[Horde] Chapter Four: Session Thirty-Nine

Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Azuka Stormbreaker, Dornaa, Ger'hel, Geya'rah, Go'el, Halno, Kaviir, Khadgar, Lantresor, Levia Blackflight, Lokra, Nitrogg Thundertower, No'Rash, Nyxxa, Phaedra, Sadras, Thelamis

Outland Day Day 50 - Outland Day 55

Arthak had made his way to Hellfire Citadel and he found there to be a lot more people than there were last time--both orcs and demons. He is allotted a room, as he was before, though the sheer number of people present in the citadel requires him to share the quarters.

He immediately sets to work getting a read on the situation. The engineers he had spoken to before are not present, and he soon finds out they had been moved to Warspear--an outpost on Ashran that belongs to the Stormreaver clan. They are working on getting the siege equipment in place, and Warspear is the site where the Legion and Horde forces will be marching out from. However, the exact date is unknown--it’s just soon.

Mannoroth is still located in the Citadel. During the time Arthak was present, he would hear the earth-shattering roar of his exansinguination as he continued to create more and more fel orcs. However, it starts to slow near the end of the week.

He also gets a report from Sadras, Lantresor, and Nitrogg about the fact they got some people--but it was too complicated to explain over sending stone.

The first night Arthak was there, he hears the sound of hoofprints on steel, and his attention was drawn to the entryway of the living quarters. An eredar woman enters, her skin deep red, her eyes bright green, and she has two curling ram horns. Her armor is similar to the garb those under Rakeesh wear. She approaches one of the bunks, fiddling with something in her satchel. She whispers, and Arthak feels her voice reach his mind.

Rakeeshi Woman says: Should you need any assistance ensuring your plans go off here without a hitch, I am here to make sure that happens.

Arthak gives a very shallow nod to indicate he got the message. The eredar grabs something and starts to walk away.

Rakeeshi Woman says: There is a wyrmtongue responsible for cleaning the latrines on the north part of the base. Leave your instructions with him, and they’ll get to me.

Arthak nods again, and the woman disappears. As Arthak spends the week there, he recognizes other members of the Rakeeshi around--and he doesn’t engage with any of them, but they seem to be helping him accomplish his goals there. Arthak focused on spreading some rumors through Hellfire about potential plans Mannoroth may have post-Sinestra--namely the idea that notable orcs may be given reign over parts of Outland. Effectively, he wants to plant the idea that the best way to gain glory would be at the battle with Sinestra, instead of watching over Hellfire Citadel. Also, the fewer notable fel orcs that come out, the bigger pieces they may get.

Before the end of the week, he heard about a mid-ranking greenskin orc that was killed by a fel orc, who was then punished. However, rumors are circling that the fel orc was framed by someone else. It seems the rumors had started to take hold. Meanwhile, Arthak also mentioned that he himself was going back to Azeroth--thus had no interest in taking a piece of Outland.

Back in Garadar, No’Rash had gone with Go’el to commune with the spirits to find some semblance of peace about himself. They are accompanied by a few other shamans who wished to make offerings to the furies at the Throne of Elements.

They fly down using wind walk, and once they get a certain distance from Garadar, it disappears--shielded by the magic of the ata’mal crystal. Beneath them, the Skysong Lake spreads for miles beneath the Elemental Plateau.

As they land, No’Rash can feel the magic in the air, as well as the rippling strength of the elements which is acutely powerful in this sacred place. They sit in reflection, seeking guidance from the furies and the elements. No’Rash feels through the earth and touches the stones before he sits, trying to become one with the earth as he asks for guidance from Go’el and the other shamans for what he is meant to do. Go’el recommends he empties himself and becomes like the water, the earth, the fire, and the storm--think about what he was before he existed, and what he will be after.

No’Rash tries to follow the guidance, but finds himself becoming frustrated. After all, he wasn’t sure when Mannoroth would be making his move, and he needed answers sooner rather than later. After two solid days of frustration and an inability to make a connection, he feels his blood pumping and his rage start to bridge it’s ugly head. But then he comes to a realization: these things can’t be rushed. He wasn’t going to find a magic answer. The elements were with him in other ways. After all, he heard the wind in his hair, the water of the waterfall, the crackling of fire in a campfire, and the earth supporting his every step.

He was approaching it the wrong way. He could use his own gifts. The furies do not speak to him, or appear to him, but they did not need to. After all, in many ways, he was their strength in many ways, and through that they could give him their strength.

And he received their blessing.

Upon that realization, he approaches the pillars, and kneels down.

No'Rash says: I only hope that I can do right by you, as all of you have tried to do for me and my people. Thank you.

He slowly gets back to his feet, and he feels a hand on his shoulder. It’s Go’el.

Go'el says: We find answers in unexpected places.
No'Rash says: Even answers at all. I expected the elements to chuck me into the waters, but I believe this was helpful. Enlightening, even.
Go'el says: We carry the weight of our world within us into battle, and we will wield it like any other weapon.
No'Rash says: I only wish I can carry my end of the weight. But with you and the rest of our kin, I believe it is possible.

He offers a slight smile, which Go’el returns. The other shamans give final offerings of respect and honor to the elements, and they return back to Garadar.

One night, Nyxxa hears a familiar voice in her head.

