[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Four

Appearing Characters: Allari Elburn, Altruis Shadowsong, Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Azuka Stormbreaker, Barthamus, Go'el, Iskaar, Karg Bloodfury, Kaylaan, Kaza, Kroll Gravenight, Lantresor, Levia Blackflight, Lokra, Nitrogg Thundertower, No'Rash, Noriyaku, Nyxxa, Omor, Oronok Torn-heart, Palkar, Rakeesh, Rexxar, Sadras, Tyrygosa, Velhari

Outland Day 59 - Outland Day 60

As the group looks about, the area is still awash with conflict and battle, but it seems the fighting is starting to slowly wane. However, there does not seem to be anyone in the immediate area that have been left as witnesses.

Most of the demon hunters have not stayed in the area as they have opted to go and slay any other demons in the area. Altruis had remained nearby, his arms crossed and standing by upon realizing someone had been lost. Nyxxa approaches him.

Nyxxa says: While I’m grateful for the assist, I have some concerns…

Altruis nods.

Altruis Shadowsong says: I am aware of how tenuous your companions’ presence is. I have people ensuring there are no witnesses.
Nyxxa says: If we could ensure the new recruits don’t see Arthak… I’ve been warned by one of them that if any were to meet him there may be problems.
Altruis Shadowsong says: There won’t be problems. If there is, I’ll handle it.
Nyxxa says: I’ve been ordered to bring him to Slayer.
Altruis Shadowsong says: When they took up this cup, they set aside their previous allegiances. Just like I did, and just like you did. There are more important things to focus on than vendettas. But I’ll keep an eye on it. If anyone tries anything, they’ll answer to me.
Nyxxa says: Admittedly this is something I don’t think I can handle today.
Altruis Shadowsong says: it wouldn’t be wise for any of us to stay overlong. This island will have stragglers loyal to both Mannoroth and Sinestra.
Nyxxa says: And we’ll be easier to pick off now. So as loathe as I am to admit it, we should move sooner rather than later.

Altruis nods.

Altruis Shadowsong says: We’ll be returning to Azeroth. Our missions here are done, and I need to bring the rest of our new recruits to the Slayer.

At that moment, a figure lands on the battered stonework. It’s Allari, who is starting to head over–her belt awash with a collection of daggers like those that Loramus had. Her eyes are burning with fel energy.

Allari Elburn says: Good to see you. And good most of your are in one piece.
Nyxxas says: Yes. Thank you for your help.
Allari Elburn says: I should be thanking you. We wouldn’t have had this opportunity if you hadn’t saved us in that swamp.
Nyxxa says: Well, we’re colleagues now. One looking out for the other. Glad to see you survived.
Allari Elburn says: Not everyone did, but those of us that have are ready to do what it takes.
Altruis Shadowsong says: Allari, rendezvous with the others at the rendezvous point. The sooner we can vacate this world, the better.
Allari Elburn says: Yes sir.

Allari looks at Nyxxa one more time.

Allari Elburn says: If we do not meet again, die well.
Nyxxa says: And if we do, see you on the other side.

Allari plants the scythe on the ground and vanishes in a flash of magic to go and support her allies.

Altruis Shadowsong says: I should join them.
Nyxxa says: If you’re heading back to the Slayer, you can tell her what happened here. I don’t know when I’ll be back on Azeroth, especially with how time works here. I believe our business should reach its end soon.
Altruis Shadowsong says: You do what you need to. I’ll report.
Nyxxa says: Thank you. See you on the other side.

Nyxxa smiles and then heads back to the group as Altruis makes himself scarce.

Meanwhile, Arthak had been gathering up No’Rash, and a few other orcish warriors join them with Sadras and Summerpaw at the head. Azuka has still not moved–staring at No’Rash with her sword in her hand. Sadras slows down at Azuka, and they exchange some words, before Sadras’s eyes are drawn toward the group–her expression sinking.

She rides harder, up and over to join the others. She leaps off Summerpaw and runs over to Arthak and No’Rash’s lifeless form.

Sadras says: No. No no no no! No you can’t… this can’t be happening! Is… what happened?
Arthak Saurfang says: He felled Mannoroth.

Sadras goes over to No’Rash and puts her hands on his face.

Sadras says: He’s going to be alright, right? We can save him still?
Arthak Saurfang says: The time for that passed.

Sadras shakes her head, attempting to stave off tears, but they start to fall freely. She collapses half in Arthak’s arms and half wrapped around No’Rash, burying her face in his chest.

Arthak Saurfang says: He was at peace. He died well.

Sadras nods through her sobs and sniffles.

Sadras says: Of course he did. I knew he would. I always knew he would.

Sadras presses her forehead against No’Rash’s.

Arthak Saurfang says: We should take him home.

Sadras nods again.

