ChapterFiveSessionSeventyFourAlliance . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Aliden Perenolde, Aoibh Reòthadh, Danath Trollbane, Elissa Cross, Galen Trollbane, Gilveradin Windrunner, Liiraluma, Robert Travard, Rommath Pyrewing, Samuel Hawke, Singer, Teemo Manabrake, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Vittoria Trollbane ->'''Aliden Perenolde says:''' It has come to my attention that there have been some activities amongst our people. Unsanctioned activities. Now while our family encourages one to be proactive… I fear in this particular instance, I find myself vexed. After all, the family has been through a great deal of difficulty. We’ve lost many of our numbers over the last several years. Indeed, just of a year ago, the tragic loss of Lord Gorgonne, Lord Therepentous, and Lady Lynch as our recent losses come to mind. Though under the esteemed leadership of the High King, we have found no small amount of prosperity, along with the unfortunate loss of my dear sister. It still seems as if not everyone in the family can agree on how it should be run. ->'''Drakonid Agent says:''' Have you identified those responsible, Lord Perenolde? We would all be happy to bring these traitors to justice. ->'''Aliden Perenolde says:''' I’m glad you asked, Singer! Very glad you asked. With those keen eyes of yours, I was hoping you’d help me find them. But then again… you already failed in tracking down our elusive master Glowsun. ->'''Singer says:''' I’m sorry, my lord. It won’t happen again. We will find him. ->'''Aliden Perenolde says:''' I’m not concerned with that anymore. In fact, I don’t think tracking him should be our priority at all. Tell me, do any of you know anything about what might be going on here? If there’s something that any of you want to tell me right now, I’d love to hear it. After all, a family does not keep secrets from one another, does it? Anyone? Anyone at all? Not even you, Miss Singer, with your keen eyes? You’ve seen nothing!? ->'''Singer says:''' No my lord, but you have my word. If there are traitors among us, I will find them. For the good of the family.
ChapterFiveSessionSeventyFiveHorde . . . by ?: (:title [Horde] Chapter Five: Session-Five:) '''Appearing Characters:''' Ailen Astravar, Arthak Saurfang, Bru'kan, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Ruven Duskmere, Seria, Silgryn Silverwind, Sol'chi, Thisalee Crow, Zar'Kaa !! December 22nd Ruven Duskmere paced in the warehouse as he waited impatiently for the return of Nymecia once she disposed of Reydan’s body. Nyxxa and Zar’Kaa were rushing to the warehouse as fast as they could, and Seria managed to isolate the area and start to close in on it. Sol disguised himself as Nymecia to try and by some time as he approached the warehouse.
Story . . . by ?: [[Characters/Nyxxa]] hunts down [[Characters/Vaerux]] with the help of the Illidari and consumes him, becoming a full Illidari. *[[ | Interaction: The Chain]] takes place.
ChapterFiveSessionSeventyThreeAlliance . . . by ?: ->'''Sully McLeary says:''' Hose, did you get yourself stuck again? ->'''Sully McLeary says:''' Uh… what in Khaz’goroth’s beard was that? ->'''Liiraluma says:''' A firearm. ->'''Sully McLeary says:''' Oh no no no no! I’ve seen a firearm before! You don’t think I’d fall for that?! ->'''Liiraluma says:''' My pistol does it too. ->'''Sully McLeary says:''' Then show me! Come on! ->'''Sully McLeary says:''' Amber is gonna lose her shit! Are you gonna be in town at all for the next few days?!
ChapterFiveSessionSeventyFourHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Ailen Astravar, Arthak Saurfang, Aurore Astravar, Ly'leth Lunastre, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Randeth Duskmere, Reydan Duskmere, Riema Dawnrunner, Ruven Duskmere, Selora, Seria, Sol'chi, Thisalee Crow, Volrath, Zar'Kaa ->'''Reydan Duskmere says:''' Brother? What’s going on? I heard you talking about Anarys earlier– ->'''Ruven Duskmere says:''' Oh Reydan, you should have known your place, brother. ->'''Reydan Duskmere says:''' What are you doing to them!? ->'''Nyxxa Murkthorn says:''' Wait!
ChapterFiveSessionSeventyTwoAlliance . . . by ?: ->'''Vittoria Trollbane says [telepathic bond]:''' Oh gods, I didn’t know what to say. I was afraid I was going to screw everything up so I didn’t say anything. That was stressful! ->'''Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]:''' Fortunately, he didn’t actually have that much leverage. We’re coming away from this with more than we’re actually giving. Which is my preferred way to deal. ->'''Vittoria Trollbane says [telepathic bond]:''' You really knew what you were doing there. I was trying to keep up best I could but… that was a degree of maneuvering I’m not good at. ->'''Uther Menethil says [telepathic bond]:''' And I’m grateful for it. ->'''Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]:''' Thank you. Though for what it’s worth, the maneuvering you both do is something I am not as adept at. ->'''Liiraluma says [telepathic bond]:''' What? You’re not pregnant again are you? ->'''Liiraluma says [telepathic bond]:''' Look! I need to ask because you aren’t wearing a helmet! ->'''Vittoria Trollbane says [telepathic bond]:''' I don’t think so! It’s not why I got that look, it’s… it’s because of my da.
ChapterFiveSessionSeventyThreeHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Arthak Saurfang, Bakaz, Hooktusk, Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil (Simulacrum), Legba, Levia Blackflight, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Q'onzu, Rak'Symma, Remnii, Riff, Seria, Sol'chi, Thisalee Crow, Velameestra Windrunner (Simulacrum), Zar'Kaa, Zuni ->'''Thisalee Crow says:''' There you are! ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' I didn’t realize you were looking for you. ->'''Thisalee Crow says:''' No worries! I was just wondering where you ran off to. ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' Just… chasing ghosts. ->'''Thisalee Crow says:''' There are a lot here from what I’ve been told! ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' This one was a bit more tangential than most. ->'''Thisalee Crow says:''' Easier to catch! But… we had sorta started talking before we went to the vineyard, and I said I wanted to talk again when things calmed down. Is that alright?
ChapterFiveSessionSeventyTwoHorde . . . by ?: ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' It’s difficult for me to get my thoughts together, especially in the city, but I know peoples are separate from their leadership and where they live. My standing worry… is that history will repeat itself. ->'''Lantresor says:''' It is possible, Rak’Symma, that one day Suramar might close its doors when they are needed. But that is just a potential. The only thing that is guaranteed is that if they are not saved, they will not show. Unless they are given that chance, they will never have the opportunity to prove anyone wrong. ->'''Nyxxa Murkthorn says:''' Too… scrutiny moving forward is still valuable counsel. ->'''Levia Blackflight says:''' But thanks for bringing this up. And we can throw you a bone somewhere. ->'''Arthak Saurfang says:''' We can. ->'''Levia Blackflight says:''' We can all agree its tough, so I think you’re doing fine, but apology accepted as far as I’m concerned. ->'''Nyxxa Murkthorn says:''' Most of how I operate is out of spite, so. ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' I didn’t want to impede anyone else’s progress. But I will voice issues in the future. ->'''Levia Blackflight says:''' We all suffer very loudly around here!
ChapterFiveSessionSeventyOneAlliance . . . by ?: ->'''Maighread Tàillear says:''' Do you think you could do better with the time we had? ->'''Liiraluma says:''' Yeah. ->'''Maighread Tàillear says:''' Then show me. ->'''Liiraluma says:''' What, like it was hard? ->'''Maighread Tàillear says:''' You know, we could really use someone like you on our side. Ever thought of being a terrorist before? ->'''Liiraluma says:''' Honestly, I have. ->'''Maighread Tàillear says:''' We’ll get along just fine. ->'''Liiraluma says:''' I would like to get lunch sometime. I often like terrorizing myself and others.
ChapterFiveSessionSeventyOneHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Aracyra, Arthak Saurfang, Grommash Hellscream, Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil (Simulacrum), Kalecgos, Kandia Starstream, Khadgar, Mag'beth, Maraad, Margaux Amaranthis, Medivh, Nazgrim, Nesslyn, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Ora, Orathiss Moonweaver, Orican Runesight, Rak'Symma, Rekshak, Remnii, Riff, Sasha, Selin Fireheart, Seria, Shokia, Sol'chi, Spinyl, Stalriss Dawnrunner, Stellagosa, Tarecgosa, Taryndrella, Thalyssra Dusklily, Tol'vas Moonshadow, Tolven Warsong, Tragg, Valorinn, Valtrois Leyweaver, Velameestra Windrunner (Simulacrum), Volrath, Wynn, Zar'Kaa, Zekhan, Zuni ->'''Valorinn says:''' I smell thunder. Strange. ->'''Tol'vas Moonshadow says:''' Could it be her? ->'''Valorinn says:''': Who are you? ->'''Valorinn says:''' You smell of a familiar storm. One I cannot place, but one whose rain I felt. ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' I’m called Rak’Symma. What’s your name?
ChapterFiveSessionSixtyEightAlliance . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Atal'arion, Calia Prestor, Elfyra, Elissa Cross, Eranikus, Gilveradin Windrunner, Hazzriss, Itharius, Kala, Liiraluma, Morphius, Motah Tallhorn, Remnii, Riff, Sahdi, Scyther, Seria, Teemo Manabrake, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Victor Prestor, Weavra, Wrathion, Zanzil, Zul'Lor ->'''Sahdi says:''' You’re a sight for sore eyes! Good to see you, Seria. It’s been a time… I think? It’s hard to track the passage of time in these reveries. Did you find Auntie Z? ->'''Seria says:''' I did. ->'''Sahdi says:''' That’s good. How’s she doing? ->'''Seria says:''' Good. ->'''Sahdi says:''' And how are you doing? You seem… strong. You’ve been busy. ->'''Seria says:''' They promoted me. ->'''Sahdi says:''' Would you look at that? Seems I’ve got some catching up to do. I guess you ended up finding them before I did after all. I guess that means I should stop being lazy, huh?
ChapterFiveSessionSixtySixAlliance . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Elissa Cross, Eranikus, Gilveradin Windrunner, Hazzriss, Itharius, Jammal'an, Korialstrasz, Liiraluma, Locus-Walker, Medivh, Moroes, Morphius, Motah Tallhorn, Remnii, Riff, Scyther, Seria, Teemo Manabrake, Uther Menethil, Val'zuun, Velameestra Windrunner, Victor Prestor, Weavera Itharius explained the four emerald drakes were named: Scyther, Weavera, Morphius, and Hazzriss. He said he’d fetch them at the crack of dawn, and he took his leave.
ChapterFiveSessionSixtyNineHorde . . . by ?: ->'''Faelin Sirenfall says:''' So… he might still be alive... ->'''Nyxxa Murkthorn says:''' Someone you knew? ->'''Faelin Sirenfall says:''' It’s getting early and you’ll need to be on your way! I’m certain the stewards can take care of you. I’ll be in contact with you soon, maybe in the tour if I can arrange it. ->'''Nyxxa Murkthorn says:''' …That seems lovely. ->'''Faelin Sirenfall says:''' It was a pleasure! I’ll speak to you again soon! ->'''Runas says:''' Faelin? ->'''Faelin Sirenfall says:''' I’ll talk to you later, Runas!
ChapterFiveSessionSixtySevenAlliance . . . by ?: ->'''Velameestra Windrunner says:''' Make yourself useful and we’ll see. ->'''Zanzil says:''' Of course of course! ->'''Zanzil says:''' There! See! ->'''Velameestra Windrunner says:''' Very good. ->'''Zanzil says:''' The… oh no! The d-dragon! The dragon! ->'''Velameestra Windrunner says:''' What did you do to the dragon? ->'''Zanzil says:''' I used my elixirs. And the blood! If he’s here… oh no… ->'''Velameestra Windrunner says:''' Can you remove the affliction? ->'''Zanzil says:''' The elixir, yes! The blood, no. N-no no no. Nothing removes the blood. Nothing removes the blood!
ChapterFiveSessionFiftyEightAlliance . . . by ?: ->'''Rommath Pyrewing says [telepathically]:''' How do you think this looks? This rampage you’re on? What do you think the masses will think as they watch you rain blood from on high?
ChapterFiveSessionSixtySevenHorde . . . by ?: ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' This is… certainly something. ->'''Thisalee Crow says:''' I never really knew you could put animals in a place like this. I haven’t even heard about it. Do they really have these…? Well, obviously I guess. ->'''Sol'chi says:''' The one near my home is much larger. And the varieties are near infinite, unfortunately. ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' I’m now realizing I should have been… more precise in my message to my friend. I didn’t expect this to be so large. ->'''Nyxxa Murkthorn says:''' Well, he may stand out. ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' If he’s not also disguised. ->'''Nyxxa Murkthorn says:''' We can work around that. ->'''Thisalee Crow says:''' Did you just… eat one? ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' Yes?
ChapterFiveSessionSixtySixHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Anarys Lunastre, Arthak Saurfang, Deline Glimmerdusk, Laistall Salor, Ly'leth Lunastre, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Runas, Sol'chi, Tipha Thaborqinn, Vanthir Leburque, Zar'Kaa Meanwhile, Nyxxa had made her way to one of the red-light districts of Suramar, and she found an entertainment parlor called the Willowy Wisp. She headed in and saw a very tall nightborne with black hair and deep violet skin with silvery-pink eyes. ->'''Nightborne Proprietor says:''' I heard you became a satyr by blaspheming against the goddess… if that were true, I’m surprised this city isn’t full of them. Elune turned her back on this city a long time ago. So. You are looking to start a gig of your own. Do you have experience in this line or work, darling? ->'''Nyxxxa Murkthorn says:''' I was never officially employed, but yes. ->'''Nightborne Proprietor says:''' A lot of folk coming through this door start the same way. I’m sure you’ll be fine, honey. Normally we want to put you through a probationary period, but we are a bit desperate for good help. ->'''Nyxxxa Murkthorn says:''' Has something happened? ->'''Nightborne Proprietor says:''' Hard times, you could say.
ChapterFiveSessionSixtyFiveAlliance . . . by ?: (:title [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Five:) '''Appearing Characters:''' Calia Menethil, Elissa Cross, Gilveradin Windrunner, Inanis, Locus-Walker, Maraad, Moroes, Remnii, Robert Travard, Seria, Thoradin, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Victor Prestor, Xal'atath, Zakajz !! November 10th As the group traveled downward, the darkness grew thicker and the air grew heavier as if they were walking down into a metaphysical fog. They felt their skin itching as if something was watching them. The passage became less defined. The ancient titanic architecture began to fall away, as if it had succumbed to natural erosion, but it also felt terribly unnatural. Darkness clawed at the edges of their vision as it tried to hedge into the lights they carried. And then they heard a voice. The voice was their own voice, but also not. It might have been their mother’s, or their father’s, or their sibling’s. Loved ones and enemies both, but also neither.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftyNineAlliance . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Alexandros Mograine, Alleria Windrunner, Arator Windrunner, Darion Mograine, Elissa Cross, Gilveradin Windrunner, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Kel'Thuzad, Korialstrasz, Liadrin Everpost, Lilian Voss, Lirath Windrunner, Maraad, Maxwell Tyrosus, Motah Tallhorn, Nathanos Marris, Remnii, Renault Mograine, Rommath Pyrewing, Sally Mograine, Samia Inkling, Seria, Sylvanas Windrunner, Teemo Manabrake, Thal'ena Dawnseeker, Turalyon Windrunner, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Vereesa Windrunner, Victor Prestor, Zagarra ->'''Alexandros Mograine says:''' How low you’ve fallen, my son. ->'''Renault Mograine says:''' What!? What are you doing here!? ->'''Alexandros Mograine says:''' You’re not entirely correct, my son. Renault did not kill me with his own blade. But he left me to die on the battlefield of Zul'Gurub. Isn’t that right!? ->'''Alexandros Mograine says:''' Tell me, Renault? Is that how a paladin should act!
ChapterFiveSessionSixtyFiveHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Anarys Lunastre, Arthak Saurfang, Deline Glimmerdusk, Joshen Lafave, Kandia Starstream, Lantresor, Ly'leth Lunastre, Maribeth Lafave, Noressa Starstream, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Runas, Sol'chi, Thalyssra Dusklily, Vanthir Leburque, Zar'Kaa ->'''Noressa Starstream says:''' I’m sorry, I’ve just been going through a lot… ->'''Nyxxa Murkthorn says:''' I know we’re strangers, but is there anything you need to speak on to ease your mind? ->'''Noressa Starstream says:''' My… my daughter. She used to help around the orphanage. She’s the reason I came here in the first place. She grew up here… or well… we got her here. When this place was between proprietors. When I heard how hard it was for her… when the barrier went down, we got into a fight and she left. I haven’t seen her since. I’ve been hoping she comes back, but… I don’t know. ->'''Sol'chi says:''' Do you have anything of her’s? ->'''Noressa Starstream says:''' I do. She grabbed everything she could carry when she ran away, but I have some of her things. I told her there was no point in leaving, it had been too long… ->'''Sol'chi says:''' She may still be safe. People are living out there, and if you have something of her’s I might be able to scry on her for her. ->'''Noressa Starstream says:''' You’d truly do that? You’d perform a scrying for free?
ChapterFiveSessionSixtyFourAlliance . . . by ?: Remnii erupted the remaining void revenant with a [[Spells/SacredFlame | %aqua%[Smite]%%]], and it just barely held together. She then used a [[Spells/MassFlashOfLight | %aqua%[Mass Flash of Light]%%]] over the group.
ChapterFiveSessionSixtyThreeAlliance . . . by ?: (:title [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Three:) '''Appearing Characters:''' Elissa Cross, Gilveradin Windrunner, Maraad, Remnii, Robert Travard, Seria, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Victor Prestor !! November 10th As the group prepared to rush forward, the cultists fanned out to run at them as well. Through the smoke of shadowflame, there were hulking faceless monstrosities known as n'raqi also rounded on them, and black dragons soared down to bring their riders into the conflict. Gil lined up a shot at one of the dragons soaring overhead and he fired. The apocalypse knight rider directed the dragon downward so that he took the shot instead. Gil fired again, and the arrow struck true again. The other dragonrider began to strafe around the group to get into a more advantageous position. One of the faceless horrors lumbered toward the group and made a horrific, gurgling noise. He started to slam his misshapen nest of tentacles on his chest. Robert Travard ran at the shapeless horror and was immediately buffeted by the tentacles. There was a blast of psychic energy, but Robert Travard swung his mace around. The faceless horror blocked the blow, but a [[Spells/SacredFlame | %aqua%[Sacred Flame]%%]] erupted around the creature. Another of the faceless horrors started to lumber forward as the dragonrider Gil had shot soared downward and opened its fanged maw to release a blast of magma over the group. Remnii, Vel, and Seria were able to avoid the brunt of the blast, but the ground was covered with molten magma.
ChapterFiveSessionSixtyFourHorde . . . by ?: (:title [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Four:) '''Appearing Characters:''' Amelie Dawnrunner, Anarys Lunastre, Ly'leth Lunastre, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Oculeth Augurelt, Perri Colibri, Rak'Symma, Runas, Silgryn Silverwind, Sol'chi, Zar'Kaa !! December 16th The main thing the group noticed as they surveyed the party was that the attendants did not wear masks or disguises as they offered libations and recreational substances. Sol opted to go to the drink table and grabbed a glass of arcwine. There was a rippling, bubbling sensation that synthesized with the alcoholic burn, and he felt almost as if it touched the very core of his magical energy. He sensed that, if drunk in large quantities, it would likely enhance one’s spellcasting in short bursts, and it was very evident why it would become addicted. There was also a distinct possibility that the Nightwell was more concentrated and acute than the Sunwell ever was. Sol got some compliments on his costume, as it seemed the nightborne had never seen a moonkin before. However, as he exchanged words and jokes with various party-goers, he got a read on how the conversations typically went: they started surface level, but in a game of words, they would incrementally get deeper and more sensitive about potential connections and deals.
ChapterFiveSessionSixtyThreeHorde . . . by ?: (:title [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Three:) '''Appearing Characters:''' Altruis Shadowsong, Kilnar Goldensword, Levia Blackflight, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Oculeth Augurelt, Orathiss Moonweaver, Q'onzu, Rak'Symma, Runas, Silgryn Silverwind, Syrenne Vultreth, Thalyssra Dusklily, Thisalee Crow, Tyrande Whisperwind, Valtrois Leyweaver, Zar'Kaa !! December 15th Rak’Symma looked around at the group, somewhat shocked that everyone went and planted the arcan’dor seed with little hesitation. She seemed to wonder why no one else apparently had any issue. Tyrande looked pensive, as if she wasn’t fully on board with what the arcan’dor represented because she didn’t understand it, but at the same time, she clearly didn’t want people to be suffering. Thalyssra looked more hopeful now than she had at any point before. There was a new fire lit in her spirit that was not present before.
ChapterFiveSessionSixtyHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Altruis Shadowsong, Arthak Saurfang, Brakoss, Delas Moonfang, Ebonhorn, Fauna, Flora, Iskar, Kevo ya Siti, Kor'vas Bloodthorn, Lantresor, Legba, Levia Blackflight, Lukou, Mayla Highmountain, Merryweather, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Rexxar, Sol'chi, Thisalee Crow, Zar'Kaa, Zekhan, Zirazi ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' What I’m afraid of… is this may be the last time I come here. ->'''Mayla Highmountain says:''' Why do you say that? ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' There’s a whole wide world out there, Mayla. There are other roosts and harpies I need to attend to. Because I want to. Because I’ve wanted to. But doing that means I’ll go further away from you. ->'''Mayla Highmountain says:''' I guess that does make sense. ->'''Ebonhorn says:''' It is a big world, Rak’Symma. But for as large as it is, sometimes it can be quite small. Perhaps this may be the last time, but perhaps not. Your wings are strong. They will take you far and wide. You will meet so many people and you will save so many more. But I know that no matter how far your travels take you, one day, our paths will meet. Once you leave these isles. Perhaps when you least expect it, or perhaps you’ll simply get a hankering to fly these skies again. But even if it is years, do what you must do. Follow your path. And even if we are not there in body, we, and all of Highmountain, will be the wind under your wings. Know that you will always have a home here should you ever need it. I don’t know if this old soul of yours comes with the longevity of your predecessor, but I will be around for a long time. ->'''Mayla Highmountain says:''' Don’t talk about me like I’m dying next week!
ChapterFiveSessionSixtyOneHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Ariesera, Delas Moonfang, Farodin Truebough, Kel'danath, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Runas, Selentia, Sol'chi, Thalyssra Dusklily, Theryn, Tyrande Whisperwind, Valtrois Leyweaver, Volpin, Zar'Kaa ->'''Sol'chi says:''' Oh. Thank you, um… Starro. ->'''Nyxxa Murkthorn says:''' So… it’s possible he had a wife and child. ->'''Thalyssra Dusklily says [telepathic link]:''' Not had. ->'''Nyxxa Murkthorn says:''' Has. ->'''Thalyssra Dusklily says [telepathic link]:''' Oh by the arcane… ->'''Nyxxa Murkthorn says:''' A part of him still remembers them. Lets follow the others.
ChapterFiveSessionSixtyTwoHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Ariesera, Ash'alah, Cil'raman, Delas Moonfang, Farodin Truebough, Kilnar Goldensword, Lapillia, Na'zak, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Oculeth Augurelt, Orathiss Moonweaver, Phyx Moonweaver, Rak'Symma, Runas, Sanaar, Shinaris, Shu'malis, Sol'chi, Thalyssra Dusklily, Tyrande Whisperwind, Vaerux, Valtrois Leyweaver, Velameestra Windrunner (Simulacrum) ->'''Orathiss Moonweaver says:''' Now who among you would dare speak the names of the fallen in vain? ->'''Nyxxa Murkthorn says:''' It’s… me. I’ve changed, but it’s me. ->'''Runas says:''' It’s um… it’s good to see you again. Mother Moonweaver, you look wonderful. It’s me. Runas. I know I look a little different too. ->'''Tyrande Whisperwind says:''' They speak the truth, Mother Moonweaver. It’s been a long time. I was but a girl when I first attended your lessons. ->'''Orathiss Moonweaver says:''' Can it truly be you?
ChapterFiveSessionFiftySixHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Altruis Shadowsong, Ariesera, Arthak Saurfang, Glaidalis Shadegrove, Hannah Bladeleaf, Infazzar, Lyessa Bloomwatcher, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Oculeth Augurelt, Omnuron Highwind, Raenon Shadegrove, Rak'Symma, Rexxar, Sol'chi, Thalyssra Dusklily, Thisalee Crow, Valtrois Leyweaver, Zar'Kaa The arcanist sighed that she could have warned him, and he released Sol. Thalyssra introduced him as Oculeth, and it appeared they had gotten the telemancy beacons in order. Another female nightfallen laughed and asked they forgive Oculeth for his first impressions. She introduced herself as Valtrois, the former Second Arcanist. Oculeth said the network was presently very patchwork and he warned them not to abuse it and try to stick to large groups to take up less energy.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftySevenHorde . . . by ?: The group used Oculeth’s translocation network to return to Black Rook Hold. The first thing they noticed was an automaton that resembled a feminine figure soldering one of the panels on Sol’s conjured vehicle. Sol asked it what it was doing, and an obsidian color flickered beneath its surface.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftyEightHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Aramar Thorne, Arthak Saurfang, Blaithe, Broxigar Saurfang, Delas Moonfang, Galforr Siegebreaker, Jaraxxus, Kilnar Goldensword, Murky, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Sol'chi, Spinyl, Thisalee Crow, Valtrois Leyweaver, Velameestra Windrunner (Simulacrum), Zar'Kaa ->''“Strength alone will not win you what you seek. But I can get you started. Seek me out and I can show you how to put your strength to the test.”'' ->'''Galforr Siegebreaker says:''' I would hate to bring this up… but if Azshara’s reach is as far as it is claimed, I would remind you it is our hope to bring the entirety of the Horde across the sea. If we are to make an enemy of someone that can influence the entire ocean… we would have to traverse through enemy territory. It seems for as much of a boon the Tidestone would be… it would be a boon bought in blood.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftySevenAlliance . . . by ?: '''TW: Gruesome depictions of torture aftermath''' Vel’s magenta eye turned directly at Vishas, now honed in on him as both the nearest and must bloodied target. She released another wrathful, clicking screech and she launched herself onto his back. She drove her claws into him and her elongated fangs found purchase in the side of his neck. Vishas started to flail and struggle, screaming in a panic as Vel angled her body to try and wrench him into a death roll.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftySixAlliance . . . by ?: The Crusaders nodded and prepared to fight. The group’s allies also rushed to join the battle. Gil raised his bow and used [[Spells/ConjureVolley | %aqua%[Conjure Volley]%%]]. A singular arrow he shot into the air erupted into hundreds of arrows that rained across the entire field. The dogs yelped in pain and several of them were dropped or otherwise fled. Beastmaster Braun looked up in the sky, searing for any sign of the Crimson King, but seeing none he used [[Spells/SummonBeast | %aqua%[Summon Beast]%%]], which manifested next to Arator. Loksey used [[Spells/Stoneskin | %aqua%[Stoneskin]%%]] and fired his bow at Uther.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftyFiveAlliance . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Aelthalyste Everpost, Alleria Windrunner, Annibeth Lansing, Anya Eversong, Arator Windrunner, Arellas Fireleaf, Arthas Menethil, Belmont, Benedictus, Benjamin Warde, Darion Mograine, Dorgar Stonebrow, Elissa Cross, Esara Verrinde, Fellari Swiftarrow, Ferren Marcus, Finnall Goldensword, Genn Greymane, Gilveradin Windrunner, Giramar Windrunner, Halduron Brightwing, Harlan, Harthal Truesight, Herod, Holla Sunshield, Invar One-Arm, Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Korloff, Liadrin Everpost, Lirath Windrunner, Lor'themar Theron, Loralen Nightseeker, Maraad, Mariella Warde, Maxwell Tyrosus, Mia Greymane, Morra Starbreeze, Motah Tallhorn, Natalie Seline, Nathanos Marris, Nazgrim, Orman, Rekshak, Remnii, Renault Mograine, Rhonin Windrunner, Riff, Rommath Pyrewing, Sally Mograine, Samia Inkling, Seria, Sylvanas Windrunner, Taelan Fordring, Teemo Manabrake, Thal'ena Dawnseeker, Theo'remar Goldensword, Turalyon Windrunner, Uther Menethil, Vaelastrasz, Valea Twinblades, Velonara Dewflow, Vereesa Windrunner, Yana Bloodspear, Zabra Hexx, Zagarra Above all of them was the champion that had executed Taelan Fordring, Gorehowl hefted on his shoulder. The rest of the group’s allies surged forward to fend off the grunts as the part itself took on the champions of the Scarlet Crusade. (Harlan, Harthal Truesight, Holla Sunshield, Valea Twinblades, Orman, Dorgar Stonebrow, Herod, Ferren Marcus)
ChapterFiveSessionFiftyFiveHorde . . . by ?: (:title [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Five:) '''Appearing Characters:''' Altruis Shadowsong, Arthak Saurfang, Glaidalis Shadegrove, Infazzar, Lyessa Bloomwatcher, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Omnuron Highwind, Raenon Shadegrove, Rak'Symma, Sol'chi, Thisalee Crow, Thondrax Banehoof, Vaerux, Zar'Kaa !! December 5th As the battle continued, one of the Ancients turned toward the Praetor. Some of the nearby vines formed into a gnarled ball of vines and the Ancient brought his fist down. The ball of vines hurled down with it, and struck into Thondrax Banehoof, though the Praetor was able to roll with the attack. Arthak found himself in a sprawling maze of brambles. He grunted to himself and started to work on trying to find a way out. He heard a sound. It was the sound of someone grunting, and steel attempting to carve through vines. He found an orc with a dull blade, no older than 8 at the most. He swung into the vines again and again, but he made no progress.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftyThreeHorde . . . by ?: (:title [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Fifty-Three:) '''Appearing Characters:''' Agamaggan (Memory), Ashamane (Memory), Aviana (Memory), Blaithe (Memory), Broxigar Saurfang (Memory), Cenarius (Memory), Dambala (Memory), Elune (Memory), Freya (Memory), Goldrinn (Memory), Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil (Memory), Kaz'rogal (Memory), Malfurion Stormrage (Memory), Malorne (Memory), Ohn'ahra (Memory), Omen (Memory), Proxcera (Memory), Renard (Memory), Tyrande Whisperwind (Memory), Q'onzu (Memory), Ysera (Memory) !! December 5th At one point, while Freya was alone, Renard had appeared again and asked her what she was doing as she was planting a sapling. Freya expressed that Renard had shown his cunning, thus was deserving of an answer, and she explained that ultimately helping the flora and fauna of the world was her calling, and she felt that perhaps chancing fate a bit and giving creatures a chance they wouldn’t have was a fine goal so that she could see what they would become. Renard agreed that seemed like a fine goal that he could jive with, and he cheekily commented he was worried about the boar, as he had gotten kicked quite a bit. Freya chuckled and said she believed he was quite resilient. Freya asked the fox if he had met anyone else interesting in his travels, and the fox mused idly about a pair of bears and a large stag he had seen at one point. Freya said that she would appreciate it if he pointed her in their direction, and she would be happy to repay the favor in the future. Renard happily agreed to the deal, and he ultimately made himself scarce before the others were alerted to his presence.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftyAlliance . . . by ?: As the devourers swarmed into the replica of the basilica, Gil used [[Spells/RainOfFire | %aqua%[Rain of Fire]%%]]. However, all the devourer controllers turned to looked toward him. Victor attempted to interrupt their attempts to devour the spell with [[Spells/SilveryBarbs | %aqua%[Silvery Barbs]%%]], but the devourer pushed through. Gil harnessed the magic and converted it to [[Spells/MinuteMeteors | %aqua%[Minute Meteors]%%]], and the other two devourers fought over the magic, but he took the opening to push through and hurl the meteors at some of the swarms.