Ourobori Jarkul (Level 20 Dragonborn Paladin)
Ancestry: Dragonborn | Culture: Mixed Culture (Theocratic / Imperial) | Background: Ambassador | Destiny: — |
Strength | Dexterity | Constitution | Intelligence | Wisdom | Charisma |
18 (+4) | 8 (-1) | 16 (+3) | 12 (+1) | 10 (+0) | 22 (+6) |
Hit Points: 184 | Proficiency Bonus: +6 | Size: Medium | Movement: 40 ft., 40 ft. swim |
Languages: Culture: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Untheric | Background: Abyssal, Infernal
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 21, Passive Investigation 27
Damage Resistances: Lightning, Radiant, Poison
Damage Immunities: Fire
Ancestry Features
Culture Features
Background Feature
Diplomatic Immunity
You have the authority to enforce the laws, and that status inspires a certain amount of respect and even fear in the populace. People mind their manners in your presence and avoid drawing your attention; they assume you have the right to be wherever you are. Showing your insignia gets you an audience with anyone you want to talk to (though it might cause more problems than it solves when you're dealing with incorrigible lawbreakers). If you abuse this privilege, though, you can get in serious trouble with your superiors and even be stripped of your position.
◇ | Strength Saving Throw | +4 (+10) |
● | Athletics | +10 |
◇ | Dexterity Saving Throw | -1 (+5) |
○ | Acrobatics | -1 |
○ | Sleight of Hand | -1 |
○ | Stealth | -1 |
◆ | Charisma Saving Throw | +12 (+18) |
● | Deception | +12 |
● | Insight | +12 |
● | Intimidation | +12 |
● | Investigation | +12 |
○ | Performance | +6 |
● | Persuasion | +12 |
◆ | Constitution Saving Throw | +9 (+15) |
◇ | Intelligence Saving Throw | +1 (+7) |
○ | Arcana | +1 |
● | History | +7 |
○ | Medicine | +1 |
○ | Nature | +1 |
● | Religion | +7 |
◆ | Wisdom Saving Throw | +6 (+12) |
○ | Animal Handling | +0 |
● | Perception | +6 |
○ | Survival | +0 |
All armor, Shields | |
Simple weapons, Martial weapons |
Proficiency Sources: Culture: History Background: Deception Paladin Class Class: Charisma Saving Throws, Wisdom Saving Throws, Athletics, Religion, Intimidation (Heraldic Sermon), Insight, Persuasion Intelligence Bonus: Investigation Feats: Constitution Saving Throws, Perception |
Class Features
Paladin (Oath of the Crown) 20
Divine Sense
When you finish a long rest, choose three creature types from the following list: aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead
. You can always sense when a creature of one of your chosen types is within 30 feet of you, but cannot determine their number or location. As an Action, you can briefly enhance your senses to learn the location and number of any creatures of your chosen types within 60 feet of you until the end of your next turn.
Within the same radius, you also detect any locations that have been consecrated or desecrated, as with the hallow spell.
You can use this feature 7 times. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses.
Lay on Hands
Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pool, you can restore a total of 100 hit points. As a Bonus Action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool.
Alternatively, you can expend 5 hit points from your pool of healing to produce one of the following effects:
- Healing Touch. You cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. You can cure multiple diseases and neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately for each one.
- Cleansing Touch. One spell or condition affecting the target ends.
- Crusader’s Blessing. The target gains Advantage on the next weapon attack it makes within the next hour, and deals an extra 1d8 radiant damage.
- Iron Will. The target gains Advantage on the next Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw it makes within the next hour.
This feature has no effect on undead and constructs.
Divine Smite (Sacred)
Whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack you can choose to deliver a divine smite that deals an additional 5d8 radiant damage. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is one of the creature types you chose for Divine Sense. You can use this feature 6 times, and regain spent uses upon finishing a long rest.
Fighting Style: Defense
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, and your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.
