[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Forty-Nine

Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Eralaz, Garrosh Hellscream, Go'el, Gramgun Laughingeye, Halno, Jace Darkweaver, Jubeka Shadowbreaker, Kanrethad Ebonlocke, Khadgar, Kira Iresoul, Levia Blackflight, Loryx, Nyxxa, Oronok Torn-heart, Rehgar, Rexxar, Ritssyn Flamescowl, Shinfel Blightsworn, Solion, Win'thas Keenblossom, Zaela

September 19th

Nyxxa releases her hug, Jace realizing that Nyxxa had gotten her memories back.

Nyxxa says: The orcs made their break from the Legion.
Jace Darkweaver says: Oh! Yeah. Definitely a change in the situation!

Nyxxa nods and explains the new status quo as well as their next target. Jace had started to pace, messing with his hair or scratching his chin as he does.

Jace Darkweaver says: I see. I see. That’s quite the interesting story. The fact they’re coming back here– well, not here, I left the Broken Isle so I could communicate with you, but I’m going back.
Nyxxa says: I figured.
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeah, we have some areas we retreat to. It’s a pain in the ass, but it works. But, at this point, you get the idea. I’m rambling. But hm, hm hm. Well, it’s been getting interesting. I got a few interesting reports from some of our scouts before I left. Things might be more interesting… but there were some words. Some people were making their way. Some vessels. They breached beyond the furthest edges of the disturbance. They’re probably some of these orcish vessels. We’ll probably have to deal with them soon. So I guess we’ll try to keep an eye on them. They’ll probably make landfall in the next bet. We’ll see! We’ll see what the rest have to say.

Nyxxa nods along.

Nyxxa says: We also need to know how to get there. I figured I might have an idea… but I don’t.
Jace Darkweaver says: Oh! Yes, that makes sense.

He snaps his fingers, and some of the sand washes away as a rough map of Azeroth is drawn in the sand.

Jace Darkweaver says: I’m not much of a navigator… you have someone that can, right? I know the orcs aren’t big on nautical…
Nyxxa says: We do!
Jace Darkweaver says: Good! Good, you’ll probably need that.

He highlights some areas with fel green energy.

Jace Darkweaver says: You should be in the Eversong Woods, right?

He gestures to a section of the drawn map, and a path illuminates from the tip of the blob is likely Quel’thalas.

Jace Darkweaver says: This area over here is the Broken Isles. The remnants of some locations that were saved from the Sundering. There’s not a whole lot left, but a few hundred miles around this region. Which, right here…

He points at an area.

Jace Darkweaver says: Is where Black Rook Hold is. It managed to survive, just barely, but that’s where our group is currently located. Undoubtedly, when you get here, this area may be completely different… but if you head in this direction you should be good. The disturbance seems to be growing. It has been. The Scepter of Sargeras is probably the thing that’s doing it. If something that powerful is at the center that would explain it. It works as a bubble–
Nyxxa says: So–
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeah?
Nyxxa says: If we get the scepter we might be able to disrupt the disturbance?
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeah! Hopefully. Or it might just move. But maybe we can control it. It would be good for a lot of people, us included. There have been some hiccups but mostly good–
Nyxxa says: Anything I should know about?
Jace Darkweaver says: Some demonic activity. Mostly scouts…
Nyxxa says: Anything we should worry about on the way over?
Jace Darkweaver says: Hm. Well. The disturbance kind of acts like a bubble. So a lot of magics–divination, transportal transportation… they don’t work very well across it. We can communicate inside, but there may be something to that. I haven’t gotten a full scope, but there’s something wrong with communication. We try to be careful… how do I describe this… it feels like someone is eavesdropping? I don’t like that. Illysana has kept most of our communication to felbat runners.
Nyxxa says: Well, it’s good I haven’t been trying to communicate too much through it…
Jace Darkweaver says: Oh! That just doesn’t work. Inside, it works, but it feels like we’re being watched. We’re trying to be careful.
Nyxxa says: So I shouldn’t contact you inside?
Jace Darkweaver says: You could… but be careful. Maybe find someone, or head over to Black Rook Hold. Just be careful. If something is listening, we want to be careful.
Nyxxa says: That’s really good to know…
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeah, yeah. If you are traveling with other folks who can use magic… any sort of communication, including with how I’m talking to you now? Be careful.

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: Anything else on the island?
Jace Darkweaver says: Oh, yeah, we ran into a bit of a snag. There’s an area to the north of where we’re at… It’s called the Azurewing Repose. There are some blue dragons there. They’ve been… poking and prodding around a bit closer than we would like. So far it hasn’t been anything too too bad, but it’s certainly been something we’re trying to keep an eye on. Hopefully we can avoid direct confrontations…

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: We actually met some blue dragons… I don’t know if they all know each other…
Jace Darkweaver says: I can’t say they would. Hopefully you can just avoid them. Completely would not be a bad idea.
Nyxxa says: Especially with enhanced demon activity in the area.
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeah. So I guess that’s something. Goodness, anything else… obviously still plenty of our kaldorei brethren. Avoid them. They won’t take kindly to running into you… especially you, no offense.
Nyxxa says: No no, I get it. Speaking of, you know the whole Saurfang situation?
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeah yeah.
Nyxxa says: Given the orcs have broken free of the Legion I brought forth the idea that Arthak may be able to leverage his father’s legacy to make some allies, but given I am who I am… I don’t know the best way to handle that.
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeah, hm, uh huh, that makes sense. I don’t think I know either. That’s an idea… it may work.
Nyxxa says: They’re also looking for a place to go to…
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeah…
Nyxxa says: I know it’s a big ask.
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeah, no, if they’re on the run from the Legion. I’ll ask the Slayer when I get back. There are plenty of people on the isles that he can maybe talk to… you may want to be careful, but regardless, you and whoever you are traveling with, are all welcome at Black Rook Hold.
Nyxxa says: Yes, additionally, Arthak wants to meet with the Slayer.
Jace Darkweaver says: Oh yeah, definitely, absolutely, she wants to meet with him too. So yeah, that would be a good idea. You could just go around the isles. Black Rook Hold isn’t a port, but you would be shielded from a lot. That is one option unless you find a better place to dock.
Nyxxa says: I can maybe check with our navigators…
Jace Darkweaver says: One option, the Suramar region is pretty much abandoned. Not much exists. Most of the city sunk in the ocean, so you’d probably be safe docking there, so that’s an idea. Hm. The only other things there are… well, there’s something odd. They said they found someone, something? The reports were difficult to pin down. They looked kind of like an elf, but they were… crazy. Sunken eyes, wild, not great speech. They attacked right away. They looked like kaldorei, but I don’t know.
Nyxxa says: Maybe another side-effect from the scepter?
Jace Darkweaver says: Maybe. They’ve been sighted around Suramar. They probably wouldn’t be a problem for you, but making any amount of noise isn’t a great thing.
Nyxxa says: I’d prefer not to go through Val'sharah… it might be good to check if we’re being followed, but I do like the idea of arriving at the Hold first.
Jace Darkweaver says: That’ll work! You may need to climb, or fly, but as long as you got that covered it should work out.
Nyxxa says: Speaking of that… I would like to make a formal request to my superiors as to a personal project.
Jace Darkweaver says: Of course, what do you got?
Nyxxa says: I want to look into undoing the satyr curse.
Jace Darkweaver says: Oh. Oh. Is that possible?
Nyxxa says: Levia has means to divine these things, and it seems to be possible. We don’t have a lot to work on yet, but we have some leads.
Jace Darkweaver says: Well… I, uh… that’s something. That would be big. That would be real big. I don’t know about anyone doing that in the past…
Nyxxa says: I at least know that Vaerux looked. He hasn’t been too keen on the idea.
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeah, I don’t imagine he would. Huh. Well, on behalf of the Slayer, you’re given full leave to look into it. Just don’t get killed.
Nyxxa says: I put my responsibilities first.
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeah. I’ll look into some things.
Nyxxa says: I also wanted to formerly request… can I continue sharing information with that human mage? He also wants to meet with the Slayer.
Jace Darkweaver says: Uh, yeah, if you trust him, sure. If an opportunity arises I’m sure she’ll meet with him. Just be careful, we don’t want the Hold to become compromised, especially seeing the isles are going to get pretty exciting.
Nyxxa says: Sounds like it’s going to be a mess.
Jace Darkweaver says: That’s our specialty.
Nyxxa says: Thank you for reaching out to me.
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeah! I made brief contact with Altruis, and he has some reports in person. I imagine you’ve been partially responsible, so thank you in advance for that. But I’m glad that you’re back.
Nyxxa says: Glad to be back.
Jace Darkweaver says: Until you’re back here, I’ll go.
Nyxxa says: Um… should everyone be told I’m not a traitor anymore?
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeah, probably a good idea. I’ll make sure everyone's updated.
Nyxxa says: Thank you. It would be bad if we showed up and…
Jace Darkweaver says: Yeaaaaaaahhhhhh. Agreed. I’ll pass that around. I’ll see you soon. I never know how to end these things so… bye.

