Liiraluma (Level 17 Draenei Artificer)
Ancestry: Draenei | Culture: Magitech | Background: Engineer | Destiny: Excellence / Knowledge (Current) |
Strength | Dexterity | Constitution | Intelligence | Wisdom | Charisma |
8 (-1) | 16 (+3) | 16 (+3) | 20 (+5) | 12 (+1) | 10 (+0) |
Hit Points: 139 | Proficiency Bonus: +6 | Size: Medium | Movement: 30 ft. |
Languages: Culture: Common, Draenic | Background: Eredun | Linguist: Draconic, Goblin, Titanic
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 17, Passive Investigation 21
Resistances: Poison, Psychic
Ancestry Features
- You have Advantage on Death saving throws and saving throws against poisons, diseases, and curses.
- You have resistance to poison damage.
- Your hit point maximum cannot be reduced.
Culture Features
- Alarm. This device senses when a creature moves to within 15 feet of it without speaking aloud a password chosen when you create it. One round after a creature moves into range, the alarm makes a shrill ringing that lasts for 1 minute and can be heard from up to 300 feet away.
- Calculator. This device makes doing sums easy.
- Clockwork Toy. This toy is a clockwork animal, monster, or person, such as a frog, mouse, bird, dragon, or soldier. When placed on the ground, the toy moves 5 feet across the ground on each of your turns in a random direction. It makes noises as appropriate to the creature it represents.
- Fire Starter. The device produces a miniature flame, which you can use to light a candle, torch, or campfire. Using the device requires your action.
- Lifter. This device can be used as a block and tackle, allowing its user to hoist five times the weight the user can normally lift.
- Music Box. When opened, this music box plays a single song at a moderate volume. The box stops playing when it reaches the song's end or when it is closed.
- Recorder. This device can be attached to a wall or any smooth, sturdy surface. When placed, it begins monitoring the area around it. Choose one sort of activity to monitor: noise or movement. The device detects these things up to 30 feet around it, including through openings, but cannot sense through total cover. The device relays the information back to you telepathically, and can share either clips of sound (limited to 30 seconds at a time, with a minimum of 10 minutes in between relays) or information on the size and number of creatures moving in the area.
- Timekeeper. This pocket watch keeps accurate time.
- Weather Sensor. When used as an action, this device predicts weather conditions in a 1-mile radius over the next 4 hours, showing one symbol (clouds, sun/moon, rain, or snow) for each hour.
Background Feature
Urban Infrastructure
Though engineers sometimes get a reputation as mad inventors, they are also involved with mundane tasks of construction and architecture. You have a basic knowledge of the structure of buildings, including the stuff behind the walls. You can also find blueprints of a specific building in order to learn the details of its construction. Such blueprints might provide knowledge of entry points, structural weaknesses, or secret spaces. Your access to such information isn't unlimited. If obtaining or using the information gets you in trouble with the law, you're on your own.
Destiny Features
Source of Inspiration
Failure is the Best Teacher. Every failed attempt is a chance for growth, and make your breakthroughs shine brighter. You gain inspiration whenever the DM calls for you to make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw and the final result of the d20 roll is a natural 1 or a natural 20.
Learning. You draw inspiration from research, understanding, and gaining new insights and data. You gain inspiration whenever you make an arcane, divine, scholastic, or scientific discovery. Examples include:
- Closely examine a previously unknown or rare creature or phenomenon.
- Discover something thought to be a myth or impossible.
- Learn new information after at least 8 hours studying from a source of knowledge such as a library, book, or powerful artifact
Inspiration Features
Practiced Edge. A perfected technique is often the difference between victory and defeat. After you roll an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw but before you know the outcome, you may spend your inspiration to add a +5 bonus to that roll.
Critical Evaluation. Drawing upon a lifetime of study, you leap to accurate conclusions with only preliminary findings. As a bonus action you may spend your inspiration to quickly evaluate a creature or item you can see and accurately determine one objective attribute of your choice. When evaluating a creature in this way, you may determine its resistances, immunities, vulnerabilities, what languages it speaks, or its Armor Class. When evaluating an item in this way, you may determine if it is magical, poisonous, cursed, trapped, or its approximate value.