Channel Divinity
Your oath allows you to channel divine energy to fuel magical effects. When you use your Channel Divinity, you choose which option to use. You must then finish a short or long rest to use your Channel Divinity again. Some Channel Divinity effects require saving throws. When you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals your paladin spell save DC.
- Harness Divine Power. As a Bonus Action, you touch your holy symbol, utter a prayer, and regain 6 mana. You can use this feature three times. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Oath of the Crown: Channel Divinity
You have the following two additional Channel Divinity options:
- Champion Challenge. As a Bonus Action, you issue a challenge that compels other creatures to do battle with you. Each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, that creature is Threatened by you. While threatened in this way, it can't willingly move more than 30 feet away from you. This effect ends on the creature if you are Incapacitated or die or if the creature is more than 30 feet away from you.
- Turn the Tide. As a Bonus Action, you can bolster creatures with your Channel Divinity. Choose 6 creatures. Each creature that can hear you within 30 feet of you gains one of the following benefits:
- The creature can immediately spend up to 6 hit dice (minimum 1). These hit dice can be spent to recover hit points or focus.
- The creature regains 6 hit dice.
- The creature gains
1d6 + 6
temporary hit points.
Extra Attack
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Heraldic Sermon: Castigation
You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. Whenever you make a Charisma (Intimidation) check to intimidate those who have broken your oath within the last day, treat a roll of 7 or lower on the d20 as an 8.
You are able to manifest an aura that aids you and your allies. Your aura has a radius of 30 feet, is centered on you, and you must be conscious for you and your allies to benefit from it. You can have only one of the following auras active at a time, and can change which aura is active whenever you finish a long rest.
- Aura of Clarity. You and friendly creatures within range cannot be Charmed.
- Aura of Courage. You and friendly creatures within range cannot be Frightened.
- Aura of Resistance. Whenever you or a friendly creature within range must make a saving throw, the creature gains a +6 bonus to the saving throw.
In addition, you have a more powerful aura that is active alongside your basic Aura. The range of this aura is the same, and you can only have one Improved Aura active at a time. You can swap your active improved aura upon finishing a long rest.
- Aura of Healing. Whenever you or a friendly creature inside the aura restores hit points to another creature inside the aura, both creatures regain 6 hit points.
- Aura of Overcoming. Weapon attacks made by allies within your aura are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming damage resistances and immunities.
- Aura of Smiting. Whenever you or an ally within your aura scores a critical hit with a weapon attack, the target takes an extra 6 radiant damage.
Oath of the Crown: Divine Allegiance
When a creature within your aura is attacked, you can use your Reaction to cover them. Until the beginning of your next turn, or until the creature moves beyond the range of your aura, all attacks that would be made against it are made against you instead.
Inspiring Devotion
You can draw upon your oath for extra assistance in social situations.
- Reveal Heresy. You gain proficiency in the Insight skill. Whenever you catch a creature in a lie, or committing an act in direct opposition to your oath, you may declare them a heretic as a Reaction. You have Advantage on the next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you make against that creature within the next minute. Once you have used this feature you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
- Truth of Conviction (Steadfast Devotion). You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill. Whenever you or an ally that can hear you fails a Charisma check while telling the truth, you can use your Reaction to make the check a success instead. Once you have used this feature you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Divine Warrior
Each of your strikes is infused with divine might. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage.
Oath of the Crown: Unyielding Spirit
You can't be Paralyzed or Stunned.
Celestial Alignment
You gain the ability to channel great power through your touch based on your alignment. As a Bonus Action, you can expend 60 hit points from your pool of healing from Lay on Hands to cast one of the following spells. You must be within 1 step of the alignment in order to use the option associated with it.
- Good. You cast heal on yourself or a creature within 5 feet of you.
- Law. You cast globe of invulnerability on yourself or a creature within 5 feet of you.
- Neutral. You cast primordial ward on yourself or a creature within 5 feet of you.
Divine Exemplar
Your deity constantly watches over you. Even death cannot touch you as you recover from mortal wounds in a flash of holy light, or another expression of potent divine power. When you die after being reduced to 0 hit points by a creature of one of the creature types you chose for Divine Sense, or while exemplifying the tenets of your oath, you return to life at the beginning of your next turn with half of your hit points. Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until seven days have passed.
