[Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Thirty-Four

Appearing Characters: Alestrasz, Alexstrasza, Daval Prestor, Dawn Brightstar, Elissa Cross, Falstad Wildhammer, Gahz'rilla, Galia, Gilveradin Windrunner, Jammal'an, Krasus/Korialstrasz, Meridiastrasz, Nazmin Farram, Remnii, Rhonin Windrunner, Riff, Seria, Shimaa Farram, Telagos, Thal'ena Dawnseeker, Theocritus, Uther Menethil, Vaelastrasz, Velameestra Windrunner, Victor Prestor, Yrdenastrasz

January 4th

As Gil sprinted away from the chaos behind him, leaving his friends and sister behind, he frantically sought a place to hide both himself and the Demon Soul. The earth is quaking, stones falling to the ground, and massive chunks of rock crashing into the lava lake. He sprints past the massive, egg-like stones they had seen previously, and he finds a hidden corner. With his options rapidly faltering, he squeezes into the cavern.

He sees a figure emerge from the lava, and as the lava drifts from him, he sees the form of Daval Prestor. However, he’s different. He has a tail whipping behind him, and his bright orange eyes burn as he searches for Gil. His great warhammer also drips with lava, and there are two large, black horns that emerge out from his dark hair.

Instinctively, Gil backs himself against the wall and quiets his breath. A stone slams into the ground, and Daval is gone from sight, but his voice echoes through the cavern.

Daval Prestor says: I know you’re there, Gilveradin Windrunner.

More stones crumble and fall apart.

Daval Prestor says: You can’t hide forever. Your friends are already dead. Surrender the Soul… and I’ll let you die peacefully as well.

His voice starts to get closer, and then farther away, and then closer again. Gil gets a sinking suspicion that if he keeps looking he might find him, but if he moves, he WILL find him.

Daval Prestor says: Do you even know what you’re meddling with, boy? The powers that you’ve stumbled into will tear you apart. I can help you. Come now… there’s no need to keep hiding.

Breathing draws closer. And closer.

Daval Prestor says: I can smell you. Yes you’re close, aren’t you?

The rumbling stops, though stones continue to fall and collapse. And it almost seems as if the stones are whispering hints to where Gil is hiding. But then there’s another voice. Victor’s.

Victor Prestor says: Father!

Daval’s approach stops.

Daval Prestor says: Victor. I trust you have good news for me?
Victor Prestor says: They’ve been dealt with. Have you found Gilveradin yet?

Daval growls.

Daval Prestor says: He’s around here somewhere. I need only root him out.
Victor Prestor says: There’s no time, father. Orastrasz is dead, and you know what that means, I’m certain. We don’t have much time to be here.
Daval Prestor says: Then we must find him swiftly!
Victor Prestor says: There’s no time, father. He already contacted his allies before we arrived. They will be here sooner than you anticipate. Unless you think you can fight the dragon queen and her servants alone?
Daval Prestor says: This isn’t over.

Daval growls and begins to walk away, but Victor remains behind for a moment.

Victor Prestor says: I don’t know if you can hear this Gilveradin. But you’re very lucky to be alive. You best hope we don’t find you, or we’ll have to correct that problem. Like I did with your precious friends, and your precious sister. See you soon, old friend.

And then Victor starts to walk away as well.

Gil loses track of how long he waits, and eventually the aftershocks and tremors come to a stop. The dark cavern comes to an eerie. Gil looks up, and the dragonleaf tree above him is almost a beacon of companionship in this dark moment. He looks around and surveys the damage, and it seems the chamber he’s in has been almost completely blocked off. He could potentially dig out, but it would take time.

Gil looks around again, and he goes under the tree and waits to consider what he can do. Luckily, the rubble doesn’t seem to be tight enough to prevent air from getting into the cave. The Demon Soul weighs heavily on his chest as he drifts off from exhaustion.

And then he hears the sound of movement and scratching on the far side of the stones. He isn’t sure how long he was sleeping, but there is movement beyond the rocks. Through his darkvision, he can see the rock crumble away, and there’s breathing of a large creature on the other side.

Then a large, webbed claw pulls the rocks away, and a snout of a large, reptilian creature appears. It’s the creature that had slipped beneath the magma--the ancient female incendosaur. The frills on its back provide light, and it blinks at Gil. A moment later, it backs away slightly, and there’s a familiar voice.

Krasus says: Did you find something, friend?

Not long after, a smaller creature climbs through the stone. It’s Alestrasz.

Alestrasz says: Gilveradin? Are you here?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Alestrasz?

Gil peeks his head out, and Alestrasz’s mouth opens in relief as he runs into the cavern. He nearly plows into Gil, but one of his claws touches the disk and it sparks.

Alestrasz says: Ah! Oh. Oh my. You’re alright!

Krasus ducks his way in through the same cavern, and he sighs in relief.

Krasus says: Maker’s breath… I… I didn’t know if we would be able to find you, Gil, but you’re alright. Are you hurt?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Not severely… was there anyone else?
Krasus says: We haven’t found anyone else. Only you.

Krasus makes his way over to Gil and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Krasus says: It’s a stroke of luck we found you when we did. This place is unstable. It could come down. We should get somewhere safe.

Krasus’s hand glows, and his magic starts to wash over Gil. Wounds start to knit together.

Krasus says: I cannot say how good it is that you retrieved that.

He gestures to the Demon Soul.

Krasus says: I would ask that you tell me everything that happened. But before we do that, we should get to safety. There’s someone you need to meet.

He holds a hand out to Gil, and Gil grabs the hand. Krasus pulls him up. While he still looks like Krasus, he still has more draconic features. There are a pair of horns sprouting from his head, and he has a pair of red wings. His eyes are also more draconic, and there are patches of scales across his body.

With his help, they are able to backtrack out of the decimated caverns. He holds a hand out and places it on the chin of the ancient incendosaur.

Krasus says: Thank you for your help, old one. I hope you can find peace in your home.

The creature nods slowly and then disappears into the lava. Krasus heads to the shattered stone bridge, and he holds a hand out--forming a bridge of hardened magma across the lake. Alestrasz takes a cautious step onto it, before he scampers across.

Gil and Krasus follow, and the illusion fades behind them. Before long, they arrive at the mouth of the cave, which is also partially collapsed. As Gil looks out, in the plateau below where Telagos had created the temporary sanctuary, is Telagos himself. But sitting in the center of the plateau is a massive red wyrm. Its size is comparable to Tyranastrasz, but only a slight hair smaller. Her wings are folded behind her, but her horns are adorned with bright golden jewelry, and similar jewelry covers much of her body.

As the trio emerges, the two large wyrms behind her, which are slightly smaller, turn toward them. One is a deep red crimson, and the other looks like the color of a crackling fire--much like Rhonin’s hair.

The large, adorned wyrm turns toward the group. Her eyes look first to Krasus, and then to Gil, and her eyes are impossibly gentle for a creature this large. As Gil looks up, there are dozens of other red dragons flying around overhead.

Krasus immediately bows his head, as does Alestrasz.

Dragon Queen Alextrasza says: Korialstrasz… I’m… glad that you were able to find him.

Her eyes go to Gil.

Dragon Queen Alexstrasza says: You must be Gilveradin.

Gil nods weakly.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yeah… that’s my name.

Alexstrasza smiles a bit and chuckles quietly.