Fulfillment Feature: A Technique Perfected (Pick School)
If you prepare spells, you can prepare 3 additional spells per day. These spells must be of the chosen school.
◇ | Strength Saving Throw | -1 |
○ | Athletics | -1 |
◇ | Dexterity Saving Throw | +3 |
○ | Acrobatics | +3 |
● | Sleight of Hand | +9 |
○ | Stealth | +3 |
◇ | Charisma Saving Throw | +0 |
○ | Deception | +0 |
○ | Performance | +0 |
● | Persuasion | +6 |
◆ | Constitution Saving Throw | +9 |
◆ | Intelligence Saving Throw | +11 |
● | Arcana | +11 |
● | History | +11 |
● | Intimidation | +11 |
● | Investigation | +11 |
○ | Medicine | +5 |
○ | Nature | +5 |
○ | Religion | +5 |
◇ | Wisdom Saving Throw | +1 |
○ | Animal Handling | +1 |
● | Insight | +7 |
● | Perception | +7 |
○ | Survival | +1 |
★ | Artisan: Brewer Supplies |
★ | Artisan: Calligrapher Supplies |
★ | Artisan: Carpenter Tools |
★ | Artisan: Glassblower Tools |
★ | Artisan: Interfacing Tools |
★ | Artisan: Jeweler Tools |
★ | Artisan: Leatherworker Tools |
★ | Artisan: Mason Tools |
★ | Artisan: Potter Tools |
★ | Artisan: Tinker Tools |
★ | Artisan: Smith Tools |
★ | Artisan: Weaver Tools |
★ | Artisan: Woodcarver Tools |
★ | Roguish: Thieves' Tools |
★ | Vehicle: Air Vehicles |
Light and medium armor, shields | |
Simple weapons, ranged martial weapons |
Proficiency Sources: Culture: Investigation, Interfacing Tools, Tinker Tools, Smith Tools Background: Perception, Air Vehicles Artificer Class: Constitution Saving Throws, Arcana, History, Sleight of Hand, Intimidation (Intellectual Calibre), Intelligence Saving Throws, Thieves' Tools, Jeweler Tools, Glassblower Tools, Woodcarver Tools (Artillerist) Intelligence Bonus: Insight, Persuasion Feats: Brewer Supplies (Skilled), Calligrapher Supplies (Skilled), Carpenter Tools, Leatherworker Tools, Mason Tools, Potter Tools (Skilled), Weaver Tools Downtime/Other: |
Class Features
Artificer (Artillerist) 17
Magical Tinkering
You've learned how to invest a spark of magic into mundane objects. To use this ability, you must have thieves' tools or artisan's tools in hand. You then touch a Tiny nonmagical object as an action and give it one of the following magical properties of your choice:
- The object sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet.
- Whenever tapped by a creature, the object emits a recorded message that can be heard up to 10 feet away. You utter the message when you bestow this property on the object, and the recording can be no more than 6 seconds long.
- The object continuously emits your choice of an odor or a nonverbal sound (wind, waves, chirping, or the like). The chosen phenomenon is perceivable up to 10 feet away.
- A static visual effect appears on one of the object's surfaces. This effect can be a picture, up to 25 words of text, lines and shapes, or a mixture of these elements, as you like.
The chosen property lasts indefinitely. As an action, you can touch the object and end the property early.
You can bestow magic on multiple objects, touching one object each time you use this feature, though a single object can only bear one property at a time. The maximum number of objects you can affect with this feature at one time is 5. If you try to exceed your maximum, the oldest property immediately ends, and then the new property applies.