Nyxxa waves and the dream blanks out into complete darkness.

September 20th

The next morning, Nyxxa brings the rough map to Gramgun to start trying to plot a direction to the Broken Isles.

As Azgadaan is looking over some of his notes in his home, he hears a knock.

Azgadaan says: Hello?

He turns around and it’s Levia.

Levia Blackflight says: You busy?
Azgadaan says: Yeah. Very. I’m trapped.

He gestures to Ini, who is on his lap.

Levia Blackflight says: Ah. Yeah. I heard about that. Nyxxa proved it transcends all cultures. Mind if I come in?
Azgadaan says: Come in, sit down.

Levia looks around and sits down, leaning on the back of a chair.

Levia Blackflight says: So… how are you doing? After all this? You hanging in there alright?
Azgadaan says: I’m doing alright. Mainly just drowning myself in work because we need to.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah. Certainly one way to cope.
Azgadaan says: How are you?
Levia Blackflight says: I’m good, honestly. A part of me… feels good I was able to fix some of the damage I helped cause, so… I don’t have complaints. You’re the one that had to… I know how it feels to… make yourself into a pariah. So I just wanted to make sure you’re good and you didn’t need anything.

Azgadaan nods.

Levia Blackflight says: That was hard. The stuff with… you know. With her.

Levia bites her tongue.

Azgadaan says: It was going to happen one day.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah.
Azgadaan says: One way or another. I guess it’s just not working out. I wonder if she destroyed the necklace I made. But there are other things to focus on. Like we’re going to probably see my father and Shaspira and… probably Aracyra on our trip. Also, don’t say anything sensitive around Mindi or Mork. Mainly Mindi. My guess, Mindi is a dreadlord. Working for Rakeesh. But keep that within the warband. We don’t want anything slipping.

Levia shakes her head.

Levia Blackflight says: Why am I not surprised? Well, you’re in luck, I don’t know much sensitive information. But thanks for the heads up, I guess. Nothing is like it seems, is it?
Azgadaan says: Nope.
Levia Blackflight says: I know this is gonna be tough, so if you need anything, just let me know, okay?
Azgadaan says: I will. Also let me know when you want to look into your powers. I’ll happily do that.

Levia blinks.

Levia Blackflight says: That… is… yeah. I’ll let you know. I guess we’ll have to do something on the ships. Might not be a bad thing to look into.
Azgadaan says: And seeing we’re going to be on a ship, I’m glad I’m as powerful as I am, as I can just stick a mansion on the ship! So if you don’t like being on a ship.
Levia Blackflight says: I… have complicated feelings about ships. But I can’t say I don’t like being on them. I’ll keep it in mind.
Azgadaan says: Constant rocking makes me feel ill.

Levia chuckles humorlessly.

Azgadaan says: But while we’re on the ship, we will definitely have the time.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah. Speaking of… I guess, um… hm. About what happened back on Outland. I know we barely remember anything anyways, but… I’m sorry. I don’t know why my inebriated self thought that was a good idea, or why your inebriated self thought that was a good idea, but it wasn’t, and I probably made everything harder–
Azgadaan says: Levia, I don’t blame you. We were both deep in our drinks. And I shouldn’t have done what I did. I wasn’t in my right mind, and you are a very beautiful woman, so drunk me probably didn’t know what the fuck was going on.

Levia blinks.

Levia Blackflight says: Right. Yeah. Well, I said that, and it’s out in the air now.

She stands up and spins around it.

Levia Blackflight says: I’m going to go and see if I can find any booze that still works on me. You’ll know where I’ll be. See ya.
Azgadaan says: See ya around. Stay safe.

Levia heads out and disappears.

September 21st - October 11th

Several weeks after the upheaval of the Legion, Nyxxa gets a sending from Khadgar.

Khadgar says [sending]: I have no idea if this is going to work, but I’ll give it a shot. Nyxxa, are you free?
Nyxxa says [sending]: Khadgar! Um, yeah, yeah. What’s up?
Khadgar says [sending]: I’m glad you’re still alive! A lot is up, and a lot involves things I can’t talk about. I trust everything was resolved successfully with your friends and your matters on Outland?
Nyxxa says [sending]: A lot has changed for the better. I meant to tell you some of them, but things are moving forward with the scepter of Sargeras.
Khadgar says [sending]: So they have. I’ve spoken with some old friends of mine, and I’ve learned a few things. Well… lets just say I’m going to have a very busy couple of months, though I think the same could be said about everyone on this world.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Things are moving.
Khadgar says [sending]: I may not be able to reach out to you much. But I will still try to when possible.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I might not be available. You may not be able to reach me at all.
Khadgar says [sending]: Oh, I suppose that’s unfortunate.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Are you anywhere that interferes with confusion?
Khadgar says [sending]: Not right now, but I’m sure you know of the disturbance. From the sounds of it, you might not be cut off…
Nyxxa says [sending]: Well, sensitive nature, perhaps we’ll have to see.
Khadgar says [sending]: Perhaps. Fate has a curious way of working. If it causes us to run into each other again, I won’t be the most surprised. Regardless, I look forward to seeing you again soon. Sooner or later.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I as well.
Khadgar says [sending]: Anything else you want or need to share before I take care of business of my own?
Nyxxa says [sending]: I formerly put in a request for you to meet with the Slayer. Also, if you have the time, Arthak would like to meet with you again. He’s not as compromised.
Khadgar says [sending]: Really? Huh. I’m surprised. I got the sense he wasn’t a big fan of me.
Nyxxa says [sending]: He thought you were far too charming, but the main issue was resolved. The Horde has… removed itself from the Legion.
Khadgar says [sending]: I see. Well. Do tell your friend that I am flattered by what I would presume is a compliment, but perhaps not to orcs. I suppose a tentative congratulations are in order. That is quite the large undertaking.
Nyxxa says [sending]: There is a lot that needs to be done. But for now, we need to prevent another invasion. Otherwise this will all be for nothing.
Khadgar says [sending]: Yes. Well. Should a time come when we can speak more openly–and I do hope it does, then perhaps we can put our minds together.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Well. I’m more of a diplomat than a spy now, I suppose…
Khadgar says [sending]: Congratulations!
Nyxxa says [sending]: Thank you. I can also start to look for a cure. But you have more important things to look into.
Khadgar says [sending]: I wouldn’t say it’s not important, but you have been a good friend, Nyxxa. You have my hopes, for what that means, and if I find anything, I’ll tell you. I may have access to a larger repository of knowledge than I might have otherwise. I’ll see what my colleagues can do to aid you if you are unable to find something yourself.
Nyxxa says [sending]: The only lead is to seek out another satyr.
Khadgar says [sending]: I see. That makes sense. Frequently with curses the source needs to be involved.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I know her, at least.
Khadgar says [sending]: That should make it easy!
Nyxxa says [sending]: Not quite.
Khadgar says [sending]: At least you don’t need to do introductions!
Nyxxa says [sending]: I’m… not good on the technical stuff. But if you could find anything, thank you. Even in offering, it means a lot.
Khadgar says [sending]: Think nothing of it.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I’m going to anyway!
Khadgar says [sending]: For what it’s worth, I believe you can do this. Speaking of curses, there was one pesky ones afflicting your companion. Were you able to remedy that?
Nyxxa says [sending]: Uh… the geas, no. The orcs in general though, yes. Kalec was right on it.
Khadgar says [sending]: Excellent, I’ll let him know.
Nyxxa says [sending]: They’ve been freed. Physically, mentally… and I’m glad the winter is here to stop the war for the time being.
Khadgar says [sending]: it’s supposed to be a long one. Best make it count.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I won’t keep you anymore. Thank you.
Khadgar says [sending]: Until next time, Nyxxa.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Stay safe.