Dragon Queen Alexstrasza says: Be not afraid, child. You are safe. And we are safe because of you.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I… I know it’s important… but I don’t know why…

He holds out the Demon Soul. Alexstrasza gets up and steps closer to the ledge. She reaches out a claw, and her form begins to transform into a brilliant emerald mist as she shifts into a humanoid form, stepping onto the edge of the cliff and closer to Gil. She looks like a beautiful, elven woman, but her hand passes the Dragon Soul.

Dragon Queen Alexstrasza says: None among us may bear that gift. Long ago, we bound that artifact so that none amongst us could wield it. The self-same reason I believe you were led here. The artifact you hold, dear Gilveradin, holds the power of all of us.

Her hand touches Gil’s cheek.

Dragon Queen Alexstrasza says: Even my beloved Tyranastrasz. I believe the Demon Soul… perhaps even he has chosen you as its guardian. This ancient place will serve to hide it no longer. But… in its death, a new guardian has arrived. That’s you, Gilveradin. If you would bear this burden, and if you would protect all of us from the greatest mistake we ever made.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: There has to be other… I… I’m still relatively ne-- I’m very young.
Dragon Queen Alexstrasza says: And so is he.

She smiles down at Alestrasz.

Dragon Queen Alexstrasza says: And yet without him, we may not have known you still live. This burden need not be yours, but I believe that He has chosen you. I believe that is what he saw in you. And whatever is left of him, in that disk you carry, has lead you to this moment. I ask a task that is unfair to ask one as young as you, and yet I ask… no, I beg of you, Gilveradin.

Alexstrasza takes a step back and bows her head deeply before Gil. The dragons behind her also follow her lead after a moment of shock, and bow their heads to Gil.

Gil’s jaw drops, as does Krasus’s, but he also bows, as does Alestrasz. Ara'shel also manifests himself and joins the unanimous bow.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: I… I don’t deserve that kind of honor. But… if you think that Tyranastrasz would have wanted it.

He closes his hand around the Demon Soul and pulls it back to his chest. His eyes flicker toward the metal, and in its depths, for the hint of a moment, he almost feels like he saw someone looking back out of it. But it’s gone in an instant.

Alexstrasza brings her eyes back to Gil with a soft and gentle smile.

Dragon Queen Alexstrasza says: It is we who do not deserve this honor, Draig'cyfail. But this place is not safe. The black dragon flight was here once. It will likely return again.

She turns and looks tot he two dragons that were flanking her.

Dragon Queen Alexstrasza says: Yrdenastrasz, Meridiastrasz, my loves, see to it that Orastrasz is brought from this place and brought to the Ruby Sanctum so he may rest among his ancestors.

The two dragons also transform, one becoming a tall and regal half-elf with red hair.

Meridiastrasz says: As he came from my blood, I will finish the journey.

The second figure is in the form of a heavily-tattooed dwarf with flaming red hair.

Yrdenastrasz says: I’m here to help you, old friend. As you command, my queen.

The pair look to Gil as they pass, and the half-elf touches Alestrasz’s head.

Meridiastrasz says: I’m sorry, my child.

Yrdenastrasz looks up at Krasus.

Yrdenastrasz says: Take care of her.

Krasus nods as the two other consorts disappear into the cave.

Dragon Queen Alexstrasza says: We return to the Vermillion Redoubt. Gilveradin, I hope you are not adverse to heights.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Not particularly.

Another dragon swoops down, and lands, giving Gil a nod to get on.

Red Dragon says: Seems I am the one to be privileged to bring you to our home.

He smiles and glances over to Krasus. They share a look before Alexstrasza leaps off the cliff face and transforms back into a dragon to take to the air. Krasus puts a hand on Gil’s shoulder.

Dragon Queen Alexstrasza says: Come with us, child. You will be safe. I promise.

She looks at Alestrasz, and holds out a claw. He leaps into the claw and she puts him on his back before she joins her flight.

Red Dragon says: Climb aboard, Gilveradin. And hold on tight. Unless you want to make this flight interesting, I’m sure I could catch you… but I don’t want to risk it.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’ll hold on then.

The draconic host takes to the skies, and the dragon introduces himself.

Red Dragon says: I am Vaelastrasz. I have heard much about you, and I have looked forward to meet you. I am Korialstrasz’s eldest child, and you his first dragonsworn. So we are kindred, in a sense.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: So you’re basically my older brother then.
Vaelastrasz says: I suppose you could say that. I will protect you as much as I can. Tell me, do you know what you carry?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I just know what was brought up.

Vaelastrasz then goes into an explanation that he heard from his own father. In the distance, they can see Korialstrasz, who is quite a large dragon, but is still dwarfed by Alexstrasza.

Vaelastrasz explains the disc was once called the Dragon Soul and was forged by Neltharion, the Earth Warder. It had taken countless lives. It was taken from Neltharion and was sealed so it couldn’t be used against the flights again. When it was empowered, it was empowered by all the aspects and some of the most powerful dragons amongst them, including the consorts. So it technically has a piece of all the Aspects and their consorts. Or so it’s believed.

Gil listens aptly to the explanation.

Several Days Later

It takes several days of flying, during which they take some time to rest between days. Alestrasz finds Gil every night to curl up with him.

Eventually, they come upon a reclusive chain of mountains in the Lordaeron highlands--where Grim Batol was. As they crest over the mountains, Gil can see a field of green and red. A literal forest of dozens and dozens of dragonleaf trees. Flying among them are red dragons of all shapes and sizes, and prowling beneath the forests are creatures and dragonspawn alike, as well as drakonids guarding certain areas. As the host flies in, they make their way for the largest tree at the heart of the grove.

As Vaelastrasz lands, Gil can see a few other humanoids. The first one is Falstad, who is standing and watching with his arms crossed. Next to him is a figure that Gil had not seen for many months. Her hair is longer than it was, and her dress is still as immaculate, but there seems to be a few additions. It seems she is wearing a cloak of red dragonleaf tree leaves. It’s Thal’ena Dawnseeker, who smiles up and waves up at Gil.

She immediately runs to the host as they land. As Gil disembarks, Thal’ena throws her arms around Gil, and Gil hugs her back.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: Gil!
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Thal’ena. It’s good to see you.
Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: It’s great to see you too! Where is everyone else?

Gil's face drops.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: ...Oh no. I’m so sorry.

She hugs Gil again.

Thal'ena Dawnseeker says: I’m so sorry.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’m not the only person who has lost someone though.

Thal'ena is clutching as tightly as she can, and her shoulders are trembling. Gil hugs her tighter and also starts to cry.

Korialstrasz and Alexstrasza share words quietly for a moment, and the pair of them shift into their humanoid forms. They share a brief kiss and nod, and Alexstrasza disappears into her lair. Krasus, however, shifts back into his dragon form, and curls himself around the pair of the crying elves. Krasus makes eye contact with Gil and there is infinite sorrow in it as he offers the protective circle around the pair of mortals that have already lost so much.

Planar Timestream

Meanwhile, with the rest of the party. The magics that had transported the group fade away. The wounds in the earth almost look like a scar beneath them. They are in a twilit jungle with the blood moon overhead, which casts the entire strange scape in a crimson, ominous light. From the mouth of the great serpentine statue that is curled around the mountain in the distance is a river of iridescent magma that looks more like blood. The air is hot and thick with an oppressive humidity in the air, like a sauna, but much worse.

The air tastes of copper, and their bodies feel sluggish, with the oppressive heat compounded with the distinct awareness of the blood beating through every vein in their bodies. Every step feels like a hundred.