Oath of the Crown: Exalted Champion
Your presence on the field of battle is an inspiration to those dedicated to your cause. As a Bonus Action, you gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
- You have resistance to all damage.
- You and allies within your aura have Advantage on saving throws while within 30 feet of you.
- When a creature succeeds on a death saving throw, it regains 1 hit point.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 7 mana to use it again.
- Dual Wielder (Origin)
- Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the offhand attack.
- Inspiring Leader (Level 4 Paladin)
- Heavy Armor Master (Level 8 Paladin)
- Resilient (Constitution | Poison) (Level 12 Paladin)
- Observant (Level 16 Paladin)
- Ancestral Exemplar—Draconic Warding (Level 19 Paladin)
Divine Lessons (Paladin): 10 |
Divine Health (Paladin)
You are immune to disease.
Exemplary (Paladin)
When your party makes a group Acrobatics or Athletics check, you may apply your result to yourself and one ally after seeing the results of all rolls. If you roll a natural 20 on the check, you may apply your result to yourself and 6 other allies.
Inquisitor (Paladin)
You gain proficiency in the Investigation skill. If you already have it, you can instead choose to use your Charisma when making Investigation checks.
Steadfast Devotion (Paladin)
Choose a second option from the Inspiring Devotion class feature. You gain the benefits from it.
Truthseeker (Paladin)
You gain proficiency in the Insight skill. If you are already proficient in it, you may instead choose to use Charisma when making Insight checks.
Ancestral Guidance (Cleric)
You always have speak with dead prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. Using this talent, you can cast the spell once at its lowest level, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it in this way again. When you do so, you do not have to target a corpse; you can also target a grave marker, memorial, statue, painting, or other depiction of the deceased creature you wish to talk to. If the chosen creature is not dead, or if such a creature never existed in the first place, the spell fails.
Graceful Fall (Cleric)
Falling from a height greater than 30 feet causes your greater entity to intervene. You are protected as if by the feather fall spell. This sign does not use your reaction.
Soothing Words (Cleric)
You may reduce one ally’s strife by one level. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Drill Sergeant (Marshal)
As a part of a long rest, you can choose up to 12 creatures. When they finish their long rest, they may expend hit dice up to their proficiency bonus. If they do, they gain an equal number of Training Points. When a creature makes a Strength or Dexterity ability check, they may expend 1 Training Point to gain Advantage on the roll. The Training Points last for 24 hours, but are lost early if they benefit from this ability again, or if the creature falls Unconscious.
Teamwork (Marshal)
When you are involved in a group check, up to 6 other creatures can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.
Total Mana: 64 | Casting Stat: Charisma | Spell DC: 20 |
- Guidance (Culture)
1st-Level Spells
2nd-Level Spells
- See Invisibility (Oath Spell)
- Spiritual Weapon (Oath Spell)
3rd-Level Spells
- Counterspell (Oath Spell)
- Spirit Guardians (Oath Spell)
- Speak with Dead (Talent)
4th-Level Spells
- Dimension Door (Oath Spell)
- Guardian of Faith (Oath Spell)
5th-Level Spells
- Greater Restoration (Oath Spell)
- Telepathic Bond (Oath Spell)
Total Focus: 8 | Maneuver Stat: Strength | Maneuver DC: 18 | Paladin Maneuvers: 6 | Traditions Known: Teamwork, Templar |
1st Degree Maneuvers
Glare | 1 focus | 1st degree Templar bonus action Choose one hostile creature you can see within 30 feet. If it can see you, it makes a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or is Frightened of you until the end of your next turn. If the target successfully saves against the effect, the target is immune to this maneuver for the next 24 hours. |
Legion Stance | 1 focus | 1st degree Teamwork bonus action (stance) While you maintain this stance, you can spend a flourish to allow an ally within reach of the same creature to use their Reaction to make a melee weapon attack against it. If you score a critical hit, you do not need to spend your flourish. |
2nd Degree Maneuvers
Back to Back | 2 focus | 2nd degree Teamwork free action While you are within 5 feet of a friendly creature, you can activate this maneuver (no action required). Until one of you moves more than 5 feet away from the other, is Incapacitated, or knocked Prone, creatures cannot gain flanking bonuses and cannot have Advantage on attacks against either of you. |