An envoy is sent to the Kul Tiran blockade with some prisoners in order to barter for passage for some ships through the blockade. A familiar is sent alongside them with a note penned by Azgadaan.

A few days go by with no response, and the familiar returns empty-handed. A few more days later, Arthak hears some commotion, and the beating of wings. An albatross lands nearby.

It has a message on its foot. Arthak takes the message, and gets it translated. There is an acceptance of the terms, as well as a steep number of captives that needs to be returned per vessel. If any of them senses any deception, there will be cannons trained on the vessels to bring them down.

There would need to be a flare three days before the transaction would happen.

Levia meets up with Nyxxa, Arthak, and Azgadaan.

Levia Blackflight says: Um… the other felbloods. You still wanted to talk to them? They’re willing to as well. They said they had something you might like. Something that might interest you guys. I don’t know what it is. But they want to talk, like they said earlier.
Nyxxa says: Well, we also want to talk. So if they’re willing to meet, lets go.
Levia Blackflight says: They’re kind of assholes, but that comes with the terrain.
Nyxxa says: I’m well-versed dealing with assholes.

Levia snickers and gestures at the manor that Nyxxa had helped Solion's gang acquire after they were evicted from Sylvos's manor.

Levia Blackflight says: They’re up there.
Nyxxa says: Oh. It’s them.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah. Do you know them?
Azgadaan says: Oh. They’re still here. Wonderful.
Nyxxa says: Don’t use this as an opportunity to flex, Azgadaan.
Azgadaan says: No, I’m just looking forward to seeing how they’re doing.

As soon as the trio gets to the manor, they hear a voice. It’s Solion.

Solion says: Close enough! Oh. You gotta be kidding me. Of course it’s you guys. If you’re here to talk, we’ll talk, but ditch your weapons on the outside of the gate. We aren’t taking risks.

Nyxxa looks at Azgadaan and Arthak.

Nyxxa says: Amenable?

Azgadaan jams his weapon into the cobblestones, as does Nyxxa. Arthak grunts.

Solion says: You too, asshole!
Arthak Saurfang says: I don’t need weapons to kill idiots.

Arthak drops his weapons, looking unhappy. Nyxxa senses there is someone hidden from view–invisible–perched on one of the posts of the gate. Nyxxa lets her fellows know, and they step past the gate.

The gate closes behind them, and they see a handful of felblood elves materialize from invisibility. They seem to be ready to defend themselves, and all of them look like they haven’t slept much.

Solion appears on top of the manor, and jumps down with feather fall to land before the group. He rolls his eyes at Azgadaan.

Solion says: Of course you’re still here.
Azgadaan says: looks like you’ve been taking care of the place.

Solion ignores him and looks at Arthak. He seems to be speaking in broken orcish.

Solion says: So you’re their new boss then, huh?
Arthak Saurfang says: You could say that.
Solion says: Alright. It doesn’t take much to read the room. For whatever reason, you and the others turned against the Legion?
Arthak Saurfang says: Correct.
Solion says: Alright. From the sounds of it, you’ve got a long list of heads to be taken. We don’t want on that list.
Arthak Saurfang says: Fair.
Solion says: So. What’s it going to take for us to walk out of here safe? You people have been watching this place like a hawk.
Arthak Saurfang says: If you want to leave, leave.

Solion nods.

Solion says: That’s it? You just let us walk out of here?
Arthak Saurfang says: You have nothing I want. If you don’t want to be here, I don’t see any point in making you stay. If you leave and cause trouble, we’ll find you and kill you. If you leave and we never see each other, then we never see each other. If you want to stay, we’ll negotiate, but if you want to leave…

Arthak gestures at the gate. The felbloods look at each other.

Solion says: Alright. Now what if we don’t want to leave?
Nyxxa says: What would be your intention in staying?
Solion says: We didn’t join all this just for some grand scheme. We joined because it was the way we could survive and thrive. Runesight’s little pet project blew up in his face. Not looking to follow a loser. Especially not going to throw my life away for some asshole like him. Besides, we’ve been doing pretty good for ourselves without his help. Though this has sort of complicated things. So what’s our intention? We want to stay here, do what we were doing, and we don’t want you involved. No harm, no foul.
Azgadaan says: What were you doing?

Solion scoffs.

Solion says: What does anyone do? Seek more power. Get stronger so we don’t get iced by the next guy. Isn’t that what you’ve been doing this whole time?
Arthak Saurfang says: Not quite. So I’m assuming magical research?
Solion says: Our business is ours. You don’t fuck with our people, we won’t fuck with yours. Sound good to you, boss?
Arthak Saurfang says: No. It doesn’t. Unfortunately, this is our city. Our place. If you’re going to stay, we’re going to be involved. We’re going to want to know what you’re doing, who you might be doing it to, and there should be something in it for both of us to make it worth you doing it.

Solion scowls and snaps his fingers. The door behind him opens, and two more felbloods drag someone out.

Solion says: Alright. You want to know what we’re going to be up to? Lets sweeten the deal.

The individual is tossed to the ground before them. He’s another felblood–raggedy, dirty, with a mop of sandy blonde hair. A few fingers are missing nails, and there are a few missing fingers as well as teeth.

Levia Blackflight says: Holy shit.

Levia puts a hand over her mouth.

Solion says: This fucker is one of Runesight’s lapdogs. We Pried what we wanted from him, but you can have what’s left. He’s all yours. Leave us alone. If we find anything else of interest, maybe we’ll send it down the hill.
Levia Blackflight says: That fucker’s name is Win'thas. He was responsible for getting me into this mess.

Nyxxa looks down at the felblood.

Nyxxa says: Is this the only one you have?
Solion says: The most important one, that’s for sure.
Nyxxa says: Are all the ones you have previously loyalists?

Solion nods.

Solion says: Got no reason to punish my own.
Azgadaan says: Do you have any others you shouldn’t have under the new rules?

Nyxxa picks up that Solion seems to be frightened, despite the big talk. He knows the group is stronger than them.

Nyxxa says: If you want to get power, then what happens once we leave?
Solion says: We’ll figure that out. And as far as your question, we don’t have anyone you need to be worried about. But I don’t know what all your new rules are.

Azgadaan glances at Arthak, who is clearly considering the felblood at their feet–who is smiling and softly chuckling through coughs. Arthak kneels down to Win’thas and snaps his neck while staring at Solion.

Everyone freezes, and Solion’s eyes widen in obvious fear.