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftyFourAlliance . . . by ?: ->'''Remnii says:''' I don’t think I’ve seen it ever use a dice roll before. ->'''Uther Menethil says:''' Is this… typical? ->'''Remnii says:''' Often, yes. But they will get their issues out, and then the next day they will fight alongside each other like brothers. It is different… but I find myself admiring the clarity with which they announce their intentions. Warsong in particular. Some are far more cunning, but saying all orc clans are the same is like saying all human kingdoms are the same. ->'''Uther Menethil says:''' The differences are so vast. They obscure how alike we really are. ->'''Remnii says:''' Well said. I wanted to thank you. ->'''Uther Menethil says:''' Thank me? ->'''Remnii says:''' Without the right people, I do not believe this would go as well as it has. I do not expect everyone to agree with this end of things. They have caused much pain to mine and yours and the elves… but it must end somewhere. I hope this goes respected. ->'''Uther Menethil says:''' They’ll come around. ->'''Remnii says:''' I hope so. ->'''Uther Menethil says:''' In some ways, I imagine being a leader is not that different from being a parent. My mother and father scolded me constantly for doing things that were not in my best interest, but I kept doing those things because I was a child. Life needed to happen. People are angry. They see some scale that must be balanced. It’s not in their best interest to seek these people’s slaughter. They feel like it is, but in much the same way my mother and father had to explain and convince me that was not a safe height to jump from, it’s my job to explain to my people the bloodshed won’t help. I’m getting quite good at explaining things.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftyTwoHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Agamaggan (Memory), Ariesera, Arthak Saurfang, Ashamane (Memory), Aviana (Memory), Brightwing, Dambala (Memory), Freya (Memory), Glaidalis Shadegrove, Goldrinn (Memory), Hannah Bladeleaf, Omnuron Highwind, Rak'Symma, Raenon Shadegrove, Renard (Memory), Sol'chi, Thisalee Crow ->'''Glaidalis Shadegrove says:''' My name is Glaidalis Shadegrove. It’s a pleasure. I’m one of the protectors of this place, when I was informed Omnuron wished to bring outsiders, I saw fit to escort you personally. ->'''Druid of the Talon says:''' Raenon Shadegrove. I’m blessed enough to be the older brother of Glaidalis, and to be brothers in leadership with Skylord Omnuron. When we reached out to me about this peculiar situation, I simply had to see it myself.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftyFourHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Agamaggan (Memory), Arthak Saurfang, Ashamane (Memory), Aviana (Memory), Blaithe (Memory), Broxigar (Memory), Glaidalis Shadegrove, Goldrinn (Memory), Infazzar, Kaz'rogal (Memory), Malorne (Memory), Nyxxa Murkthorn, Ohn'ahra (Memory), Raenon Shadegrove, Rak'Symma, Renard (Memory), Sol'chi, Thondrax Banehoof, Ursoc (Memory), Ursol (Memory), Zar'Kaa Raenon Shadegrove strode forward to where Rak’Symma was interfacing with the artifact. He had a wide grin on his face. His brother, Glaidalis, called to him.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftyThreeAlliance . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Aelthalyste Everpost, Arthas Menethil, Benedictus, Billy Bright, Braenna Flintcrag, Darion Mograine, Eligor Dawnbringer, Garona, Gilveradin Windrunner, Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil, Julia Celeste, Liadrin Everpost, Mag'beth, Maim Blackhand, Maraad, Mariella Warde, Maxwell Tyrosus, Mercy, Morra Starbreeze, Motah Tallhorn, Natalie Seline, Nazgrim, Pike, Raleigh, Rekshak, Remnii, Robert Travard, Samia Inkling, Sasha, Seria, Shokia, Tolven Warsong, Tragg, Turalyon Windrunner, Uther, Uther Menethil, Victor Prestor, Zabra Hexx, Zagarra While he was doing so, a small group of tidesages from Kul Tiras also arrived, led by a man named brother Pike. Robert Travard was there from the Tyr’s Guard and Kirinvar Village, who Uther had reached out to, also arrived. Braenna Flintcrag arrived to represent the dwarven faith, and Morra Starbreeze was also there to represent the kaldorei faith, though she was wearing a cowl and trying to keep herself low profile. ->'''Maxwell Tyrosus says:''' Good people of Azeroth. I want to thank you all for coming here on such short notice. As many of you know, I am Maxwell Tyrosus. In what seems like another life, I was a knight of the Silver Hand. Now, I am a man. One who has bright hope for the future, one that is brighter now seeing all your faces here today. As you are aware, the Scarlet Crusade… the people that dismantled the Silver Hand and brought the Church of the Holy Light to a vice grip, has been accused of being complicit in conspiracy and crimes beyond which words can define. Indeed. The plague that has ravaged the Eastweald and caused countless deaths in the borders of this very nation… has their hand guiding it. These accusations were levied against them, and as of yet, they have not seen fit to respond. In two days time, the allied forces who have grown together will march on the Scarlet Monastery. Bring these heretics to justice before anymore harm can be done, but this is not what I brought all of you here for. What I brought you all here for is because I wanted to talk about what happens after that. About what we can start here in this ancient place with so much history cast aside… what we can do to join our hands together and not only build a future that is brighter for all beings, but also one in which something like this… ->'''Maxwell Tyrosus says:''' Can never happen again. ->'''Liadrin Everpost says:''' My name is Liadrin Everpost. I am a priest anointed by the Church of Belore and in the Church of the Holy Light, but more than that, I am a daughter. A daughter of a wonderful man. His name was Vandellor. Though he is no longer with us, I live every day of my life trying to be like him. More than all of that, I am also a mother. One of the wonderful children who just left here, a young girl named Salandria. I had the delighted privilege to choose her as a part of my family, just as my father chose me. I am many things, as we all are. But more than any of that, I am a person. A person like every one of you. I have stumbled, I have struggled, I have walked paths of darkness and shadow. But at the end of the day, I have emerged, and I have done it because I’ve had people to remind me to carry my torch wherever I may go.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftyTwoAlliance . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Arator Windrunner, Belmont, Billy Bright, Crystagosa/Cristine Ashmore, Doctor Boom, Gilveradin Windrunner, Hedanis Poisonbloom, Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil, Kanrethad Ebonlocke, Liadrin Everpost, Liiraluma, Lillian Voss, Maraad, Natalie Seline, Novos, Remnii, Rhonin Windrunner, Sally Mograine, Samia Inkling, Seria, Sigilith Avernicious, Togwaggle, Uther Menethil, Victor Prestor, Wayfair ->'''Remnii says:''' I’ve only seen her once, but she bore a striking resemblance to Lillian Voss. ->'''Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says:''' Why would she do something like that? ->'''Remnii says:''' Do her eyes normally glow purple? Do her blades bear celestial script? ->'''Maraad says:''' And was she… like Velameestra? I did not detect a heartbeat from her. ->'''Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says:''' No… no she wasn’t. What happened to you, Lillian… ->'''Remnii says:''' I’m assuming they must have found her… ->'''Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says:''' That explains why she didn’t respond. She’s an incredibly skilled agent, but the fact you saw her face… the fact the Crusade would do something like this… it’s a shame we weren’t able to capture her, but we know what to look for. We’ll ensure she doesn’t get away with it if she returns. I’ll have what’s left of LORD lock down our channels. We know how to cancel it. I hope there’s some way we can save her… if she’s been compromised… I guess we’ll have to add her to the list of people we need to help get out of there.
ChapterFiveSessionFiftyHorde . . . by ?: ->'''Arthak Saurfang says:''' What is it? ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' Would you sleep with me? ->'''Arthak Saurfang says:''' I… I’m not much of one for rest. And I am… ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' That’s partly why I’m asking you. I think after today it’s important that you do. ->'''Arthak Saurfang says:''' if that is what you’re asking, then I will try. ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' It’s very difficult for me to show you what I want to show you if you do not. ->'''Arthak Saurfang says:''' Very well then. ->'''Rak'Symma says:''' This seems to be where dreamers go. ->'''Arthak Saurfang says:''' I wonder if Draenor had something like this. It’s lovely.
ChapterFiveSessionFortyEightHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Altruis Shadowsong, Arthak Saurfang, Arzal'kal, Bakaz, Daleera Moonfang, Delas Moonfang, Driana, Farondis, Illidan Stormrage, Kor'vas Bloodthorn, Levia Blackflight, Lyanis Moonfall, Pained, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Sol'chi, Tyrande Whisperwind, Vaerux, Velameestra Windrunner (Simulacrum), Zar'Kaa ->'''Sol'chi says:''' Wait… Arzal’kal? Is that you? ->'''Arzal'kal says:''' I suppose you recognize me. I wish I could say the same about you. ->'''Sol'chi says:''' You know what, I’ve been keeping the secret long enough. I should say this now. Sorry Symma, sorry Zar’Kaa. My name is Sol, that’s half of my true name, but you know me as prince Azgadaan. It’s been a very long time. ->'''Zar'Kaa says:''' Come again? You’re Legion royalty?
