
This page lists all existing Evocation spells. If you would like to see spells broken up by class, reference the appropriate class spell list.

Cantrips [27]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Evocation Acid Splash 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 211, SRD
School of Evocation Black Candle 1 action VM Touch 1 hour UGTTP: Shadowfell
School of Evocation Booming Blade 1 action SM* Self 1 round TCE 106, SCAG 142
School of Evocation Caustic Strike 1 action SM* Self 1 round Homebrew
School of Evocation Crusader Strike 1 action SM* Self 1 round Homebrew
School of Evocation Fire Bolt 1 action VS 120 feet Instantaneous PHB 242, SRD
School of Evocation Flash 1 action VS 10 feet Instantaneous Homebrew
School of Evocation Fountain Blade 1 action SM* Self 1 round Homebrew
School of Evocation Frostbite 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous XGE 156
School of Evocation Frost Strike 1 action SM* Self 1 round Homebrew
School of Evocation Green-Flame Blade 1 action SM* Self 1 round TCE 107, SCAG 143
School of Evocation Jolt 1 action VS 90 feet Instantaneous Homebrew
School of Evocation Light 1 action VM Touch 1 hour PHB 255, SRD
School of Evocation Lightning Lure 1 action V Self (15-foot radius) Instantaneous TCE 107, SCAG 143
School of Evocation Poison Spray 1 action VS 30 feet Instantaneous PHB 266, SRD
School of Evocation Produce Flame 1 action VS Self 10 minutes PHB 269, SRD
School of Evocation Psi Blade 1 action SM* Self 1 round Homebrew
School of Evocation Ray of Frost 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 271, SRD
School of Evocation Rose Blade 1 action SM* Self 1 round Homebrew
School of Evocation Sacred Flame 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 272, SRD
School of Evocation Shocking Grasp 1 action VS Touch Instantaneous PHB 275, SRD
School of Evocation Shock Strike 1 action SM* Self 1 Round Homebrew
School of Evocation Starry Wisp 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous UA: Playtest 8
School of Evocation Thunderclap 1 action S Self (5-foot emanation Instantaneous PHB 2024 333
School of Evocation Toxic Strike 1 action SM* Self 1 round Homebrew
School of Evocation Wind Blade 1 action SM* 30 feet Instantaneous Homebrew
School of Evocation Word of Radiance 1 action VM Self (5-foot emanation) Instantaneous PHB 2024 343

1st-Level Spells [15]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Evocation Acid Stream 1 action VSM Self (30-foot line) (C) 1 minute TCE 115
School of Evocation Burning Hands 1 action VS Self (15-foot cone) Instantaneous PHB 220, SRD
School of Evocation Chromatic Orb 1 action VSM($) 90 feet Instantaneous PHB 2024
School of Evocation Divine Favor 1 bonus action VS Self 1 minute PHB 234, SRD
School of Evocation Earth Tremor 1 action VS 10 feet Instantaneous XGE 155
School of Evocation Faerie Fire 1 action V 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 239, SRD
School of Evocation Guiding Bolt 1 action VS 120 feet 1 round PHB 248, SRD
School of Evocation Hellish Rebuke 1 reaction VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 250, SRD
School of Evocation Ice Knife 1 action SM 60 feet Instantaneous XGE 157
School of Evocation Magic Missile 1 action VS 120 feet Instantaneous PHB 257, SRD
School of Evocation Searing Smite 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting a target with a weapon attack V Self Instantaneous PHB 2024 314
School of Evocation Thunderous Smite 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting a target with a weapon attack V Self Instantaneous PHB 282
School of Evocation Thunderwave 1 action VS Self (15-foot cube) Instantaneous PHB 282, SRD
School of Evocation Witch Bolt 1 action VSM 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 289
School of Evocation Wrathful Smite 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting a target with a weapon attack V Self (C) 1 minute PHB 289

2nd-Level Spells [17]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Evocation Acid Arrow 1 action VSM 120 feet Instantaneous PHB 259, SRD
School of Evocation Shining Smite 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting a target with a weapon attack V Self (C) 1 minute PHB 219, SRD
School of Evocation Continual Flame 1 action VSM($) Touch Until dispelled PHB 227, SRD
School of Evocation Darkness 1 action VM 60 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 230, SRD
School of Evocation Devastating Hand 1 action VS Touch Instantaneous Homebrew
School of Evocation Flame Blade 1 bonus action VSM Self (C) 10 minutes PHB 242, SRD
School of Evocation Flaming Sphere 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 242, SRD
School of Evocation Frost Fingers 1 action SM Self (15-foot cone) Instantaneous FTD 21
School of Evocation Gust of Wind 1 action VSM Self (60-foot line) (C) 1 minute PHB 248, SRD
School of Evocation Moonbeam 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 261, SRD
School of Evocation Protective Penumbra 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 minute Homebrew
School of Evocation Scorcher 1 action VSM 30 feet Instantaneous XGE 150
School of Evocation Scorching Ray 1 action VS 120 feet Instantaneous PHB 273, SRD
School of Evocation Shatter 1 action VSM 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 275, SRD
School of Evocation Snowball Swarm 1 action VSM 90 feet Instantaneous XGE 165
School of Evocation Spiritual Weapon 1 bonus action VS 60 feet 1 minute PHB 278, SRD
School of Evocation Warding Wind 1 action V Self (C) 10 minutes XGE 170