Khadgar says [sending]: Nyxxa my friend, I hope things are finding you well?
Nyxxa says [sending]: Better than it has been, but the fight with Mannoroth is approaching. Did Vargoth get back to you?
Khadgar says [sending]: He did, yes. He informed me of what happened, and that he was not pleased that I entrusted it to you, but I reminded him he was alive. He is not happy, and he expects to be told everything or he’ll take it to the council, but I wouldn’t worry about it. You did well. Though Kirin’Var Village was a tragedy, the information will be helpful… and you did save two lives, and put to rest many other tormented souls. So you and your companions did well by me, at the very least.
Nyxxa says [sending]: It’s good to hear that reassurance. We had to take a side trip, but that’s something best explained later.
Khadgar says [sending]: Of course. But you are right, our scouts have been detecting no small amount of activity around Hellfire Citadel.
Nyxxa says [sending]: We also ran into Kalec and Tyri with the Netherdrakes.
Khadgar says [sending]: Good. They mentioned they would be returning.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Tyri wanted to fight alongside the Netherdrakes against Sinestra. I think Kalec was going to ask if that was alright.
Khadgar says [sending]: Yes. Kalec explained. He has since left to handle more clandestine business, but you did well there as well. I’m sure the two of them are happy you could help. They are curious creatures, but ones that should be protected and fostered. I hope to meet them someday myself.
Nyxxa says [sending]: They’re very interesting! I hope Outland will be kinder for them than it has been. But there were a few things I wanted to mention. I spoke to my friend, and while he would prefer to meet you in a dream first, he is also willing to meet you in person if that is not amenable.
Khadgar says [sending]: That’s good to hear!
Nyxxa says [sending]: Additionally, I know you said you would prefer it to be a small meeting, but there is someone else I wanted you to talk to--and someone who can help us travel secretly. Do you remember the friend I mentioned you might run into here?
Khadgar says [sending]: I do.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I haven’t explained much from the orc perspective on purpose… but if that’s something you want to hear, my friend Go’el is willing to share. I think it’s something that is important for you to know.

His response is somewhat delayed.

Khadgar says [sending]: Very well Nyxxa. I’ll meet with him as well. I am very curious to hear about how the orcs have changed since making contact with Azeroth, and how they were before.
Nyxxa says [sending]: We’ve learned some other things. Kalec was incredibly helpful with providing insights, but it seems Mannoroth does have a grip on the orcish people.
Khadgar says [sending]: I suppose it will be an interesting conversation.
Nyxxa says [sending]: So, whenever you want to meet, I can coordinate.
Khadgar says [sending]: I’ll reach out again. When will you be within the Hellfire Peninsula?

Nyxxa informs him.

Khadgar says [sending]: I will reach out again around then, and perhaps we can set up an arrangement of sorts. We’ll find somewhere that can be classified as safe, and we’ll see if I can meet these two.
Nyxxa says [sending]: It’ll be good to see you.
Khadgar says [sending]: It will!
Nyxxa says [sending]: One more thing. Arthak… he is very concerned and hesitant, and he did ask me to deliver you something to muse on before you meet with him.
Khadgar says [sending]: What kind of message?
Nyxxa says [sending]: He has a question for you. He knows you know his reputation. He wants to know if you know what it’s like to stand up against the will of a nation?

There is another longer than typical pause.

Nyxxa says [sending]: You don’t need to answer now, he just wanted to ask you that first.
Khadgar says [sending]: An interesting question. Not one I was expecting. I’ll put thought to it.
Nyxxa says [sending]: He mentioned specifically, in regards to this conversation, that it would be very bad for a potential ally of the Alliance to come into contact with the information he gave me...and that it would be bad if it falls into the wrong hands. I think you can tell what I’m getting at here with my inflection.
Khadgar says [sending]: Actually, I don’t hear your voice. Your words appear in writing. But thanks for the clarification. Smiley face.

Nyxxa laughs.

Nyxxa says [sending]: Yes, well, he did provide me a list of enemies of the Legion and the Horde on Outland.
Khadgar says [sending]: If the Alliance Expedition isn’t on that list, I’d be insulted! I’d not say no to it.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Given how chaotic things are going to get, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.
Khadgar says [sending]: You have been very helpful, Nyxxa. It’ll be good to see you in person.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I look forward to hearing from you too. You’ve been a lot of help too, you know?
Khadgar says [sending]: Good night, Nyxxa.

After No’Rash had returned from his pilgrimage, he seeks out Azuka--who has been hanging out with Geya’rah and Dornaa.

No'Rash says: Do you mind if I speak with this one?

He gestures to Azuka.

Geya'rah says: No elder, of course not!

Dornaa smiles, her mouth full of food.

Dornaa says: Fine with me! She’s not grounded like we are.
Azuka Stormbreaker says: Do I get any say in that?

She mutters under her breath, but does go with No’Rash as they find a place around the communal fire. She crosses her arms.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Well? What do you want?
No'Rash says: Well… I didn’t know who I would be traveling with, when this deal was first offered me. Let alone that those I would be traveling with would have an impact on me. When the demon Rakeesh led me here, it was under the impression that I would get my shot at the pit lord… that is still my objective, but it is no longer the only reason. I didn’t expect to find… um… to find… connection once again. I was in a clan once, but I cut myself off because I believed I was not worthy of them, and that they would be safer if I was to just go. Maybe they were, maybe they weren’t. Impossible for me to say. The mistakes and cruel things I’ve done in my life had put me in that state of mind for a long time. All I sought was my death. Not for honor, not for a warrior’s death… I sought my death to seek an end to the suffering. But, what I’m beginning to learn, is that it’s not just up to me. Whether that is right or not… perhaps I am not the only one that makes that determination. Arthak said as much. His words, and your growing strength have given me… pause. And time to reflect on my choices. But I still don’t understand. Beyond it being your choice… why do I care if you live or die? I’ve only known you a short time.

Azuka is silent for a long moment.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Why do I need a reason?
No'Rash says: I suppose you don’t. And even if you did have one, perhaps I am not owed that explanation. For all the reasons I’ve had to die, I’ve had so few to live.
Azuka Stormbreaker says: Then make one. If your weapon breaks, do you give up and accept the blade to your throat? Or do you make a new one? Do you fix your old one? You find something. Something to kill with, something to protect yourself with.
No'Rash says: That is how you made it this far, no doubt. Those are wise words.

It’s obvious Azuka is irritated and frustrated, but she’s not as angry as she was.

No'Rash says: This is not the first time others have given up? At least in your life… is it?

Azuka scowls.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: I don’t know what you mean.
No'Rash says: You’re afraid. Afraid of losing someone else. Afraid of losing someone you feel a connection or a bond with.