Nyxxa says: Has anyone ever given you a chance outside one you needed to grasp for? Seems you’ve needed to fight for everything you’ve had.

Solion blinks.

Solion says: What the hell kind of question is that? What do you think?
Nyxxa says: I don’t want to make assumptions. But that’s sounding an awful lot like I once did. When people don’t give you a chance and you feel like you don’t have a choice, all you can do is fight. I know you don’t trust us. But if what you want is power… what you actually want is stability. A situation where the rug isn’t going to be pulled out from under you again and again.

She starts to close the distance.

Solion says: Stay back.
Nyxxa says: Has anyone ever treated you like a person? I understand this is what you think you need to do, but you don’t need to do this.
Solion says: What do you know about that? Look at you. You’re a demon fighting against the Legion. And I saw what Caria was doing. I saw Caria’s plans with some of the others. The tattoos, the rituals, all of it. I know the kind of shit you’ve been into. The shit you tap into on the regular. How can you say there’s no other way? You don’t know me or any of us.
Nyxxa says: I didn’t want to assume. But I could if you’d give us that chance. I do the things I do to protect the world I love. I understand the want to search out power. But I found myself stronger when I’m not looking for it alone. You have your right to do what you wish. But I fear you won’t get what you want by burning this bridge. There won’t be many bridges left for you to cross. I’ve seen what happens to people like us.
Levia Blackflight says: She’s right. That asshole...

She gestures at Win’thas.

Levia Blackflight says: He thought he knew a lot, but look where that got him. Looking for power isn’t gonna get you shit.
Solion says: Well what else are we going to do?
Nyxxa says: Start by looking for allies in people that do understand. People who can help build you up if you let them.
Solion says: And people who can snap your neck if you don’t. Is that how it’s going to be? We fall lock, step, and key into your friends or we get our necks snapped? If you think we’re going to go down without a fight, you’re wrong.
Nyxxa says: We can figure out what to do. If we just let you do as you please, that makes you just as liable to stab us in the back. There are smarter ways to do this. We need to start by being on the same page instead of acting… tough. Though I understand why you would.

Solion takes a step back, and a ball of felfire appears in his hand. He slams it to the side, scorching the stone.

Solion says: Fuck. Alright. What? What do you want? What do you want from us?
Nyxxa says: A more equal partnership. I believe that was the idea.

Nyxxa looks back at Arthak.

Solion says: So what, you want to see what we’re doing before you decide if we’re worthy enough before you kill me? Is that it?
Nyxxa says: It’s good to see what the orcs are complicit in. I believe that’s fair enough.
Azgadaan says: Solion, if you and your friends got away. Would you be able to live on an island peacefully? Or would you seek out power and people to hurt?
Solion says: What the fuck kind of question is that? What would you do if someone threw you on an island and told you you can’t leave?
Azgadaan says: A hypothetical. You went to the island. What do you do?
Solion says: I don’t know!

Solion shakes his head.

Arthak Saurfang says: This has gone on long enough. This is what’s going to happen. You’re going to leave. You’re just going to leave.

Solion looks between the group, and the corpse of Win’thas.

Solion says: Yeah, guess we are. You showed us the alternative.
Arthak Saurfang says: No I didn’t. But you have to be able to see one to take it. So go. Right now.

A few of the felbloods exchange glances.

Solion says: Alright.

Solion walks by Arthak.

Solion says: Come on, everyone. Lets get out of here.
Arthak Saurfang says: Any of you who aren’t interested in following where he leads, there’s room for negotiation.

Arthak looks at Solion.

Arthak Saurfang says: You or anyone that follows you is done here.
Solion says: Not content? Steal whatever we have left? Join your little cult?
Arthak Saurfang says: An alternative. They can take it, they can leave it.

Solion spits on the ground and leaves, as do the rest of the felbloods.

Arthak looks at Nyxxa and Azgadaan.

Arthak Saurfang says: Neither of you answer to me, so if you want to work something through with that, by all means. But the Horde has no room for it.
Nyxxa says: I understand, Arthak.
Levia Blackflight says: I don’t think this is gonna get any easier, is it?
Azgadaan says: Probably not.
Levia Blackflight says: They’re dicks, but… so was I.

Levia shakes her head.

Arthak Saurfang says: At some point everyone has to decide if they want to change.
Levia Blackflight says: You’re right.
Nyxxa says: You can extend the hand, but chasing people down is a luxury we can’t afford.

Nyxxa follows after the group of felbloods. When they detect her presence, Solion turns.

Solion says: What?
Nyxxa says: Though I don’t think you’re the talking sort, if you ever decide this path isn’t what you want, reach out to me.

Solion scoffs and turns. A few follow right away, others linger, but follow as well. Nyxxa returns to the rest of her fellows to help Azgadaan search the house.

Levia approaches Arthak.

Levia Blackflight says: One thing I don’t think I can agree with you on Arthak, is that you got to be the one to snap that fucker’s neck.
Arthak Saurfang says: Sorry. Didn’t know he was yours.
Levia Blackflight says: He was in charge of the sect I was in. He’s the reason I look like this. But, I should thank you. They did a number on him, but enough of him is still together that I have a few questions I want to ask him. But that can wait.

Levia tosses Win'thas’s body against the wall.

Levia Blackflight says: You’ll wait here for us, will you?

She pats him on the head.

As the group searches, Arthak looks at Nyxxa.

Arthak Saurfang says: You alright?
Nyxxa says: I’m fine, Arthak.

She seems legitimately fine, if a little disappointed.

Nyxxa says: I get it. They were a liability. It’s frustrating.
Arthak Saurfang says: True. But. They aren’t children, Nyxxa. They’re grown. The actions of adults have an adult’s price.
Nyxxa says: Part of me wonders if a person who never had certain opportunities can even be counted as an adult. They were floundering.
Arthak Saurfang says: Adults flounder. I flounder. You flounder. Floundering isn’t torture. If a youngling does something like that, it’s one thing. An adult, one whose grown and has their mind, you can’t blame the world for your choices. The world shapes things, yes, but you make the choice. They made theirs. Treating them like children doesn’t save them.
Nyxxa says: I… didn’t mean to treat them like children. I just tried to show them a kindness I doubt they’ve been shown. They must be held accountable, but…
Arthak Saurfang says: There’s a fine line between kindness and condescension. They own what they did.
Nyxxa says: That’s a line I must learn. I’ll do better next time.
Arthak Saurfang says: You’ll do what you do. I hope next time they listen.
Nyxxa says: I’m not going to chase them.
Arthak Saurfang says: Fair enough.
Nyxxa says: But I thank you for your insight.

As they case the manor, they don’t find anything much of value as it seems the felbloods had been moving things out well before the encounter. However, the cellar seems to be under some sort of complex lock.

Nyxxa works on picking the lock–but Azgadaan stops her, identifying signs of a trap. He dimension doors to the other side of door and finds a [Glyph of Warding]. He is able to dispel it, and it seems it had been set up as an incendiary glyph to incinerate the contents of the basement.

Down the stairs, they find an abundance of research on demons. There is a preserved imp corpse that seems to have been dissected, as well as wings and horns of succubi. There are various reagents that had been collected from demons, as well as an inactive summoning circle.

There are skeletons and spines of felbats and felguards, though no eredar.

In a storage area, there are three unconscious felblood elves–battered, bruised, and clearly have seen better days.

Nyxxa notes, from what she remembers, there are rudimentary similarities to the rituals she had undergone. There seems to be a fervent desire to use demons and demonic flesh to grow more powerful–likely to become full demons.