Sadras says: He deserves it. You’ve earned this rest, uncle Rashy… Say hi to Dotar for me, would you?

She kisses his forehead and pulls away, trying to regain her composure.

Sadras says: Ger’hel and the others have formed a circle for about a half mile. Any of Mannoroth’s forces have been scattered or dealt with. Any on the outside are being distracted by Sinestra’s forces. They won’t notice our duplicity. It seems some other things are drawing their attention. The island is in chaos, but it won’t last forever.
Nyxxa says: We have some time, but we should get moving sooner rather than later.

Sadras nods.

Nyxxa says: Where can we retreat to?
Arthak Saurfang says: We can start heading towards Hellfire. Make it look like we don’t know what should have happened there. Then Varok’mar.
Sadras says: Ger’hel said if you need to do something, she can ensure the survivors get to the mainline.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good. Send a runner to inform her that we will meet her in Varok’mar.

Sadras nods and heads off.

Nyxxa says: Who wants to handle sending Rakeesh?
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll handle it.

Levia scoffs, on the edge of tears.

Levia Blackflight says: Like he doesn’t already know.
Arthak Saurfang says: A report is still due.
Nyxxa says: And it’s still a job.

Arthak pulls out his stone and sends Rakeesh a quick message.

Arthak Saurfang says [sending]: It’s done.
Rakeesh says [sending]: Excellent.

Nyxxa puts a hand on Levia’s shoulder.

Nyxxa says: You saved my life out there.

Levia nods.

Levia Blackflight says: At least I… at least I could.

Levia glances back at No’Rash’s body.

Nyxxa says: We can’t save everyone. Even doing our best. It doesn’t make it any easier though. I know you did everything you could.

Levia nods again, placing her hand on Nyxxa’s.

Levia Blackflight says: Lets make sure we can get out of here. If something comes up and breathes on us too hard, a few of us will have some trouble.
Nyxxa says: Yeah.
Levia Blackflight says: I’ll keep an eye out from a higher vantage point. Just shout when we’re ready to go.
Nyxxa says: I’ll be patrolling the ground. I can’t do much with…

She glances at Mannoroth’s corpse, which is still spewing toxic, demonic blood. She backs away to keep an eye on the perimeter.

Azuka starts to move slowly, her eyes still locked, unblinking, on No’Rash. She stops around 5 feet from No’Rash in Arthak’s arms. Her eyes go past Arthak to the broken, blasted remains of Mannoroth.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: …You did it.

Sadras, nearby, looks to No’Rash’s club, Hardskin, and she picks it up with no small amount of effort. Azuka closes the distance to No’Rash, and she grits her teeth, then looks to the ground with clenched fists.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: You did it.

She puts a hand on No’Rash’s arm. There are no tears–just solemn, contemplative recognition and sadness. She nods at Arthak, who returns the nod.

Arthak Saurfang says: Would you like to help me carry him?
Azuka Stormbreaker says: I would. He helped me here. I’ll help him back.

Azuka moves to help Arthak as Azgadaan claims some trophies from Mannoroth. Arthak notices he didn’t feel the heat in his blood much anymore. It feels like the weight of his own blood had been washed away, but perhaps it was the rush of the victory as well.

Go'el says: I can beseech the elements to bring myself and a small group of others to Garadar ahead of time… if that would be helpful?
Nyxxa says: We could break into two groups. I know some of our allies are capable of getting back to Varok’mar on their own.
Arthak Saurfang says: Go’el, if you could take one group to bring No’Rash home, others can fall back more traditionally. We can meet you at Garadar.

Go’el nods.

Go'el says: Very well.

Nyxxa moves in to hug Sadras, and she squeezes Nyxxa very hard. Go’el looks at the Doomhammer.

Go'el says: It may be wise for me to hang on to that for now.
Arthak Saurfang says: Agreed.

Go’el takes the hammer, and Azuka places her body under No’Rash.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: I can handle this.

She’s struggling, but she seems like she’s determined to do it herself.

Go'el says: We’ll see you soon.

Go’el draws a cycle on the ground around the group, and magic spirals around his small group before they disappear in a bout of spiraling, spiritual energy as he casts [Word of Recall].

The group takes a few moment to secure the direct area. A short while later, they hear a roar pierce the sky, and they see a multitude of nether drakes erupt from Sinestra’s facility in the distance. Some of them are carrying eggs. At the end of the group, they see three large dragons: one is Tyrygosa, another is Noriyaku who is spiraling around another tealish-green wyrm. It was likely her mate, as they were continuing to spiral closely around each other as the flock of dragons takes off towards the north.