Azuka bares her teeth and looks down. No’Rash kneels down before her so he’s at her eye level.

No'Rash says: It’s not weak to be afraid. Fear is not something that ails us. Fear is something that drives us to do something else. To protect ourselves and others. To make something right. I know this because I too have been afraid for a long time.

He removes his headband and points to his red eye.

No'Rash says: I’ve been afraid of this for a long time. Becoming a monster like those you’ve seen. I have had the fel in my body for a long time. It has taken its toll. Just not on my body, but on my mind. Especially when the heat of battle is upon me. That is what I am afraid of. Becoming the monster that I have so long believed I am. What I can do, Azuka, is promise you that you will not lose me, and I do not mean in the sense of me seeking my death willingly. You know what we face. I don’t know if we will all survive this fight… I hope we do, but this will be a great foe. All I can promise you is that I will do what I can to ensure I walk away from our inevitable battle with Mannoroth. And I will do my best to ensure our allies and our friends do the same. That is the best I can do.

Azuka continues to look at his feet, but then nods.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Okay.

No’Rash slowly puts his hand on her shoulder

No'Rash says: Should I fall in this battle, young Fury, I’m glad to have met you. I’m glad to have been able to know you, and bear witness to your journey, and to see it continue.

Azuka nods again.

No'Rash says: When this is over, we should talk some more. About this and other things. But for now… much has been said. But thank you for hearing me out, Azuka.

Azuka nods for a third time.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Thanks for… not being a coward.
No'Rash says: Even the biggest and scariest can be cowards at times.

He smirks. Azuka hovers for a moment, and then goes off on her own to think. No’Rash returns to the congregation of eating orcs, but then he hears Lokra’s voice nearby.

Lokra says: She reminds you of Sadras, doesn’t she?

No’Rash looks around and sees Lokra standing behind him, her arms also crossed.

No'Rash says: I’d be lying if I said she did not. But she is also… different.
Lokra says: Yes. She is.
No'Rash says: More… stoic and quiet. Hard to read.
Lokra says: And less forgiving.

No’Rash looks up, and his expression hardens.

No'Rash says: What would you have had me do, Lokra? Should I have stayed? Endanger the Frostwolves with my presence? Perhaps my head on a pike?
Lokra says: You mistake me, No’Rash. I am not the chieftain, and it is not my place to speculate or offer suggestions. You did what you did, you do what you do, you feel how you feel. But a warning--breaking that one’s heart…

She looks off in Azuka’s direction.

Lokra says: Won’t be something that can be recovered from. My daughter is many things, and one of those things is forgiving. Moreso than myself. Moreso even than her father. She may forgive you, but make no mistake--should you slip up and allow your self pity and weakness to overcome you again, she won’t make the mistakes my daughter would, and likely will.

Lokra hands a fruit to No’Rash.

No'Rash says: That is fair. Lokra… when I return--if I return. I would ask that you give me that chance as well. If not… if you really feel that remembering my mistakes makes you forget yours and makes me what you call me, I only hope I’ll be seen in a better light when next we meet.
Lokra says: We shall see, No’Rash. But words only carry so much strength. To be seen, you need to stop running.

Lokra turns around, takes a bite of another fruit she was carrying, and leaves. No’Rash sits back and takes a second to decompress after the conversations.

Phaedra, at some point, had stopped by Azgadaan’s mansion at the end of the week.

Phaedra says: Have you put any thought to the question I asked, Azgadaan?
Azgadaan says: A bit. I’ve had a very busy last few weeks… I… kind of died, but I got better...ish.

Phaedra furrows her brow.

Azgadaan says: Still thinking on it.
Phaedra says: I suppose congratulations on your recovery.
Azgadaan says: I was there one second and then I was somewhere else, so I’m glad I got to see you again.
Phaedra says: I look forward to seeing when your meditations come up with an answer. If they come up with an answer.
Azgadaan says: Sorry.
Phaedra says: You have nothing to apologize for. Nothing anymore, at least. Understanding is its own journey. Failing to do so is one thing. Failing to try is another. You are the one that controls that journey, Azgadaan, and I am not here to hold your hand through it.
Azgadaan says: Thank you. Um, and if you have suggestions for the mansion, let me know, and I’ll make some changes next time I cast it!

Phaedra chuffs.

Phaedra says: I’ll be sure to do so, but I think you covered quite the array of… luxuries.
Azgadaan says: I thought, since I was here, I thought you all deserved something like this. I know I’m happy to travel with this spell now.
Phaedra says: I’d be more happy if I was you as well. Camping isn’t particularly fun.
Azgadaan says: I went from luxury to on the run.
Phaedra says: Hm. I wonder what that would be like?
Azgadaan says: ...Sorry.
Phaedra says: Something to maybe start you on your meditations.
Azgadaan says: Right. I’m… going to get back to my research.

At the end of the week, Arthak and No’Rash fall into an uneasy sleep. They find themselves standing in a dark valley with a lightless sky above them. The air is hot and cold, and they are not alone. The canyon goes onward for miles, and they can see thousands upon thousands of orcs all facing the same direction they are. They see a bright green light--like a fire 18 stories high at the far end of the valley. The orcs march in step with an unnatural rhythm, each step like a heartbeat. Their own legs join the march toward the burning fire, and the rage of conflict. The heartbeat quickens, as does the pace of the orcs. They start to charge at their enemy, and towards their destiny. Every drop of blood in their bodies rages out, and they know it’s time.

They awaken in a cold sweat--separated by hundreds of miles. They know that in three days, it will be time to march from Warspear, and attack the seat of Sinestra. They have three days to make final preparations.

As Arthak heads out of his room to start making preparations, he is caught by the Rakeeshi eredar.

Rakeeshi Woman says: Chieftain Saurfang, you likely have plans later on that need to be put into place.
Arthak Saurfang says: I may, yes.
Rakeeshi Woman says: Come with me.

The eredar woman leads Arthak through the bustling and busy halls of the citadel.