Nyxxa says: Well, they aren’t going to be making friends with demons either…
Azgadaan says: They seem determined to burn every bridge they can. Whether they like it or not, they seem to be making an island.
Nyxxa says: I’ve seen this happen before. Just another set of satyrs running around, but this time without immortality. At least they’re killing demons and not other people… We should get these prisoners. Maybe we can talk to them when they’re awake. They’re likely Runesight loyalists.
Levia Blackflight says: I think I recognize them.
Nyxxa says: If nothing else, they can be bargaining chips.
Levia Blackflight says: As far as this other stuff…

She looks at a glass with a demonic eye in it.

Levia Blackflight says: This could be handy. It could be a return present for you when you get back to your friends.
Nyxxa says: They’d definitely find use in it. But we can quit this place.

The unconscious felblood elves were uncovered to be Shadowsword loyalists and they remain loyal. Two of them seem to be loyal to Runesight, while the other seems more loyal to Selin. However, they have no desire to spill anything.

Nyxxa ends up executing the Runesight loyalists, but they choose to keep the Selin loyalist alive.

Levia had investigated Win'thas's body using [Speak with Dead], and she managed to get confirmation that Runesight had fled with Gul’dan and the others. Selin, however, did not want to flee initially–though his motives in that were unknown beyond the fact Selin and Runesight had hit an impasse.

At one point, Halno meets with Arthak in his office.

Halno says: So… you’ve been making some changes.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. Necessary ones I think. But it’s good you’re here. I need to get Go’el for this, but… hm, also perhaps Oronok. Regards to the future, I imagine that’s why you’re here?
Halno says: Perceptive as always. Should I send for them?
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll have someone do it.

Arthak sends some runners, and not long after Go’el and Oronok show up.

Oronok Torn-heart says: Well, what did I do to draw the attention to draw the attention of the warchief and the… farseer? Is that what you’re called?
Go'el says: Yes, elder.
Oronok Torn-heart says: Mind like a steel trap! What can I do for you?
Arthak Saurfang says: This is something I’ve been meaning to address with Go’el specifically, but the two of you are the ones I had in mind for this. There is the simple fact that in continuing our fight against Gul’dan’s forces and the legion, it would be wise for us to use the knowledge we acquired. We have warlocks and necrolytes in our ranks–individuals who could be put to good use.

Go’el nods.

Go'el says: It is true. There is… a lot to consider about the practices of such magics. The fel is dangerous if you use it recklessly, and the magic of necrolytes… shadow and death, they are entropic forces outside my expertise. I would think it wise for us to move away from the use of such magics, but they have been a part of us for several generations, and they’ve given as much as they’ve taken away.
Arthak Saurfang says: They are also the magics of our foremost enemies. If we cut away that knowledge, we leave ourselves ill prepared to respond when it’s used against us.
Go'el says: That is true. One cannot know the dangers they hunt until they learn from it. If we go into battle unaware, it would be suicide.
Arthak Saurfang says: And as another point of consideration, if we were to cast aside these darker magics–others will pursue them. That is the way of what’s forbidden. If we can provide avenues to research it for the benefit of our people, we might prevent any others turning out like Gul’dan.
Go'el says: You raise good points. I… see the reasoning, but it would be important for us to be apprised of the research. We cannot have the cataclysm like what sundered Draenor. The fel seeped in and poisoned the land. We must protect this world and live in harmony with the elements, even if we use magics that are otherwise in disorder. Just as a flame can burn the forest and save lives, perhaps too can be said of your magics.

He looks at Halno and Oronok.

Arthak Saurfang says: I can personally attest they have helped save mine. And one time almost took it. But in the interest of that, I think establishing organizations to do this research–headed by Halno and Oronok–would fall under our joint purview. You for it is related to magic, and myself for the fact this magic is for war.
Halno says: So I answer to Go’el now?
Go'el says: I suppose you do, yes.
Arthak Saurfang says: A joint authority.
Halno says: Hm. What’s the best way to broach this topic… I intend to become a lich. If you are unaware of what that is, that is a pinnacle of undeath. I doubt I could maintain it very long with my sanity intact, but I believe it would be a worthwhile venture. I have no doubt of the collective group’s ability to handle anything going poorly.
Arthak Saurfang says: You did not mention you would not maintain your sanity when you last brought this up.
Halno says: We’re kind of treading new ground here, Arthak.

Oronok starts to laugh.

Halno says: We can’t have the sacrifice of thousands of innocents, right?
Arthak Saurfang says: No, we can’t.
Halno says: So new ground. What comes of this is unpredictable.
Go'el says: I won’t lie to you Halno, this sounds like… a lot.
Halno says: You get used to it.
Go'el says: On that same notion… I can’t refute the fact you played an integral part in bringing us to this point. I don’t know how i feel about this, but if you believe it would strengthen the Horde, then you have my blessing to pursue this… under the condition, of course, that you keep myself and others apprised of what you’re up to. I may not be as scholarly as you, but I’ll do my best to understand what you’re speaking of, and I trust you would not hide anything from us.
Halno says: I have no reason anymore.
Go'el says: Good. I want to know what this lich is. If there is a way to create one without this sacrifice… perhaps it would be better than the unfortunate nature that dictates your existence now.
Halno says: Oh, I should stress this should not ever be attempted again. It can be recorded and people can look at, but I strongly recommend offing anyone else that attempts it.
Go'el says: …I see. I agree, and I trust Garrosh would agree as well.
Halno says: He would off me right now.
Arthak Saurfang says: It’s good this isn’t framed under his jurisdictions.
Go'el says: I think it’s good for us to keep an open mind… And I agree you two should head these endeavors. You know the Shadow Council. All things aside, if the two of you wished, I believe the two of you would make good on making a second branch of this. A group whose purpose is to learn and understand these entropic forces so we can counter them and ensure something like Draenor and the Council never occurs again. What do you think, Arthak?
Halno says: I’m gonna be honest, I’m just here for the research.
Arthak Saurfang says: That is the point of this.
Halno says: I’m not interested in power or control.
Oronok Torn-heart says: Don’t worry, I’m sure there are people we could pawn the leadership on that are more suited than our generation.
Arthak Saurfang says: Are you suggesting Skullcrusher?
Oronok Torn-heart says: No.
Arthak Saurfang says: Thank the ancestors.
Oronok Torn-heart says: There is a warlock from the Burning Blade, though he left sometime before the split. He didn’t take kindly to the coup. His name is Neeru Fireblade. He may be a worthy contact to tap. I can speak to him to see if he might be interested.
Halno says: Right, well my next step is either take a trip to the afterlife, or have a conversation with an immensely powerful being from the afterlife.
Go'el says: I… trust you’ll take the correct precautions? It goes without saying that if you don’t, measures will be taken, and the measures will deprive you of the research you covet.
Halno says: I’ll have something arranged.
Go'el says: Right… I look forward to seeing what those are before you take any drastic measures.
Oronok Torn-heart says: Well, if we’ve been given this go-ahead, I believe I’ll start scouting. I’ll run them by you, Halno, though I get the sense you don’t care.
Halno says: I have a cabal of warlocks if you want to start with that.

Go’el gives Arthak a sideways glance. Arthak is just smoking calmly.

Oronok Torn-heart says: I have an idea for a name if you didn’t have one. It’s poetic in a few ways. The Cleft of Shadow.
Halno says: I have no strong feelings.

Go’el smirks.

Go'el says: Both mountain imagery and a reference to its schism from the Shadow Council. I can’t think of a better name.
Arthak Saurfang says: It’s done then. The Cleft of Shadow. Congratulations.

Oronok nods.

Oronok Torn-heart says: I’ll make sure you get all the proper paperwork. Since that’s a thing we use now.

Oronok blinks at Arthak, as he only has one eye. Halno, however, digs into his back and produces a mountain of paperwork.

Halno says: I got this as a starting point.
Go'el says: I guess… I have some reading to do.

Oronok bids them farewell and heads off.