What wounds the group have start to bleed again. They are able to stem the bleeding, fortunately.

And Riff had taken the form of a troll, and had pulled Seria into a hug. The breath is knocked out of her.

Riff says: Are you alright?
Seria says: Yes.

Riff looks to the rest of the group.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Where are we?
Uther Menethil says: Out of the skillet and into the fire it seems.
Riff says: I’m not sure, actually. I just know it.

Seria is looking around, and between everything here, and the warnings she had growing up… all of it is enough to piece together that this may be a realm that has something to do with the blood god Hakkar, the soulflayer.

Seria goes pale as she reaches this realization.

Seria says: We shouldn’t be here.
Riff says: I’m sorry. I didn’t know what else we could do.
Uther Menethil says: it’s alright. We can get out of here as soon as possible. First… we should find a place to rest and heal our wounds.
Remnii says: I agree.

Remnii starts to heal the group a bit.

Remnii says: Perhaps we should scout that river I can hear. If we can maybe find resources… that will be better for all of us in the long term. If everyone can handle that. I can do more healing if needed.

Vel looks at Seria, who is looking scared and uncomfortable--emotions that are not ever seen on the half-troll.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I… have access to the tiny hut spell if we can find a place to rest. But that’s unfortunately all I have right now.
Uther Menethil says: It will be more than useful once we find a defensible position.

The group stays together to get a lay of the land. They are in the middle of a jungle, and they can hear the sounds of things in the wilderness, and there is the sound of water nearby. The group heads toward the water, and after the better part of an hour, they find a river. However, it’s not water. It’s blood.

Every fiber of Seria is screaming out to not be here, and she and Elissa both are struggling a great deal. It’s almost like their own blood is revolting against moving.

Riff says: Oh no… Are you alright?

Seria shakes her head.

Seria says: No.
Remnii says: This is not going to work. Vel, if you have that tiny hut. I have food and rations both.

At that moment, Vel gets a sending from Rhonin.

Rhonin Windrunner says: Vel. I’ve heard some terrible things. Are you alright? Please tell me you can hear this.

Vel bites her lip, looking notably pained, but doesn’t respond.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I can get the hut up. Just give me a moment.

As she starts to cast the spell, another sending comes through.

Rhonin Windrunner says: This isn’t a funny joke, kiddo. I know you wouldn’t let this out of your sight. You said you’d be back.

Vel doesn’t respond again, but tears start to drip down her face. It’s physically painful to do so, and she realizes she’s crying blood.

However, she is able to erect the barricade, which is the same, bright red as the blood moon no matter what she tries to do.

Seria continues to think about where they are, and she knows that finding sources of fresh water will be one of their greatest challenges. She also knows the Realm of the Blood God is said to have a river, and it can change from swamp, to marsh, to jungle, and back again with no rhyme or reason. The ruins of ancient empires can also supposedly be found in this realm.

Seria also provides the information she knows, and the way that they are feeling here reminds Vel of the way they felt during Zalazane’s ritual. Theoretically, some places are tied to certain laws, and the laws of this place are very different. Vel is able to tell that, firstly, this place rejects people it doesn’t want here. As long as they are not ready to succumb to the beliefs that Hakkar represents, this place will swallow them whole. This place is infectious, and the longer they stay, the better chance they can’t leave.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Riff, was it? Would you be able to plane shift again?
Riff says: I… I don’t know. I think I can. I know I can. But I don’t think I can leave this place. I think I can only come here.
Velameestra Windrunner says:: Shit.
Riff says: I’m sorry. I didn’t want to get everyone into this danger. I just wanted to help.
Uther Menethil says: And help you did, lad. While this is far from ideal, we are alive. Which we would not have been if you had not intervened. You have my thanks.

Riff smiles.

Riff says: Thank you. I… I’m sorry I drug us into this mess, Dog. But I promise if there is a way out, I will help to find it.
Uther Menethil says: Pardon me. Did you address me as "Dog"?

Riff cocks his head.

Riff says: Yes? I’m sorry. Did I offend?
Uther Menethil says: Not at all, but I’m curious as to how I earned a moniker.
Riff says: How you earned the moniker? It is one of your names, isn’t it?

Riff looks over at Seria, confused.

Riff says: Did you not say he was a dog, Seria? I am… I am lost.

Elissa chuckles.

Elissa Cross says: Did she have names for the rest of us?
Remnii says: I would almost be sad if she did not.

Riff nods.

Riff says: He said you were a dog. Vel, you were a raven. Remnii, you were a sheep. She said you were a hare.

He looks at Elissa. Elissa chuckles and looks at Seria.

Elissa Cross says: Is that so?

Seria stares blankly.

Remnii says: I believe the silence is telling.

Remnii smiles.

Uther Menethil says: Given the option, I choose to take this as a compliment. I’ve always been fond of dogs anyway.
Remnii says: I’ve not seen a sheep up close, but I see the resemblance.
Riff says: You all look very different from what I pictured. You walk on two legs. I did not expect that. But I am sorry I got us into this predicament. I swear I will get us all out of this. As long as you’ll forgive me.
Velameestra Windrunner says: As Uther said, the other option was death. We at least have a chance to get out.
Remnii says: I know we’ll have a chance to get through.
Uther Menethil says: After all, how can we expect to save a world if we can’t navigate out of one?
Remnii says: Likely worlds!
Uther Menethil says: But we are alive. And we’re together. It could certainly be worse.
Elissa Cross says: I hope Gil is alright.

Vel looks pained.

Uther Menethil says: I’m sure he’s alright. Did you see how fast he was moving?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yeah. He was moving very fast.
Uther Menethil says: Far too fast to be caught by... Whatever that was.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I was more concerned about the cave in.
Uther Menethil says: I wouldn’t underestimate him.
Remnii says: Given his skill and heart… words will only help so much here. But Uther has the correct of it, that I… we know he is quick on his feet, and he is smart. I have faith that he has made it through.
Uther Menethil says: Besides. Over the past year, we’ve made a habit out of performing the impossible.
Velameestra Windrunner says: ...The impossible is only improbable.
Uther Menethil says: That’s more like you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It’s a mage saying.
Remnii says: Perhaps that should be an everyone saying.
Uther Menethil says: We should bed for the night. I’ll take the first watch.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’ll join you.

Within the first hour of the watch, something begins to shamble out of the jungle. There’s one creature, then another, and then another. They are drawn seemingly by the light of the dome of force. The creatures are horrific and range in size. They look like they may have been trolls, but now their bodies are jumbled and misshapen, their bodies warped. One of their arms has swollen fingers, while another arm has an appendage that ends in a mawed tusk. Another one has three other mouths that are spitting bile. Their words are nonsensical, and the creatures strike at the sphere with curiosity.

Near the end of the watch, they see some bright eyes watching from the far jungle. There is laughter and speech in a language they can’t understand.

Uther Menethil says: I suppose it was too much to hope for a quiet night. What do you think Vel, do they pose a threat?
Velameestra Windrunner says: As long as they can’t get through, we’ll be fine. Those creatures don’t seem to be intelligent, but whatever was laughing in the forest might be.
Uther Menethil says: Do you think they’re linked?
Velameestra Windrunner says: They might be. It’s hard to tell anything here.

The creatures wander around for a bit, but then they lumber into the jungle. The eyes periodically appear and disappear. And then second watch comes around.