ChapterFiveSessionFortySevenHorde . . . by ?: (:title [Horde] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Seven:) '''Appearing Characters:''' Altruis Shadowsong, Arthak Saurfang, Driana, Elya Azuremoon, Farondis, Levia Blackflight, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Sol'chi, Vaerux, Velameestra Windrunner (Simulacrum), Zar'Kaa !! December 4th As Nyxxa prepares to contend with the remnant of Nerus Moonfang, the elemental that manifested as the Wrath of Azshara released a roar as it prepared to engage with Arthak, Rak’Symma, Sol, and Zar’Kaa. The ankle-deep water started to churn around them, and shattered pieces of the statues started to animate as they danced and fought to the whims of the ancient curse. Three revenants of frost, tempest, and water as materialized, along with dozens of strange, shark-octopus-like Mindbenders. Arthak immediately ran for the Wrath of Azshara. He swung in with a solid hit, but his blade collided into a massive magical barrier. Brackish water splashed off the barrier and started to try and coat his flesh, but he was able to shake it off. Meanwhile, in the decrepit tavern, Nerus kicked a chair over at Nyxxa but she leaped over it as she moved in to close.
ChapterFiveSessionFortyFourAlliance . . . by ?: ->'''Liadrin Everpost says:''' …Auntie Ael? Is that you? ->'''Aelthalyste Everpost says:''' Liadrin dear! I’m so glad you’re safe!
ChapterFiveSessionFortySixHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Aerynn, Altruis Shadowsong, Arthak Saurfang, Bakaz, Driana, Elya Azuremoon, Farondis, Idri Nightwatch, Levia Blackflight, Norryn, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Okuna Longtusk, Rak’Symma, Sol'chi, Vaerux, Velameestra Windrunner (Simulacrum), Volo'ren, Xaroth, Xinthoss, Zar'Kaa The group started to reconvene in the morning where they met in private with Farondis. Arthak reported that they had sea giants now. ->'''Levia Blackflight says:''' …When you say we have sea giants now, what do you mean by that? ->'''Arthak Saurfang says:''' I found a sea giant settlement where they were hosting an arena. It is under new governance now. ->'''Sol'chi says:''' You didn’t kneecap them like the ettins? ->'''Arthak Saurfang says:''' No, I cut the prince’s head off. ->'''Sol'chi says:''' How many regicides is this now? ->'''Arthak Saurfang says:''' I haven’t been counting. But this is Okuna, he assisted me there.
ChapterFiveSessionFortyFiveHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Arthak Saurfang, Ayelle, Bakaz, Bilgerudder, Delliana, Elya Azuremoon, Feargus, Gudorg, Halog, Levia Blackflight, Merayl, Neri Shaprfin, Norryn, Oceanus, Okuna Longtusk, Ooka Dooker, Ooker Dooker, Rekki (Vision), Rokhan (Vision), Sacrolash, Seria (Vision), Seska Seafang, Sol'chi, Sternfathom, Sythorne, Thaldrys, Velameestra Windrunner (Simulacrum), Volo'ren, Volrath (Vision), Whalebelly, Zar'Kaa, Zekhan (Vision), Zulfli'jin (Vision), Zuni (Vision) ->'''Zar'Kaa says:''' I was just wondering… the odds are not in our favor, to say the least. We don’t have many troops. We’re short on intel, and we don’t have reinforcements on the way. With all that in mind, why do they follow you? ->'''Volo'ren says:''' The easy answer is because I’m the captain. I’m a highborne spellblade that is properly trained. I have experience that makes me suited to this, and I’ve been doing this a long time, but it also helps I know them all. Thaldrys was an orphan that enlisted when he was old enough. He was a thief when he was younger. He doesn’t talk much, but all he needed was to be a part of something. As long as his needs are met, he’s a good kid. Ayelle and Merayl grew up in the fields and towns of Farondale. They didn’t live in the city. They only recently moved when things got dangerous, but I talked to them. I know their hopes, dreams, and fears. Highborne have looked down on those who don’t have mystic bloodlines, but I’ve seen people for who they are enough that none of that matters. I’m from a middling family regardless, but either way, I treat people as they deserve to be treated. I see them for who they are, and that’s all there is to it. All you need for respect is to treat others with it, that’s the fundamentals of leadership, really. ->'''Zar'Kaa says:''' Is it ever hard? For you, I mean? ->'''Volo'ren says:''' It’s as hard as anything. Losing people is never easy, but mine is a job that I wish didn’t need to exist. When things like this happen… when demons appear in the wilderness, people like us are what stops people like them– ->'''Volo'ren says:''' From suffering. That is worth whatever hardship I have to endure. ->'''Zar'Kaa says:''' Even the ones they put you through?
ChapterFiveSessionFortyTwoAlliance . . . by ?: Remnii skirted around the conflict and used [[Spells/SacredFlame | %aqua%[Sacred Flame]%%]] on Grobbulus. However, he was somehow just barely able to avoid the flames of Light. She used [[Spells/MassFlashOfLight | %aqua%[Mass Flash of Light]%%]] on her companions.
ChapterOne . . . by ?: * The village of [[Places/Last Crossing]] comes under attack by a small horde of undead and several villagers are taken. Uther, [[Characters/Velameestra Windrunner]], and [[Characters/Gilveradin Windrunner]] meet [[Characters/LoreleiCrowley | Testament Greymane]] and [[Characters/ThazdorlinRusthammer | Zap Rusthammer]] and are able to successfully beat back the undead forces, alongside a young half-elven woman named [[Characters/Elissa Cross]], whose father was among those taken.
ChapterFiveSessionFortyHorde . . . by ?: Sol suggested the fey creature could maybe give them more information. Zar’Kaa commented that they would have to free him, and Arthak said it was wise to free him. Sol mused that if they could shut down the cage, they could likely free the fox. He used [[Spells/Invisibility | %aqua%[Invisibility]%%]] to turn Nyxxa invisible through the vision he shared with Nyxxa.
ChapterFiveSessionFortyAlliance . . . by ?: At that exact moment he slipped by Vel's defenses with a sudden extreme burst of speed, and his blade sliced right through her throat. Her expression was one of sudden shock, having not expected how fast his movements had abruptly become. At that moment, she got a sending from Kael’thas. Rommath, Kael’thas, and Alleria teleported in just in time to see Vel's head go sailing, and her body to burst into mist. Alleria screeched in rage, and her eyes went bright crimson. Kael’thas’s eyes immediately flared to life as well, magic wreathing his claws.
ChapterFiveSessionThirtyNineAlliance . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' [[Characters/Aelthalyste Everpost]], [[Characters/Arthas Menethil]], [[Characters/Belgrum]], [[Characters/Billy Bright]], [[Characters/Cristine Ashmore]], [[Characters/Gilveradin Windrunner]], [[Characters/Harold Kirtonos]], [[Characters/Hedanis Poisonbloom]], [[Characters/Heigan Capless]] (Homunculus), [[Characters/JainaProudmooreMenethil | Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil]], [[Characters/Jubeka Shadowbreaker]], [[Characters/Kazakus]] (Simulacrum), [[Characters/Kanrethad Ebonlocke]], [[Characters/Mag'beth]], [[Characters/Maraad]], [[Characters/Novos]], [[Characters/Rafaam]], [[Characters/Remnii]], [[Characters/Samia Inkling]], [[Characters/Sasha]], [[Characters/Seria]], [[Characters/Sigilith Avernicious]], [[Characters/Tamsin Roame]], [[Characters/Togwaggle]], [[Characters/Uther Menethil]], [[Characters/Val'zuun]], [[Characters/Velameestra Windrunner]], [[Characters/Victor Prestor]], [[Characters/Wagtoggle]], [[Characters/Zephrys]] The second individual was a beautiful half-elven woman who was on one of the balconies leaning her hand on the banister and peering outward. She had no plus one, but there were two guards behind her that were wearing her colors and the emblem of an ash tree. They appeared to be Gilnean, and Vel recognized the sigil from things she had heard. It belonged to house Ashmore, which was a noble house of Gilneas, and they were allies of the crown, but they had gone missing and sometime ago she had left the city in search of help. The house was led by Countess Cristine Ashmore.