Rakeeshi Woman says: Your people have a village not far from here, correct? I can transport you there before I return to my own business.
Arthak Saurfang says: That would be appreciated.
Rakeeshi Woman says: Then hop in.

They stop at some sort of infernal machine, and they both get into the vehicle. Fel magic starts to course through the vessel, which then lifts up and sails up and over the cliff of the sunken valley surrounding Hellfire Citadel.

In Garadar, No’Rash informs everyone about the dream he had, and Levia also mentions she had the same dream as well--confirming the fel blood that she had drank had tied her to Mannoroth.

Go'el says: We should head back to Varokmar as soon as we can.
Azgadaan says: I can get us there. When do you want to leave?
Go'el says: As soon as we’re ready.

Goodbyes are exchanged amongst the group as the Garadar orcs gather to see them off. Go’el tells his children that as long as they behave, their punishments will be eased in the meanwhile. Azgadaan expresses to Phaedra that he hopes to have an answer for her question next time he sees her, and he opts to put them in charge of the manor for the rest of the time it is up.

Phaedra says: We’ll see about that.

She raises a brow.

Phaedra says: But I appreciate one last hurrah for the amenities. They’ll be put to good use. Surprise me, Azgadaan.
Azgadaan says: I aim to.
Kaviir says: Stay safe, Lord Azgadaan. May your next conquest be… less painful for you.

He had clearly been informed by Phaedra that Azgadaan had died.

Azgadaan says: I will do my best. Oh, and if you go into my room in the mansion, there’s a chest with some of my toys from my childhood. Perhaps inspiration you can take for the little one.

Kavirr and Thelamis exchange looks and some words in draenic before they thank Azgadaan and see him off.

The group gathers around Azgadaan and they [Teleport] back to Varokmar just in time to see an infernal machine rapidly approaching the village. From the machine, Arthak can see a large group heading towards Varokmar as well--which seem to be primarily orcs and ogres. It’s likely Sadras and the others.

Arthak asks the Rakeeshi eredar to touch down near the traveling group of orcs and ogres as opposed to near the village.

In the village, Go’el looks to the others.

Go'el says: Do you think that’s him?
No'Rash says: I guess we’ll find out.

Nyxxa just squints because she can’t see that far. An outrider arrives, informing them that a large force is arriving being led by the chieftain’s second and his mate--as the news of Arthak and Sadras not being a couple had not yet reached this far.

They opt to meet the group on the outskirts.

The Rakeeshi ship touches down, and the eredar inside gives Arthak a nod as he disembarks. She then punches magic back into the vessel and takes off into the sky. Arthak recognizes some of the ogres as the ones he had recruited when they had slain Gruul. He also notes banners of several minor clans--including the Lightning Blade. He also sees a banner of a group of orcs that are known for their interest in the primals, which are the closest thing orcs have to druids--colloquially, they are called Flower Pickers. However, far more orcs are under no banner at all, and were likely from the region of the Frostfire Ridges.

An ogre mage runs forward.

Ogre Magi says: Chieftain Saurfang! It’s so good to see you! Look! I gathered this army for you!

Sadras steps past the ogre and pushes his arm away.

Sadras says: We found it. Thanks for taking the credit. But didn’t the chieftain say something about groveling?
Ogre Magi says: Yes! Of course, Mistress Sadras!

The ogre magi starts to bicker between his own heads in the ogre language.

Sadras says: It’s good to see you again, chieftain.
Arthak Saurfang says: You as well, Sadras.
Sadras says: We’ve been busy!
Nitrogg Thundertower says: Busy? That’s an understatement!
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes, and successful. Unexpectedly so. This is quite the force.
Lantresor says: Yes… well it has not come without some negotiation, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: I heard.
Lantresor says: And some sacrifice.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well. Lets see what we can do about both.

There is the sound of spears on stone, and the crowd of unbannered orcs parts. A single orc starts to step forward. She’s tall and fearsome, her head covered in the pelt of a jet-black garn--the larger cousins of frost wolves. There is a long hunting spear across her back, and a bow made of wood, steel, and bone.

He had never met the woman before, but he recognizes the weapons. The bow was one of a kind. It was wielded by Fenris, the former leader of the Thunderlords. The spear was also part of the Thunderlords. The orc is close in height to Arthak, and she has some streaks of grey in her inky blue, braided hair.

It’s likely Ger’hel the Black Thunder--the mate of Fenris, and someone that probably shouldn’t be alive.

Arthak Saurfang says: Well…

Arthak gives a respectful nod of his head.

Ger'hel says: Arthak Saurfang. In the flesh. I’ve come a long way to speak with you.
Arthak Saurfang says: I see. Well… then I would not want your journey to be wasted. What would you like to say?
Ger'hel says: You, if I’m not mistaken, have slain my kin. Have slain the eldest of the children I brought into this world. Hatock and his pet. Is this true?
Arthak Saurfang says: It is.
Ger'hel says: I see. Then you have taken from me my quarry, and my prize.
Arthak Saurfang says: So you sought to take Hatock’s life?

The woman spits on the ground.

Ger'hel says: Why would I seek anything less from the men that slew my mate and my chieftain?
Arthak Saurfang says: I can understand that. I’m sorry to have taken that prize from you. I can assure you that the fight was honorable, and his conduct after he was beaten was… less so.

The woman chuffs.