Right between the two watches, there is a shrill scream, and there’s laughter, louder this time. The three fleshy creatures head toward the scream.

During Remnii and Elissa’s watch, nothing seemingly happens. However, the eyes continue to appear.

As the third watch comes, Seria and Riff keep an eye on everything. Seria sees the eyes again on the embankment, but there are far more this time. She can understand the whispers. They seem to be discussing things in druidic.

Mysterious Whisper says [Druidic]: It won’t be long before their magic falls, sister? What else do you think will be drawn to their flame before the night’s end?
Mysterious Whisper says [Druidic]: It’s hard to say. But whatever it is… it proves to be most interesting.
Mysterious Whisper says [Druidic]: Should we make ourselves known?
Mysterious Whisper says [Druidic]: Not yet.

Near the end of the watch, Seria hears sounds from behind, and she can see figures down the way crawling from the lake. They are drawn by the light of the sphere. The entities are clearly undead, and they start to climb on top of the dome, leaving bloody streaks in their wake. They lick the outside of the dome with long tongues, hissing and growling.

The creatures are still prowling when the rest of the group begins to awake.

Suddenly, the area around the sphere ignites in a blaze. The grass is on fire, and the river boils. The two ghouls look around before they flee from the fire.

Striding through the blaze at the edge are three female figures. They look like elves, but their garb is more like a troll. They have five fingers, but their fingers are long and distended, but they are not that comely. The one at the front seems to be the most comely, and they have long pointed ears. Their features are vaguely deer-like, but humanoid still, and they appear to have two horns on each of their heads. The one in the front is the only one whose horns are not broken, and are instead stained with blood.

A staff floats nearby, a humanoid skull in the center of it.

Mysterious Woman says: A curious predicament you find yourselves in. Your magic is about to wane, and you’ll find yourselves unprotected once again in this realm I suspect none of you belong.
Uther Menethil says: What gave it away?
Mysterious Woman says: This beacon, for starters. This may protect you for the time being, but it’s drawn all manner of curious creatures to its side. Six of you…

She even senses Vel.

Mysterious Woman says: Though one of you seems to be closer to death than the others. And the other… seems closer to life than they might realize. I’m insatiably curious. A deal then! For starters… you will tell me who you are, and what you’re doing here. And perhaps I will answer a question for you if I’m satisfied with your answer.

Uther gives Vel a look, wordlessly asking if it’s okay to give the creature the information.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Names have power, and giving it over hands over yours.

The woman steps closer and a clawed hand runs along the edge of the dome, making a scraping sound.

Uther Menethil says: I’m not certain we have another option.
Mysterious Woman says: Sooner or later this will drop, and you will find things much more terrifying in this realm than myself. And when I leave...without us to hold back that which hungers for life, you may find yourselves overwhelmed rather quickly.
Uther Menethil says: I am Uther Menethil, prince of Lordaeron, and paladin of the Silver Hand.
Mysterious Woman says: Is that true? My… a prince here in this land with no princes. What a curiosity.
Uther Menethil says: As I’m certain you guessed, our arrival was not intentional.
Mysterious Woman says: Very few stumble upon this domain accidentally. That tells me one of two things. You are either incredibly unlucky, or incredibly foolish.
Uther Menethil says: Bold to assume I can’t be both.

The woman laughs.

Mysterious Woman says: Well said, Uther Menethil of Lordaeron!

The dome comes to an end and disappears, and the fire still does not enter the area of the party. With a wave of the woman’s hand, the fire disappears. There was no heat as it vanished.

Mysterious Woman says: As promised, I will answer a question for you now. A sylvari never breaks her promise, even one such as I.
Uther Menethil says: I suppose the most pertinent question, would be how do we leave this place?
Mysterious Woman says: Leave the realm of the Soulflayer? There are potent magics that would enable it, but otherwise the ways are difficult indeed. Do you know where you are? The Shadowlands do not release those willingly.

Vel’s eyes widen.

Velameestra Windrunner says: The land of the dead…
Uther Menethil says: The land of the dead?!
Mysterious Woman says: You didn’t know? You mortals are amusing.

Uther starts to laugh.

Uther Menethil says: In our desperate attempt to avoid death, we wound up in the land of the dead!
Mysterious Woman says: One of many. This one is not kind to the leaving. Blood here is as much a currency as souls, and you have much.
Uther Menethil says: I suppose I do.
Mysterious Woman says: This is a land of pox and disease, of blood and of death. And you, my poor wretched souls, are susceptible to far too many things. If you don’t leave soon, you’ll never leave. But there are ways. Perhaps the most obvious is to beg. Perhaps if you go to his lair, the Lord of this land will take pity on your souls and send you back to your homes. ‘Tis about as likely as anything.
Uther Menethil says: I know next to nothing about this Soulflayer, but given his choice of aesthetic, somehow I don’t believe that would go in our favor.
Mysterious Woman says: Perhaps not, but it would be as effective as finding another way. Or perhaps not. This land is full of surprises. Take you, for example. But that is answer enough for my question, I believe. Unless you have something else to offer me?
Uther Menethil says: You seem to know some ways out. Perhaps we can strike a bargain.

The woman’s eyebrow raises.

Mysterious Woman says: A bargain? A dangerous word to utter around these places. But you have my attention
Uther Menethil says: My companions and I need a way out. And as you’ve mentioned, blood is a currency here.
Mysterious Woman says: That it is.

The woman smiles.

Mysterious Woman says: Perhaps I do know other avenues you can use. Places where the sympathetic magic that drew me to these forsaken jungles may just lead back to your own home. In one way or another.
Uther Menethil says: Seems I have your interest.
Mysterious Woman says: Do we have a deal?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Get specifics of what you’re giving.
Uther Menethil says: We have agreed upon a currency, but not an amount. I can’t give all of it.
Mysterious Woman says: No, your kind is rather attached to it. Half then!
Uther Menethil says: Half of my blood?
Mysterious Woman says: Alternatively, all of you could offer, as one might know, collectors like to diversify from whence they take their trophies. You will recover. You’re a strong and virile young man.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Except bleeding here has other consequences, I imagine.
Mysterious Woman says: Keen eye you are, young elf. Yet I have no doubt that all of you could survive such an ordeal as it is. It is your choice.
Uther Menethil says: Half of my blood.
Mysterious Woman says: For a way out.

For a normal person, that would be completely lethal. It’s theoretically possible, but even if he does alright, he’ll be severely diminished. But some magic Remnii knows might help him.

Remnii says: May we confer for a moment?

The woman nods.

Mysterious Woman says: I am not the one with a short lifespan here. And neither are you.

Remnii puts a hand on Uther’s shoulder.

Mysterious Woman says: Besides, the rapid beating of your hearts is quite intoxicating. Please take all the time you wish.

The two other sylvari are talking and laughing and giggling. They seem to be conversing what each of the individual’s blood would be best used for, and they are intrigued by the situation.

Remnii says: Uther, in a place like this… I know that you know that this would not be wise. Particularly for you to shoulder such a burden by yourself. Half a gallon of blood is a lot. Approximately.

Seria can tell there are more people in the woods. More sylvari, and a good deal of undead creatures.

Uther Menethil says: How long will it take? To leave this place? I imagine we’ll have to travel?
Mysterious Woman says: There is travel involved, but I can’t tell you more beyond that.
Uther Menethil says: Surely you could divulge a time frame?
Mysterious Woman says: You misunderstand me. Time. Space. These things are meaningless in the realm of the dead. It may take you five of your mortal years to get there, and only 20 minutes to return. I cannot know the answer to that. No one can know the answer to that.
Uther Menethil says: A third of your price now, the rest when you’ve delivered us.