The remainder of the group begins the trek back to the base camp on Ashran. The mood is quite different. The feel of electricity and drive of battle has evaporated, and there is no column returning. Instead there are just scatterings of forces–orcs that have no idea what happened. Some of the other leaders are trying to form some semblance of organization, and it passes to the group that some of the chaos from within contributed to the scattering that occurred. Some of the lieutenants from Hellfire Citadel had turned on their fellows to claim glory. Those individuals are believed to have been slain–but there are no eye witnesses of the conflict between Mannoroth and Sinestra.

It seems several outposts along the way were destroyed, as well as various circles of power. It seemed that fel magic was responsible, but it’s unknown if one of Sinestra’s Dragonmaw sabotaged it, or if a warlock got ambitious, or what exactly happened.

Arthak works to get some of the aimless orcs under command as the chain of command was otherwise disrupted, and he gets them heading back toward Warspear. Arthak had managed to snag Mor’ghor’s head on the way out.

There are a few skirmishes between stranded Sinestra forces and some of the scattered Legion agents, but nothing notable. It takes them two days to get back.

That night, Azgadaan opts to [Dream] Kaylaan, and he conjures the island of Ashran–bereft of any people. He sees Kaylaan appear.

Azgadaan says: Good to see you’re alive.
Kaylaan says: You’ve been busy!
Azgadaan says: We have. I hope everything went well on your side.
Kaylaan says: Well enough.
Azgadaan says: I was wondering… I wanted to do something about this, and I wanted someone of some knowledge of what’s been happening… do you know about the slave mine around Hellfire Citadel?
Kaylaan says: You might have to be a bit more specific.
Azgadaan says: The ruins of Sha'naar.
Kaylaan says: What do you want to know?
Azgadaan says: I asked my friends, and at some point soon I want to go there to relieve the workers of their duty and send them your way if I can.
Kaylaan says: You’d be wasting your time. Hellfire Peninsula is not safe for people like you now.
Azgadaan says: As that area been taken care of, or no?
Kaylaan says: I can’t say for certain, but I wouldn’t check yourself. I cannot guarantee your safety.
Azgadaan says: I did the people there a disservice. I wish to make it better for them. But that’s all I had to say. I just wanted to see you were alive. I’ll let you go.

Kaylaan shrugs.

Kaylaan says: Sometimes we have to live with our mistakes, Azgadaan, and sometimes the best thing you can do for someone is stay as far away from them as possible. You’re a crazy bastard for doing what you did, but whether you realize it or not, your role will have many ramifications. Good and bad.
Azgadaan says: Well, already died once. Second chance is better, and that bastard is dead now. I wish you luck. Stay safe and healthy.

Kaylaan chuffs.

Azgadaan says: Goodbye.
Kaylaan says: Krono ki cristorr, Azgadaan.
Azgadaan says: Krono ki cristorr, Kaylaan.

Kaylaan turns away as the dream dissolves.

Outland Day 61

The group arrives in Warspear after a rather sad, quiet journey of two days. They find the camp is still up, but there is something of a small buzz of uncertainty and panic. They find a group of warlocks near the circle of power, and Oronok is among them. They seem to be speaking about the best course of action. Oronok’s eye catches Arthak’s.

Oronok Torn-heart says: It seems Hellfire Citadel has fallen into chaos. Ashtongue Brotherhood.
Arthak Saurfang says: Dammit.
Oronok Torn-heart says: Our way back to the mainland has been cut off. Not to mention most of the warlocks capable of sending us back have found themselves… indisposed by this battle.
Arthak Saurfang says: A lot of that has been happening. Several overly ambitious war leaders picked the wrong time to make a play.
Oronok Torn-heart says: And Lord Mannoroth himself was struck. What an unfortunate turn of events. I suppose for the time being, it’s every orc for himself around here, isn’t it?

The other warlocks look at him.

Orcish Warlock says: There has to be an answer. We need to make contact with the Black Temple. They may know what to do.

At that moment, a scout shouts at Arthak.

Orcish Scout says: Chieftain Saurfang, there is something flying from the west!

They look up, and they see several figures flying in the distance. The one at the head is a large demon with deep violet flesh with a dark, burning flame in its gut which is also a half-maw. It’s a terrorfiend. This one seems to be Omor the Unscarred, the representative from Magtheridon.

He lands right in the middle of the camp, and those with him seem to be mostly eredar warlocks and fel orcs riding aboard felbats and rylaks. On a well-armored felbat is Velhari. Shadowlord Iskaar is also among them.

Omor calls out with a booming voice as a circle opens in the crowd for him.

Omor the Unscarred says: Brave soldiers of the Horde! I ask that you calm yourselves. There is nothing to fear. Lord Magtheridon is already making arrangements to receive you at the Black Temple. Though Mannoroth has been slain, this was a victory. Sinestra has been forced from this world, and our next objective has become clear. Cease your idlings and your concerns. We shall guide the way to the Black Temple where we shall plan our next move.