Ger'hel says: Pathetic. I wasted much rearing those… weaklings. Those cowards. An error I seek to remedy. But you, you are not of the Thunderlords. You are of the Broken Blade--a suckling clan, and you have aspirations much higher than that. Amends can be made, simply. When you become the warchief, you will order the last two to answer for their crimes before me, and I will exact punishment upon them thricefold for their slain brother. And with it the Thunderlord clan will truly have been slain.
Arthak Saurfang says: You seek to destroy the Thunderlords?
Ger'hel says: My treacherous sons have done that for me, and I seek to finish that job. They and any that supported them will die.
Arthak Saurfang says: The other two supported Hatock in his father’s murder?
Ger'hel says: They did not stop him, which is as much as fault as any that drew the blade. The Thunderlords answer cowardice with death, and so my last act as a Thunderlord will be to answer them in kind. Do this and you will have my support, and the strength of these mighty warriors--many who have followed me to exact revenge against those that began the apocalypse of our people.
Arthak Saurfang says: What do you intend after the Thunderlords are no more?
Ger'hel says: If I’m not mistaken, you seek a greater quarry on this world than ever before. You will need strength if you are to solidify it. You seek to be the warchief, but you are young. Though the Thunderlords will die, the strength of the roaring thunder can never truly be quenched. Do this, and you will have my support, as well as any that choose to follow me, and choose to follow you.

Arthak scans his people to see if anyone looks particularly guilty, and Sadras looks guilty--revealing who likely told this woman what Arthak’s goals were.

Arthak Saurfang says: One last question. What of those that follow your sons now?
Ger'hel says: They will be Thunderlords no longer. When the axe drops and the last banner is broken, they will choose to do what they wish to do. Those who have chosen to follow my treacherous children will suffer, and will die. Choose, chieftain. Swear to make amends upon your own hunt, and my strength and the strength of those who follow me will be yours.
Arthak Saurfang says: Okay. If they were complicit in your mate’s murder, then it is your right as the one he left behind to ask for justice, and to enact a challenge.

Ger’hel nods and pulls a dagger out and slices her hand open. She drips blood on the earth, and then hands it to Arthak.

Arthak Saurfang says: But, those who would seek to challenge the justness of this Mok’gora will answer to their warchief. Is that fair?

Ger’hel chuffs.

Ger'hel says: Already you speak like a warchief, Arthak Saurfang. Should you continue to do so, then I will abide by your ruling.
Arthak Saurfang says: That’s all I can ask.

Arthak cuts his hand.

Ger'hel says: Then it is settled. The strength of the Frostwind Desert is yours to command.

There is a warcry from the gathered orcs behind her. They then turn to head towards Varokmar, and they see the approaching representatives in the distance. Nyxxa immediately runs to Sadras and hugs her.

No'Rash says: Seems they didn’t put you in a cage in Hellfire.
Arthak Saurfang says: No. They did not. I take it you got the call as well?
No'Rash says: Yes. All of us touched by Mannoroth. It’s good to see you in one piece, young Saurfang.

They shake arms, and then Ger’hel and No’Rash lock eyes.

Ger'hel says: Well well well.
No'Rash says: It’s been a long time.
Ger'hel says: They call you the Uncuttable Oak and the Scourge of the Thunderlords, and now you’re a companion to Arthak. Is that so?
No'Rash says: They called me many things. But yes… we all have a common goal.
Ger'hel says: You should understand, No’Rash of the Frostwolf Clan, that no Thunderlord would ever knowingly stand side-by-side with a monster like you.

She smirks at Arthak.

Ger'hel says: It’s a good thing then that there are no Thunderlords present.

She walks past No’Rash, brushing his shoulder firmly with hers, and the rest of her people follow.

No'Rash says: It may befit you to know that I am no Frostwolf.

Ger’hal chuffs, not even looking back. No’Rash looks back to Arthak.

No'Rash says: Make friends everywhere you go, I see.
Arthak Saurfang says: If only that were true.

Meanwhile, Sadras and Nyxxa are reuniting.

Sadras says: It’s good to see you!
Nyxxa says: Glad to see you well!

Sadras’s ears almost twitch as she hears something, and Nyxxa’s smile dies as she steps away to give her a clear view of No’Rash. Recognition washes over her face.

Sadras says: No’Rash?

No’Rash looks over and he sees Sadras. Her mouth is agape. The hand that No’Rash had put on Arthak’s shoulder trembles, and his breathing quickens.

Sadras says: You…?

No’Rash sighs and goes to approach. Arthak gives him a pat on the shoulder.

Arthak Saurfang says: Forgiveness is worse than hatred. But I think you’ll manage.

Tears starts to fill Sadras’s eyes, and she grabs her club and throws it aside, and then strips off pieces of her armor.

Sadras says: MOK’ROGAHN!

She is continuing to strip armor off in a rage. Arthak stops and turns back to the duo as everyone goes silent to watch.

Sadras says: Mok’rogahn! Do you accept?

No’Rash tosses his own club aside.

No'Rash says: Beating the life out me takes me back to all those--
Sadras says: DO YOU ACCEPT OR NOT?
No'Rash says: If this is what you want… lets see how strong you’ve become.

Sadras dashes forward and flies into a rage and punches him twice in his chin.

No'Rash says: You’ll have to do better than that!

No’Rash winds his fist up and catches her arm, and then pulls her in, getting her in the stomach. She shrugs it off, shrieking with anger and rage.

Azgadaan says: Kick his ass! You got this!

Azgadaan clearly has his favorite. Halno puts his book down to watch as Sadras punches No’Rash two more times in his gut. No’Rash howls as well as spikes start to rip through his flesh as the fel transformation takes hold. Sadras’s eyes go wide, and she grits her teeth. No’Rash’s strikes start to become more frenzied, and he slams into her with his shoulder.

Sadras says: So that’s how it’s going to be!? You’re just going to keep letting it consume you!

Sadras lands two more solid hits on him.

No'Rash says: It… IS… ME!

No’Rash whips his claw around, but she blocks it with her forearm. His second fist connects, but Sadras swings around with her fist and claws across his eyes. They continue to wrestle each other, both bruised and bloodied.

No'Rash says: You need to do better… to kill a monster!

Sadras punches him in the chest and sends him reeling back 15 feet. He feels his pulse racing as the control over his mind slips momentarily and enters a frenzy. He swings at her, and she dodges, but his other hand comes around and smashes into her. Sadras grabs her club, now that he had entered a frenzy, and swings it around--slamming it into his side.

Sadras says: COME ON.

