your hit point maximum increases and you gain temporary hit points each turn. Use: You can cast several spells through the crystal. "With this soft purple crystal in hand, you fear nothing."

This dagger-sized violet crystal is called Spirit's Song - one of the seven Ata'mal crystals used to save the Draenei from their dark fate twenty-five thousand years ago. This crystal hums with a prideful, heroic energy, making one feel as if they could challenge the world on their own - a powerful feeling, if tempered.



The crystal has the following properties.

Additionally, Spirit's Song may be used to cast a number of spells.

Spirit's Song has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an Action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the spells listed below, for the charge costs indicated (DC 18) and without material components. The crystal regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.
Spirit's Song is semi-sentient, and may refuse to produce certain effects if given reason to. The most common reason for this is the caster being too low of a level to cast the spells listed below. The suggested levels are found next to the spells, though the DM is the final arbiter on whether a spell succeeds or not.

You may attune to multiple Ata'mal crystals with a single attunement slot, but all crystals share their 7 charges. For each crystal you are attuned to, you restore 1 extra charge at dawn.