Velhari gets off her felbat. There seem to be recent healed injuries in her flesh, and battle damage to her armor. She draws her blade from her back and she slashes the blade through the air, opening a rift. On the opposite side seems to be Karabor.

Omor the Unscarred says: Those who do not have others to report to, or are unable to return to the mainland, allow the Tyrant Velhari to lead you towards guidance.

Velhari starts to issue many of the orcs through the portal. She looks at Arthak.

Velhari says: You survived. That is good.
Arthak Saurfang says: And you. What happened?
Velhari says: It seems the Ashtongue Brotherhood was prepared to strike Hellfire Citadel. I do not know how they were able to move so many troops, but we were blind to their ambush. Akama led it, and it seems they have joined forces with the humans and the elves. They struck together. It was all we could do to retreat. Without Lord Mannoroth to command our defenses, we lost many of the Sargerai in the defense. These are the only forces that were able to retreat.
Arthak Saurfang says: Dammit. Any word from Varok’mar? I still have people close. Most of my people.
Velhari says: I cannot guarantee their safety. The forge camps and invasion points will be less defended, and they must protect their borders. It may be wise to relocate them to Shadowmoon Valley, if not the Blackrock Foundry. Until we can resecure our hold on Hellfire Peninsula, it is not safe for us to remain. If they are prepared to defend, I imagine their focus will be on the forge camps primarily.
Arthak Saurfang says: For now.
Velhari says: For now.
Arthak Saurfang says: Especially if they are working with Azeroth. Some of their allies will have grievances with my banner. I need to make my way to Varok’mar then.
Velhari says: I would not disparage you from such action.
Arthak Saurfang says: Has Lady Shaspira been informed?
Velhari says: Word has been taken of the situation to the forces on Azeroth.
Arthak Saurfang says: That’s something.
Velhari says: Another point of concern… it seems the Ashtongue Brotherhood has secured the Zangarmarsh, and with it, much of the potable water that remains on Outland. In time, the places that do not have safe water may find themselves in a great deal of struggle. I am led to believe that most of your people will still require such nourishment. Something else to consider.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. More reason to relocate. Okay. Thank you for the warnings.
Velhari says: It is only fear. We are in this war together, after all. If we are to secure control of your world, we will need to do so with a united front. Akama is a renowned strategist and a deadly foe.
Arthak Saurfang says: I am aware. Command has fallen to Magtheridan, yes?
Velhari says: For the time being, yes. He is the most powerful demon on this world. For the moment, at least. It is not my duty or my responsibility to organize such things, but he has subsumed Mannoroth’s position. I do not know who will lead the annihilans in his absence, I wager Magtheridon and Azgalore are contenders.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m not very familiar with Magtheridon other than his representative. He did approach me about… something, in Hellfire. But with everything else going on, I didn’t have time to pursue it.
Velhari says: I wager now his focus is on Akama if it was not already.
Arthak Saurfang says: My reputation apparently drew interest. I don’t know who his target was, but Akama makes sense.
Velhari says: If you decide to join the hunt, perhaps we’ll meet on the battlefield.
Arthak Saurfang says: If I’m being honest, I have other targets ahead of me.
Velhari says: I wager you would.
Arthak Saurfang says: I won’t take up anymore of your time. Glad you made it out.
Velhari says: Yourself as well. I hope your people are spared the brunt of this conflict.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll see to it.

Arthak then goes and speaks to Oronok, who has his sons disperse around the area to make sure they are not overheard.

Oronok Torn-heart says: Chieftain Saurfang, to what do I owe the pleasure?
Arthak Saurfang says: Things are moving, it seems. And I am moving as well.
Oronok Torn-heart says: Quite quickly. Hard for an old man to keep up with someone like that.
Arthak Saurfang says: An old man with dutiful sons.

Oronok chuffs.

Oronok Torn-heart says: So what do you speak about?
Arthak Saurfang says: I guess it really amounts to one thing. Where do we go from here?
Oronok Torn-heart says: Well… you came here to deal with Sinestra, didn’t you? She’s been dealt with. So I imagine you’ll be wrapping up your business here, and you’ll return and report. I imagine I’ll be doing the same.
Arthak Saurfang says: And what kind of report will you be bringing in?
Oronok Torn-heart says: Well, not one as successful as you. I succeeded in some of my missions. But… other missions were less successful, as you are well aware. Unfortunately my memory is not as good as it used to be. So I may have missed a few things here and there. And seeing that the atmosphere of Outland has changed so drastically… it would likely be within my best interests to make sure I know what’s going on with the Shadowmaster.
Arthak Saurfang says: Sensible.
Oronok Torn-heart says: A rare gift in times of chaos like this.
Arthak Saurfang says: So. I guess this means we part as… not enemies, at least.
Oronok Torn-heart says: As I said. My memory isn’t what it used to be. I can’t fathom any reason why we shouldn’t be.