The woman smiles, her tongue touching her fangs in contemplation.

Mysterious Woman says: Very well. A third now, the rest upon arrival.
Seria says: I don’t trust them. ‘Deres more around. And they’re talking about what they are going to use the blood for.

Vel nods and she looks around as well. She can see about a dozen undead creatures, and two more of the faun-like humanoids.

The woman takes Uther’s hand, and she digs her claws into his wrist. There is a shock of pain, and blood is drawn up into her arm and upon her fur. Her eyes dilate, but she stops herself from taking too much, motes of Uther’s blood floating around her hand.

Mysterious Woman says: You… hehehe… your blood is very powerful isn’t it.

She licks her lips again, and she smiles as she brushes a strand of hair from Uther’s face.

Mysterious Woman says: I’m going to enjoy the rest of this. Come along then, mortals. I’ll show you the gap where your world and ours is weak. Perhaps you can escape.

Remnii approaches Uther’s side and uses a greater restoration.

Mysterious Woman says: Please, tend to him! If he recovers, the second part will be even more enjoyable.
Remnii says: Give me your hands, Uther.

The magic washes over Uther, and the pain doesn’t go away, but the fatigue does. Remnii then also heals him.

Remnii says: If not enough time passes, I will step in on your behalf. I hope you know that.
Uther Menethil says: Ordinarily, I might respond with some bravado. But that was exceptionally painful.
Remnii says: I will not have bravado in this case.
Velameestra Windrunner says: This being split three ways is better than one.
Mysterious Woman says: Come, little morsels! I won’t have someone get their fangs on you first.

The undead also fall into step behind the group. The woman moves with no small amount of speed. She isn’t stopped by any of the difficult terrain, and the party quickly finds themselves in the midst of the wandering individuals. The undead creatures are all humanoids. Their eyes are sunken and full of malice, but they seem to be completely sentient. Some are speaking to each other. Almost all are trolls, however. Only a few are not trolls. Interestingly enough, there is one human, and six orcs.

Remnii is able to tell that the orcs were slain by powerful shadow magic. On multiple occasions, Remnii makes eye contact, and one of them has scarification on his neck and chest--which sometimes manifests in the later stages of the red pox.

One of the other sylvar slips through the crowd and slips her arm around Uther’s.

Flirtatious Sylvar says: You know, we’re not that far from our home. There’s no need to go right now. There are so many wonders to see. After all, don’t you want to recover more before the matriarch collects the rest of her fee?

Another slips next to Seria and wraps her arm around her waist.

Intrigued Sylvar says: There’s no need to leave, not so quickly
Uther Menethil says: I appreciate your hospitality, but we are on something of a schedule.

Seria swats the sylvar away from her, and she scowls.

Intrigued Sylvar says: You should count yourself lucky our matriarch struck a deal, or I’d take a prize for myself.

The matriarch shoots her a look, and she backs off. Two others are watching Riff intently.

For the first hour, it is tiring, but the group is able to navigate the way through the jungle. Then, suddenly, the matriarch stops.

Sylvari Matriarch says: What are you doing here?
Amused Voice says: I could ask you the same.

There is a single figure standing at the edge of the clearing. They are clearly a troll, or rather, he was. He has long red robes and a staff, but he has no flesh. In lieu of his skin there is a skeleton covered in a layer of muscle. He slides off the fallen tree he was sitting on, taking another bite from a still-beating heart.

Undead Troll says: Just where do you think you’re going with our new guests?
Sylvari Matriarch says: They are not your guests, they are mine. Jammal'an.
Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: Foolish woman. All in his realm belong to Hakkar, including you. Yet you would try to sweep these poor, lost souls away before they can grant him their tribute. And with one of his own children here. I’m ashamed in you. Very ashamed. I would have thought better of you, Galia, but it seems you haven’t gotten any smarter.

Her staff spins and points at him.

Matriarch Galia says: Don’t use my name, snake.
Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: Or what, you’ll strike me down? Strike me down and you and all your outcasts will die. One, by one. And there ain’t nowhere for you to run after this.

The troll looks to the party.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: My friends and guests, I’m sorry you’ve been waylaid by this harlequin. Please. Come ‘dis way. My lord has been waiting for you.

Jammal'an is the name of the troll who was responsible for summoning Hakkar during the Second Troll Wars. He was cursed by the Gurubashi and by the Alliance. He was one of the most dangerous leaders, and the trolls' worst traitors.

Uther Menethil says: I’m afraid we’ll have to respectfully decline your offer.

Jammal'an laughs.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: It wasn’t an offer.
Uther Menethil says: You mean to take us by force then?
Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: If you mean to struggle.
Uther Menethil says: I’m afraid I have pressing matters to attend to in a place far away.
Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: My lord wants to help ya, mon.
Uther Menethil says: I find that hard to believe.
Matriarch Galia says: Do you truly believe to face this man?
Uther Menethil says: If his intent is to keep us from where we belong, yes.

Galia smirks at Uther.

Matriarch Galia says: You are continuously an entertainment, Prince Uther of Lordaeron.
Uther Menethil says: I’m pretty alright.
Matriarch Galia says: You mortals are so foolish. If you wish to claim these prizes, Jammal'an, then claim them.

Galia’s hands glow.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: I was wondering if you’d ever ask.

He reaches over his back and pulls out a blood bone dagger, and the cloudless sky begins to rain blood.

Matriarch Galia says: Sisters! Return to our domicile and ensure his friends don’t threaten us!

The other sylvari fan out to follow their matriarch’s orders.

Galia holds a hand out to the sky and the sky begins to ripple as she casts call lightning. Her staff points to the prophet, and a bolt of crimson lightning strikes the ground in front of Jammal'an.

Remnii starts to prepare a spell, and Jammallan laughs.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: Yer holy magic won’t help here.

Elissa looks to Uther for confirmation.

Uther Menethil says: If we don’t defeat him, he takes us to the Soulflayer. Remember what happened last time we met the Soulflayer?

Elissa nods and charges for Jammal'an after blessing everyone. Seria barkskins herself and stays put.

Vel activates bladesong and then casts slow, the spectral, icy chains wrapping around Jammal'an. Jammal'an starts to try and cast finger of death, but Vel slices her hand through the air and successfully counters it.

Riff casts protection from evil and good on Seria and hides behind her.

Jammal'an lets out a call of exaltation.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: Hakkar! Smite this fool who thinks she's in charge of this place!

Seizing control of the bolts of lightning that the matriarch had summoned, the lightning rains down back on Galia. She drops to her knees for a second.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: Surrender yourself to the madness.

He casts confusion, but Uther, Vel, and Galia succeed on the save, and Jammal'an uses a legendary resistance to overcome the slow upon him.

Uther runs forward to close on Jammal'an and slams into him with Light’s Vengeance. However, it seems like the holy magic is less effective against Jammal'an than it should be. He swings again, blood caking onto Light’s Vengeance.

Remnii says: The Light is always with me.

Remnii plants her staff and extends a hand out, summoning a guardian of faith near Jammal'an. In response, Jammal'an reaches a hand out to Uther. However, as he places a palm on Uther’s armor, Uther is able to smack him away.

Riff changes back to his true form and flies away.

Jammal'an starts to laugh.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: How about we make this more interestin’?