She blocks No’Rash’s next attack with her club, and then also his second. She is going for solid hits to his head with her club, trying to bring him down. Nyxxa is visibly starting to get nervous, but Arthak puts a hand on her shoulder.

Sadras then cracks No’Rash up under his chin with her club with a shout, knocking No’Rash to the ground. In his fury, No’Rash staggers at her--his vision red. He slashes his claw across her face, and then falls forward. Sadras catches him as he starts to fall unconscious, and pulls his face up to hers. She smiles, blood streaking down over the slash mark over her eye.

Sadras says: See? I’m strong enough now. You don’t... have to be afraid of hurting me.

She casts [Rejuvenation] on No’Rash, healing some of his cuts and bruises like a cool wind over his body.

Sadras says: You don’t have to be afraid… and you don’t have to leave again. You idiot.

A tear trickles from No’Rash’s exposed eye.

No'Rash says: It does… it does not change what has happened. It does not change me.
Sadras says: It never did, you big, dumb, idiot.

She presses her forehead against No’Rash’s and starts to laugh-cry.

No'Rash says: An older idiot now. And you… a strong warrior, and a strong woman.

No’Rash collapses in exhaustion, and Arthak gives a squint to everyone to move on now that the show was over.

Sadras says: Lets head back… Kaza will probably skin me for the damage we did to each other.
Nyxxa says: I’m glad you’re both in one piece.
Sadras says: You weren’t actually worried about me, were you?
Nyxxa says: That wasn’t it.
Azgadaan says: I knew you could do it this whole time.
Sadras says: Yeah. Thanks for cheering Azgadaan. This big idiot… right bastard with that strength of his.

She heaves No’Rash onto her shoulder and they head back to Varokmar. Arthak heads over to Nitrogg to walk next to him.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Good work chief, we have lots of people to back us up now.
Arthak Saurfang says: So it seems. Well informed. Very well informed.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: Yeaaah… about that. When we ran into her, she mostly wasn’t too keen on working with us. Wasn’t too keen on meeting up with you either after what happened. So may have dropped a few things, and Sadras may have ran with it. Or the opposite. I don’t remember. But we shared what needed to be shared, and now she’s here.
Arthak Saurfang says: I don’t like surprises… but I guess she didn’t give you time to warn me.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: No, not particularly.
Arthak Saurfang says: By design. She’s not an idiot.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: Plus I could tell where her loyalties were. She doesn’t give a damn about the Horde now. She just wants revenge for her mate’s death. Honestly, I think tha’ts pretty honorable in itself. We didn’t have much opportunity to come up with other options, and coming back empty-handing wasn’t a good idea. Besides, better to have her on our side, right? But, the more people you bring in, the more this will spread around.
Arthak Saurfang says: That’s why I was hoping people I tell would not tell. But I understand your position… and it’s working out for now. It was good work. How’d the rest of the journey go?
Nitrogg Thundertower says: Pretty well, all things considered.
Arthak Saurfang says: How many of those did you get, and how many were hers when you found her?
Nitrogg Thundertower says: We found a few lingering outskirts clans along the way, but she already gathered most herself. She was looking to take matters in her own hands… so it’s probably good we found her first. Otherwise we’d have had a vigilante group of orcs, which would have been a pain to deal with later.
Arthak Saurfang says: It would…

Arthak gets a momentary far-away look.

Arthak Saurfang says: Remind me to tell you about the Kor’kron later.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: The what…? Will do, boss.
Arthak Saurfang says: Anything else to report?
Nitrogg Thundertower says: Uh. Not really. If I think of anything, I’ll let you know.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well. Then I’ll leave you to it. Good work. Legitimately. Forgive my poor humor. Long day. And… I liked her sons.
Nitrogg Thundertower says: Guess that may be a little difficult then. Well. I guess we all make tough choices. Like letting your assassins survive! Look, whatever happens, the people that follow you will do it. I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer here. I think there just is, and this won’t be the last time probably.
Arthak Saurfang says: It’s not the first time I sent people I liked to their death. It just is.

Nitrogg puts a hand on his shoulder.

The group arrives in Varokmar, and Nyxxa gets a sending.

Khadgar says [sending]: Nyxxa? I believe it’s the right day. It’s hard to keep track.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Yes. They’re both here. I can see right now if they’re ready if you can give me a moment.
Khadgar says [sending]: Sure. I’ll check in an hour or so.

Nyxxa sets her eyes on Arthak and Go’el.

Nyxxa says: You two. A moment?

Arthak and Go’el join her a distance away.

Nyxxa says: He’s ready to meet the two of you. Whenever you’re ready. I think.
Go'el says: Oh. Your friend?
Nyxxa says: Yeah.
Arthak Saurfang says: Okay. I… Go’el. When we spoke before about this… I still think we should speak to him separately.
Nyxxa says: I think that’s wise too.
Go'el says: We can handle introductions and then take turns.
Nyxxa says: No ideal way to handle this, but it is efficient. Better one meeting than several.
Arthak Saurfang says: And him getting a taste of each of us individually… we won’t muddy the waters with each other.

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: I should get a location soon. In about an hour, he said.
Go'el says: In the meantime, I suppose you should get our forces in order. We’ll need to get them to Ashran.
Arthak Saurfang says: Hellfire Citadel is arranging transport. We can march there, and the warlocks will get us to Warspear.
Go'el says: Convenient. If we move now, everyone should make it on time.
Arthak Saurfang says: Right. I’ll be back. I’ll start getting things moving.

An hour later, Nyxxa gets another sending.

Khadgar says [sending]: How are things?
Nyxxa says [sending]: They’re both ready.
Khadgar says [sending]: I see. As far as a location, would the spot we spoke last be sufficient? It’s still less patrolled than others.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I think that may be for the best…
Khadgar says [sending]: Most eyes are looking towards Hellfire Citadel and the Path of Glory.
Nyxxa says [sending]: I imagine. We can get there quickly. Just in a few hours’ time.
Khadgar says [sending]: I’ll see you then. Be safe, and be careful.
Nyxxa says [sending]: Of course.