Oronok grins.

Arthak Saurfang says: Neither can I.
Oronok Torn-heart says: I look forward to hearing your own successful report once you return to Azeroth. I and my sons will find our own way.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well. Then I wish you and your kin luck. Perhaps next time we may find a chance to work together rather than around one another.
Oronok Torn-heart says: Ancestors willing, Arthak Saurfang. Ancestors willing.

Oronok turns and heads back to his sons, and Arthak returns to his warband while smoking smugly. Azgadaan casts [Teleport] to get the group off Ashran, and they arrive in Varok’mar–which is exactly as they left it.

However, there is a bit of excitement. The first thing they notice is there are a handful of large receptacles that are similar to barrels.

Kaza says: Ah! You’re alive! Good. I’m glad to see it. How’d the fight go?
Arthak Saurfang says: Terribly.
Kaza says: Well. You’re alive and you didn’t fuck up your face too bad. Where’s the big one?
Arthak Saurfang says: Like I said.
Kaza says: Oh… did he die well at least?
Arthak Saurfang says: Better than most. Far better.

Kaza nods.

Arthak Saurfang says: We wouldn’t be here otherwise.
Kaza says: Well the ancestors will welcome him with open arms then.
Arthak Saurfang says: What’s going on here? I expected this to be chaotic in a worse way.
Kaza says: You can thank your old friend for that! You just missed him. He was here with another one. One of those broken draenei. Hmph. He thought he was funny being all cute and coy, sidling up with this trailer and talking shit about scouting out the forge camps ahead. Said he’d let the Ashtongue know to avoid this area. I smacked him on the head and told him to cut the crap. Might not be one of our number any longer, but he was, and I didn’t know if I’d see the bastard before I keeled over, so sometimes, you gotta take the opportunity. He dropped this off for us. Water from the reservoirs in Zangarmarsh. He said that he had to leave the trailer, but I know he’s just being a pain in the ass. I know things are complicated between the two of you, but he seemed grateful. I think he appreciated what you were doing more than he’d be willing to say.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well… how long do you think this will sustain you all?
Kaza says: Well, time is hard to track in this crazy place, but it will last us for a good while. Long enough for us to find another source, or for things to calm down. And it seems he’s intent on making sure the Ashtongue avoid this area. At least for the time being. But this will last us a real good while. So you don’t need to worry about us. Besides, we didn’t send all the warriors with you. I assume the rest will be making their own way back?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. And worrying about you all is my job, I believe. Still. Just in case things change… be ready to move if you have to.
Kaza says: I don’t need survival tips from you, Arthak! You don’t get this old without knowing how to move. But I’ll keep it in mind, chieftain.
Arthak Saurfang says: That’s all I ask. If he… well… we’re not going to be able to stay long. But if he passes through again… extend him my thanks.
Kaza says: I’ll be sure to do that, Arthak. But I can’t promise he’s going to. We’ll see. And whenever are you ever able to stay more than a few days? You’re a busy young lad! That’s for sure! But we have food aplenty, and plenty of water now, so drink and eat your fill. No excuses! And I know you have a habit of skipping meals!

She prods Arthak in his chest.

Arthak Saurfang says: Consider me coerced.

Kaza nods and turns to scold an ogre that almost dropped one of the receptacles.

Azgadaan, however, sends Kaylaan.

Azgadaan says [sending]: You are still very kind. Thank you.
Kaylaan says [sending]: I don’t like being in debt. So… with his people’s safety… we’re even.
Azgadaan says [sending]: Stay safe out there. Maybe someday we can return the kindness.

Arthak is able to take the day to just do chieftain things in a small village–one of the last times he may be able to do so given the looming attempt at the title of warchief.

Azgadaan works with Levia to borrow her scrying focus so he could scry on the mine. She had started to to bristle slightly at first when he approached her, but she hands over the mirror she had purchased on Argus. He opts to scry on the outside of the throne room of the demon that had been in charge, and the mirror clears up. The first thing he notices is there are no guards, there are no workers, there are no demons, orcs, or anything. But there are signs of battle. There are bodies breaking apart, including that of a fel guard, and two ravagers picking at his corpse. The entire place is in ruins. There are broken chains and shackles strewn about, and rocks are slick with green and black blood. There is a single humanoid figure who seems to be affixed to the top of the massive throne-like chair. The figure is moving ever-so-slightly, but only just.

As the spell fades, he casts it again inside the throne room. It’s a krokul with heavy steel spikes through his limbs, suspending him about 7 feet off the ground. He is alive, though not much. He has only simple undergarments, and he had been beaten severely. Demon blood stains the room extensively. There is a word in rough draenic on the stone chair–and Azgadaan calls Lantresor over.