He snaps his fingers, and suddenly blood from the mud swoops up and everyone except Vel and Seria are in different locations--and they all look like Matriarch Galia.

Matriarch Galia says: Your tricks won’t work!

That was the illusion in Remnii’s spot.

Seria pulls out the dragonstaff and uses it to cast truesight. A berry on the side of the staff sprouts and she crushes it, wiping across her eyes like glowing warpaint--revealing exactly who is who.

Seria points at the one that had just spoken.

Seria says: That’s him.

Jammal'an cranes his neck around to look at Seria, his bones cracking.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: You’re no fun.

His arm snaps backwards, and he casts chill touch on Seria. A spectral hand starts to grip Seria around the neck. However, as Seria looks up, thanks to truesight, she can see wailing spirits of elves and other humanoids. It’s like a cloud cover, but instead it’s wailing souls.

Elissa Cross says: Alright, here goes nothing!

Elissa charges for the one Seria identified, swinging her sword around as she uses a smite. Unfortunately, the second strike is evaded.

Jammal'an backs up, and Elissa hits him again. He looks at Seria.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: Maybe you’ll die first, half-blood.

He raises his hands around him, and four orbs of crimson energy fly for Seria as he casts eldritch blast.

Vel runs for Jammal'an, frigid energy crackling around her sword as she uses mana break, and then lurches at the troll with a frigid strike. As she drives her blade into his gut, the sword sparks with frigid, arcane energy, bursting in his chest.

Jammal'an scowls and reaches for her face, but Vel is able to dance away from his hand.

Uther disappears as he uses blink to close on Jammal'an, swinging Light’s Vengeance around. Light and frigid energy explode

Remnii reaches out to heal Seria, but is unable to due to chill touch. Vel reaches a hand to Uther, and casts haste on him.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: Don’t worry, the blood god takes everyone under his wing!

Another bolt of lightning, which Seria sees as a pillar of tormented souls, strikes Seria. The agony of a thousand tormented souls reach her ears, and she could swear she heard her mother’s voice, but she is holding herself up on the staff.

Remnii moves to get closer to Seria, getting ready to heal as soon as the skeletal hand drops away.

Riff uses mind sliver on Jammal’an, but the troll is able to resist.

Uther swings at Jamma’lan, his movements sped up by Vel's magic, and the troll’s muscles start to tear away.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: You’re only delaying the inevitable. It’s too late for you.

Burning blood rips out of his body as he uses hellish rebuke on Uther, and Uther responds with a green flame blade. Unfortunately, Jammal'an is just barely able to block it as it shatters one of the skulls adorning his robes.

Seria casts wrath on Jammal'an, and the spell turns bright red as it connects.

Jammal'an tries to grab Uther, but the chill touch is deflected.

Galia continues to summon her lightning down on Jammal'an. He looks at Vel.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: You’ve already got a lick of darkness about ya, don’t ya? This’ll be fun.

He tries to cast hold monster as blood starts to pour from his eyes, but she is able to resist the spell at the last second.

Elissa closes and strikes, but Jammal'an is able to bend and twist his body around the blows. He reaches for Vel with his maddening touch, but an arcane shield deflects the attack away.

The matriarch continues to use call lightning on Jammal'an.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: If ya really think fighting me here will help you, you’re pretty wrong. You got yourselves the attention of lord Hakkar. Ya ain’t gettin’ far.

Riff continues to try and ping Jammal'an with mind sliver, but the troll is able to continue resisting.

Uther, still hasted, continues to swing into Jammal'an. The troll’s arm sloughs off, and he laughs. He grabs Uther’s maul on the second swing.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: Do you really think you’ll escape?

As Uther swings again, the dismembered arm jerks Uther’s arm.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: This could have been easy, mon, but you chose the painful way. You won’t escape here. Not really.

Vel’s sword starts to crackle with arcane energy again as he focuses on Uther, and she drives her sword into Jammal'an's back, the arcane energy once again exploding as his body starts to fail.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Death. Is my domain.

Jammal'an laughs.

Fallen Prophet Jammal'an says: Bold words. Fine.

And he crumbles to dust, leaving the dagger he was wielding. Vel goes to scoop that dagger up, but Galia’s hoof lands on it.

Matriarch Galia says: An altered deal. You let me keep this, and your precious prince can keep his blood.

Vel looks at her for a moment, but then backs off.

Matriarch Galia says: It’s your lucky day. Lets be on before more of his friends arrive. There are many places to hide. And this will help my people ensure we can.
Uther Menethil says: Lets be off.

They continue through some ruins, and the next hour of travel is thankfully uneventful in comparison. As is the second hour, though Seria and Vel are starting to get worn down. As they travel, after about 2.5 hours, they stumble across another figure in the woods. He seems to be wandering somewhat, and he looks vaguely like an elf, but his long white hair is thin and his skin is grey.

Matriarch Galia says: You. What are you doing here?
Thin-Haired Figure says: I can ask you the same. We're far from your domicile.

The figure seems to be well-dressed in dark clothing.

Matriarch Galia says: I have something for you. For your masters.
Thin-Haired Figure says: Is that so?

Galia pulls out the dagger.

Thin-Haired Figure says: This is interesting. And who are they?
Matriarch Galia says: Unimportant. You’ll follow us for the time being and take us to your masters. I would offer a trade.
Thin-Haired Figure says: Very well. I don’t see why not. I was coming here to exchange goods for my master’s benefit. If you have a better offer, my job got significantly easier.
Matriarch Galia says: You came through a portal? Take me there.
Thin-Haired Figure says: Of course. Of course. Right this way.

The mysterious figure takes over the lead, and they come to a clearing with a small pond. The pond is crystal clear, unlike everything else in the land.

Thin-Haired Figure says: I presume you made a deal to get out? You’ll find what you need at the bottom of this lake. My people do not enjoy swimming.
Matriarch Galia says: It seems that our arrangement has come to an end then. I… would never reneg on a bargain made between two friends, but…

Galia looks at Uther.

Matriarch Galia says: Would you not remiss me one last draw? It is, after all, partially due your intervention that my people have to relocate. Something to remember you by, perhaps. And I would not request this out of charity. I will return the favor, of course. After all, you gave me the ammunition to quit this wretched place.
Uther Menethil says: A token of good faith. Between my people and yours.

He extends his hand, and Galia smiles. She takes out what appears to be a bright white horn. She pulls it up to her wrist and draws something into. The same marking appear on Uther’s own wrist as the blood floats up and floats toward Galia, while her own floats toward Uther.

Matriarch Galia says: When your time is bleak and you require my assistance, that will allow you to call upon me. So I can return the favor I owe to you.
Uther Menethil says: It was a pleasure doing business with you.
Matriarch Galia says: And all of you. I do hope when life comes to an end for you, this wretched place does not ensnare your souls. Perhaps we’ll meet again someday.
Uther Menethil says: I have a funny feeling that we will.
Matriarch Galia says: Farewell, Uther Menethil of Lordaeron. Farewell you delicious morsels who he chooses to call friends.
Uther Menethil says: Farewell, Galia.
Matriarch Galia says: And you and I, we have business to attend to.

She turns to the pale, dark robed figure.

Matriarch Galia says: Let us fetch my coven.

The pair leave, leaving the group at the peculiar pool.

Vel goes to examine the pool, but before she can get a good look, Uther runs by and cannonballs into the pool.

Velameestra Windrunner shouts: UTHER!