Nyxxa reports to the others that they have a location, which is close to Honor Hold, but it’s not well-patrolled by anyone. Go’el says he can use magic to get them there quickly, and they decide to split off from the rest of the group to make their own path as the rest march to Hellfire.

They inform the rest of the group of the plan.

Arthak Saurfang says: Also. One last thing. Make sure this gets to those who need to know, but I learned some things on Argus. Our target’s people… they don’t go quietly. There will be an explosion if we succeed. A large one.
No'Rash says: So whoever performs the final blow…
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m saying anyone close by when the final blow is struck… it will not be indiscriminate, as I understand it. Yes.
Nyxxa says: More good news.
Azgadaan says: Lovely. They’re also an angry fuel tank.
Arthak Saurfang says: ...Yes.
Nyxxa says: Well, we have some time to think on that.
No'Rash says: Perhaps some protective magics? If we can have those buffers if we are caught in the wake of the explosion.
Go'el says: There are magics that can protect against the strength of fel fire, but they are limited in how much they can cover. I have totemic magic that can assist us, but we’d have to be close. It may be wise for some to be out of the blast radius entirely.
Nyxxa says: It’s good we know this. Thank you Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: It was in the museum. It seemed pertinent.
Levia Blackflight says: Guess we’ll have to check twice before popping this particular balloon. I know some of us are resistant to fel fire as it is. But… we’ll need to be careful regardless.
Nyxxa says: We still have that thing too, right? That gift?

Arthak nods.

No'Rash says: If it’s any consolation, I stood before the elements… the spirits do not often talk in direct statements. I believe as long as all orcs push on the offensive at once, we will receive some assistance. I know not in what form, but I will keep faith the ancestors will guide us in some way.
Go'el says: They’ve got us this far.
No'Rash says: Indeed.

Nyxxa, Arthak, and Go’el see the rest of the group off. No’Rash offers to keep the Doomhammer if it needs to be safe from their journey, but Arthak assures him he’s fairly certain it will be fine. No’Rash and Sadras had started to bond again, throwing banter between the two of them.

Nyxxa sends Altruis to inform him the timeline is 3 days, and the three of them set off for Honor Hold as the orcs march for Hellfire. It takes the trio about four hours to arrive in the canyon beneath Honor Hold.

Nyxxa takes a preliminary look around and sees no one. There are a few moments of silence, but then Nyxxa hears a caw, and she notices a raven flying in circles above. It lands, and then transforms into a human--revealing an average height man with grey hair wearing a traveling robe and carrying a staff. He runs a hand over his face as he casts magic, and then clears his throat. He smiles, and speaks--the Tongues [Tongues] spell translating his words.

Khadgar says [tongues]: Nyxxa, it’s good to see you again. Glad you’re in one piece.
Nyxxa says: It’s good to see you again too!
Khadgar says [tongues]: And you must be Go’el? I heard a few things about you.

His eyes shift to Arthak.

Khadgar says [tongues]: And you must be Arthak. I’ve heard a lot about you.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good to see you again.
Khadgar says [tongues]: This time under better circumstances. Or at least less hostile ones. Thank you for meeting with me. I assure you there's no deception. Frankly, if I wanted to have you killed, you would already be dead, but I think you know that by now.

He smiles and Go’el looks at Arthak and nods.

Go'el says: It’s a pleasure to meet you as well… Khadgar. My name is Go’el of the Frostwolf Clan.
Khadgar says [tongues]: The pleasure is mine, Go’el of the Frostwolf clan.
Go'el says: I’ll give you some space.

Khadgar looks at Nyxxa quizzically as Go’el steps away.

Nyxxa says: It’s best that some information they know remains separate. There are layers.

Khadgar looks at Arthak.

Khadgar says [tongues]: So that’s what your question was about.
Arthak Saurfang says: Maybe. Do you have an answer?
Khadgar says [tongues]: If you mean if I know it, then yes. If I’ve experienced it, the answer is no. I wager you were speaking more of experience, not of concept.
Arthak Saurfang says: I may have been.
Khadgar says [tongues]: Of course. If I’m not mistaken, you agreed to meet so I could possibly take a look at this affliction of yours? The magic one.
Arthak Saurfang says: Under pretext, yes.
Khadgar says [tongues]: Well, if you don’t mind.

He withdraws an orb and starts to cast a spell as he looks through it, weaving magic around it.

Khadgar says [tongues]: This is some pretty sophisticated spellwork. Hm… though it’s impossible to see firsthand where the source of this might be, what I know of the individuals responsible for this enchantment… I believe I can unravel a fair bit. I won’t be able to do anything about it in an acute fashion, I do have an idea.

He reaches into his satchel and extracts a small, clear coin that seems to be made of crystal. He hands it to Nyxxa.

Khadgar says [tongues]: If it’s not too much trouble, would you be terribly offended if I took a small sample of blood? Doing so will make this little device work.
Arthak Saurfang says: Explain how it works, and what it does.
Khadgar says [tongues]: You could call it a bit of a companion to the identification magic. With it, I was able to detect the faint source of this curse. This is a detection device. If you coat it with a creature’s blood, it will become attune. Afterwards, while someone peers through it using specific divination magics, you can see specific auras. Theoretically, if you were to coat this device with your blood, Nyxxa could see you and anyone connected to this little curse of yours. It might be, um, difficult to use, especially given the nature of the orcish people’s condition as I understand it… but, to a keen eye, or more favorable circumstances, we might be able to pinpoint the person or object using this. Just match the auras. This will effectively enhance your sight in a specific way, or at least it should--and it should functionally work for others that use similar magics. I think. I haven’t had the opportunity to test it myself. I’ve been calling it Khadgar’s Curious Coin for the time being. The name is in workshop.
Nyxxa says: So it can find the anchor?
Khadgar says [tongues]: Precisely! If it’s attuned to Arthak, you should be able to identify the aura.
Nyxxa says: Can this only be used once?
Khadgar says [tongues]: No, it requires some build up, but it could be used multiple times.
Nyxxa says: And theoretically it can be used stealthily too?
Khadgar says [tongues]: Yes, you’re looking through a coin. Especially if you’re trained in being stealthy. But where might we find someone like that?