Lantresor says: A gruesome sight… it is difficult for me to make out the words, but the largest one says traitor.

He also picks up “betrayer” and “coward”.

Azgadaan sends Kaylaan one more time.

Azgadaan says [sending]: Do you know the mines were hit?

He gets no answer back.

Azgadaan does one more scrying outside the complex, and there is much of the same evidence of battle. A warpstalker appears with the half-eaten body of an orc, and then disappears. There are a few krokul corpses, but not many–there are more orcs and demons. However, there are no remains of the terrorfiend that had been commanding the mine.

Rexxar winds up finding Arthak.

Rexxar says: A moment, Saurfang.
Arthak Saurfang says: How can I help you, Rexxar?
Rexxar says: Follow me. There’s something I would show you.

Rexxar takes Arthak about a half mile outside Varok’mar. There is a small cove at the foot of a series of ridges that forge camps sit atop. There is a fel river flowing past into the canyon of Hellfire Citadel, and Nisha and the rest of Rexxar’s beast companions are around a small camp.

Rexxar says: There’s someone that wishes to thank you. For everything you and your friends have done.
Arthak Saurfang says: Okay.

Huelo, Rexxar’s wolf, is there laying on his side. He doesn’t seem to be doing great, and there are wounds in his sides. Puffer, Nisha, and the other animals are all gathered around, as well as Huelo’s mate and their children.

Rexxar says: He was wounded in the battle. Though I tended to his injuries, he is not a young wolf anymore. He still has strength within him, but only enough for him to return to the place he belongs. He wishes to conserve his strength until they set off. But he wishes to thank you. And wish the best for your family.

Rexxar gestures with his head for Arthak to approach, and Arthak kneels down beside the wolf. Huelo rights himself and sits up, looking up at Arthak. He then bows his head and brings his nose over to Arthak’s stone hand and licks it, before brushing his head against it.

Arthak leans his hand into the wolf’s nuzzle, and Huelo’s dark-furred mate supports Huelo while their children gather around. Huelo withdraws and stands proud, locking eyes with Arthak, who gives a respectful nod, before the small pack of wolves howl. A few frost wolves back in Varok’mar join the howl.

Then, limping, Huelo starts to head off with his mate supporting him, and their children following in their trail.

Rexxar says: He was proud to fight for this cause. He was one of the ones that convinced me to travel with you, you know. He said he saw something in you and the rest of your friends. I’ll admit, the old wolf is rarely wrong. As you know, I have no stomach for this… for the politics and strife of the Horde. But I have not made a mistake in following Huelo’s guidance. Soon, we go to this Azeroth… but…

He gestures to the wolves.

Rexxar says: I find that my pack is diminished. If the rest of us would step into this brave new world, it would be wise of us to do so without being alone. If you have room for us in your Broken Blade… then we would join you.

Rexxar avoids eye contact.

Rexxar says: I understand No’Rash beat me to the punch.
Arthak Saurfang says: It wasn’t a competition.
Rexxar says: No, I suppose not. But he too was a wise old wolf, and it would be wise to follow his counsel as well.
Arthak Saurfang says: I would be honored to name all of you amongst my clan.

Rexxar holds his arm out, and Arthak clasps his arm in a firm handshake. Keepers the rat scurries onto their clasped arms, and then scurries onto Arthak’s shoulder. Arthak nods at the rat.

Arthak and Rexxar unclasp arms.

Arthak Saurfang says: Though it may not be my clan for much longer if things go a certain way.
Rexxar says: If they do, I suppose I’ll be on my own again.

Arthak is pretty sure he’s joking.

Arthak Saurfang says: If you’re willing to take a risk on following me, Azuka is a safer bet I’d say.
Rexxar says: I followed you into the maw of hell itself thus far. Taking the orders of… what did he call her… young fury? Seems… well within what I’m willing to do.

Rexxar puts a hand on Arthak’s shoulder, and Keepers scurries back into Rexxar’s hood. They start to head back towards Varok’mar.

Outland Day 62

The next morning, the group gathers again, and Azgadaan casts teleport to head to Garadar. There is a gentle mist of rain from high clouds over the floating village. The central gathering area has already been affixed with a large pyre upon it, and there is a large wooden slab prepared.

They quickly see Summerpaw and Azuka as well as Sadras and everyone else.

Sadras says: Everything’s ready. They… elected to throw a feast in his honor and for your success, but we decided to wait until you arrived.
Arthak Saurfang says: You didn’t have to.

Sadras shakes her head.

Sadras says: He died a Broken Blade. It only makes sense that you’d be here. Not to mention the rest of the warband.

Sadras throws her arms around Arthak.