They are all splashed with icy cold, refreshing water. Vel grumbles to herself and then dives in after Uther.

Elissa Cross says: Wait for me!

Elissa runs forward, and Remnii puts a hoof in before immersing herself, looking back at Seria with a shrug.

They note that the pool goes a lot deeper than the group would expect. Uther starts to sink, and keeps sinking. As he goes deeper and deeper, there is almost a current that pulls them deeper down. They can’t breathe the water. They swim for nearly two minutes, and the deeper they get, the more normal their bodies return, minus the frigid chill of the water. Then there’s a crossroads. There is a current that is pulling them into five or six directions. It’s complete blackness.

The water seems colder straight forward. It’s pulling stronger to the left. The southern side is pushing against him, and the water is thicker to the right.

Uther goes for the cold water. As they swim as hard as they can, the frigid waters begin to pull them. Suddenly, their bodies stretch, and the pain becomes nearly unbearable as the two minutes end. And then light reaches their eyes. It appears they are in the bottom of a rocky basin, and there are smooth pathways that lead up toward the light, rocky ice on the ground beneath them.

Something splashes into the water from up above. And three figures start to descend into the water.

The group starts to scramble for the light. The three figures sinking down into the depths of the pond are human corpses. Their throats are slit, and blood trails up to the surface. The corpses are nearly naked, and their flesh has been grafted with runes in the trollish language.

Seria hears something rumbling in the pool below, and bubbles start to rise. Seria takes a look, and there are six, large, bright white eyes looking at them. Rocky icy chunks move, and three long and sinuous necks reach out.

Vel and Remnii break the surface at the last second, and they find themselves in the middle of a pool. The icy water is frigid, but there is bright golden sand everywhere else. Up above the pool are two figures standing on a sandstone bridgeway. There’s another human that is on his knees at the edge of the bridge, and there are two female trolls that are looking down in complete and utter confusion.

Then the rest of the group surfaces, and they can feel the water churning beneath them.

There are other trolls standing around the pond. There are four lizards with long sinuous necks also there, and they have the same color of scale as whatever Seria had seen below. The trolls appear to be sand trolls, and a hot desert wind strikes the group.

Troll Priestess says: What are they doing there? GET THEM OUT OF THERE BEFORE THEY--

Then the pool water begins to bubble.

Troll Priestess says: Oh no…
Riff says: I think we need to get out of here!

He clambers out of the water, quickly followed by Vel. One of the creatures runs for Vel, swiping at her. They appear to be in some sort of canyon. There is a large ziggurat in the distance, and bones and skeletons in the corner. Vel is able to dive out of the way of the creature’s claws.

Uther Menethil says: Rude of us to crash their party. I suggest we leave before we ruin it further!
Troll High Priestess says: They’re escaping! Do not let them escape. They have angered Gahz’rilla! After them! I shall try to calm her!

Uther pulls Remnii out of the water, and they start to flee.

The large, three headed creature starts to writhe and it releases a horrifying roar before three streams of icy energy are released from its maws. One of the beams hits some of the smaller drakes, and they start to turn on the nearest individuals to them.

Horns start to blow as they draw the city to attention.

One of the of the smaller drakes breathes out a stream of icy energy as well, clipping Vel with the brunt of the damage.

Troll High Priestess says: You will not escape judgement for disturbing her!

She starts to cast hold monster, and Vel hurls an icicle of arcane energy, countering the spell.

Troll High Priestess says: You heathen! GET THAT MAGE!

However, as she says that and Vel starts to bolt, the great beast’s tail lashes around, and Vel erects a wall of force to cut off the pursuit. The high priestess is hit by the flailing tail, and goes sailing through the air, hitting the wall of force.

Remnii uses mass cure wounds as she runs, and one of the patrolling trolls tries to intercept her. Riff changes into his true form and takes to the air, trying to fly overhead to get to safety.

The patrolling troll takes a swing at Seria, and Vel follows up, swinging back at him as she runs by. He tries to strike in retribution, but the attack goes wide.

Everyone continues to book it as fast as they can. Uther looks forward, and one of the nearby sand trolls hurls something through the air at him. It’s an urn or something. It shatters on Uther’s gauntlet, and the troll disappears back into the growing crowd.

Uther casts bless on his compatriots as he runs.

Remnii passes through the markets and into a long strip of market with even more people. As soon as she rounds the corner, she sees two large scorpion-like creatures with what appears to be a slain animal between them. Remnii runs almost directly into them, and as she skirts around, one of their stingers lashes out and strikes her.

Riff soars overhead and casts flash of light on her.

Remnii casts sanctuary on herself as she continues to run, and then heals herself with her channel divinity. As she starts to move through the markets, there is a large arch up ahead. There are a few guards trying to roll a stone in front of the gate.

Vel puts on a burst of speed, and a massive creature with a heavy laden package goes right in front of her. She instinctively freezes the surface at her feet and power slides beneath the creature and keeps going.

As Seria runs, a young troll points her out. Suddenly a bunch of things start to rain down on her. She avoids some of it, but the mother hands the child a pan, which he hurls down at her and she is knocked off her feet.

Uther blinks past the troll that had tried to stop his run. As he dashes, an interceptor tries to stop him, and he books past Vel and catches up to Remnii.

Remnii says: Thank the Light… I didn’t lose you!

Uther blinks up ahead and runs at the trolls trying to close the gate. He swings into one of them, startling one of the trolls into screaming. The hammer catches two of the guards on the upswing, and sends them hurling over his shoulder--dropping them unconscious. The two remaining guards scream and run away.

Vel continues her sprint to catch up to Uther, and the sounds of the guards screaming alerts a pack of furred creatures that starts to chase after the guards. Vel deftly dances around them.

The interceptor catches up to Seria and stabs at her. As she’s twisting around, she changes into a dragonhawk and takes to the air with Riff.

As Remnii runs forward, a woman with a basket is barreled over by the fleeing guards. Remnii grabs the woman before she falls. They share a moment as they exchange a look, and Remnii hands the basket back and starts sprinting again. The troll woman is very confused.

Elissa starts to sprint forward, and the troll woman Remnii is chasing steps to the side to let her pass, and then drops her basket, causing the guard chasing Elissa to fall. The troll woman then disappears into an alley.

The group runs the last put and slide through the gate to the city. As they exit, they find themselves looking out at an endless desert. Dotting from it are watchtowers of trollish origin in the afternoon sun.

They are uncertain how they managed to get into the desert in the first place, but for the time being, it seems they lost their pursuers.

Once they appear to be safe, Uther starts laughing.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I am thoroughly done with this day. Thoroughly done.

Remnii also starts to laugh, but also cries at the same time.

Uther Menethil says: Still, despite the best efforts of fate, we are alive.
Elissa Cross says: Yeah, but, where are we?
Uther Menethil says: Doesn’t seem we’re in the land of the dead anymore, so a marked improvement.

The sun is starting to set, and they can see the twin moons of Azeroth appear overhead. There is nothing but expanses of sand.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Lets find somewhere to regroup and we can make a plan.
Uther Menethil says: Wise plan. As always.

In the distance, there are torches being lit.

Riff transforms back into his troll form.

Riff says: Are we really free of there? I’m so sorry!

He starts to cry as he’s really scared, and Seria hugs him. He’s a blubbering mess.

Uther Menethil says: Riff, did you know when certain birds migrate they form a v in the sky?

Riff shakes his head.