Schematics (12) - PICK 2
Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch a nonmagical object and imbue it with one of your artificer schematics, turning it into a magic item. A schematic works on only certain kinds of objects, as specified in the schematic’s description. If the item requires attunement, you can attune yourself to it the instant you upgrade the item. If you decide to attune to the item later, you must do so using the normal process for attunement. Your schematic upgrade remains in an item indefinitely, but when you die, the upgrade vanishes after a number of days equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 day). The upgrade also vanishes if you replace your knowledge of the schematic.
You can upgrade more than one nonmagical object at the end of a long rest, to a maximum of 5. You must touch each of the objects, and each of your infusions can be in only one object at a time. Moreover, no object can bear more than one of your upgrades at a time. If you try to exceed your maximum number of upgrades, the oldest upgrade ends, and then the new upgrade applies.
If an upgrade ends on an item that contains other things, like a bag of holding, its contents harmlessly appear in and around its space.
- Boots of the Winding Path (Attunement). While wearing these boots, a creature can teleport up to 15 feet as a Bonus Action to an unoccupied space the creature can see. The creature must have occupied that space at some point during the current turn.
- Enhanced Defense. A creature gains a +2 bonus to Armor Class while wearing (armor) or wielding (shield) the infused item.
- Helm of Awareness (Attunement). While wearing this helmet, a creature has Advantage on initiative rolls. In addition, the wearer can't be Surprised, provided it isn't Incapacitated.
- Homunculus Servant. You learn intricate methods for magically creating a special homunculus that serves you. The item you infuse serves as the creature's heart, around which the creature's body instantly forms. You determine the homunculus's appearance. Some artificers prefer mechanical-looking birds, whereas some like winged vials or miniature, animate cauldrons. The homunculus is friendly to you and your companions, and it obeys your commands. See this creature's game statistics in the Homunculus Servant stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB) in several places. In combat, the homunculus shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take another action. That action can be one in its stat block or some other action. If you are incapacitated, the homunculus can take any action of its choice, not just Dodge. The homunculus regains 2d6 hit points if the mending spell is cast on it. If you or the homunculus dies, it vanishes, leaving its heart in its space.
- Radiant Weapon (Attunement). This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, the wielder can take a Bonus Action to cause it to shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. The wielder can extinguish the light as a Bonus Action. The weapon has 4 charges. As a Reaction immediately after being hit by an attack, the wielder can expend 1 charge and cause the attacker to be Blinded until the end of the attacker's next turn, unless the attacker succeeds on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. The weapon regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.
- Replicate Magic Item: Bag of Holding (Favored Items).
- Replicate Magic Item: Gem of Seeing (Attunement | Favored Items).
- Replicate Magic Item: Bracers of Archery (Attunement).
- Replicate Magic Item: Headband of Intellect (Attunement).
- Repulsion Shield (Attunement). A creature gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class while wielding this shield. The shield has 4 charges. While holding it, the wielder can use a Reaction immediately after being hit by a melee attack to expend 1 of the shield's charges and push the attacker up to 15 feet away. The shield regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.
- Resistant Armor (Attunement). While wearing this armor, a creature has resistance to one of the following damage types, which you choose when you infuse the item: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder.
- Spell-Refueling Ring. While wearing this ring, the creature can recover one expended spell slot as an Action. The recovered slot can be of 3rd level or lower. Once used, the ring can't be used again until the next dawn.
The Right Tool for the Job
You've learned how to produce exactly the tool you need: with thieves' tools or artisan's tools in hand, you can magically create one set of artisan's tools in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. This creation requires 1 hour of uninterrupted work, which can coincide with a short or long rest. Though the product of magic, the tools are nonmagical, and they vanish when you use this feature again.
Artillerist: Tool Proficiency
You gain proficiency with Woodcarver Tools.
Artillerist: Eldritch Cannon
You've learned how to create a magical cannon. Using woodcarver's tools or smith's tools, you can take an Action to magically create a Small or Tiny eldritch cannon in an unoccupied space on a horizontal surface within 5 feet of you. A Small eldritch cannon occupies its space, and a Tiny one can be held in one hand. Once you create a cannon, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest or until you expend a spell slot to create one. You can have only one cannon at a time and can't create one while your cannon is present.