Sadras says: Thank you for… for letting me see him again. For bringing him back. Letting him die the way he should of… not forgotten and alone in the middle of nowhere.
Arthak Saurfang says: It wasn’t my doing. It was fate. And Rakeesh and No’Rash himself.

Sadras pulls back.

Sadras says: I can’t very well thank fate to its face, nor Rakeesh right now, so you’ll have to do.

Sadras gives a sad, small smile and jabs Arthak’s arm gently.

Sadras says: I’ll let the others know we can start.

Many of the crowd makes their way out, and the group finds themselves in the middle of a somber but memorable feast and ceremony. Food is shared, and individuals start to share stories about No’Rash. Many of those present knew of him for one reason or another.

As the food and drink empties, the stories begin to slow to a trickle. Go’el looks to Palkar and some of the other Frostwolves and nods. They retreat, and a few moments later, Sadras, Go’el, Palkar, and Azuka return bearing the wooden platform with No’Rash on it. He had been clothed in clefthoof leathers–light and simple. He is placed upon the large pyre.

Kroll steps forward.

Kroll Gravenight says: In according to the traditions of the clan that died as, and in according to the will of the elements that guide all of us, we will now send this old wolf, and this broken blade, to meet the ancestors.

A handful of shamans step into a loose circle around the pyre. They all raise their hands, and wind whips around the area, and with it, sand spirals into the air. As it does, the shamans open water skins and trails of water join up with the particles of earth. In a burst of elemental energy, it starts to snow.

Some of the older shamans take buckets with more sand–sand that has a violet color. It’s the same debris that had blown in from the Frostwind Desert when they were on the train. They offer the sand to anyone that would take it to provide it as an offering and a send off.

Everyone says some words–and Palkar throws the first handful onto the pyre.

Palkar says: I won’t be able to take care of Drek’thar for a while. So that will be up to you, old friend.

Nyxxa approaches with the hairstick she had made for No’Rash, as well as a handful of sand.

Nyxxa says: Rest well, old wolf. Wherever you are now, that peace has found you.

She places them on the pyre and turns away. Rexxar then approaches with a large handful of the sand. He tosses it in. Then there’s a second handful.

Rexxar says:''' This is from the pack.

He gives two gentle pounds of his fist on his chest, and turns away.

Lokra approaches with Karg. Karg is barely able to speak through his tears. Lokra looks up at the falling snow.

Lokra says: I never would have had the heart to kill you… no matter what sins you committed. Thank you for your service, elder.

She throws the sand on the pyre, and squeezes her mate’s shoulder before wheeling him away.

Sadras goes up with a smile and tears in her eyes. She balances the massive club on her shoulder.

Sadras says: No more words need to be said. I love you, uncle Rashy.

She drops her handful of sand on the pyre.

Nitrogg then approaches.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: I didn’t know you well, but I wish I had.

He pours a small string of alcohol onto the wood from his flask.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: We’ll send you off the right way.

He takes his own swig and throws his and on the pure. Lantresor approaches and says nothing, simply bowing his head and sprinkling his sand delicately.

Levia grips her hands tightly as she approaches.

Levia Blackflight says: Good fight, you old bastard. I’m sorry.

She springs her sand. Azgadaan approaches then.

Azgadaan says: I do hope before you went, you knew how lucky you were to have so many people that cared for you. Thank you for helping bring me back. You didn’t even know me. Goodbye, No’Rash.

Azgadaan sprinkles his handful of sand.

Azuka then approaches and says nothing. She stares at No’Rash for a long while, before sprinkling her sand. Veena follows after her, and holds her hand out–a sprig of a root-like flower appears in it, one that grew on the side of the type of tree his club was made from. She detaches it, and places it on the pyre.

Go’el then approaches.

Go'el says: Words fail, as they always do, in times like this. You have been a part of my family for longer than I’ve been alive. It was my grandsire’s honor to fight alongside you, and it was mine to see that through to the end. Throm’ka, No’Rash.

Go’el sprinkles his sand as well.

Arthak is one of the last that approaches.

Arthak Saurfang says: The dreams stopped. The weight in my blood… isn’t there anymore. You did that. I don’t know if it was redemption, I don’t know if it’s changed, or fixed, or made up for anything that you did… but it changed something for me. For all of us. There’s one less chain on us, because of you. Rest well, elder. Give my regards to my mother and father.

Arthak pours his sand onto the pyre. As Arthak steps away from the pyre, Kroll approaches him.

Kroll Gravenight says: It’s time for the rite of fire. As his chieftain, that falls to you. If you would do the honors?

He holds a torch out to Arthak, but Arthak pulls out Champion’s Forge and drives the sword into the side of the kindling instead. He activates his fire rune, and the flaming chains wrap around No’Rash and weave through the pyre. They erupt into fire, igniting the pyre. It burns for a long while as the crowd disperses.