3rd-Level Spells [13]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Evocation Blinding Smite 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting a target with a weapon attack V Self (C) 1 minute PHB 219
School of Evocation Crusader's Mantle 1 action V Self (30-foot radius) (C) 1 minute PHB 230
School of Evocation Daylight 1 action VS 60 feet 1 hour PHB 230, SRD
School of Evocation Fireball 1 action VSM 150 feet Instantaneous or (C) 1 minute PHB 241, SRD
School of Evocation Flame Arrows 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 hour PHB 237
School of Evocation Lightning Arrow 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting or missing a target with a ranged weapon attack VS Self Instantaneous PHB 2024 292
School of Evocation Lightning Bolt 1 action VSM Self (100-foot line) Instantaneous PHB 255, SRD
School of Evocation Minute Meteors 1 action VSM Self (C) 10 minutes XGE 161
School of Evocation Pulse Wave 1 action VS Self (30-foot cone) Instantaneous EGW 188
School of Evocation Shackling Smite 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting a target with a weapon attack V Self (C) 1 minute Knuckleheads
School of Evocation Wall of Sand 1 action VSM 90 feet (C) 10 minutes XGE 170
School of Evocation Wall of Water 1 action VSM 60 feet (C) 10 minutes XGE 170
School of Evocation Wind Wall 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 288, SRD

4th-Level Spells [13]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Evocation Arcane Eruption 1 action VS 120 feet Instantaneous UA: Player's Handbook Playtest
School of Evocation Fire Shield 1 action VSM Self 10 minutes PHB 242, SRD
School of Evocation Fount of Moonlight 1 action VS Self (C) 10 minutes UA: Playtest 8
School of Evocation Gravity Sinkhole 1 action VSM 120 feet Instantaneous EGW 187
School of Evocation Ice Storm 1 action VSM 300 feet Instantaneous PHB 252, SRD
School of Evocation Resilient Sphere 1 action VSM 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 264, SRD
School of Evocation Sickening Radiance 1 action VS 120 feet (C) 10 minutes XGE 164
School of Evocation Staggering Smite 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting a target with a weapon attack V Self 1 minute PHB 2024 319
School of Evocation Storm Sphere 1 action VS 150 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 166
School of Evocation Vitriolic Sphere 1 action VSM 150 feet Instantaneous XGE 170
School of Evocation Wall of Fire 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 285, SRD
School of Evocation Watery Sphere 1 action VSM 90 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 170
School of Evocation Web of Fire 1 action VSM 60 feet Instantaneous Critical Role

5th-Level Spells [13]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Evocation Arcane Hand 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 218, SRD
School of Evocation Cone of Cold 1 action VSM Self (60-foot cone) Instantaneous PHB 224, SRD
School of Evocation Dawn 1 action VSM($) 60 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 153
School of Evocation Destructive Wave 1 action V Self (30-foot radius) Instantaneous PHB 231
School of Evocation Flame Strike 1 action VSM 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 242, SRD
School of Evocation Holy Weapon 1 bonus action VS Touch (C) 1 hour XGE 157
School of Evocation Immolation 1 action V 90 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 158
School of Evocation Maelstrom 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 160
School of Evocation Storm of Radiance 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 1 minute PHB'24 289
School of Evocation Wall of Force 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 285, SRD
School of Evocation Wall of Light 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 10 minutes XGE 170
School of Evocation Wall of Stone 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 287, SRD
School of Evocation Wrath of Nature 1 action VS 120 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 171

6th-Level Spells [5]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Evocation Chain Lightning 1 action VSM 150 feet Instantaneous PHB 221, SRD
School of Evocation Freezing Sphere 1 action VSM 300 feet Instantaneous PHB 2024, SRD
School of Evocation Gravity Fissure 1 action VSM Self (100-foot line) Instantaneous EGW 187
School of Evocation Sunbeam 1 action VSM Self (60-foot line) (C) 1 minute PHB 279, SRD
School of Evocation Wall of Ice 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 285, SRD

7th-Level Spells [7]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Evocation Arcane Sword 1 action VSM($) 60 feet 1 minute PHB 262, SRD
School of Evocation Crown of Stars 1 action VS Self 1 hour XGE 152
School of Evocation Divine Word 1 bonus action V 30 feet Instantaneous PHB 234, SRD
School of Evocation Fire Storm 1 action VS 150 feet Instantaneous PHB 242, SRD
School of Evocation Forcecage 1 action VSM($) 100 feet 1 hour PHB 243, SRD
School of Evocation Prismatic Spray 1 action VS Self (60-foot cone) Instantaneous PHB 267, SRD
School of Evocation Whirlwind 1 action VM 300 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 171

8th-Level Spells [3]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Evocation Dark Star 1 action VSM 150 feet (C) 1 minute EGW 186
School of Evocation Maddening Darkness 1 action VM 150 feet (C) 10 minutes XGE 160
School of Evocation Sunburst 1 action VSM 150 feet Instantaneous PHB 279, SRD

9th-Level Spells [3]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Evocation Meteor Swarm 1 action VS 1 mile Instantaneous PHB 259, SRD
School of Evocation Prismatic Wall 1 action VS 60 feet 10 minutes PHB 267, SRD
School of Evocation Ravenous Void 1 action VSM 1000 feet (C) 1 minute EGW 188