The cannon is a magical object. Regardless of size, the cannon has an AC of 18 and a number of hit points equal to five times your artificer level. It is immune to poison damage and psychic damage. If it is forced to make an ability check or a saving throw, treat all its ability scores as 10 (+0). If the mending spell is cast on it, it regains 2d6 hit points. It disappears if it is reduced to 0 hit points or after 1 hour. You can dismiss it early as an action.
When you create the cannon, you determine its appearance and whether it has legs. You also decide which type it is, choosing from the options on the Eldritch Cannons table. On each of your turns, you can take a Bonus Action to cause the cannon to activate if you are within 60 feet of it. As part of the same Bonus Action, you can direct the cannon to walk or climb up to 15 feet to an unoccupied space, provided it has legs.
- Flamethrower. The cannon exhales fire in an adjacent 15-foot cone that you designate. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC, taking 3d8 fire damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.
- Force Ballista. Make a ranged spell attack, originating from the cannon, at one creature or object within 120 feet of it. On a hit, the target takes 3d8 force damage, and if the target is a creature, it is pushed up to 5 feet away from the cannon.
- Protector. The cannon emits a burst of positive energy that grants itself and each creature of your choice within 10 feet of it a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
Explosive Cannon
Every eldritch cannon you create is more destructive. As an Action, you can command the cannon to detonate if you are within 60 feet of it. Doing so destroys the cannon and forces each creature within 20 feet of it to make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC, taking 3d8 force damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one.
Fortified Position
You’re a master at forming well-defended emplacements using Eldritch Cannon:
- You and your allies have half cover while within 10 feet of a cannon you create with Eldritch Cannon, as a result of a shimmering field of magical protection that the cannon emits.
- You can now have two cannons at the same time. You can create two with the same action (but not the same spell slot), and you can activate both of them with the same bonus action. You determine whether the cannons are identical to each other or different. You can't create a third cannon while you have two.
Artillerist: Gunslinger
Your mastery of mathematics and marksmanship have paid off in two ways:
- You gain proficiency with ranged martial weapons.
- When you attack with a magic weapon, you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity modifier, for the attack and damage rolls.
Favored Items
- Weapons. When you upgrade weapons using your known schematics, you may apply two upgrades to the same weapon.
- Wondrous Items (Can't Choose a Favorite). You learn two additional schematics, and may upgrade 2 additional items. These extra schematics must be Replicate Magic Item choosing a Wondrous Item, and the extra upgrades must be Wondrous Items.
Artillerist: Arcane Firearm
You know how to turn a wand, staff, rod, or ranged weapon into an arcane firearm, a conduit for your destructive spells. When you finish a long rest, you can use woodcarver's tools to carve special sigils into a wand, staff, rod, or ranged weapon and thereby turn it into your arcane firearm. The sigils disappear from the object if you later carve them on a different item. The sigils otherwise last indefinitely.
You can use your arcane firearm as a spellcasting focus for your artificer spells. When a creature takes damage from one of your artificer spells you cast through the firearm, or from a weapon attack with firearms, you can also deal 1d8 damage of the attack or spell's type to that creature. Once you deal this damage, you can't use this feature again until the start of your next turn.
Tool Expertise
Your proficiency bonus is now doubled for any ability check you make that uses your proficiency with a tool.
Intellectual Calibre
Your attitudes and academic manners have cemented how you and your intellect are perceived by your peers.
- Genius. You’re known for coming up with solutions under pressure. When you or another creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an ability check or a saving throw, you can use your Reaction to add your Intelligence modifier to the roll. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
- Perfectionist (Higher Calibre). Your demand for perfection extends past your own work, and with only a discerning glare and a few choice words you can make the confident seem foolish. You gain proficiency in Intimidation, and you can always choose to use Intelligence when making an Intimidation check.
You have learned how to manage your magic and inventions more efficiently.