ChapterFiveSessionThirtyTwoAlliance . . . by ?: (:title [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Thirty-Two:) Aileen said that she could not say for certain, but she believed that the Crusade’s occupation was two-fold: both to discover Tyrosus, and also obtain an artifact from the catacombs. She looked at Remnii, and said Remnii likely knew what it was. ->'''Aileen Paletress says:''' I had spoken at length with bishop Seline before her death. She told me what you told her. At the time, I was doing what I could to watch over it. Without her present, the experiments had stagnated. But I believe that bishop Mograine wanted to claim it for herself. She was one of the more vocal proponents of the schism. And she was well-aware of the nascent naaru that we had kept. Beneath him was a woman named Demetria, who was Saidan’s chief advisor. She was called the Scarlet Oracle. Aileen explained that Demetria was one of their senior-most bishops, and was one of the first to support Saidan. She had always claimed she had visions of the Light, and it was by her admission that Dathrohan was the only way the Church of the Holy Light would survive. Aileen Paletress smiled and said that she had a feeling that was the case. ->'''Aileen Paletress says:''' You have a look about you. A look of determination. It is one of someone who acts with selflessness and compassion. Though some practitioners among the Light may find anathema… perhaps there is a deeper understanding that we can reach together.
ChapterFourSessionThreeHorde . . . by ?: ->'''Shaspira says:''' It was, and it would be, but I feel I should tell you. You see, as I’m certain you discovered, Remnii’s father is the Prophet Velen, one of the greatest enemies the Legion has to face, but her mother was a woman by the name of Nuuri. She’s dead now, but a long time ago, she and I were close as kin. Practically saw her as a sister. But that all changed when she betrayed me, along with everyone. All the draenei that turned against their people. But her’s stung worse than the others. You know, I had another daughter once. A long time ago. Her parting gift was a deception. One that led to the death of Nyrissra. Perhaps I wanted revenge on Nuuri for what she did. So perhaps it’s good Remnii’s dead. I can focus on more important things. It wasn’t her fault. A small part of me felt guilty for placing blame on her for what her mother did. But thank you for lending me your ear, Arthak.
ChapterFourSessionThirtyFiveAlliance . . . by ?: ->'''Projection of Nuuri says:''' Nyrissra… by the time you’re watching this, my spirit will have gone on to whatever comes next. The Light, perhaps? Or the shadow. But no matter what, I’m not afraid to face it, not after having met you. ->'''Projection of Nuuri says:''' You don’t know me. You may hate me after everything I’m going to put you through, but everything I’m doing is to give you the best life you could possibly have. We’re not going to survive this. So I’m entrusting our hopes and dreams to you, Nyrissra. Mine. Dathremiis, and Remnii. All of them. All of our loves is for you to carry now. It’s not fair for me to ask this of you, and I hate myself for having to, but someday I hope you can understand and forgive me for this. You will have to be what I can’t. What any of us can’t be. So it’s up to you. You must become Dathremiis. You must become Nuuri, and you must become Remnii, and carry all of our light to make sure Velen doesn’t lose himself in darkness. I hope we can meet again someday, in the long, long distant future when all of this is over. And then maybe I can apologize to you in person. But until then… know that I love you. And so does your mother. No matter what Arlaana is forced to do, please don’t give up on her. You can save all of us. ->'''Remnii says:''' I have wondered… since all of this… since from some corner of my memory I pulled the name Nyrissra from… ->'''Velen says:''' You are exactly who you are. You are Remnii. You are Nyrissra. You are my hopes and my dreams. And you are my child. My beloved treasure, and my daughter. Nothing you could do would ever make me forget that, or make me fear you. You are so much more than your blood. Do not fear it, Remnii.
ChapterFourSessionFiftyNineAlliance . . . by ?: ->'''Remnii says:''' Thank you. But… that is not what I am here to discuss. News should come anyway… before speculation and before rumor begins to spread. We fought with Tichondrius not too long ago, and won. This is not a threat, but more an acknowledgement that my presence will be known. I wanted to tell you myself before anyone else could. You did not kill Nyrissra that day. ->'''Shaspira says:''' I doubt so. Allow me to make something perfectly clear, Remnii. I will be looking into this claim. To prove its veracity. If you dare to speak Nyrissra’s name in my presence to invoke the same deception that Nuuri brought against me, I will make sure that you and everyone who you’ve ever cared about will remember to never make such a mistake again. But if this is true… if this outlandish claim you’ve made is accurate…
ChapterFourSessionFifteenAlliance . . . by ?: Rem: Oh, there was one other thing…. With the tauren, in the veil. I saw Arlanaa… and what she might have been before. Does the name Nyrissra mean anything to you?
VelNotes . . . by ?: ** %red%Speculation:%% The original members of the Tyr's Guard may have been vrykul, and over th generations they died off. Potentially became humans?
ChapterFiveSessionEightHorde . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' [[Characters/Alandien Shadowfury]], [[Characters/Anice Erona]], [[Characters/Aramar Thorne]], [[Characters/Armord]], [[Characters/Artallus]], [[Characters/Arthak Saurfang]], [[Characters/Broll Bearmantle]], [[Characters/Dabu]], [[Characters/Delas Moonfang]], [[Characters/Elarisiel Bloodwrath]], [[Characters/Halno]], [[Characters/Illidan Stormrage]], [[Characters/Illysanna Ravencrest]], [[Characters/Jace Darkweaver]], [[Characters/Kilnar Goldensword]], [[Characters/Kor'vas Bloodthorn]], [[Characters/Lantresor]], [[Characters/Levia Blackflight]], [[Characters/Mahoi]], [[Characters/Makasa Flintwill]], [[Characters/Murky]], [[Characters/Nallorath | Nallorath Evershield]], [[Characters/Needle]], [[Characters/Netharel Terrorblade]], [[Characters/Nyxxa]], [[Characters/Rem'oth]], [[Characters/Rexxar]], [[Characters/Azgadaan | Sol'chi]], [[Characters/Tae'shara Bloodwatcher]], [[Characters/Telagos]], [[Characters/Theras Hellbourne]], [[Characters/Tyrande Whisperwind]], [[Characters/Velameestra Windrunner]] (Simulacrum), [[Characters/Zar'Kaa]], [[Characters/Zug]] A bit later, Rem’oth went to find Azgadaan in the manor he had set up. The simulacrum went with Rem'oth, who guided him to the camp, while Sol used his ability to see through the simulacrum’s eyes. He explained that several people had gone off and restarted their lives. Altaa had started a restaurant. A few of them, of course, stuck with Kilnar as part of her crew. ->'''Rem'oth says:''' Well. Not so much with the Ati-kaso anymore. We were sort of together out of necessity, but now that things are going well, people went back to their homes. ->'''Rem'oth says:''' Yeah, I think she called it “Something Good”. It’s a cute little joint. A few people stayed back there to work it. Most everyone else has gone off and done their own thing. ->'''Rem'oth says:''' Yeah. It’s weird. I think that’s why we stuck with the Gold Standard. We got so used to traveling that not traveling didn’t feel right. ->'''Rem'oth says:''' Handy trick. ->'''Rem'oth says:''' Nah. We have plenty. I appreciate the offer though. ->'''Rem'oth says:''' I can’t speak for everyone. But you, uh… I heard, well, I… you’re not, uh… you’re not really with the Legion anymore, yeah?
SessionThirteenHorde . . . by ?: Finally, the cavern opens up into a larger a cavern with streams of lava and one large pool of lava at the very center. The sound of bubbling and rumbling starts to get louder, and the cavern walls shake as the lava pool in the center starts to shift and bubble. As it does, the surface begins to break, and a massive fist emerges from it. It places itself onto the right side of the pool. A second fist emerges, and the two hands lift a body forth. It is Kor the Rememberer, a Magnaron.
ChapterFiveSessionThreeHorde . . . by ?: Rekki, a thin forest troll with greenish-teal fur, was helping Zar’Kaa with her own medical skills. Fortunately, no one had been critically injured, and were largely just scuffed and bruised. Their most recent patient got a stern order from Rekki to not put any pressure on their leg, as it seemed that the refugee’s leg had been broken. Zar’Kaa glanced at the war band as he noticed their approach and stood up.