Uther Menethil says: They do. Most of the time one of the sides of the v is longer. Do you know why?
Riff says: No. Why?
Uther Menethil says: Because that one has more birds in it.
Riff says: I… I don’t get it.

He puzzles for a moment seeking a deeper meaning.

Uther Menethil says: Don’t worry, Riff, it’s just a terrible joke.
Velameestra Windrunner says: An abysmal one, actually.
Remnii says: He’s trying to cheer you up.
Riff says: Oh. I’m sorry....

Seria continues to comfort Riff and Seria makes some water. While meditating, Remnii tries to call upon the naaru for guidance.

Remnii says: Where are we?

However, as she prays, she can feel the presence of the naaru. They are on Azeroth, but the naaru don’t answer directly.

Seria uses scrying to try and scry on Gil. The water fogs up, and then it becomes clouded and murky. There are streaks of green electricity coursing between the clouds, and then the water erupts from the bowl and splashes out.

They are startled by bolts of viridian lightning.

It was familiar to Remnii. It was what happened when they tried to scry Velen in Jaina’s study.

Remnii says: Were you trying to scry just now?

Seria nods.

Remnii says: Be careful. I… I’ve heard that there are some disturbances. As Leallyasa confirmed, depending on where you are attempting to make connections at the moment. They are interrupted by something. The same thing happened to me.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Well I have teleportation circle prepared. We can likely get back to the Tower of Azora. See how much time has passed.
Uther Menethil says: We could try to reach out to Victor.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We would need to know where he’s at unless we use dream. I don’t have that prepared currently.

Sensing no argument, Vel starts to teleportation circle back to Theocritus’s tower.

Remnii says: I suppose anywhere is better than the middle of nowhere. But we should reach out to someone before we do anything.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Can you send Theocritus? I don’t have it prepared.
Remnii says: Theocritus, it’s Remnii. We’ve just arrived back in a desert. Is it safe to teleport to you?

A response comes back, but it’s like trying to hear over the sound of rippling thunder.

Theocritus says: Who? I can’t.... Interference....

Remnii looks back at the group.

Remnii says: There is interference. I don’t think he could hear me. I could try again, or I could try Dawn.
Velameestra Windrunner says: She wanders more than Theocritus. I suppose you can try at the Tower of Azora or the Tower of Ilgalar.
Remnii says: It’s Remnii. Don’t know how long we’ve been gone. Is it safe to teleport to the Tower of Azora.
Dawn Brightstar says: Remnii? Dead. Months. Who are you? What--

Remnii relays the information.

Velameestra Windrunner says: We need to get back. If it’s been months, we need to get back.

They can see lights bobbing in the distance.

Remnii says: I think we need to be smart to get back.

Vel is clearly distressed, but she takes a moment to try and calm herself and sort out possible routes they can use to get back from wherever it is they turned up.

Remnii contacts Dawn one more time, telling her not to tell anyone.

Dawn Brightstar says: Alright… be safe… I’ll try to find you.
Remnii says: Will reach out tomorrow. Ask Theocritus if teleporting to tower is safe. Thank you.

There is a word of acknowledgement.

Seria says: I can try to contact Victor.
Remnii says: Thank you, Seria. We should rest, but two, what about those lights?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t have any of my subterfuge spells prepared right now.
Remnii says: Alright. I recommend taking this thing in small bites. We don’t need to investigate everything.
Uther Menethil says: I agree. We should set up a small camp. No fire. We’ll get some sleep, and when that damnable sun wakes us up with that murderous heat, we can decide on our next move.

The group sets up camp, keeping the same watches as in the Shadowlands. The night gets cold, but the sky is beautiful. The group keeps an eye on the individuals in the distance--the lights. Thankfully, it seems they kept to themselves.

Seria, meanwhile, tries to dream Victor. As she falls into her trance, she awakens in the Dream, and she’s not in a desert. In fact, she’s in a lush and beautiful oasis. There is still sand, but it is much more lush here. However, as she turns towards Victor, the sky starts to darken, and it gets darker and darker. Seria continues to try.

As she pulls him closer, she can almost sense him, but the clouds get more and more severe. Finally, as bolts of viridian lightning strike the ground, one of them strikes near Seria, and her eyes open. She is kicked out of the dream spell and she looks around the camp. It’s still first watch. Her heart races for a moment, and then slows.

Seria gets up and goes over to Uther and Vel.

Seria says: Da same thing happened. It’s not going to work.
Uther Menethil says: This is troubling.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So we’re completely cut off.
Uther Menethil says: At this point I’m almost concerned about attempting to use teleport.
Seria says: I don’t know, but if the same thing is happening and interfering. I wouldn’t want to risk it. That lightning be everywhere.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’ll try to contact some people tomorrow night. I’ll prepare the spell. Maybe an arcane means will be different.

May 7th

The next morning comes, and now that it’s light out, they can see the other camp in the distance. There are a number of steeds around with humanoid-shaped riders. They can’t make out anything else.

The group packs up and Remnii tries to pray for guidance again, asking where they are at. There is no response. Eventually the campers continue to move.

There is desert as far as the eye can see.

Vel casts invisibility on Seria and she takes to the sky to scope things out. She starts to hear music as she draws closer. The vocalizations are not in a language Seria can recognize, but there are two female humanoids harmonizing. The creatures appear to be humans. There are a few more than a dozen, and they seem to be decently well armed and armored, and are heavily garbed with light cloths that are draped around their heads. Most seem to have curved weapons. There are carts draped with thick cloths, being pulled by some of the strange pack creatures.

Seria flies back to relay the information, while Remnii uses commune.

Remnii says: Vel. I have three questions that I can ask that will be true. One of them I was curious if we approached that caravan, will it be hostile. The other I need to ask if we are on Kalimdor. I was wondering if-- oh. I should ask if it’s safe to teleport. I was trying to be… nevermind, I’ll go do that.

She begins to commune.

Remnii says: Is it safe to teleport to the tower of Theocritus?

The answer is more or less “not here, not now”

Remnii says: Will the caravan be hostile if approached with caution?

The answer is “yes” but there is familiarity in the chimes. It could be dangerous, but maybe not for the group.

Remnii says: Are we are on Kalimdor?

The answer is “yes”

Remnii makes a noise, and she relays the information.

Remnii says: We are on Kalimdor.

Seria returns with the information of what she saw, and Remnii uses tongues while Vel uses comprehend languages. Seria suggests Riff and her stay back.

Riff says: I have an idea.

His form shifts around, and he turns into one of the dogs they had seen inside the troll city.

Riff says: It works! This might work. Perhaps? I believe I can do this.
Remni says: That leaves you, Seria. We should not leave you alone, but we will need to catch up to the caravan quickly.

The group makes their way over. As they get closer, they note that two of the riders break off and start heading in their direction. As they meet them halfway, they ask a question in their language.

Mounted Woman says [Lisan Alramal]: Who are you? What are you doing in the desert?
Remnii says: Why is a long and convoluted story. We are not here by choice. I am Remnii. We are lost.

The woman then switches to common.

Mounted Woman says: That much is clear. Follow us. You will speak to the princesses.

The pair flanks the group and ushers them ahead. One of the curtains has been drawn, and there are two women looking out of it. The one with the violet clothing gets out and squints at the group before starting to laugh.

She reaches up and removes the mask. She looks familiar.

Peeking out from behind her is the other woman. They recognize them.

They were performing in a tavern in Dalaran.

Decorated Woman says: It’s been some time!