Stunning Assault | 2 focus | 2nd degree Templar action (attack) Take the Attack action, reducing the total number of attacks you make by one. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack with this action, it makes a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or is Stunned until the end of your next turn. |
3rd Degree Maneuvers
Dispelling Strikes | 3 focus | 3rd degree Templar action (attack) Take the Attack action. Until the start of your next turn, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19–20 against creatures concentrating on spells, under the effect of a spell, or created by a spell. If these attacks flourish, you can use it to try to dispel a magical effect on the creature. Make an ability check using your maneuver ability score. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a successful check, the spell ends. |
Team Trip | 3 focus | 3rd degree Teamwork reaction When an ally within your reach hits a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can use your Reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature. On a hit, if the creature is no more than one size category larger than you, the creature makes a DC 18 Strength saving throw or is knocked Prone. |
Notable Items
Amulet of the Devout (Attunement I)
This amulet bears the symbol of a deity inlaid with precious stones or metals. While you wear the holy symbol, you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving throw DCs of your spells.
While you wear this amulet, you can use your Channel Divinity feature without expending one of the feature's uses. Once this property is used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
Banner of Bahamut | Spear (Attunement II)
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Additionally, once on each of your turns, you can use one of the following properties if you're holding the spear:
- Immediately after you use the Attack action to attack with the sword, you can enable one creature within 60 feet of you to use its reaction to make one weapon attack.
- Immediately after you take the Dash action, you can enable one creature within 60 feet of you to use its reaction to move up to its speed.
- Immediately after you take the Dodge action, you can enable one creature within 60 feet of you to use its reaction to gain the benefits of the Dodge action.
Cloak of Protection (Attunement I)
You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while you wear this cloak.
Emerald Pen
This pen is tipped with an emerald nib and requires no ink to write. While holding this pen, you can cast illusory script at will, requiring no material components.
Eyes of Minute Seeing
These crystal lenses fit over the eyes. While wearing them, you can see much better than normal out to a range of 1 foot. You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks that rely on sight while searching an area or studying an object within that range.
Plate Armor, +1
The most basic form of magic armor is a superb product of physical and magical craft. You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
A suit of +1 armor never rusts or deteriorates, and it magically resizes to fit its wearer.
Platinum Defender | Longsword (Attunement II)
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
The first time you attack with the sword on each of your turns, you can transfer some or all of the sword's bonus to your Armor Class, instead of using the bonus on any attacks that turn. For example, you could reduce the bonus to your attack and damage rolls to +1 and gain a +2 bonus to AC. The adjusted bonuses remain in effect until the start of your next turn, although you must hold the sword to gain a bonus to AC from it.
Platinum Scarf (Attunement II)
This scarf is made of sturdy cloth and covered in platinum-colored scales.
As an action, you can pull a scale from the scarf and speak a command word. When you do so, choose one of the following effects:
- Breath of Life. The scale disappears, and you or a creature you touch regains 10d4 hit points.
- Platinum Shield. For 1 hour or until you dismiss it (no action required), the scale becomes a +1 shield, which you or another creature can use. A creature wielding the shield has immunity to radiant damage.
- Radiant Hammer. For 1 hour or until you dismiss it (no action required), the scale becomes a magic light hammer, which you or another creature can use. The weapon deals 2d4 radiant damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for a light hammer. It deals an extra 2d4 radiant damage to chromatic dragons.
Once three scales have been pulled from the scarf, no more scales can be removed until the next dawn, when all the missing scales grow back. If you pull off a scale but don't speak a command word, it disappears after 1 minute.