Halno says: Well, Arthak, I’m not sure where this fits into your political hierarchy you’ve created here, but I have a meeting with a foreign cabal of warlocks? Mages? Unclear. It doesn’t seem they are part of the Horde or the Alliance or… I dunno. They’re just a group of people.
Arthak Saurfang says: An independent group researching fel magic?
Halno says: I don’t know.
Arthak Saurfang says: You said warlocks.
Halno says: It’s a broad term, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: I get your point. Continue please.
Halno says: That’s all I got. I haven’t met them yet. They don’t seem to want problems around here, but they also don’t seem to want attention.
Arthak Saurfang says: Around here as they didn’t reach out to you magically? They’re here?
Halno says: At least some of them. And some of them reach out to me on Draenor… I could have sworn I told you about this.
Arthak Saurfang says: Lichdom. Cabal. Yes. This? No.
Halno says: Right, well, I’ll go meet them. I’ll let you know what’s up.
Arthak Saurfang says: Alright. Um… assess and come back to us with a report.
Go'el says: Yes, ascertain what they’re doing, and if they are a threat to us and those living here.
Halno says: If they were a threat to us… I doubt they would have approached me.
Arthak Saurfang says: Do an assessment. You know what I’m looking for. We’ll look forward to the report.
Halno says: I mean… yeah, that’s fine. See you sometime.

Halno leaves, and Go’el looks at Arthak in exasperation.

Go'el says: He’s always like that, isn’t he?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.

Go’el sighs and pinches his brow.

Go'el says: As long as you believe he can be trusted. You’ve traveled with him longer than I’ve known him.
Arthak Saurfang says: So far he’s been… largely reliable. Frankly I trust Oronok more. And Oronok tried to kill me for Blackhand.
Go'el says: Well, we’ll make sure to keep an eye on Halno’s projects… and make sure that reliability stays true.
Arthak Saurfang says: It’s better to keep an eye on him than have him out in the wild.
Go'el says: That… is true.

Halno makes his way into the sewers, following the instructions he was given, and he gets the sense he is being watched. There is suddenly a cloud of black smoke, and he sees an imp appear.

Summoned Imp says: You must be the one the council is looking for? Halno, correct?

Halno looks at the imp and groans.

Summoned Imp says: What? What’s your problem?
Halno says: Yup, I’m Halno.
Summoned Imp says: Just what I need, another person looking down on me.
Halno says: Well, you can’t have many people looking up to you.
Summoned Imp says: Oh, great, short jokes. Real clever are we? Follow me.

He grumbles the entire time as he leads Halno into an area around a large ziggurat built into the sewers. It’s a tomb, of sorts, and Halno immediately sees signs of a small camp with magical implements. There is a small group of shadows slinking about.

Summoned Imp says: Master Ebonlock, the man you sought to speak with is here, and he’s just as charming as Iresoul told us.

A human steps out of a tent. He has long hair in a ponytail.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Very good, very good. Thank you for fetching him.

He looks at Halno. He has a well-maintained moustache and goatee. He has simple travelers clothes that resembles a royal purple robe, and he has green gems dangling from his ears and neck.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Halno, my friend, I heard a great deal about you, and I’m glad you saw fit to visit our humble little abode. And you answered our summons. Welcome. Please. I would ask if I could get you anything, but I understand your unique circumstances make that less of a useful gesture. Please sit and make yourself comfortable.
Halno says: Yeah, sure!
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: I’m the only one here now. Actually, you might summon one of my friends.

He speaks in orcish, casting [Sending].

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: At the very least, let me introduce myself. Kanrethad Ebonlocke.
Halno says: You have quite the hideout.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: We do! It’s just here while we speak with some individuals we have some interest in, yourself included. This was an important place, you see. It was one of the many places of the rituals that gathered the energy that summoned the Dark portal. We’ve been doing a few research projects and seeing what we can take from lingering essences. Not much, unfortunately, but we learned a great deal.
Halno says: Huh. I didn’t know there were places of such import around.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Yes yes, we’ve done some looking and speaking, and a small bit of snooping in the history of how it went about. The cabal of warlocks–the Shadowsword, I believe–the felblood elves that were working with the Horde until recent refluffles. There was no small amount of ritual sacrifices. In fact, you can still see blood stains. A lot of innocents died.
Halno says: And what are you hoping to gain from looking into this particular thing?
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: It’s not what I’m looking to gain, but what we are looking to gain. But that would be easier to explain once everyone else is here.

There are some footfalls making their way in, and Halno sees a woman make her way into the camp.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Ah! Jubeka, there you are!

The human is very pale, her eyes have a twinge of green in them. She has a limp as she walks, and is using a cane.

Jubeka Shadowbreaker says: It’s good to be back.

Next to her is Kira, wearing a similar cowl. She nods at Halno with an impossibly white smile. Kanrethad gives Jubeka a kiss on either cheek.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Jubeka, this is Halno! The applicant we were speaking of. The contender for the sixth seat.

Jubeka looks him up and down.

Jubeka Shadowbreaker says: Charmed. Jubeka Shadowbreaker.

She offers a hand.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: I understand you’ve been acquainted with Kira Iresoul.
Kira Iresoul says: We’re thick as thieves by now.
Halno says: Yet I remain completely baffled.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: A group of–
Halno says: Like-minded individuals.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Now you’re getting it! Do you know where Shinfel is?
Jubeka Shadowbreaker says: She was behind us. I imagine she was attracted to some rotting carcass or fungus.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Of course!

They then hear some humming, and another small individual enters. She has a thin frame, and she is holding a cluster of long mushrooms in her hands. They are terribly poisonous, but she’s holding them like a bouquet. Her hands are blackened and pock-marked.

The long ears poking through her hood reveal her to be an elf, and she almost dances as she reaches the top of the stairs. Then she stops.

Shinfel Blightsworn says: Oh. Hello.

There is a wide grin beneath her hood, and her face is sunken and her eyes are dark. She seems to be a red mist victim. She waves.

Shinfel Blightsworn says: Hi. You must be the one called Halno, isn’t that right?
Halno says: Correct.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: Pleasure to meet you. My name is Shinfel Blightsworn. Would you like a mushroom?

She holds a mushroom out to Halno, somewhat bashfully–as if she was shy. Halno takes the mushroom. It is, in fact very poisonous.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: It seems Shinfel took a liking to you already!
Halno says: You’re not going to give any to the rest of them?

Shinfel shakes her head with a small smile.

Shinfel Blightsworn says: That’s just for you.
Halno says: Aw. Thanks.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: There’s only one more we’re waiting for, but he did have a fair distance–

There is suddenly the crash of teleportation magic, and a burst of felfire that reveals Ritssyn Flamescowl.

Ritssyn Flamescowl says: About time you showed up. You kept us waiting long enough, Halno.
Halno says: I had some sight-seeing to do in Outlands.
Ritssyn Flamescowl says: You should thank the others for not dragging you down here.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Yes, well, time to speak on why you’re here! This is in no way, shape, or form a commitment you need to make right now. I understand there are some challenges topside.
Ritssyn Flamescowl says: You can say that again.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Of course! But we simply wanted to approach you with the idea. Let it sit in your mind.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: And fester like a worm!
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Thank you for the colorful metaphor, Miss Blightsworn. But fester, think, ruminate, whatever synonym you would like, but allow me to welcome you to this humble little meeting. You asked earlier what our purpose was. Jubeka, could you explain?
Jubeka Shadowbreaker says: I’m not sure anyone could explain as well as you–
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: No no, don’t be modest. Explain everything.
Kira Iresoul says: Alright, lovebirds, get on with it.
Jubeka Shadowbreaker says: Right. The Council of the Black Harvest is a group of likeminded individuals that seek knowledge and power for themselves, each other, and the world. After all, the Burning Legion is a threat that will wipe out all of existence. I once made the brilliant observation we are a part of existence, thus it is in our best interests to keep an eye on things. We’re not looking to confront the demons themselves… the Legion and its strength is known, but it is not as known as we would like. The forces they command are vast, much more than us mortals combined. Our expertise and knowledge is incomplete, but together, the Black Harvest seeks to amend that to equip ourselves to protect our interests and ourselves. After all, sir Flamescowl has informed us what happened to your homeland. Draenor. We have seen and heard of what happened. Only by harnessing chaos can we prevent that. My seat, the second seat, is dedicated to demonology. So, you are acquainted with one of our associates.