ChapterFiveSessionOneAlliance . . . by ?: ->'''Velameestra Windrunner says:''' Even in death, you can protect. If any orc, troll, or demon dares to approach this place, meet them with your fury and your anguish. Show that even with our deaths, these lands will never be theirs–for all they have done is give justice form. Guard it as you did in life. Strike fear into the hearts of our enemies, and make their every step shudder with dread–until elvenkind can again return to the woods of Quel’thalas, and Windrunners walk the halls of our spire once more. This charge I ask of you. As kin, as comrade, and as a Windrunner that called this village home. Will you accept this spell’s plea?
ChapterFourSessionFiftyEightAlliance . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Arlethal Sunwatcher, Astalor Bloodsworn, Malande, Sehaar, Tae'shara Sunwatcher, Tae'thelan Sunwatcher, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner The next morning the both of them are roused from their sleep, Sehaar comes to find Vel. ->'''Sehaar says:''' Mistress Windrunner, something has happened. Late last night the expedition from Whispering Gulch returned. It may be wise of you to steel yourself and make your way to the medical tent. ->'''Velameestra Windrunner says:''' Oh dear. ->'''Velameestra Windrunner says:''' Uther. I’m on my way. Something’s arose. ->'''Uther Menethil says:''' What’s the matter? ->'''Velameestra Windrunner says:''' I don’t know other than the mining expedition returned that I had some concerns about.
ChapterFourSessionFortyNineAlliance . . . by ?: '''Appearing Characters:''' Aean Swiftriver, Amara Nightwalker, Aramar Thorne, Delas Moonfang, Divinius, Elissa Cross, Hannah Bladeleaf, Kor'vas Bloodthorn, Makasa Flintwill, Maraad, Medivh, Morgl, Muln Earthfury, Nobundo, O'ros, Phaedra, Qiana Moonshadow, Rai, Remnii, Riff, Samaara, Seria, Thora Feathermoon, Tol'vas Moonshadow, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Velen, Wynn, Yaeliura Nightwalker, Ylyssia Moonshadow, Zen'tabra, Zuni ->'''Familiar Voice says:''' Qiana! Qiana, where did you go? ->'''Ylyssia Moonshadow says:''' Tol’vas! It’s good to see you again. And you’re you! ->'''Tol'vas Moonshadow says:''' That seems to be the general surprise, yeah. ->'''Ylyssia Moonshadow says:''' Well, we can catch up! I should report to the others–you two probably have a lot to say. It’s good to see you again, Tol’vas. ->'''Qiana Moonshadow says:''' Wait! ->'''Ylyssia Moonshadow says:''' Sorry love.
ChapterFourSessionFiftySevenAlliance . . . by ?: (:title [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Fifty-Seven:) '''Appearing Characters:''' !! August 26th (Night) After dreaming Victor, Remnii opts to reach out to Liadrin. The stained glass, plush dreamscape emerges and Remnii paces nervously in the room. She feels Liadrin’s mind connect, and the elven woman steps through a doorway. She looks well, and she has an expression of awe and befuddlement. Then she sees Remnii.
ChapterFourSessionFiftyAlliance . . . by ?: (:title [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Fifty:) '''Appearing Characters:''' !! August 4th - August 15th During the last few days before the siege, Tol’vas seeks out Illidan. He had largely been creating firewood out of various training dummies–his emerald warglaives slicing through the wood. Tol: Do… you have a moment? Or do you need to incinerate another training tool?
ChapterFourSessionFortyFourAlliance . . . by ?: ->'''Remnii says:''' We can commune on this literally. I besot the Light and it was with me. If we are able to find some objects of significance… it seems they can continue to bring Light to her. ->'''Ishanah says:''' I don’t know if anyone has any old relics from Argus, but if we find any… there may be something left on the Exodar. ->'''Remnii says:''' That is a good start. Sweets, affection… ->'''Remnii says:''' I know supplies are limited as it is. Sugar is not at the top of the availability… ->'''Ishanah says:''' Unfortunately not. This is something that would be right for us to do, but inspiration will strike us. Think on it, and I will do the same, and perhaps we can do something for this lost child. I believe you’ve already done much for her just in freeing her from that creature’s grasp. ->'''Remnii says:''' Do not bother with the names… I believe we are on our own. That does not mean we cannot help her. ->'''Ishanah says:''' I will ask regardless. Perhaps someone knew a child of that name, and by extension perhaps the family… They may know what a child like her may like. Whether it be sweets, or bugs and playing in mud.
ChapterFourSessionFortyNineHorde . . . by ?: Levia snickers and gestures at the manor that Nyxxa had helped Solion's gang acquire after they were evicted from Sylvos's manor.
ChapterFourSessionOneHorde . . . by ?: As the war against the Alliance begins and the sieges of Stratholme and Fort Crossing begin in earnest, and the raiders of the Warsong burn swathes of destruction across the countryside, it becomes evident there is another force at play--one independent of the elves or humans. The Amani trolls, an indigenous force and former empire of Zul’Aman, who once controlled an empire that dominated most of the northern section of Lordaeron. It had been on the rise in the waning of the elven power after the invasion of the Horde. The orcish borders had started to clash with trolls, and it became evident that something had to be done: destroying them, or forging an alliance.
Campaign . . . by ?: [deleted] (:title Campaign Timeline:) (:toc:) !!! Chapter Four - Homecoming (:table:)
ChapterThree . . . by ?: (:title Chapter Three: The Scales Tip:) (:table:) (:cellnr:)'''October''' (:cell:) *[[ChapterThreeSessionOneHorde | %red% [Horde] Chapter Three: Session One %%]] [[<<]] In the months following the Sacking of Silvermoon, [[Characters/Guldan | Gul'dan]] gifts [[Characters/ArthakSaurfang | Arthak]] a fleet, [[Characters/Azgadaan]] accompanies [[Characters/Aracyra]] to a meeting with the nathrezim regarding the recovery of Frostmourne, Arthak and Azgadaan defeat the leader of the Thunderlords, and Gul'dan introduces Arthak to his associate, [[Characters/Halno]]. *[[ChapterThreeSessionOneAlliance | %blue% [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session One]] (:cellnr:)'''November''' (:cell:) *'''November 3rd - November 25th''' - [[Story/ChapterThreeSessionTwoAlliance | %blue% [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Two]]
ChapterTwo . . . by ?: (:title Chapter Two: Casting Dice:) !!! Chapter Two - Casting Dice (:table:) (:cellnr:)'''June''' (:cell:) *[[Story/ChapterTwoSessionOneAlliance | %blue% [Alliance] Session One]] - June 11th - June 12th [[<<]] Uther's celebration rushes into full swing with the archery contest, won by Gil's squad mate Caleron, and Hearthstone won by Uther himself after (unknowingly) facing his mother disguised as an old woman. Elissa also managed to win the jousting contest, much to everyone's surprise, and Julia Celeste informs the party that the onyx dragon egg they entrusted to her was lost--taken by a massive, ruby drake. *[[Story/ChapterTwoSessionTwoAlliance | %blue% [Alliance] Session Two]] - June 12th - June 13th [[<<]] Gil, Tess, and "Calyum" participate in the ring jousting competition with Gil ultimately coming out as the victor. The next day is the grand melee, which is entered by Uther, Tess, "Caylum," and Gil. Ultimately the winner is Finnall, though Gil lasted the longest having managed to make it to round three. That night before the ball, Vittoria apologizes to Vel for the affection she gave Uther before the fight with Zalazane, though later Uther announces his feelings to Vel during the dance, before comforting Vittoria after Vel leaves. *[[Story/ChapterTwoSessionThreeAlliance | %blue% [Alliance] Session Three]] - June 13th - June 21st [[<<]] The group starts to part ways. Gil encounters Syeori again and they spend the night together in the bell tower of the Church of the Holy Light. Gil then leaves Lordaeron alongside his squad, Vereesa, Lirath, and Nathanos to start heading up to Silvermoon while Vel receives a missive from Alterac requesting her presence at Dunrholde. Vel shows Rhonin the letter, and he tells her that he's going with her to Durnholde. Meanwhile, Uther is seeing off several people, and Falstad gives Uther a seed after informing him that he has powerful friends in high places now. While traveling, Gil and his group have a small altercation with Othmar Garithos, and eventually encounter a small group of travelers looking for evidence of the "Makers" and they manage to find some buried ruins with a large ship inside. Meanwhile, Vel and Rhonin set off together to Dunrholde, but encounter evidence of a large, burrowing creature just outside Hillsbrad.