Eventually, the fire will subside–Champion’s Forge still in the side of the pyre. Arthak retrieves his sword, and some ashes from the pyre, which he tucks into a pouch on his belt.

Go'el says: Take it to Azeroth. Let him see the world that must become our home.

Arthak nods.

Go'el says: There was one other thing. Something that No’Rash had… written. We found it in his belongings.

He withdraws a small piece of parchment and hands it over to Arthak. As Arthak unravels it, it looks to be a eulogy of sorts.

As Arthak reads over it, it almost feels like he can hear No’Rash’s voice in his mind, and he reads it out to the other members of the warband.

“To those it may concern,
A great change is coming. Soon, all of our destinies will collide and determine the fate of the Orcs...and of each other. As I sit here, contemplating, I cannot shake this feeling that I have. The same that I have felt before in battles past. Some of us will not return from this fight. I hope I am wrong but over the years I have learned to trust this feeling. In case I should be the one to fall, I wish to leave behind my sentiments, for what they are worth:
You are a complex being. You are a mix of life and shadow into one vessel. In some ways, I am wary of the power that you wield and the restraint that you lack. On the other hand, I pity that this is the state in which you must carry on. Perhaps, if you should fall, your soul will finally be at rest. If nothing else, I should thank you. Were it not for your loquacious tongue, I may never have come to want something other than my death. If you survive, I owe you a blow to the jaw.
We have spoken little, but nonetheless, I have seen everyday how much you mean to this warband. I know not your past, but I must assume that you are estranged from your people, and for that, I am sorry. I know the toll it takes on one who chooses isolation. Regardless of what brought you here, who you are now is what matters. Live for today, young one. You are wanted here.”

Levia fights back some tears.

Levia Blackflight says: Fuck you, old man.
I believe you do not completely know yourself, and so, I know you even less. Nevertheless, I have felt comfort at seeing your kindness, your innocence, your willingness to help those around you, and your drive to improve as a person. You will be a great boon to my people, if you have the heart to your demonic people behind. Don't stop pushing to find your destiny.”

Azgadaan sighs.

Azgadaan says: He knew more than he thinks.
What else is there for me to say, Young Fury? You have learned well from your father. You have talked an old fool off the ledge. You are more remarkable than you know. Don't be afraid to face your fears. You will never be alone when you do so.”

Azuka presses her forehead against Arthak’s back.

I have been both happy and ashamed to spend time with you again, my old friend. I left you when you needed others most. I should have been there to shoulder the burden of your losses. I was not, and I will regret that forever. But you are strong, Go'el. I knew it ever since I first laid eyes on you as you left your mother's womb. You are everything that I am not. I know Draka and Durotan watch you proudly from the great realm beyond. And should I ever join them, I will too.”

Go’el closes his eyes as the last of the snowflakes trickle away, and he smiles.

Facing you again was one of the hardest things I have ever done. You, who are so decent and kind, saw fit to forgive me for my crime. I do not deserve you, my Sada, but I am ever grateful to witness the wonderful person you have become. If I had born children into this world, I would have been blessed to have a daughter such as you. I know Lokra and Karg are. Should I fall in the coming fight, I wish for you to have Hardskin. It will do well in the hands of someone who is better for this world than I. And in case I don't get the chance to say it again: I love you.”

Sadras tries her best to not burst into sobs.

Sadras says: I’ll get strong enough to use it… I promise. I love you too.
I used to think that demons were capable of nothing but cruelty, destruction, and selfishness. You have shown me otherwise. You do so much for others, despite the trauma that you carry. Even through the eyes of a monster, that means much. For one who thinks so low of herself, your friends do not share this perspective. There is love for you in this world, Nyxxa, if you wish to accept it. For your sake, I hope you do. Seeing you smile is a worthwhile experience.”

Nyxxa has been holding it together, but she starts to sob quietly. Azgadaan puts a hand on her shoulder, and Levia puts a hand on the other.

You and I are more alike than you know. For every way in which we have triumphed, so too have we committed atrocities. We each have so much blood on our hands that we have convinced ourselves that we left no room in each our hearts for good. For so long, I have believed this. Though to some extent, I still do, you have helped me see that perhaps this putrid heart of mine still has room for more than just grief and sorrow. And as I said, you are not much different. Though you are content to see yourself as a cold, unforgivable creature, I see more in your soul than just these things. Surely, one so unforgivable would not have led a clan this far, to the end of this journey, and the end of mine. If my words mean anything, I hope they get through your hardened exterior. Perhaps then, your life will mean more than what it is for one to suffer.“

Arthak closes his eyes for a moment.

“Aka'Magosh, warband.
No'Rash of the Broken Blade”

The group looks up at the endless expanse of the Twisting Nether overhead, and eventually, each of the group retires for the evening. Arthak opts to stay by the pyre for the night.