She gestures at the imp, who is reading a book.

Jubeka Shadowbreaker says: We have a number of demons bound to us that we use to learn more about them. To discover their weaknesses and learn their strengths. After all, the true name of a demon grants great power, and one of my primary goals is to… hm, make a compendium where we can log the true names of such creatures so that we might bind as many as we can to keep them in check. Sorry, public speaking is not my expertise, that is Lord Ebonlocke’s purview. Shinfel is the third seat.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: That’s right. Mine is the purview of poison, disease, plague, and torments. I have intimate knowledge of such things. Though I think you might too. I think you and I could teach each other a lot.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: That is the ultimate goal! To share our knowledge, and that sharing of knowledge is central to our goals here, which is why I think Ritssyn, you should explain?
Ritssyn Flamescowl says: yes, I have intimate knowledge of the destructive capacity of fel magic. Raw forces of annihilation that the Legion commands. That’s my purview as the fourth seat.
Kira Iresoul says: And mine, the fifth, is responsible for shadow. Though I dabble a fair bit. I don’t think it’s wise of anyone to confine themselves to one mission, but the investigation and development of shadow is fascinating given its relation to the demons of the fel. Though I do have a bit of a hobby of hemocraft–blood magic, you might call it.

Ebonlocke smiles.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: She is the fifth and most recent seat, but we consist of six seats! We have a lack in expertise in death magics. Something we would like to fill. Though we have rudimentary knowledge of necromantic magics, given her first-hand experience, we are looking to fill a sixth slot. You are a potential candidate, so congratulations, first and foremost, as I think you’e earned it. But before I prattle on, I suppose it would be right for us to open the floor to you. This is a lot, after all, and I would be honored to inform you of anything.
Halno says: To simplify this, a magical study group to study magics your culture would consider forbidden?
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Yes! That is the long and short of it. We are hedge mages. I hail from a curious place where hedge magic runs rampant, and I have seen benefits and detriments. So I’ve reached out, and those you see here are a small number who are privy to our secrets. We have other allies, but when seeking a sixth member it seemed wise to look in unexpected places.
Halno says: Like foreign invaders led by the legion?
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Yes! It led us to including Ritssyn, and possibly you as well. Normally we would have tapped someone at Scholomance, but we are unsure if we want to bring this to their attention. They can be a bit… restrictive. Understandably so, but we want to make something a bit more… communal.
Halno says: The logic is here, seeing I just listened to the warchief make the same argument.
Ritssyn Flamescowl says: So I heard. This Cleft of Shadow business. Smart.
Halno says: I’m pretty sure it was that or… I’m pretty sure he’s still concerned I’m going to raise the dead all over the planet.

Ritssyn looks Halno up and down.

Ritssyn Flamescowl says: I don’t think you’d do such a thing. Mostly because I think it would be too much effort.

Halno gives Ritssyn finger guns.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Such good friends!

Ritssyn shoots a look at Ebonlocke.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Any other questions? I suppose I could tell you how things operate.
Halno says: That would be helpful.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Right, well why we seek to have six is because I enjoy a bit of poetry, and the Council of Six in Dalaran… but another is having an even number is intrinsic to the longevity to our success. Eventually I would like to branch out to more associates that could work as understudies, but for now, it is just us and individual contacts. The point is that we will not be traveling across the world together. We will break off into groups of two–as they go–with two simple rules. There will be no secrets kept between the individuals paired off and they will share mutual enlightenment and gain. Likewise, no secrets will be kept between them and the rest of the council when we return. Likewise, one would be expected to protect your partner. Should you return without them, it would be assumed you may have done something untorid. You understand the corrupting nature of such entropic forces could drive people to–
Halno says: You don’t need to explain that to me.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Right! So we expect one to work openly with their partner and to work in unison. That is the long and short of it. What you look into is up to what you choose to–though if you find something delectable we may offer it to someone with the right expertise.
Halno says: Well, I’m intrigued.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: That is most wonderful news!
Halno says: Though in regards to your teams of two… I suppose that brings an issue seeing you have a single orc, who, no offense, but we don’t run in the same circles, so if we did so, it would be odd.
Ritssyn Flamescowl says: I don’t feel like dealing in rumors.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: I think the two of you would make a fetching couple.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Shinfel! Such a joker. But have no fear, we have means of disguising. We could manage such difficulties, and if you were willing to explain such things to your leadership, I don’t think anyone you chose to partner with during this trial period would be opposed. Either way works! We could use a simple white lie, or one could be straight forward. Most of us understand orcish, and go from there. From what I understand your leadership is not opposed to peculiar partnerships, after all. Considering by making this agreement you’d be following the rules, you’d have no problem vouching for them. We’re not concerned about political border lines. Knowledge does not, and neither will we.
Halno says: There went my last concern. So research partners?
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Excellent! If we do go about this, we’ll be meeting with another candidate and he will also be paired off. After this trial period, we will see how you and the other candidate fair, and decide what to do from there. As for your partner, I suppose, if you wish, you can choose if there is one you believe would be uniquely suited to the projects you want to look into.

Halno points at Shinfel, who smiles and starts to stroke her hair.

Shinfel Blightsworn says: I thought you would never ask~
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Excellent! A fantastic decision! Well, that’s all we need to speak to you of, though you’re welcome to hang out. There is just one more matter!

Ebonlocke withdraws a piece of amethyst and hands it to Halno.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: This is a sending stone connected to all of ours! If you need to reach out, we will do what we can to reconvene. We will be going our separate ways, but I wouldn’t worry too much. We’ll see one another again.
Halno says: I do have a question.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Of course! Anything, my friend!
Halno says: I’m always looking to learn more. You mentioned this Scholomance… this is some sort of necromancy study?
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: Yes of sorts. It is a bit of a clandestine school. They primarily deal in means necromantic, though they do breach into soul manipulation and shadow magic. Not much in the realm of the fel. Demons aren’t their direct line. But they have a bit of a rigid structure. One that does not… enjoy… our visions do not match, but some of us have contacts within. It’s an academy of sorts.
Halno says: I may follow up. It has some interest to me.
Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: I would urge you caution. Regardless, glad to aid in the understanding of the situation. Any other questions, comments, or concerns?
Halno says: Nah. I suppose I best give Go’el and Arthak another headache. It’s so amusing.

Shinfel smiles.

Shinfel Blightsworn says: I know treatments for headaches. If that would help them.
Halno says: Maybe.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: Do you want to hold hands? I’ve never held hands with an undead before.

Halno reaches into his bag of holding and produces a jar with his preserved hand that he hands to her. Shinfel starts to laugh, holding it close to her chest.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke says: And there are no strings attached even if you aren’t chosen! There will be no destruction or anything, of course not. Enjoy!

Later that day, Go’el had returned to Arthak to speak about things–and suddenly Halno appears, along with a curious figure.

Halno says: Arthak, Go’el! Good to see you! I brought a friend!
Shinfel Blightsworn says: Hello!

She’s speaking in orcish.

Shinfel Blightsworn says: I was told you might have headaches. I have many remedies for them.

Halno is grinning.