- Salvage Mana. When you cast a spell of 1st-level or higher, and every target succeeds on the saving throw against the spell, you can restore mana equal to half the cost of the spell. After you have regained mana equal to twice your proficiency bonus in this way, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
- Supercharge (Reduce, Reuse). After you use charges from an item that has an ability to regain charges, you may choose to restore one charge to the item. Doing this prevents effects that would occur upon expending the item’s last charge. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Magic Item Adept (Interfacing Tools)
You achieve a profound understanding of how to use and make magic items:
- You gain 2 additional attunement slots.
- If you craft a magic item with interfacing tools, or any magic item with a rarity of common or uncommon, it takes you a quarter of the normal time, and it costs you half as much of the usual gold.
Spell-Storing Item
You can now store a spell in an object. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can touch one simple or martial weapon or one item that you can use as a spellcasting focus, and you store a spell in it, choosing a 1st or 2nd-level spell from the artificer spell list that requires 1 action to cast (you needn't have it prepared).
While holding the object, a creature can take an action to produce the spell's effect from it, using your spellcasting ability modifier. If the spell requires concentration, the creature must concentrate. The spell stays in the object until it's been used a number of times equal to twice your Intelligence modifier (minimum of twice) or until you use this feature again to store a spell in an object.
Marvel of Innovation (Prosthetics)
You’ve managed to truly improve on an existing product or create something new altogether, taking a solid step forward in the technological development of the world. Through patents, deals, and contracts, you earn a steady income from the sale of your invention in major cities and trade routes. You gain 150 gp, and another 150 gp at the beginning of each month. At the DM’s discretion, this number may increase or decrease over the course of your adventure. This total is independent from income made by selling the product individually.
In addition, your notoriety as a great inventor spreads along with your invention. While you are in a region that sells your invention, you have advantage on social checks made to interact with people who use, make, or sell your product.
Magic Item Savant
Your skill with magic items deepens more:
- You gain 2 additional attunement slots.
- You ignore all class, race, spell and level requirements on attuning to or using a magic item
Item Recharge
You’ve learned what makes magic items tick and how to charge them up on your own. While you are attuned to a magic item that uses charges, you can use a bonus action to end one of your artificer upgrades to restore 1d6 + 1 expended charges. The DM may rule that certain legendary magic items, like the Luck Blade, cannot benefit from this ability.
Feats & Ability Score Increases
Field Discoveries (Artificer): 6 | Feats: 2 |
Can't Choose a Favorite (Artificer)
Choose a second option from the Favored Items class feature. You gain the benefits from it.
Hands Dirty (Artificer)
You may spend 10 minutes observing an object made of stone or earth. After you do, you learn what kind of stone or earth the object is made of, special qualities of the stone or earth, and how heavy, valuable, and pure it is. In addition, you have Advantage on ability checks made to craft or identify stone or earthen objects.
Higher Calibre (Artificer)
Choose a second option from the Intellectual Presence class feature. You gain the benefits from it.
Metallurgy (Artificer)
You may spend 10 minutes observing an object made of metal. After you do, you learn what kind of metal the object is made of, special qualities of the metal, and how heavy, valuable, and pure it is. In addition, you have Advantage on ability checks made to craft or identify metal objects.
Reduce, Reuse (Artificer)
Choose a second option from the Recycle class feature. You gain the benefits from it. After you have regained mana equal to twice your proficiency bonus from either ability, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. For the purposes of this feature, 1 item charge counts as 2 mana.
Compartmentalization (Cross-Discipline Study: Arcane Warrior)
When you would become Charmed, Frightened, or lose concentration on a spell, you can compartmentalize your mind as a Reaction to not become Charmed, Frightened, or lose concentration on the spell. Once you have done this, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Keep Watch (Cross-Discipline Study: Arcane Warrior)
While taking a long rest, you may spend 2 mana to count an hour of light activity as sleep.
Total Mana: 57 | Casting Stat: Intelligence | Spell DC: 19 |
1st-Level Spells
2nd-Level Spells
3rd-Level Spells
4th-Level Spells