Khadgar grins, and Nyxxa blushes.

Nyxxa says: What do you think, Arthak?
Khadgar says [tongues]: You don’t need to do it now, but it will go inert after a time… but it should be okay for a few uses.
Arthak Saurfang says: Is there a cost?
Khadgar says [tongues]: Just a drop or two of blood.
Arthak Saurfang says: From you.
Khadgar says [tongues]: From me? No! This meeting is plenty payment, though I hate to say that word.
Arthak Saurfang says: Why?
Khadgar says [tongues]: Well, a number of colleagues of mind--some friends, acquaintances, or begrudging coworkers, have had their lives saved through a series of circumstances. So I see no reason to not ensure my friend here has a tool that may help her. Besides, I like a challenge, and the individual that wove this spellcraft is someone who I… well. We have a bit of a history.
Arthak Saurfang says: So you think by helping me, you’ll be taking a shot at Gul’dan?
Khadgar says [tongues]: That’s an interesting theory, Mister Saurfang. Regardless, I don’t like the idea of anyone in chains. So, if I have a skeleton key around… oh, there is one condition. I’m sorry, I forgot. You simply must report back to me if it works. I wouldn’t mind patenting this. I could make some coin--make up for some work I left behind in Dalaran. If that’s not too much trouble.

Khadgar smiles, and Nyxxa shakes her head.

Arthak Saurfang says: I have my own mages. I want them to look at it.
Khadgar says [tongues]: Oh of course. Just... I would prefer if you don’t try to sell it to my compatriots before I do. That would be unfortunate. That’s really it.
Arthak Saurfang says: Nyxxa, may I have it?

Nyxxa nods and hands it over.

Arthak Saurfang says: My thanks.
Khadgar says [tongues]: Of course.

Khadgar then pulls a beautiful ivory and wood pipe from his satchel that he starts to smoke.

Khadgar says [tongues]: I hope it’s up to your specifications.
Arthak Saurfang says: We’ll see. I’m going to hang onto it for now. Help with this isn’t why I agreed to meet you.

Khadgar cocks his head, somewhat surprised.

Khadgar says [tongues]: Oh? Then why did you?
Arthak Saurfang says: Because if you’re going to talk to Go’el, you should talk to me as well. How much do you know about me?
Khadgar says [tongues]: I know what I’ve heard. I know the blade you carry was gifted to the elves a long time ago. I know there is blood of many people on your hands… elvish, human, orcish if I’m able to to make a fair guess. You’ve done a lot of things, Arthak. Enough that if anyone above us were to see you, they would not rest until your head is severed from your body. Which is, of course, not the purpose of this meeting.
Arthak Saurfang says: Why do you think I asked you that question?
Khadgar says [tongues]: Well… I don’t think you were asking… a part of me wonders if you expected an answer. That question was more an answer in itself. That is partially why I’m here. Did you know that every time that something has happened, in the history of creation… every time something happens, a crux in time and destiny, someone, somewhere, took a chance… and that chance rippled, and rippled, and rippled.
Arthak Saurfang says: And I take it you don’t want to be someone who missed their chance.

Khadgar smiles.

Khadgar says [tongues]: I would hate for the history books to describe me as a man who missed his chance, and I think you would feel the same.
Arthak Saurfang says: If all goes well, they probably won’t describe me at all. But I take your point.
Khadgar says [tongues]: Someone will. Someone always does. But I take your point.

He chuckles.

Arthak Saurfang says: So why do you think I came here?
Khadgar says [tongues]: Were I to wager a guess…

He glances at Go’el a fair distance away.

Khadgar says [tongues]: You’re here, lets say, as a foil. A comparison. Something to represent the other side of that coin you now hold. I’ve heard plenty about you, but not much about your friend. In fact, all I know about the Frostwolves is that they have shown mercy to Alliance forces. So, you want to show how hot and cold Outland can be. The light is brightest when it comes out of the darkness, after all.
Arthak Saurfang says: Insights and poetry as well as charm.

Khadgar smirks.

Khadgar says [tongues]: You’re one to talk.

Nyxxa gets a big dumb grin.

Arthak Saurfang says: I don’t have charm.

Khadgar laughs.

Khadgar says [tongues]: Fair point! You know, Arthak, someday--far in the future--I would like to do this again. Compare notes. But there are a lot of things that will have to be done that may never happen.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well may not. I’m not going to stop doing things that you’re going to hear about. There is going to be more blood on my hands.
Khadgar says [tongues]: Well then. Good luck. Staying out of the history books, that is. I wouldn’t bother wishing you luck in those endeavors. A man as pragmatic as you doesn’t seem to care about it.
Arthak Saurfang says: I do not. This was interesting.
Khadgar says [tongues]: An apt word for it. Now, um… I believe if you wanted to trade places with your foil here?

He looks at Go’el.

Khadgar says [tongues]: I’d like to get his side from all of this.
Arthak Saurfang says: Of course. One last thing. My question. The first one. I haven’t. I haven’t stood up against a nation.
Khadgar says [tongues]: Not yet.
Arthak Saurfang says: Both of us are descended from those that did. The ones that failed. The ones who died. So. Enjoy your conversation with the one who is more pleasant to talk to.

Khadgar nods, considering, as Arthak turns--lighting up a cigarette as he leaves. Khadgar glances at Nyxxa, still puffing his pipe.

Nyxxa says: He’s an interesting man, that one. But still, thank you for your help.
Khadgar says [tongues]: Interesting. Not a bad word for it.
Nyxxa says: If we ever have the chance to do so safely, I would share a story with you. But it’s not safe to do so right now.
Khadgar says [tongues]: I’m sure we’ll have the opportunity, someday. If not, we’ll just have to make time for it.

And then, Go’el joins them.