Arthak Saurfang says: Appreciated. I take it the meeting went well?
Halno says: Yes, I believe… maybe?
Shinfel Blightsworn says: It did.
Halno says: Their thing is exactly the Cleft of Shadows. So I don’t believe they are any… they aren’t planning on harming anybody.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good to know. And, pardon me, Arthak Saurfang, Warchief of the Horde. And Go’el, Farseer of the Horde. Your name?
Shinfel Blightsworn says: Shinfel Blightsworn. You two are celebrities. Kings. You should watch your health. Your people will need your guidance.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well observed. What purpose are you here for, Lady Blightsworn?
Shinfel Blightsworn says: To aid Halno. We are partners, you see.
Halno says: Their organization works in pairs to ensure no one gets into anything too… you know. The same reason we have Go’el.
Arthak Saurfang says: And that I paired you with Oronok.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: His unlife and my life are now bound together. You could say it is getting serious. In sickness and in health.
Arthak Saurfang says: So, I believe then, in that case, we should ensure your stay is comfortable.

Arthak looks at Go’el.

Go'el says: Yes. Comfortable. You will be welcome here, and I presume your knowledge of medicines will come in no small amount of help.

Shinfel nods.

Shinfel Blightsworn says: It’s not a small amount of knowledge.
Go'el says: Right. A great amount of help.
Halno says: Theoretically you have the other group members’ help too?
Shinfel Blightsworn says: Correct. The Council of the Black Harvest operates beyond political borders.
Arthak Saurfang says: I appreciate that. And should your partnership be fruitful, I have no doubt the Horde would have an interest in exploring how your research could benefit us, and we could benefit you.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: Of course. But our knowledge is not just for you, so don’t be greedy!
Arthak Saurfang says: Greed would only benefit the Legion.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: That’s right.

Go’el has not blinked since Shinfel entered.

Go'el says: Well, we will see to it that you have furnishings.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: That won’t be necessary. I will stay with Halno. It would do that we are close together, given we are as closely bound as we are.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well. We will ensure you are supplied with what you need, Lady Shinfel.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: You are very nice.
Arthak Saurfang says: I am not, but thank you.
Halno says: This has been pleasant. Suppose I should go get to work.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: I want to see more of this place. It has been a very long time since I’ve seen Silvermoon from the surface, and so much has changed.
Arthak Saurfang says: Ensure she’s given a tour. Whatever she wants to see.
Halno says: Of course. We can show you around. I know just the individual.
Arthak Saurfang says: And whenever you have an interest, I would be interested in talking.
Shinfel Blightsworn says: Of course. I would be honored. I’ve never spoken with a king before.

Shinfel and Halno toddle off. Go’el looks at Arthak again.

Go'el says: Well… that’s certainly something.

Halno comes back.

Halno says: By the way, her specialties are plagues and poisons. So you are aware.

He leaves again.

Arthak Saurfang says: Medical knowledge, makes sense. She’s a victim of the Red Mist.
Go'el says: I saw. That’s interesting that she seems to not hold any grudges. At least not at a baseline.
Arthak Saurfang says: it seems it had an effect.
Go'el says: Yes, her arms… I have to wonder if that was before or after.
Arthak Saurfang says: Hard to say.
Go'el says: Nonetheless, this is an interesting development, and one both your purview and mine.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. It is a useful opportunity.
Go'el says: If this Black Harvest can be helpful… We need as much of a kickstart as we can.
Arthak Saurfang says: Exactly.
Go'el says: I’ll make sure everyone else is apprised. I suppose we’ll have an unorthodox viewpoint.
Arthak Saurfang says: Indeed. I will, um… put out the word. She is to have a very pleasant time here.
Go'el says: Of course. Given her role, I don’t think anyone will have doubts. We have elves amongst our number. She can add to that group.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes she is.

Go’el nods.

Go'el says: I should go take care of that before she accidentally makes a scene in the streets.

The skarvyn had started to emerge more now that they were members of the Horde–and they frequently would wander the streets during dusk. They seem to be tending to the plants around the city.

Nyxxa and Azgadaan head down into the Burnt Grove to meet with Eralaz.

Eralaz says: My friends! What can the Burnt Grove do for you?
Nyxxa says: There were some things we learned in Outland we wanted to discuss.
Eralaz says: Of course, of course!

Loryx stays with the group, but everyone else gives them privacy.

Eralaz says: Please, speak openly. Is it about your discovery?
Nyxxa says: We were able to find the red dragoness. She is free of the Dark Wyrm. In the process she has lost all of her memories.
Eralaz says: I see.
Nyxxa says: But she is happy. Her mate was also able to be freed, and they are reunited with their family.

Eralaz grips his staff to his chest, tears in his eyes.

Eralaz says: This brings me no small amount of joy. That she still lives and she has been reunited with the other half of her own heart shall bring peace to mine.
Nyxxa says: They have made a home for them and their children, and their children’s children. They grow up fast.

Nyxxa shows him a small image of a nether dragon using an illusion.

Eralaz says: They look happy. They look free.
Nyxxa says: They are free.
Eralaz says: The light in my heart grows.
Nyxxa says: There is more grim news. We were unable to slay the Dark Wyrm. She’s returned here.
Eralaz says: So the shadow of the Dark Mistress returns to our world.
Nyxxa says: She’s licking her wounds, but we knew you would want to know. We didn’t want to cause a panic.
Eralaz says: Your discretion is much appreciated. The pall that had bound our hearts in fear and torment… it should be known to us that we would not shake those chains easily. Yet, we have shaken them. Even if they still rattle in the dark shadows, the flames in our hearts will keep those shadows at bay. I have no doubt. We have grown. We have kindled the light. We have kindled the flame. And with it… we need not face the shadows alone. We are members of something greater–something larger. We are not thralls. Those chains need not give us nightmares any longer.

Nyxxa smiles.

Nyxxa says: You have allies. Even if it comes to a fight, you will not be fighting alone.
Eralaz says: Not allies, but friends and comrades. Others who have roots in the soil and branches brilliantly above. For that, I am ever grateful. We will not sleep in fear, for you have shown us through this tale of Nori and her beloved: nothing the black shadow touches can stay in oblivion. There is a Burnt Grove in all of us, and life can always spring from the ashes, as can happiness. Even if she does not have her memories, she still found that just as we did. There too is a Grove in her heart as well. I know this.

Nyxxa nods, tearing up.

Eralaz says: Sorry! I did not mean to make you cry.
Nyxxa says: These are happy tears. That is very well-said.
Eralaz says: No matter what happens, no matter what the future holds, we shall face it together, and we shall continue to tend the Grove we have grown. Thank you for sharing. We will make the preparations we need, but we will boldly and proudly say no when she returns for us.
Nyxxa says: I’m very glad to hear that.
Loryx says: There is something I wanted to say too. After… last time. When you swore to hunt the Crimson. When you were victorious. I was… cruel to you. I did not believe. I suspected treachery. I was wrong. You taught me to trust in my heart.

Loryx looks at Eralaz.

Loryx says: He is our leader for a reason, and his wisdom is well earned. Forgive me for mistrusting you.
Nyxxa says: There is nothing to forgive.
Azgadaan says: Indeed. You’re fine. You just met us, and that is a valid response.
Nyxxa says: We were similar to each other when we first met, right Azgadaan?
Azgadaan says: Very.
Nyxxa says: It takes some time to warm up. We will never hold that against you. We are happy to have changed your mind.
Loryx says: As am I.

Loryx puts a hand on his chest. Eralaz invites the pair of them to eat with them, and Azgadaan expresses he was about to do the same. Eralaz also wishes to invite Arthak and others in honor of friendship and their joining to the Horde, and Azgadaan sends Arthak to inform him.

Arthak drags Go’el and Garrosh to the feasting as well as a few other chieftains. Zaela also comes–not far from Garrosh–as does Rexxar and Rehgar. Fires burn long into the night.