
Skill Proficiencies: You have proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Insight, Intimidation, History, Investigation, Perception, or Persuasion.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language.

Preventative Medicine (Major)
An empire cannot thrive without its citizenry. Regular access clerics or chirurgeons has made you resilient. You gain the following benefits:
  • You have advantage on Death saving throws, and on saving throws you make to avoid or end a disease on yourself.
  • Whenever your hit point maximum or one of your ability scores would be reduced, it is reduced by half as much instead (minimum 1).
Unity of Purpose (Major)
As long as you are within a number of feet equal to 5 x your proficiency bonus of a friendly creature, you have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the charmed or frightened condition on yourself.
Conscript (Minor)
Your people have compulsory military service–or at least highly-encourage it–and hail from many lands. Choose two of the following options:
  • You have proficiency with four simple weapons of your choice.
  • You have proficiency with two martial weapons of your choice.
  • You have proficiency with two simple weapons and one martial weapon of your choice.
  • You have proficiency with light armor.
  • If you are proficient in light armor, you have proficiency with medium armor.
  • You can read, speak, and write one additional language of your choice. You may choose this option multiple times.